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  • Which Ayurvedic Facial Oil Is Best For You?

    Which Ayurvedic Facial Oil Is Best For You?

    An intricate interplay of specialized oils that have been revered for their therapeutic and beautifying qualities in Ayurvedic practices. Through a detailed understanding of Ayurvedic principles and dosha typologies, one can learn tailored solutions for different skin types—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

    A specially prepared Ayurvedic oil has various nutritional and therapeutic benefits. These benefits depend on the properties of the oil and the medicinal herbs used, as well as the application of the oil, whether internally or externally. 

    Where Does A Healthy Glow Come From? 

    Ayurveda believes that life cannot exist without ojas in the body. An inner glow comes with healthy ojas. Ojas1 is the essence of the nutrition that your body processes. It is healthy when it is nourished physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 

    A balanced state of mind, body, and soul results in the formation of healthy ojas which circulates throughout the body with another fluid, the circulating rasa dhatu. 

    This can affect any system of the body and the skin. The skin reflects whatever the body undergoes at various levels - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. 

    What’s Your Ayurvedic Skin Type?2 

    According to Ayurveda, the health of your skin is determined by what you feed your skin to balance the tridoshic constitution of the skin. 

    • Vata Skin: Vata skin is usually dry, thin, delicate and cool to touch. Vata skin ages faster and is prone to fine lines and wrinkles. It also tends to be dry, rough and flaky when Vata is imbalanced.
    • Pitta Skin: Pitta skin is prone to discoloration, pimples, freckles, and moles. It is extremely prone to getting tanned as this type of skin is sun-sensitive and tends to flare-ups with rashes, eruptions, or sun patches on prolonged exposure to the sun.
    • Kapha Skin: Kapha type of skin tends to age at a slower rate. They are prone to a dull complexion with a tendency of having enlarged pores.

    Ayurvedic Base Oils by Dosha Type 

    Here are some Ayurvedic base oils3 listed by dosha predominance. 

    • Vata types can use sesame oil or olive oil
    • Pitta types can use coconut oil or sunflower oil
    • Kapha types can use sesame oil, jojoba oil, corn oil

    Sesame oil is sweet with an accompanying astringent after taste. It is hot in potency which alleviates Vata dosha without increasing Kapha dosha. Sesame oil helps in promoting strength and is good for skin health. 

    It promotes the power of digestion. When mixed with various herbs, it acquires their qualities without losing their own properties. 

    Ayurveda says that the term ‘taila’ specifically means the oil of sesame unless specified otherwise. Such importance was given to sesame oil for its therapeutic and nutritional value.3 

    Coconut oil has a sweet taste. It is considered nourishing and strengthening. It helps in bringing Pitta and Vata dosha to equilibrium. 

    Coconut oil takes a long time to digest and is supposedly a natural aphrodisiac. It is used in certain treatments for emaciation, skin conditions, and for nourishing the body tissues. 

    It is also used in cooking and for centuries has been used for hair health because of its nourishing and strengthening qualities. This oil is used in summer due to its coolant property. It is soothing to the body and senses. 

    Know your Dosha!

    Which Ayurvedic Facial Oil Is Best for You? 

    Usually all Ayurvedic facial oils are formulated with sesame oil as the base oil and herbs belonging to the varnya mahakashaya (complexion-improving) group of herbs, described by the ancient Ayurvedic scholar Charaka. 

    As the base oil, sesame oil10 absorbs the potent energy of these herbs. It has a property known as ‘sara’ or a flowing nature, which means it spreads evenly throughout the face and neck. 

    It imparts the goodness of the herbs to the face, cleansing and nourishing the facial skin and providing luster to the face. 

    Sesame oil is highly stable and is one of the oils with the longest shelf life. It is unctuous in nature and so it is Vata pacifying and helps to get rid of the skin conditions which occur due to Vata imbalance (dry, rough and flaky). 

    Being light, it gives a feeling of relaxation. 

    Sesame oil is the ultimate moisturizing, protective, regenerative, and warming oil. It balances dry and rough skin by virtue of its Vata pacifying nature.  

    Blended with Kapha and Pitta pacifying herbs, sesame oil is perfect for all types of facial skin. 

    Try time-tested Ayurvedic face oils HERE!

    How To Use Ayurvedic Facial Oil? 


    Cleanse your face as usual, either in the morning before your bath or at night before bed. 

    1. You should be devoid of natural urges. Visit the toilet and be comfortable before starting a massage.
    2. The room should be warm, calm and devoid of any draft.


    Take 3-7 drops of your oil onto your palm and rub both palms together so the oil gets a little warm before application. Apply the oil onto your face, neck and décolleté. 

    Massage for 5 minutes with outward and upward strokes until the oil is completely absorbed into the skin. 


    Relax at least 30 minutes after oiling for better and deeper absorption into the tissues. You can remove the oil with a warm damp towel. 

    During Ayurvedic facial massage, it is thought that when the oil is applied, it is absorbed and digested by bhrajaka pitta. 

    New metabolites from and pacification of the doshas begin, breaking down the pathogenesis.9 

    Please consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before trying any of the herbs Ayurvedic facial oils, remedies, and recommendations mentioned in this article. 


    1. (PDF) OJAS: THE VITAL NECTAR OF LIFE (researchgate.net)
    2. (PDF) An Ayurveda approach of Skin Care s.r. to Deha Prakriti (Body Constitution) : A Review Study (researchgate.net)
    3. The Complete Book Of Ayurvedic Home Remedies : VASANT V. LAD : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
    4. (PDF) SKIN CARE IN AYURVEDA: A LITERARY REVIEW (researchgate.net)
    5. (PDF) Ayurvedic Perspective Of Skin Care And Cure: An Overview (researchgate.net)
    6. Abineet Raina Et Al: Efficacy Of Varnyadi Mahakashaya & Kanak Tail In Vyanga RogaS.R. To Melasma (iamj.in)
    7. (PDF) Critical Analysis of Kanaka Taila in Vyanga (researchgate.net)
    8. pdf (indexcopernicus.com)
    9. (PDF) The role of dviharidradi taila locally in the managment of mukhadushika s.r. to acne vulgaris –A case study. (researchgate.net)
    10. MNAPC-16-I1-(v15-i3-52)-P-94-100.pdf (ijapc.com) 

    3 Responses

    pushpa Kansagara
    pushpa Kansagara

    November 23, 2023

    i just read above that after applying face oil you should wipe with warm cloth after 30 minutes. it doesnt say in any bottles to wipe the oil in 30 minutes. i have always left the oil and use tinted moisturiser on my face. please respond.

    The Ayurveda Experience
    The Ayurveda Experience

    June 23, 2021

    Use Manjishtadi during the night and mix Kanak and Manjishtadi and use it during the day.

    Keval patel
    Keval patel

    June 23, 2021

    Is it possible to use or mix manjisthadi kanak and
    Dvayeharidradi oil mix all the oil in small botle for pigmentation control on face

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