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The Ayurveda Experience June 26, 2017
It takes time to get back on track after childbirth. New Moms need time to recover. This is no joke and it’s not an excuse for women not to work!! The changes that happen in the body and mind during delivery are real, and they can be severe, especially in the case of C-section.
A new mother is as delicate as her newborn baby both physically, mentally and emotionally for at least 6 weeks after childbirth.
It is important to understand the significance of proper care for Moms and newborn babies. If Mom is sick or hurt, the baby will suffer – and so will the whole family. We all know how devastating it can be when a baby continuously cries.
From an Ayurvedic perspective, the first 6-10 weeks after delivery are vital for proper recovery and rejuvenation. If Mom goes without, Baby goes without. Let’s take a look at what happens in the body during childbirth from an Ayurvedic perspective.
In Ayurveda, we work with the three doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha. In the body, Vata Dosha is responsible for all movement and change. This means that whenever something changes in your life or something moves inside of you, the energetics of Vata is involved. Without Vata Dosha, life would be unable to shift and progress.
Constantly Vata is active in the body and mind in the form of circulation, elimination, muscle movement, pulsation of your heart, nervous system activity and your thought processes.
Childbirth is an extreme force of movement and an intense form of change.
HERE’S THE QUESTION OF THE DAY: Which Dosha is provoked during childbirth??? YES. You got it! VATA DOSHA. Not just a little bit, but dramatically provoked!
Without Vata Dosha, life would be unable to shift and progress.
Childbirth causes Vata to increase, particularly due to the sudden empty space that is left behind in the womb once the baby is in the mother’s arms.
Vata Dosha is made up of the element of ether (space) and air, and its qualities are dry, light (versus heavy), cold, mobile, subtle, clear, rough and hard. Think about the nature of the air and ether, the wind moves things, it dries things, it’s cold and it’s so subtle that you can’t see or grasp it. An important principle in Ayurveda is like increases like; anything that will increase the qualities of air and ether is going to aggravate the Vata Dosha in your body.
Here are some of the symptoms that a Mom will experience when her Vata Dosha is disturbed after childbirth. She is then in great need of Ayurvedic postpartum care.
When new mothers receive proper postpartum care, they are less likely to suffer from postpartum depression.1 Ayurvedic Postpartum care allows new Moms to experience healthier digestion; stronger milk supply and immunity; more energy and faster rejuvenation; deeper bonding with their baby and an easier relationship with their husband and family.
A mother’s well-being impacts her family health and the happiness of her baby. The mother’s ability to connect with her baby in a loving way affects the baby’s digestive system, immunity and social skills. According to the researchers at Penn State College of Medicine, the happiness of a mother and the social support she receives affect the risk of infant colic.2
The easiest time to influence a child is immediately after delivery. At this time, the baby’s mind, body and heart are open in profound ways.
If you are pregnant or considering having a baby, search for an Ayurvedic Postpartum Specialist, AyurDoula or Ayurvedic Practitioner now. There is a lot you can do to balance your body and mind before the arrival of your baby.
Prevention is much more powerful than cure. The essence of Ayurvedic medicine is prevention, and Ayurveda offers extensive dietary, lifestyle, self-care and herbal recommendations to protect your well-being, health and happiness.
1 Wolpert, Anna Mikulak and Stuart. “Pregnant Mothers with Strong Family Support Less Likely to Have Postpartum Depression.”
UCLA Newsroom. UCLA, 04 Mar. 2013. Web. 26 June 2017.
2 “Mothers’ Relationship Happiness May Influence Infant Fussiness.”
Penn State Health News. Penn State Health & Penn State College Of Medicine, 24 Apr. 2017. Web. 26 June 2017.
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