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  • Recipe For A Healthy, Juicy Love Life + Ayurvedic Rejuvenative Post-Sex Tips

    Recipe For A Healthy, Juicy Love Life + Ayurvedic Rejuvenative Post-Sex Tips

    The Ayurveda Experience January 26, 2016

    Living a healthy balanced lifestyle includes pleasure. The pleasure of enjoying a tasty meal, the fragrance of flowers, the beauty of a sunset, and the sensual sensations and pleasures of touch. Pleasure increases your physical and emotional well-being and in Ayurvedic terms, your ojas.

    “It is the Ojas which keeps all the living beings refreshed nourished and refreshed. There can be no life without Ojas”. ~ Charaka Sutrasthana

    For the purpose of this article, think of ojas as your immunity, health, longevity, and nourishment. What keeps you juicy and sweet. Consider ojas as the joie de vivre.

    Too much of a good thing however depletes your ojas. Too much stress, travel, and even excessive sex can wear down ojas. As sex is one of your basic needs, an important part of your well, and a pleasurable way to spend your time, let us look at ways to rejuvenate your ojas post-sex. Preserving your ojas is the very essence of longevity and life.

     “Ojas is the color of ghee, in taste it is like that of honey, in smell, it is like that of fired paddy.” ~ Charaka Sutrasthana

    Try these Ayurvedic tips to get your juices flowing and build up your Ojas. Remember 'like increases like'. Anything that resembles ojas will increase ojas.

    Add A Little Ghee

    Add a small spoonful of ghee to your meal. Ghee is sweet and nourishing just like Ojas. Have a jar of organic ghee on your kitchen table and simply add it to your finished meal before eating.

    Have Some Honey

    Honey is sweet, sticky, and, according to Charaka, tastes like ojas. Add a teaspoon to your tea when it is cool enough to drink (never cook honey).

    Warm Milk Rejuvenative

    Enjoy a glass of warm milk (including cow or nut especially almond) as a rejuvenating post-sex drink. Even better add a small teaspoon of ghee, a pinch of saffron, and a bit of cardamom.

    Sweet Basmati Rice Pudding

    Enjoy a sweet rice pudding. It is the perfect dish to rebuild depleted ojas.

    Ayurvedic Rejuvenative Herbal Supplements

    Add a herbal supplement to your routine: Ayurveda recommends Ashwagandha for men and Shatavari for women as a rejuvenating herbal supplement. Ask your health practitioner for details.

    Don’t Worry, Be Happy

    Finally, avoid factors that may lead to unhappiness and worries. Worrying is depleting your ojas and immunity. Instead, notice what gives you energy rather than depletes you.


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