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  • What AYURVEDIC Principles can tell You about your Skin?

    What AYURVEDIC Principles can tell You about your Skin?

    The Ayurveda Experience October 09, 2015

    Ayurveda has a Unique understanding of Skin Care. Though the overall function of the skin remains the same, different body types have inherent characteristics of their Skin. The characteristics like color, thickness, texture, hydration, moisture, suppleness, and temperature, vary with varying Dosha Types. The concurrent conditions of the three Doshas and the weather also influence the characteristics of the Skin.

    Various Skin Types as per Ayurveda

    Whether the skin is being influenced by the Body Type (prakrit awastha – physiological stage) or the predominance of a Dosha (vikrit awastha – pathological stage) at a particular time, the skin shows different characteristics as per Dosha Predominance.

    1. Vata Skin: Vata predominant skin is usually dry, thin, delicate, and cool to the touch, and is easily vulnerable to influences of dry windy weather. Vata skin ages faster and tends to be dry, rough, and flaky when out of balance.

    2. Pitta Skin: Pitta's predominant skin tends to be fair, sensitive, soft, and warm to the touch, and of medium thickness. Pitta skin types are more prone to discoloration, pimples, freckles, and moles. The skin is sun sensitive and may flare up with rashes, boils, or sunburn with prolonged exposure to the sun.

    3. Kapha Skin: Kapha predominant skin tends to be oily, thick, pale, soft, and cool and often tans easily. Kapha skin tends to age at a slower rate and wrinkles less than the other two types. Kapha skin types may have to struggle with a dull complexion, enlarged pores, excessive oil, blackheads, and most types of eczema.

    Combination Skin Types, like Kapha + Vata, Vata + Pitta or Pita + Kapha, or Vata+ Pitta+ Kapha skin types show mixed characteristics as per the relative Dosha predominance.


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