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The Ayurveda Experience March 25, 2016
If pitta dosha is affecting the flow through reproductive system you may have heavy menses. You may have more tendency to have accidents, more likely to change the pads frequently. You need some acute care, you need symptomatic relief.
If you have heavy menstrual flow, it means your body is utilizing this time of the month to purge heat out of the bloodstream. There is a treatment in panchkarma called Rakta mokshana where the body does blood lining. We could think of it as what the body is trying to do with the heavy flow is the type of Rakta mokshana, it’s trying to free the Rakta. The reason it does that is because we carry too much heat in the blood and too much intensity in the body. So think about how can you remove that heat from your system?
You can support it by purging the heat out of the bloodstream by not generating the heat in the first place, by looking at the foods you are eating.
Here’s what you should do:
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