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  • Effect of Oestrogen Dominance

    Effect of Oestrogen Dominance

    The Ayurveda Experience March 05, 2016

    Kapha dosha overproduces medo dhatu. Usually, excess fats in the body is a result of kapha dosha imbalance. In the physical body, fats can produce estrogen. When we have too much estrogen in the system in relationship to progesterone we can have a lot of female reproductive challenges.

    Estrogen dominance can cause stress because of excess weight, and it can make life difficult in terms of everyday activities and may even challenge fertilization.

    The dhatu Agni for kapha is typically low, this can result in high quantity and poor quality tissue along with the formation of toxicity ‘ama’. With low dhatu Agni, kapha dosha tends to supply too much food to the dhatu. When we overfeed a dhatu layer, we suppress the dhatu Agni (we put it out), this results in us feeling tired and lethargic.

    In this case, movement in terms of exercise can help increase the internal temperature as it increases the rate of chemical reaction (increases the demand for quality tissue), making kapha dosha person feel better. This simply means that the kapha dosha person needs to heat up the body to create balance. Heating up will not only stimulate the mind but counter the effects of kapha dosha.

    There are various ways to heat up the body, the first one being eating light food. Secondly, kapha dosha person can stimulate the mind by learning something new or indulging in engaging conversations. However, if and when kapha dosha is left to its own devices, it will slow everything down and create greater stagnation.

    When a person with a kapha dosha imbalance actively works against those tendencies of kapha dosha they will create a greater sense of invigoration in the body.


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