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  • Ayurvedic Approach to Menstrual Health

    Ayurvedic Approach to Menstrual Health

    The Ayurveda Experience February 28, 2016

    During the childbearing years, we have two different factors that we can look at to observe how is the dosha affecting the health of the female reproductive system? We can look at the menstrual cycle and we can look at fertility. Both of these will allow us to reflect on how the dosha is affecting your health in your female reproductive system.

    Your monthly cycle and your menstrual cycle should be regular and predictable. You should be ovulating at the same time of the month and menstruating at the same time every month. The cycle should be easy. There should be no mental or physical discomfort before your cycle.

    PMS is a sign of doshic imbalance. There should be no mental or physical discomfort during your menstrual cycle.

    Cramps, extremely heavy flow, stagnation, and bloating – all indications of doshic imbalance. In an ideal scenario, the cycle should end easily and you should not have any traumatic shifts in your state of mind or your state of physical health at the end of your menstrual cycle.

    If the cycle begins and ends flawlessly, it should be something that happens during the month that doesn’t disturb your entire month’s flow.

    To look at women’s menstruation health issues and fertility through the lens of Ayurveda, we have to revisit the concept of dhatu. The dhatu of the body is the tissue of the body that we manufacture. We manufacture these in response to the food we take in and the demand we put on each individual dhatu layer. The endometrial lining is rasa dhatu. When we look at menstrual flow it’s the endometrial lining that’s being sloughed off each month.

    So, the quality of menstrual flow reflects how the dosha may have affected this dhatu. Rasa dhatu brings nourishment to other tissues of the body. It brings nourishment to the lining of the uterus and builds a nest for the fertilized egg. If there is no fertilized egg then the rasa dhatu is sloughed off each month and this should happen with ease.


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