The Ayurveda Experience September 09, 2023
Life is marked by transformative phases and one such phase experienced by women is menopause. While this transition brings about various changes in the body and mind, it also represents an opportunity for women to embrace a renewed sense of well-being and vitality. Let us understand how the discomfort of menopause can be taken care of in the most natural way without consuming too many modern-day drugs. Ayurveda, the ancient wisdom of science, brings forward safe and time-tested alternatives that can give you the patience, relief, and comfort you’ve been looking for!
An active lifestyle and regular exercise promote wellness, quality of life, and fitness in postmenopausal women.1 In addition, it helps in losing body mass index and significant reduction in overall weight. Exercise also helps contribute to fewer hot flashes and improved moods, which aid in decreasing health risks to women.
Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise are essential to good health from an Ayurvedic perspective. Eating according to the constitution and in moderation is necessary to not overburden the system.
Daily exercise is important for aiding digestion, keeping muscles limber and joints lubricated, as well as helping us sleep more soundly at night. For women going through menopause or a change of life, Ayurvedic herbs also offer assistance in battling those vasomotor symptoms. In conjunction with exercise, a number of herbs are useful in keeping us healthy and motivated.
Here are the lifestyle guidelines for each prakriti or body constitution for a better post-menopausal health2:
Vata prakriti
Symptoms – Nervousness, anxiety, soreness, mood swings, dryness of the vaginal area, loss of color in the face, feeling cold, irregular periods, insomnia, mild hot flashes, constipation, palpitations, bloating, and joint pain are some of the symptoms.
Make it a habit to consume warm food and drinks. Take regular meals with spices like fennel and cumin. It is always a good option to reduce caffeine intake and other stimulants and refined sugar, or cold drinks. Do not consume hot spicy foods, hot drinks, or alcohol. Avoid late dinner.
One with Vata prakriti should sleep early, and perform yoga, meditation, or regular walks to keep one healthy. Indulging yourself in an oil massage using almond and olive oil can work wonders for your health. Those with Vata prakriti should make it a point to consume herbs like ashwagandha, arjuna, cardamom, guggul, sandalwood, garlic often.
Pitta prakriti
Symptoms: signs: Angry emotions, irritability, a heated temper, hot flashes, nocturnal sweats, heavy bleeding, UTI, rashes, and acne, as well as a feeling of heat
Consume cooling foods, drink lots of water, and eat a lot of fruits like grapes, pears, plums, mango, melons and apples. Also consume vegetables like yellow squash, cucumber, zucchini, and any other organic foods. Avoid hot spicy food, hot drinks, and alcohol. One should also avoid having a late dinner.
Make it a habit to sleep around 10 pm. Oil massage using coconut and sesame oil is also good for Pitta prakriti individuals. Perform meditation to reduce anger or indulge in regular exercise. Also avoid too much exposure to sun. Herbs like aloe vera, arjuna, saffron, sandalwood, shatavari are beneficial.
Kapha prakriti
Symptoms- Putting on weight, lethargy, fluid retention, laziness, depression, digestion issues.
People with Kapha prakriti should have light, dry. and warm food, consume fruits, vegetables, and spices such as black pepper, turmeric, or ginger. Try to avoid meat, cheese, sugar, cold foods and cold drinks.
Wake up early around 6 am. If indulging in oil massage, use mustard oil. Bayberry, guggul, mustard, turmeric, and cinnamon are some recommended herbs for Kapha prakriti.
Panchkarma therapy3- Panchkarma is a set of physical therapies that help cleanse and purify the physical and mental impurities from the body and mind. They further assist to loosen, liquefy, and remove the vitiated substances (ama) and doshas from their abnormal sites in peripheral tissues. Menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, sleep disturbances, and severe mood swings can be relieved using these therapies. Such an internal cleansing is prescribed before or during the menopausal transition to help ease the symptoms.
READ MORE: 12 Popular Bodyworks And Therapies As Per Ayurvedic Medicine
Yoga and meditation: You can benefit hugely from yoga during your menopausal transition as it aids in decreasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, insulin resistance, and loss of bone mineral density. Yoga also improves sleep patterns, emotional modulation, and psychological well-being. The three most popular yoga techniques are asanas (postures), pranayama (breath regulation), and dhyana (meditation).
Asana include shavasana, padhmasana, varjasana.
Pranayama includes sheetali pranayama, ujjayi pranayama.
Traditionally, wild yam or shatavari (asparagus)4 is considered a female tonic and is used to help normalize the uterus and changing hormones. It has traditionally been used for its aphrodisiac properties. Both arjuna and Indian coral powder have cooling and liver-supportive properties and provide naturally balanced elemental calcium and magnesium.
Rasayana herbs3: Rasayana therapy in Ayurveda helps promote vigor and vitality. It is specifically used to slow down the aging process, promote longevity, and supports the body to overcome any sort of physical or mental ailment.
The following rasayana herbs endow their numerous benefits on your body and nourish it from within:
Triphala: A combination of haritaki, bibhitaki, and amalaki, in equal amounts, form triphala. Together, these herbs form one decoction that helps to slow down the aging process and pacify all the doshas.
Ashwagandha: A powerful antioxidant, ashwagandha assists in keeping body’s immunity in check along with improving strength, muscle mass, and relieving stress. It helps with menopause by effectively controlling symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and palpitations.
Licorice: Another herb prescribed for menopause is licorice, which acts as an ultimate antioxidant, immune-modulator, and anti-depressant. It is termed as a promoting agent in terms of hair, complexion, strength, and libido.
Shaman yoga4: The ingredients in this shaman yoga mixture are shatavari (asparagus), amalaki (Indian gooseberry), yashtimadhu (licorice), and mukta shukti (oyster shell). Perhaps the most well-known rejuvenating herb for women is shatavari.
To prepare the shaman yoga, a fine powder of shatavari, amalaki, and yashtimadhu is combined well with half a portion of mukta shukti powder.
After consuming food, take 3.5 g of shaman yoga twice daily with honey and ghee (clarified butter). Shaman yoga provides improvements in both physical and psychological complaints in women with mild to moderate menopausal symptoms without causing any negative side effects.
Enroll in The Ayurvedic Woman program that shares the unique Ayurvedic perspective of women’s health providing guidance for dealing with menstruation, menopause, and other issues faced by women. This program is not just for any young woman who has crossed the stage of childhood, but for every woman at all ages and stages of life - right from her childbearing age to her menopausal stage.
Read More: 3 Flavors of Menopause – Which Menopause Type Are You? | What is Menopause? Age, Signs, Symptoms, and Remedies | Ayurvedic Tips To Ride The Big Wave Of Menopause - From Digestion To Exercise To Skincare
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