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  • Spice Up Your Hair Game With These 5 Kitchen Spices

    Spice Up Your Hair Game With These 5 Kitchen Spices

    The Ayurveda Experience August 02, 2024

    Dream of having thick, shiny, and healthy hair? But seeing clutches of tangled hair in hairbrushes and on the floor gives you sleepless nights.  

    You are not alone. Hair health is a concern for many, scientific studies show that 80% of men and 50% of women experience hair fall at some point, in their lives. With this, the hair care market is filled with shampoos, conditioners, hair masks, and many products claiming to stop hair fall completely which often isn't true. But here's something interesting: some spices in the kitchen with hair growth and hair fall control.  

    Through this article, let's learn about Ayurveda's perspective on hair fall from an Ayurveda Doctor and ways to manage this issue.   

    Ayurvedic tale of kesha (hair)  

    As an Ayurvedic Doctor, I find the Ayurvedic concept of hair growth somewhat fascinating. Ayurveda believes kesha (hair) is formed in the sixth month of pregnancy and is mainly a derivative of the prithvi mahabhuta (earthly elements). 

    Moreover, each person with different prakriti will have some different hair characteristics. Such as a Vata prakriti person will have dry and thin hair, a Pitta person will have soft hair, but they are more prone to pre-mature greying, and a Kapha person will have dense, thick, long, and oily hair.    

    When we go deep into the origin of kesha; it's very interesting. It is believed that our human body is made up of the main seven dhatus (body elements) viz. rasa, rakta, mansa, meda, asthi, majja, and sukra. These dhatus are responsible for the proper functioning of the body. Many Ayurveda scholars believe that the production of later dhatus occurs from the former one, i.e. from rasa dhatu, rakta dhatu is formed, from rakta dhatu, mamsa dhatu is formed, and so on.

    Dhatus: An Introduction To Ayurveda's 7 Tissue Layers

    But here’s a catch, while these dhatus are forming along with them some updhatu (minor elements) and waste products are produced. And, during this phase, our hair is produced as a by-product of asthi dhatu. 

    Now that we know some facts about Kesha, let's dive into Ayurvedic concepts of hair loss together!  

    Ayurvedic insights on hair loss 

    For every ailment, Ayurveda provides deep insights. We Ayurveda doctors focus more on inner healing rather than dealing with external factors. It is a deep ocean of knowledge, where one can find compelling descriptions of both systemic and local diseases.   

    Ayurveda explains hair loss under a disease called khalitya. A renowned scholar of Ayurveda, like Vaghbhatta, mentions khalitya under the shiroroga division i.e., a set of disorders of the head region. Whereas another scholar Sushruta incorporated Khalitya under the umbrella of ksudra roga (kshudra=minor, Roga=disease; diseases of lesser severity).   

    In my clinical practice, I have seen that khalitya (hair loss) is caused when aggravated Pitta is combined with Vata or Kapha dosha, resulting in the gradual falling of hair.  

    To be more precise, when Pitta dosha is imbalanced due to various reasons, the excess heat weakens your hair follicles causing hair loss.  

    Also, Pitta dosha's heat element reduces the hair's natural pigmentation causing early hair graying. Consequently, these Pitta imbalances are typically linked to high inflammation in your body and hair shaft and root, causing thinning of your hair. Let's look at the common causes of khalitya (hair fall). 

    • If you are a Pitta prakriti person your fire and heat element is already on the rise. Now, if you eat a lot of sour and salty foods, it can aggravate your Pitta dosha even more. This excessive Pitta dosha weakens your hair follicles leading to hair loss.   
    • Poor digestion imbalances your doshas, particularly Pitta dosha. Ultimately, contributing to hair fall.  
    • Emotional disturbance hinders the equilibrium of doshas in your body. Especially, when you are stressed, it leads to Vata disbalance in the body causing dryness and depletion of nourishment of hair follicles and leading to hair fall. 
    • Exposure to excessive sunlight aggravates the Pitta dosha impacting hair health.  
    • Certain tight hairstyles constantly pull the hair, causing hair breakage.   
    • During pregnancy, childbirth, post-partum, and thyroid, one may face hair loss due to hormonal changes. 

    READ MORE: Why hair fall occurs and how to maintain healthy hair growth?

    Finding ways to fight hair fall? 

    Now that we have understood the basic concept behind hair fall and the factors determining its loss, let me share the ways you can deal with this problem effectively.    

    We all must have ventured and tried various cosmetic shampoos, masques, and sprays to save the day when it comes to hair loss, but today, let us see how our very own kitchen spices can do this job for us!   

    Black Pepper (Kali mirch) - Black Pepper, which takes the flavor of our lunch to the next level, can also save us from hair fall. How? It's great for strengthening the Pitta dosha and balancing out the Vata and Kapha dosha.  

    Black pepper to reduce hair fall

    Plus, the seeds of black pepper are known to help with circulation and detoxification.    

    How to use it?  

    Ground a few seeds and soak them in warm water. Make a thick paste and apply it on your scalp for 15-20 minutes and see the wonders after washing.   

    Fenugreek Seeds (Methi daana) - These tiny seeds are packed with proteins, nicotinic acid, and lecithin that promote hair growth and strengthen hair follicles. They warm and balance the Pitta dosha that can cause hair loss. Plus, their sweetness balances the Vata Dosha, and their bitterness maintains the Kapha. So, they prevent hair fall and are a great addition to your diet!  

    How to use it?   

    Soak around one tablespoon of seeds in water and keep it overnight. Make a thick paste out of it and apply it to your scalp. Leave for 30 minutes and rinse.   

    Cinnamon (Dalchini) - Cinnamon sticks are anti-inflammatory & anti-microbial in nature and known to restore the Vata and Kapha doshas. The imbalance of these doshas can give a thin and oily texture to hair.   

    cinnamon for hair care

    How to use it?   

    Ground the sticks and mix them with honey to make a paste. Apply it on the scalp for around 15-20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly.   

    Sesame Seeds (Til ka dana) - Sesame cools Vata and Kapha. Owing to these properties, it strengthens hair and reduces itchiness. It also contains Omega-3, Vitamin B1, fibers and fatty acids for hair growth. Also, sesame seeds moisturize the scalp, reducing dryness, thus useful in reducing hair fall.    

    How to use it?   

    To reap the maximum benefits of sesame seeds you can chew a tablespoon of it daily in the morning. However, the other way is to massage your scalp with sesame oil.  

    Turmeric (Haldi) - Did you know that the haldi in your spice box is not just a colorful addition to your meals? It also has the potential to manage many diseases. This yellow spice can restore the Pitta dosha, which is a major factor in hair loss. Additionally, it can soothe the vitiated Vata and balance out the Kapha dosha with its bitterness. 

    How to reduce hair fall naturally?

    How to use it?    

    You can either go for supplements, consume haldi with lukewarm water in the mornings, or make hair mask and apply.    

    You can make a mask with curd or by mixing a tablespoon of turmeric with essential and carrier oil. Just apply the mask for 20 minutes on the scalp and rinse it thoroughly.    

    Click here to try some of the Ayurveda-inspired hair care products! 

    Say goodbye to hair fall 

    Ayurveda has always believed in finding simpler ways to combat diseases. Now that you have a good understanding of the basics of hair fall and how to manage it using ayurvedic remedies, you can confidently show off your lovely locks! Additionally, you can use common kitchen spices to enhance both your meals and hair care routine.  

    Written by:

    Dr. Vaishali Atri, holding an MD in Panchakarma from Maharashtra University of Health Science and a BAMS from Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurveda Charak Sansthan, possesses extensive knowledge and experience in Ayurveda medicine. 

    With over 5 years of experience, Dr. Vaishali draws upon her expertise in traditional medicine, purification therapies, and dietary plans to guide patients toward optimal physical and emotional health. She has performed various Ayurveda procedures and therapies, aiding in detoxification and rejuvenation. 

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