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  • Pitta Dosha & Reproductive Health

    Pitta Dosha & Reproductive Health

    The Ayurveda Experience March 03, 2016

    Pitta dosha brings excess heat in your reproductive system, with heat there is a risk of drying out the tissues. So pitta initially heats up the rasa dhatu in the reproductive system, which is actually the endometrium – lining of the uterus that we slough off every month.

    Because of the excess heat in the endometrium the body may want to slough this off as quickly as possible to remove that heat from the system. The period may be very fast and intense especially in the first couple of days as the body tries to get rid of the pitta heat by moving all of the endometrium very quickly.

    Pitta by choices in diet and lifestyle creates excess heat in the rasa dhatu and all of the rasa dhatu of the body is overheated. It carries heat into the blood and the liver becomes overheated. And, with overheated blood, heat is carried by the plasma in the blood and as a result every cell in the body muscle becomes inflamed and the fat tissue is decreased. The bone tissue may be challenged because the heat increases the rate of chemical reaction, the faster the chemical reaction, faster the body breaks down.

    Eventually this heat is going to find its way all the way down to the level of shukra. Pitta affects the quality of the shukra dhatu by bringing in heat. Fertility may be challenged because pitta may burn up the tissue. In the process the egg might be harmed.

    The pitta woman who has excess heat in the body may create what’s called a hostile environment or an inhospitable environment, which would mean that her body is too acidic for conception to occur. Pitta nature affects the shukra dhatu by bringing excess heat into all dhatu layers, eventually overheating and possible burning up the quality of the shukra itself.

    When we look at pitta dosha and its effect on menstrual cycle, pitta typically has a very regular cycle, pitta likes to do things on time and, so they maintain great irregularity with their menstrual cycle as well. Pitta dosha because of the heat in the body may burn up medo dhatu, and when the body fats becomes too low, and we know this with vata dosha ovulation may not occur. When we don’t have ovulation we don’t have menstruation, we don’t have fertility.

    When we look at professional athletes or high level competitive business women who have gained control over their physical body, they’ve forced those levels of medo dhatu too low. We need to have adequate levels of medo dhatu to be a healthy incubator for developing foetus.

    The challenge here is that the excess heat of pitta destroys the dhatu before the dhatu can do its job. When the dhatu Agni is high we burn up the tissues that are present. The dhatu Agni is regulated by the presence of the hormones.

    When pitta is high it may drive hormonal imbalance and we end up with a very fast metabolism that the tissues of the body can’t support.

    Pitta dosha people have pitta doshic imbalance. What this means is that they don’t bring enough food, they only bring in food for their digestive system to fuel all the work and metabolic demand that they have in their body. Because of this pitta person is always hungry. They feel like they could stop eating, they might need a snack all day long.

    With pitta dosha make sure that your food supply is of pitta quality. It should not only have cooling properties, but should be nourishing and nutrient dense. In addition to this, we should decrease the amount of demand we put on the body, we need to slow down, we need to cool down the system.

    Excess of work results in destruction of the tissues of the body and, this eventually results in destruction of the rasa. Too much heat burns up the Rakta, burns the fats of the body, burns the bone tissue of the body and eventually, ends up disturbing the nervous system as well.  

    When we look at the quality of the dhatu, we have to consider the supply and demand, supply is how we feed the body, demand is what we do. With pitta the demand is just too high, and so is their metabolic rate, they fuel that with excess competitive activities or engaging in things that drive the heat in their body even higher.

    Women with pitta imbalance need to cool down the body and the mind. To cool down the body one must avoid heating foods and beverages. You could also try red clover tea, or taking aloe vera juice to cool down the digestive system.

    Avoid fried and spicy foods, even vegetables that are really pungent in nature like peppers should be avoided. Pitta nature people or the people with pitta doshic imbalance need to consider how are they engaging with the world through their senses on everyday basis.

    A pitta person typically jump out of bed in the morning ready to get going and ready to face the world. They want their morning time to provide a good solid foundation for the rest of the day so that they can go out and face the world. Pitta dosha love challenges and more often than not they are going so quickly towards a goal that they often don’t take their time to cool the body and mind back down. To create balance in a female reproductive system, we have to take time out to cool the mind and the body.


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