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  • Your Ayurvedic Daily Routine

    Your Ayurvedic Daily Routine

    The Ayurveda Experience September 23, 2015

    In Sanskrit, the daily routine is called the Dinacharya.

    Ayurveda provides us with a map of our natural basic rhythms. Through these daily routines, we can bring balance to our doshas.

    1. Time of getting up
    Ayurveda recommends getting up before sunrise. This is an auspicious time as per the belief of many religions around the world and is the time best suited for meditation. This is a Vata time as per our body clock so the mental faculties are at their best to receive, as perception is a property of Vata. Therefore it is also said that this is the best time to study & learn new topics. Vata time also ensures that we clear our bowels and bladder nicely. Many would argue that this does not fit into the western culture of working on a computer till late in the night and partying hard till midnight etc. Well, cultures are the adaptations made by us as per our convenience. So if some practices are good we can always adopt them.

    2. Drinking warm water
    Ayurveda recommends drinking a cup of warm water when you get up in the morning. This ensures the proper evacuation of the bowels and bladder. It is very important to empty the bowels every morning so that you feel light and have proper appetite and digestion later during the day.

    3. Oral hygiene
    Oral hygiene includes brushing the teeth at least twice a day, be sure to use a soft toothbrush to cleanse the teeth. The second important part of oral hygiene as per Ayurveda is to cleanse the muck accumulated on the tongue with the help of a scraper. If you do not have a tongue scraper, then you may use the toothbrush without the toothpaste to scrape the tongue. The tongue cleaning takes care of foul odor from the mouth, increases appetite, and gives a feeling of freshness. The third step is to massage your gums using a mixture of 1 pinch of rock salt in oil (gingelly or mustard) with the help of your index fingers. The tip of the finger is used to apply this mixture to the gum followed by a gentle massage. This ensures healthy and strong gums and checks infections of gums. The fourth and last step is to rinse the mouth with warm saline water and do some gargling with the same.

    4. Oil application

    Ayurveda emphasizes the use of oil internally as well as externally.
    Applying oil on the head – Coconut oil, Sesame oil, and Mustard oil can be applied to the scalp followed by gentle massage daily at least an hour before bathing. It prevents premature graying and hair loss, it can help make the hair thick and long. It also prevents headaches, nourishes the sense organs, and induces sleep.
    Instilling oil in the ears – Ayurveda advocates instilling a few drops of slightly warm oil in ear canals BUT VERY CAREFULLY. This ensures that there are no Vata disorders of the ear like tinnitus, deafness, earache, and conditions like lockjaw and neck stiffness. it is safe to instill oil in the ear. This should be followed by a massage of the external ear.
    Body massage – Abhyanga – It is important to stress that a daily oil massage an hour before bathing is advocated in Ayurveda. It makes the body strong and supple, and increases the stamina to undertake exercise, and to withstand injuries.

    5. Bathing
    Bathing should be done using slightly warm water in the winter and room temperature water in the summer. Don’t bathe immediately after a massage or after exercise or while you are sweating. Bathing gives a feeling of sanctity, it takes care of body muck, tiredness and it increases strength and vitality

    6. Sleep

    Sleep is also one of the pillars of health. It is very important in repairing the wear and tear of the body due to mental and physical stress and tissue losses. The bedroom should be clean and clutter-free. The mind must be free from all worries at the time of going to bed. Praying or meditating helps to calm the mind and induce sleep.


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