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  • Ayurvedic Benefits of Rose for your Skin and Body

    Ayurvedic Benefits of Rose for your Skin and Body

    The Ayurveda Experience September 10, 2022

    If you want to show some love to your mind and body, give yourself a rose. If we go through the ayurvedic records, traditional health and wellness practices, and modern-day scientific research, there is a reason why we would offer a rose as a sign of love. The fragrant and beautiful rose is loaded with potential medicinal, cosmetic and therapeutic properties that can help deal with a wide range of concerns and medically soothe a person’s heart.

    Ayurveda and rose:

    In Ayurvedic records, the rose is referred to as GulabShatapatri (a hundred petals), or Taruni. The flower has been cultivated in various parts of India and worldwide for hundreds of years. In our traditional system of medicine, the rose has been used in multiple forms due to its Sita (cooling) and Ropan (healing) properties for managing various diseases. Rose is known to possess Tridoshic properties that can help balance all three doshas and can be used all year long. It has different properties that can help balance different doshas. Thus, the rose is an Ayurvedic essential that we all need.

    Rose water rejuvenates skin and fights skin problems like allergies and acne. Rose Essential Oil has been passed on for several generations as an excellent solution to nourishing dry skin. Even though the rose has a cooling effect, it enhances Agni (the digestive fire). Making it unique and capable of balancing all three doshas. Ayurveda attributes rose with several medicinal properties like Hrdya (strengthens heart health), Sukrala (improves potency), and Pachana (improves digestion). Records talk about rose petal jam (gulkand) for managing digestive problems too.

    READ MORE: Rose Petal Drink Recipe 

    TRY Geranium Rose Hydrating Toner

    Effect of rose on the three doshas:

    Vata: The ayurvedic properties of rose can help people with Vata imbalance. They are prone to experience dryness in their skin, nervousness, sleep-related issues, and anxiety. Roses' calming and cooling properties can help reduce anxiety, fatigue, poor sleep, and nervousness. Furthermore, spritzing rose water on the face can help create a barrier and help reduce water loss. Thus, the rose's hydrating and healing properties can help deal with skin concerns associated with a Vata imbalance. 

    Pitta: Even though a rose can help balance all three doshas, its ability to restore Pitta balance is especially revered in Ayurvedic records. Rose can help maintain the heart and mind healthy. Records suggest that it can help balance Sadhaka Pitta, the sub doshas of Pitta, which governs emotions and affects the heart. It can help deal with inflammation, skin sensitivity, and even skin tone and reduce the appearance of blemishes associated with a Pitta imbalance. This is especially true as the rose helps regulate the brajaka Pitta. This sub-dosha impacts the skin. Spritzing rose water and inhaling the fragrance of roses can help relax the nervous system and reduce excess heat in the eye.

    Kapha: Kapha skin types are prone to acne and other skin-related concerns. For those dealing with Kapha imbalance-associated type issues, rose's astringent or tightening effect can help reduce excess sebum or oil accumulation, cleanse the pores, etc. The antibacterial properties of rose make it ideal for Kapha-type skin as it is prone to cystic acne and congestion.

    Benefits of using rose in daily life:

    Healthy, even-toned, and glowing skin: Rose is a skin elixir, to state the least. The Varnya property of rose is believed to offer skin-related benefits to the user and enhance their complexion, due to its brajaka Pitta balancing properties. When applied to the skin, rose can fight skin problems like rosacea, irritation1, eczema, etc., enhance the skin's natural glow, and give an even-toned complexion. Ayurvedic records suggest that when used topically on the skin, a rose can help neutralize the skin's pH, restore skin health, and make it glow2.

    TRY Kesaradi Oil

    Eye irritation and under-eye dark circles: As per Ayurveda, the Chakshushya property of the rose is associated with improving a person's eye health. Due to the Ropan (healing) and Sita (cooling) properties, Ayurvedic records suggest using rose water as an eye wash to reduce excess heat in the eyes, get rid of the burning sensation, and reduce under-eye dark circles. Rose is rich in multiple flavonoids, terpenes, and anthocyanins and contains phenolic compounds with anti-inflammatory and antidepressant3 properties that can help soothe eyes instantly. 

    Dip two clean cotton balls in rose water and cold milk, and place them on the eyes for 15 minutes; it will help soothe any eye irritation and reduce the appearance of dark circles.

    TRY Sandalwood Rose Age Defying Eye Butter

    Anti-aging benefits: Rich in antioxidants, roses can help fight oxidative stress and free radicals that lead to signs of premature aging. Rose contains polyphenols, antioxidants, and vitamins A, B3, C, D, and E4 that protect the skin from free radical damage that can deplete the skin’s collagen. Thus, roses can help prevent cell damage5 and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

    Hydrating properties: Weather, air conditioning, and health issues may lead to dryness in the skin. Adding rose water to our daily skincare routine can offer an excellent natural remedy. Rose is capable of deeply hydrating the skin. A study6 highlighted that spritzing rose water can hydrate the outermost layer of our skin. Oil extracted from roses can also moisturize the skin and create a strong moisture barrier.

    People with Vata dosha are prone to dry and aging skin. Therefore, Ayurveda recommends using rose water to maintain skin hydration levels. Furthermore, for those who do not have dry skin, the hydration that roses offer can be highly beneficial. It can help by reducing the chances of transdermal water loss and maintain hydration in the skin.

    Acne & Pimples: According to Ayurveda, an imbalance of Kapha raises sebum production, which can clog the pores and cause acne, whiteheads, and blackheads. On the other hand, an aggravated Pitta can also cause inflammation with pus. Thus, people with Kapha-Pitta dosha are more prone to acne7 and pimples. Ayurveda recommends that rose's Kashaya (astringent) properties can help remove oil to unclog pores, and the Sita (cold) properties, can help reduce inflammation and prevent acne and pimples. Mixing a tablespoon of Multani Mitti with aloe vera juice and rose water can help in reducing acne. Spritzing rose water as a toner can also reduce acne and promote healthy skin.

    Enhances mood: Rose has strong antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties. An animal study8 highlighted that the extract of rose petals could relax the central nervous system in mice. Traditionally, inhaling rose water vapors has been used to improve a person's mood. Research has shown that rose water has antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties. It is believed to help induce sleep and treat conditions like stress, depression, etc. Drinking rose tea can help promote emotional balance, control mood swings, and relax the body and mind. Similarly, using rose essential oil in a diffuser can create a calm and soothing atmosphere.

    Digestion and hyperacidity: Hyperacidity means an aggravated Pitta, which can lead to improper digestion and production of ama (toxins in the body), which may accumulate in the digestive channels, causing hyperacidity (increased acid in the stomach). However, Sita (cooling) and Deepan (appetizer) properties of rose can reduce the acid level in the stomach. According to research9, rose water can improve digestion, relieve digestive upset, help improve bile secretion, uncomfortable gas, and bloating. Have half a spoon of rose powder before lunch and dinner with water to eliminate hyperacidity. Rose is also known to have laxative10 properties, making it ideal in cases of constipation.

    Menstrual and reproductive health: Raktapradar (heavy menstrual bleeding or excessive secretion of menstrual blood) due to imbalanced Pitta dosha can be managed with the help of a rose. Studies11 have revealed that drinking rose tea can help deal with severe menstrual cramps and to regulate hormonal secretion and irregular periods. Due to its Sita (cold) and Kashaya (astringent) properties, rose can help control excessive menstrual bleeding. Rose petals can help regulate prostaglandin levels, the hormone that causes the uterus to contract, sometimes causing pain. Thus, a rose can help deal with period pain. The Sukrala (potency enhancing) and Vajikarna (aphrodisiac) properties of rose can help enhance sexual health, improve sperm count, and reduce the chances of erectile dysfunction. These benefits are backed by various scientific studies12 and research. 

    Roses are celebrated as a symbol of love and beauty. Their vibrant color, velvet-like petals, enchanting fragrance, and medicinal and therapeutic properties make them the Queen of Flowers and more. By incorporating the flower into our daily routine, we can enhance our skin, menstrual and reproductive health, mood, and much more. 


    1. https://journal-inflammation.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1476-9255-8-27
    2. Momeni T, Shahrokhi N. Essential oils and their therapeutic actions. Tehran, Iran: Tehran University. Press; 1991.
    3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3586833/
    4. Ashokrao TP, Kiran D, Suryawanshi M.N. IJAPR.2017;5(12):46-52.
    5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3586833/
    6. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/srt.12178
    7. Agarwal SG,Gupta A,Kapahi BK.Chemical Composition of Rose Water Volatiles.JEOR.2005;17(3):265-267.
    8. Nyeem MAB, Alam MA, Awal MA, Mostofa M, Uddin M, Islam SJN, et al. CNS Depressant Effect of the Crude Ethanolic Extract of the Flowering Tops of Rosa Damascena. Iran J Pharm Res. 2006;5:171–174.
    9. http://www.amis.pk/files/PrefeasibilityStudies/SMEDA%20Rose%20Water.pdf
    10. Zargari A. Medicinal plants. 5th ed. Tehran: Tehran University Press; 1992.
    11. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16154059/
    12. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25834441/

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