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  • Buckwheat and Snow Cap Beans with Pumpkin

    Buckwheat and Snow Cap Beans with Pumpkin

    The Ayurveda Experience November 07, 2013

    Here is a lovely fall meal with foods that are readily available but may not be that familiar to you. Remember, augmenting foods are nurturing and nourishing. Extractive foods are more cleansing in nature and ask our body to give up something to digest them. Have about 60% augmenting and 40% extractive foods to keep a good balance in your eating.

    We hope these vibrant pictures of our ingredients and meals will inspire you to new heights in your own journey with cooking and eating. Ayurveda has changed our lives for the better, and we are so grateful that we want to share it with all of you. We have discovered that love is made in the kitchen, especially when the ingredients are fresh and the meals are balanced, warm, and tasty. Enjoy your cooking, enjoy your eating, enjoy your life!

    We’ll be back in a couple of weeks with another wholesome recipe.

    Happy cooking with love from
    Myra Lewin, Hale Pule & Durga Farms 

    Takes 20 minutes and serves 4. 


    • 1 cup buckwheat

    Buckwheat is augmenting. Cook with mineral salt and ghee.

    • 3/4 cup snow cap beans

    Snow cap beans are extractive. Cook in sunflower oil with 1 strip of kombu, mineral salt, cumin seeds and fenugreek powder.

    • 3 cups chopped pumpkin (orange or green)

    Pumpkin is a wonderful augmenting vegetable. It is grounding and sweet. It is easy to cook and easy to digest. Skin can stay on if you know that no chemicals were used to grow it. You can have it as a side dish, a soup or blended for a pie. They are naturally sweet and require little addition. Cook with 1/2 tsp mineral salt, 1 tablespoon of ghee, 3/4 tsp fresh grated ginger and 1/3 cup chopped basil.  Heat the oil and spices until you can smell them, then place the chopped pumpkin in a medium sized pot. Add water so that it is about one half the height of the pumpkin. Bring to a simmer with the lid on. Let simmer for 10 minutes or until the pumpkin is soft. Serve warm.

    • 3 cups celery and kale

    Celery and kale are extractive. Cook in sesame oil with black sesame seeds, fresh ginger and mint.  

    Then enjoy!



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