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  • What Causes Hormonal Imbalance?

    What Causes Hormonal Imbalance?

    The Ayurveda Experience March 12, 2016

    Other than the three doshas, vata, pitta and kapha, hormonal changes can be triggered by your lifestyle choices. Factors like poor digestion and stress go a long way in affecting our hormones.

    Hormones are largely influenced by ama. ‘ama’ is the toxicity and the end result of poor digestion. Ama is formed when the liver doesn’t process the toxins out of the body. And, ‘ama’ can be restored in every tissue of the body that interferes with the tissue functions.

    The ‘ama’ in the body may block the receptor sites in the cells. If your cellular receptors' sides are blocked the hormones cannot be taken into the cells. The hormones cannot be triggered unaffected in the cell. Hence, we help these receptor sites on the cell membrane so that a hormone would trigger action. Some hormones move through the cell membrane into the cell and affect change. Other hormones land at those protein receptor sites and trigger reactions in the cell. If ‘ama’ is coating the cell membrane the hormones cannot have action on the cell. And this results in hormonal imbalance.

    When we live more in alignment with the timing of nature, we tend to have less stress in our life. Stress occurs when we insist that our body move faster than it can naturally carry itself. Stress disturbs our body systems. 

    Stress has a debilitating effect on our reproductive health. The state of our reproductive health directly reflects on how we are managing the stresses of our lives. Other than this, our nervous system is the primary system that is impacted when we engage in stressful activities or we overload activities into our day.

    The nervous system is responsible for governing the stability of all other body systems. When we are under stress the system goes on autopilot. Our nervous system is responsible for determining our sense of digestion which determines how deeply we sleep. It determines how we tolerate those activities we do during the day.

    In the context of the digestive system, when you are under stress, peristalsis slows down. Peristalsis is the rhythmic contraction of the organs that supports the movement of food through our digestive system. If peristalsis slows down you may see some doshic symptoms of imbalance in digestion and elimination. Stress typically causes us to shut down our digestive system.


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