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  • What Did You Feed Your Skin Today?

    What Did You Feed Your Skin Today?

    The Ayurveda Experience January 22, 2016

    Skin is our largest organ. What we apply to it matters. What you feed your skin matters. It digests everything we put on our bodies. Make the right choices for your health. Be conscious of the hidden toxic chemicals that may be in cosmetics you use every day.

    If you wouldn’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin.

    Some beauty products contain carcinogens and endocrine-disrupting chemicals that increase breast cancer risk. Every single product you cut from your beauty ritual decreases the number and quantity of chemicals to which you’re exposed.

    What to feed your skin?

    1. Choose Fragrance-Free

    So-called fragrance can hide behind its name even hundreds of chemicals — including hormone-disrupting phthalates. Choose products that are fragrance-free or that contain natural fragrances like essential oils.

    2. How To Tell A Synthetic Ingredient?

    Avoid products with DMDM hydantoin and imidazolidinyl urea; parabens or any word ending in 'paraben'; 'PEG' compounds and words ending in '-eth'; triclosan and triclocarban; triethanolamine (TEA); hydroquinone and oxybenzone.

    3. Mani-Pedi Anyone?

    I personally use and highly recommend Japanese P-shine for an elegant natural look and nourishment for your nails, however, if you crave colors, choose a nail salon that uses only nail polishes free of the toxic formaldehyde, toluene, and dibutyl phthalate.

    4. Be Picky With Your Antiperspirant

    A possible source of aluminum in breast tissue may be the use of underarm antiperspirants, so try to find an aluminum-free formula.  All-natural deodorants are an ideal choice.

    5. Read Labels Carefully ~ Top Toxic Offenders To Avoid:

    • Anti-aging creams with lactic, glycolic, AHA, and BHA acids
    • Hair dyes, especially permanent dyes
    • Liquid hand soaps with triclosan or triclocarban
    • Nail polish and removers with formaldehyde, DBP , or toluene
    • Skin lighteners with hydroquinone


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