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  • Asparagus with Coconut Flakes and Yellow Mung Daal

    Asparagus with Coconut Flakes and Yellow Mung Daal

    The Ayurveda Experience July 31, 2016

    Asparagus is a popular vegetable for cleansing.

    This is a recipe that you can add to your program.


    • 1/2 bunch of asparagus – chopped to the desired length
    • 1/2 C yellow mung daal – soaked for half hour in one cup water
    • 1/4 C dry coconut flakes or fresh grated coconut if available
    • 1 T whole cumin seeds
    • 1 T organic coconut oil or Ghee
    • 1 T curry powder
    • 1 t lemon juice or 1/2 fresh lemon for squeezing.
    • Salt to taste
    • Fresh cilantro – chopped for garnishing


    1. Heat a medium sized wok, add ghee or oil.
    2. Add cumin seeds.
    3. When slightly toasted or popping, add curry powder, coconut, mung daal with water. ( Add 1/2 C water if getting too dry.)
    4. Cover for five minutes. Stir occasionally.
    5. When the daal is slightly tender, add asparagus.
    6. Cook uncovered for five more minutes.
    7. Add salt and lemon juice. Stir and quickly remove from heat.
    8. Garnish with fresh coriander/ cilantro leaves.

    Serve over brown rice or make a wrap with your favorite tortilla or wheat wrap.

    Note: Try not to make it too mushy. Adjust the water and heat, accordingly.



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