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The Ayurveda Experience March 21, 2016
Stress is not a huge factor for kapha dosha. What kapha has to counter is lethargy. When left to their own devices kapha dosha tend to become inactive. What is required in this scenario is active engagement by increasing daily activities.
Daily exercise, time in nature and active meditation would all be practices that support the kapha nature person by being more engaged in the present moment. Kapha dosha have a lot of earth and water, they want to make sure that they are heating up to keep everything soft and moving.
Kapha dosha needs to regulate their digestive fire. The good food choices for kapha dosha are those that are light, dry and hot. Kapha could opt for spicy food, and a diet that is rich in plant sources of vegetables. And, not so much in heavy moist dense proteins and carbohydrates. They do need to have a degree of complex carbohydrates and proteins to replenish the body but kapha dosha typically brings plenty to the body.
Conscious dining for kapha is much the same as conscious dining for vata and pitta – staying present with their food. Heating spices and herbs with pungent tastes – clove, black pepper, dry ginger – stimulate the digestive fire and support them to have stronger appetite and stronger digestion following the meal.
Kapha dosha because of the low levels of digestive fire often struggles with ‘ama’. And, just like the other doshic types the basic requirements to bring the body back in balance are – clean food, pure water and daily exercise. Daily exercise is also meant to reduce lethargy. Kapha should indulge in daily exercise in a way that increases their sweat with each passing day.
Clean food means food that is free of preservative, chemicals or pesticides. In terms of food portions, kapha dosha needs only small portion of food. Clean water, taking enough water during the day is important and it is equally crucial that the water is moved out of the system.
What is also required is reduction in rasa dhatu, they have too much fluids held in the body and they need to move those fluids out. So looking at sweating via exercise or application of heat as is done with sona is beneficial for kapha dosha. To increase this level of sweating they might want to take diaphoretic herbs or herbs that bring up sweating such as basil or black pepper. This will ensure that they hold less fluid in the body and when you hold less rasa you are able to purify each of the dhatu layers.
Excess tissue held in the body is often held as fat tissue. By increasing sweating we reduce medo dhatu along with rasa dhatu.Reduction of shukra dhatu simply means reducing the thickness of the density of shukra dhatu. you will not reduce the number of egg that are produced or eggs that are brought to ovulation each month but rather you will assure that there is no stagnation the system. This is done by taking reproductive stimulants such as clove, rosemary or cayenne that are all hot in nature.
Kapha dosha needs to use that heat in order to break some of that earth and water tightness that forms. If you think of your digestive system or your digestive fire like a real fire, you feed the fire with small bits and the flames come up. You can do this by taking in foods that are warming and spicing them very well, and keeping that portion size small.
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