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The Ayurveda Experience March 24, 2016
Agni is the fire of transformation, the force of digestion in our body. In Ayurveda healthy agni is a the foundation for wellness. First Aid practices for agni are a key part of self care.
Ayurveda defines 40 or so different types of agni at work in your body, digesting transforming and creating your life. Many have an over abundance of everything, experience, food our medicines. Too much of this stuff can throw a wet blanket on your digestive fire and generate excess ama. Is it any wonder agni gets thrown out of whack?
Ideally, you want more experience and growth and less ama. The relationship between agni and ama highlights the need for quality food and healthy agni, to fully engage with your life and live at your highest vibration.
Manufactured junk foods are not suited to build our agni nor balance dosha. Formulated filler foods do not promote physical vibrancy. The nutrient levels are lowered through processing and are comprised of ingredients the body does not recognize, or understands, thereby creating confusion and waste.
Over stimulation and empty foods pull resources from your body’s agni and disturb natural detoxification processes. Ama and inflammation build up in the body and cause a world of hurt. Fanning your digestive fire with some basic first aid to help your body take care of you can is important to support wellness and health.
If you need help to do this you are not alone. Find a really good group cleanse or detox program and join.
A little agni first aid can go a long way towards a fuller more vibrant experience of life. Check in with your agni and add the self care practices that you need to burn steady and bright.
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