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  • Exercises for Vata Body Type

    Exercises for Vata Body Type

    The Ayurveda Experience September 24, 2015

    The most significant feature of a Vata body constitution is constant motion. Be it physical activity or a mental exercise, Vata personalities are always on the go. Vatas love being active and thus enjoy exercise. The other feature of a Vata personality is change. So Vata personalities are easily bored with the same exercise routine. They want change in the routine or to change the activity all together.

    Vata also has a low endurance level and hence exercises that require a lot of strength and perseverance are not good for Vata. Instead, an exercise with quick bursts of activity followed by a rest period or slower pace of activity is ideally suited for Vata. All these guidelines are for a normal balanced state of Vata Peronality.

    In an aggravated state, Vata personality will show a lot of irritability, aches & pains, insomnia, and anxiety. In this case, a more calming exercise routine is advised to soothe the sore muscles and calm the nerves.

    For a routine (Normal Prakrit state) Vata can pick any of the following activities:

    • Walking
    • Slow jogging
    • Archery
    • Cricket
    • Tai chi
    • Judo
    • Golf
    • Gymnastics
    • Belly dancing
    • Horse riding
    • Sailing
    • Bowling
    • Yoga
    • Slow cycling

    For calming the Vata in the aggravated state:

    • Yoga
    • Tai chi
    • Dancing
    • Cycling
    • Horse riding
    • Golf
    • Slow jogging or walking
    • Sailing

    Activities unsuitable for Vata personalities in all states:

    • High intensity aerobics
    • High endurance (heart-lung endurance as well as stamina) sports like power lifting, foot ball, basket ball, hockey, football, rowing, or power yoga.


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