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  • Shukra Dhatu & Reproductive Health

    Shukra Dhatu & Reproductive Health

    The Ayurveda Experience March 09, 2016

    Shukra dhatu, is reflective of the quality of the egg and the fluids that travel with it. This dhatu plays a greater role in fertility than in monthly menstruation.

    When vata or pitta dosha affect shukra, they undermine the quality of the egg and fertility may be challenged. When kapha dosha impacts the quality of the shukra that may produce an incredibly strong shukra and lead to a greater life ahead of fertility.

    Vata dosha imbalance results in drying out of the shukra. It becomes non-viable, which means that the egg will not produce a healthy offspring. The shukra is brought to maturity each month with the hormone of oestrogen. If we lack shukra we may also observe that the period is irregular and the hormones may be released insufficiently or have a variable quality.

    Vata dosha creates deficiencies in tissue and vata dosha create deficient shukra. We may also relate shukra to our own creative drive and not just for progeny and offspring. So if the shukra dhatu is produced variably as it is with vata dosha, we may begin to see a loss of our own creative drive. We may see a loss of libido in sex drive.  

    When shukra is adequate we have a good amount of creative investment in our practices. When shukra is deficient we may see a lack of that creative practice. Women may become infertile because of lack of shukra dhatu. It is also possible that the shukra dhatu may be present but insufficient to support offspring.

    Pitta dosha carries excess heat in the body and all the levels of the dhatu throughout the body may reflect this excess heat. It may result in overheated shukra that gets destroyed and burned out. In this case, one may experience intense passion followed by deep investment in a practice and then burn out following it.

    Women who have a pitta doshic imbalance may become infertile because shukra gets burned up. Kapha dosha that typically over produces dhatu creates excess of shukra. This doesn’t mean that you will have multiple eggs released each month, but rather you’ll have an increase in the hormonal production of the fluids that travel with the egg. You may overproduce the strength and quality of shukra dhatu.

    Kapha dosha women typically have good amount of fertility but if the kapha dosha is in excess then it may create stagnation in the female reproductive system which can interfere with fertility. The period may be delayed because of this hard onset. They tend to keep hormones level high and we need that progesterone to drop for the onset of menses to occur.

    Typically the libido is strong and consistent which is reflective of good quality shukra dhatu. However stagnation may occur and you may have impaired conception because of that.


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