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  • Pitta Dosha Traits

    Pitta Dosha Traits

    The Ayurveda Experience February 25, 2016

    Pitta dosha people are extremely competent. They tend to be very smart, they can learn new information well and retain it. They are analytical in their approach. They can see the pieces of a puzzle, and at the same time look at the whole picture. This enables them to access and locate the problem and figure out the best way to fix that one part so that the whole will benefit.

    Pitta people are often visionaries, they set a goal for themselves, often a lofty goal and they can achieve it because of the strength and fire that they have within. They tend to be very clear in their thinking and ability to access situations correctly.

    Physically, pitta people have fast digestion and this can lead to fast and hot elimination. When they take that heat from their digestive system into the body, they begin to overheat which may lead to sweating. If that heat continues unabated it can lead to inflammation and this inflammation can settle in the circulatory system or the muscular system. This eventually damages the system organs that remain inflamed over time and in long term causes many diseases.

    Mentally and emotionally, one of the major challenges for pitta people is how to take control of their anger. The anger leads to judgment that can lead to criticism and blame, and they may find themselves burning bridges and destroying relationships because of indulging in their anger. Pitta dosha has a lot of fire in their nature, so they need to incorporate more water and earth to ground them out. Liquid food, food with cooling properties, and a stable routine will also help bring balance back to pitta dosha. and this is another thing we’ll be talking about later. The specific technique you can use to pacify pitta dosha.


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