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  • Ayurvedic Ways to Fight Embarrassing Adult Acne

    Ayurvedic Ways to Fight Embarrassing Adult Acne

    The Ayurveda Experience January 19, 2017

    Kapha-Pitta skin types can be prone to acne.

    It may happen due to Kapha’s blocking nature and Pitta’s fiery nature. Let’s understand how:

    According to Ayurveda, there is an accumulation of pathological factors like Kapha; an increased sebum production (sebum is a waxy material produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin to keep it supple) and the clogging of pores, resulting in the formation of both white and black heads. This happens due to Kapha’s oily properties.

    There’s also an aggravation of a pathological factor “Pitta“; this is marked by the appearance of some red papules (bumps) and inflammation with pus. Blame it on Pitta’s oiliness and fiery nature!

    Pitta creates an amiable environment for the bacteria to grow and produces inflammation.

    If you have a Pitta-Kapha constitution and tend to eat foods which increase these doshas’ properties (like oily or fried foods), you’re more likely to suffer from acne.

    How can you manage your adult acne?



    • Freshly prepared meals
    • Include lots of vegetables and at least 2 servings (about 7 ounces) of fruits in your diet.
    • Eat foods with healthy fats (in moderate quantities) such as nuts
    • Include whole grains in your diet
    • Drink 8-10 glasses of water/fluids every day (coffee or soda are not included! Drink plenty of warm water or herbal tea)


    • Excessively oily (especially deep fried), spicy, salty, sugary and junk food
    • Excessive dairy and dairy products (more than four servings)
    • Raw foods
    • Cold foods and drinks
    • Excessive alcohol, tea, and coffee



    • An ‘early to bed and early to rise’ regimen
    • Practice yoga under the guidance of a yoga teacher
    • Practice meditation and yogic breathing exercises (Pranayama) to combat stress, anger, depression and other negative emotions
    • Exercise on a daily basis. Try to take walking breaks during work every couple of hours, walk over to your colleague’s desk instead of emailing them, take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator – these small changes add up!)
    • Oil your scalp and hair before showering. Massaging your scalp with oil is good for blood circulation and promotes healthy hair growth. Don’t let the hair oil seep onto and sit on your face since this will increase the possibility of dirt and pollutants sticking to your face and clog the pores, resulting in increased white and black heads. Use a herbal shampoo afterwards to wash your hair.
    • Wash your face twice during the day with a mild, herbal (preferably neem or turmeric based) face wash. Don’t overdo it – applying soap to your face too often, even herbal soap can irritate your skin.


    • Sleeping during the day
    • Excessive exposure to heat and sun
    • Excessive exposure to cold and wind
    • Overexertion
    • Using electronic gadgets for long hours
    • Touching your face with your hands, as they can transfer bacteria to your skin

    To take care of the whiteheads (the closed comedones) and blackheads (the open comedones), follow the following routine:

    • Dip a soft, clean towel in warm water, squeeze out the excess water and place it on your face. Leave it on for a few minutes and then remove it. Repeat the process two or three times in a sitting.
    • Make triphala tea by adding 1 tablespoon of triphala powder in ½ liter of boiling water and boiling it until it reduces to half. Sieve through a double-layered muslin cloth. Wash your face with an herbal soap and apply the triphala solution using a cotton ball.Leave it on for about 10 minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water.
    • Mix two tablespoons of yogurt, one tablespoon of lemon juice and honey each, ¼th teaspoon of turmeric powder and four tablespoons of powdered oatmeal. You can also add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (don’t use this if you have a lot of red bumps, or avoid applying this mixture on those red bumps). Dampen your skin and apply this paste on your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse off. Do this 2-3 times a week.
    • Apply a paste of nutmeg powder and water on the red bumps. They can subside in initial stages. If it has been few days since they have appeared, then applying a thick paste of powders of Manjishta roots (Rubia cordifolia), lodhra bark (Symplocos racemosa) and neem bark (Azadhiracta indica) in equal amounts made in water. Keep for ½ hour and wash off with lukewarm water. Splash your face with cool water. Dry up with a clean tissue.

    If you’re also suffering from acidity, flatulence, a sluggish digestion, or constipation – consult with your Ayurvedic practitioner or medical doctor since these conditions can also lead to acne.



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