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  • Ayurvedic secrets to a Clear, Acne-Free Skin

    Ayurvedic secrets to a Clear, Acne-Free Skin

    The Ayurveda Experience July 28, 2022

    Follow these simple and effective Ayurvedic tips for acne-prone skin. Achieve clear, lovely, and gorgeous looking skin with the right diet and lifestyle. 

    Tulsi (Holy Basil) 

    Tulsi or Holy Basil is considered sacred in Ayurveda for its wonderful healing properties. It is one of the best herbs to heal acne, pimples, and blemishes naturally. Crush some fresh and clean tulsi leaves, take out the juice and massage on your face. Let the face absorb the juice for 15-20 minutes and rinse off. 

    If you don’t have fresh Tulsi, you can use dried Tulsi powder and mix it with rose water to form a paste. Apply this as a mask or take an organic Tulsi capsule. 

    Get Organic Tulsi Capsules here | Experience the goodness of Tulsi in Ajara's Tulsi Neem Redeem Concentrate


    Turmeric is a staple of Ayurvedic cooking and medicine. It is an anti-inflammatory powerhouse and can help reduce hyper-pigmentation, scarring, and other skin damage. Turmeric rejuvenates and enhance your complexion if used in the right way. 

    Studies have shown this power-ingredient to be the secret behind skin’s firmness and youthfulness. Turmeric also balances the skin’s texture and oiliness, to avoid the look of acne, breakouts, and blemishes.. 

    Ayurveda recommends consuming about one teaspoon of turmeric every day. It can also be applied topically. You can cook with it, put turmeric in curries, lentils, etc., or pop an organic turmeric capsule. 

    Read the easy and simple, healthy Turmeric Latte recipe here.

    Experience the goodness of turmeric with iYURA’s Tumerisa - Double-Turmeric Activator-Oil

    Aloe Vera Juice 

    Aloe Vera is anti-inflammatory and has cooling effect on your skin. This is the reason why it is considered to be one of the most beneficial organic treatments for   sunburnt skin. It also helps to keep the skin hydrated and moisturized. Aloe vera juice is a natural way to remove toxins from your body, especially the liver and blood. 


    Amla is an anti-inflammatory agent and helps to scavenge free radicals. It prevents aging and is an excellent hair tonic. It removes excess sebum, fights acne-causing bacteria, and prevents scarring.  

    One way to use amla is to make a paste of it and apply on the face. Wash it off after 15-20 minutes and feel the freshness of your flawless skin. 


    Triphala is a popular Ayurvedic remedy for the skin. It balances the tridosha (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), detoxifies the whole body, fights against bad bacteria, and helps in healing acne. As per Ayurveda, it is used as an anti-aging remedy for more than 2,500 years now.  

    Take one teaspoon of Triphala with hot water on an empty stomach every morning. 

    Learn more: About Triphala and its anti-aging benefitsEverything you need to know about Triphala

    Beets And Carrots 

    Both fruits aid in restoring a normal skin tone because they are abundant sources of Vitamin C and iron. Consuming this nutritious combination keeps your skin smooth and radiant preventing the pigmentation and discoloration of your skin.

    Tea Tree Oil 

    Tea tree oil is well-known for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Research shows it can help reduce mild to moderate acne breakouts. Be sure to use diluted tea tree oil because the undiluted variety can burn and irritate the skin when applied directly. 


    Potatoes are useful in treating acne. They fight off bacteria and give a natural glow to the skin. Slice thin disks from a potato and massage your face gently with them. Make sure to use a different piece of potato disk on different parts of you face to avoid spreading bacteria. 


    Papaya is a great Ayurvedic remedy for acne and pimples. Wash your face, pat dry, and apply papaya paste on your face. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes and rinse off with warm water. Repeat daily. 


    Neem has many healing powers, including but not limited to strengthening the immune system and helping to heal acne. Neem is a blood purifier and detoxifier, it works well to cleanse your system and skin. It is also antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal in nature, and reduces inflammation. It’s perfect to help reduce pimples that don’t seem to go away. 

    Try iYURA Pure Cold-Pressed Neem Oil

    Bottle Gourd (Lauki) 

    Bottle gourd cools the skin and cleanses your system, thereby improving digestion and excretion. It also helps you sleep better. Peel the outer skin, blend it, and drink the juice. 


    Be it acne or pigmentation, oily or dry skin, pimples or blackheads, coriander juice works like magic. Coriander’s anti-fungal and antimicrobial elements are even known to relieve eczema. It is a detoxifier, a disinfectant, and even treats dark lips. 


    Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia) purifies the blood, improves blood circulation, and helps in healing acne. It makes skin radiant and evens out skin tone. Lear more about manjistha and its benefits here.

    Try iYURA Manjish Glow Elixir to keep your acne at bay.


    Nutmeg or jatiphala is useful for black spots and scars. Make a paste along with honey or lime juice and apply to the affected area. 


    Known as the ‘Queen of herbs’, Shatavari is an excellent antioxidant and has anti-ageing properties. Shatavari root helps reduce the free-radical skin damage that leads to wrinkles. It also helps in balancing female hormones, relieving menopausal symptoms, and so much more. 

    Shatavari can be taken in the form of a powder, tablet, capsule or liquid extract. Mainly it is taken in root powder form with warm milk, ghee, and honey. This increases the absorptivity and effect of the herb. 

    Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) 

    Also known as Indian ginseng, helps to fight infections, deters oil plugs from being formed on the skin, and is a natural and healthy way to treat acne scars. Rich in anti-oxidants, the herb helps blur the signs of aging, fine line, wrinkles, and dark spots. 

    Read about How Ashwagandha can help reduce acne

    Ayurvedic Cleansing (Panchakarma) 

    The Ayurvedic cleansing series called Panchakarma can help too. In particular, these aspects of the days-long treatment series can be beneficial.  

    Please note, Panchakarma should only be administered by a qualified Ayurvedic professional. Even simple Ayurvedic cleanses performed at home should be guided by a trained practitioner. 

    Vamana Karma (Emesis): According to Ayurvedic master Sushruta, vamana or therapeutic emesis is particularly beneficial for acne.14 

    Virechana Karma (Purgation):Virechana is indicated especially to subside Pitta dosha. The purgative formulation expels the excess Pitta dosha from the body. 

    Nasya Karma (Nasal Insufflation): Ayurvedic master Vagbhatta also described this process for Mukhdushika.25 

    Shiravedha (Bloodletting): To get rid of these vitiated doshas, bloodletting is one of the best procedures explained in the Ayurvedic classical texts.36 

    In modern day India, bloodletting is still in legal practice by Ayurvedic practitioners for various ailments. Hair loss and skin conditions like psoriasis, acne, and arthritis may be treated with bloodletting. In place of bloodletting, one may also purify the blood with blood purifying herbs like Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia), Manjistha (Rubia Cordifolia) and Neem. 

    Please note, Panchakarma should only be administered by a qualified Ayurvedic professional. Even simple Ayurvedic cleanses performed at home should be guided by a trained practitioner. 

    Dos and Don’ts for Acne-Prone Skin 

    If all of this feels a little confusing, take simple steps to cut out additives and preservatives first, so you’re eating foods that are as whole and natural as possible. This will help keep the body calm and clean from the inside out. 

    Don’t pop the pimples - It can lead to more swelling, redness, and even scarring. Feel a pimple is on its way? Just clean the area with rose water and place a chilled green tea bag for ten minutes. Also, if you wear glasses or sunglasses, make sure you clean them frequently to keep oil from clogging the pores around your eyes and nose. 

    Use chemical free products, even when it comes to things like laundry powder and household cleaning sprays—they will have an impact on your skin as well. 

    Remove makeup completely before going to bed. This is the first and foremost step to naturally glowing skin. 

    Drinkplenty of water - A minimum of eight glasses, if not more will keep you hydrated. 

    Eat fresh fruits & veggies - You are what you eat. Keep a note of what you put on your plate. Eat fresh fruits, greens, sufficient proteins, and vitamins. A diet rich in Vitamin C,  low in fats, and sugar promotes radiant skin. Consider a low-sugar diet, which can keep insulin levels down, allowing cells to maintain a healthy balance.

    American author and Ayurvedic practitioner Vasant Lad, BAMS, MASc in The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies advises, “Don’t eat spicy foods, fermented foods, salty foods or fried foods. Instead favor blander foods such as rice, oatmeal, and applesauce.” 

    Sleep at least seven hours a night - Cortisol, the stress hormone, ages the skin and can cause acne. Sleep reduces the cortisol level in your body. So, it’s a simple equation: sleep = younger, clearer skin.  

    Meditate Regularly - This could be time to start regular meditation practice or reignite your interest in yoga. 

    Exercise 3-4 times a week -The increased sweating naturally enhances circulation and removes toxins from your body. 


    Always remember that beauty comes from within. There is no need to feel anything less than fabulous. Your skin is nothing, but a reflection of your dietary habits and lifestyle.

    1. Vd. Anantram Sharma. Sushruta Samhita Chikitsa sthan, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan; 2010. Verse 20/36-37; 332. 
    2. Dr. Brahamanand Tripathi. Astanga Hrdayam, Uttar sthana, Delhi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan; 2009. Verse 32/3; 1119. 
    3. Kavraja Ambikadatta Shatri .Bhaisajya Ratnawali- Ksudrarogchikitsa; Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthana; 2001. Verse No.60/37-38; 663. 


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