The Ayurveda Experience April 02, 2021
Guduchi or Giloy is a famous Ayurvedic herb, which got more limelight after the Covid 19 pandemic. It used extensively in the treatment for fever, diabetes, urinary tract disorders, anemia, jaundice, asthma, cardiac disorders etc. It is a well - known immuno - modulator herb used frequently in auto - immune disorders.
Botanical name - Tinospora cordifolia
Family: Menispermaceae
Chemical constituents:
The major chemical constituents include beberin, bitter glucoside giloin and volatile oil.
The best way to consume giloy is by making its Kashayam (decoction / herbal tea).
For an adult – A tablespoon of Giloya powder is added with 2 cups of water, boiled and reduced to half a cup, filtered and administered within 8 hours of preparation.
Guduchi capsule and Guduchi Ghanavati (tablets) are also available, which are usually administered in a dose of 1 – 2 tablets / capsules once or twice a day, before or after food.
Giloy - medicinal properties –
Taste - Astringent, Bitter
Qualities - Laghu - Light to digest, Snigdha - Oily, Unctuous.
Potency - Hot
Taste conversion after digestion – Sweet
Effect on Tridosha - Balances Tridoshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha
Its unctuousness helps in balancing Vata, bitter taste balances pitta and astringent taste and hot potency helps in balancing Kapha.
Charaka Sutrasthana 25
Guduchi / giloy is best to cause astringent effect, promoting digestion, alleviating Vata, Kapha, constipation and Raktapitta (bleeding disorders)
Rasayani - Rejuvenative
Sangrahini - brings about absorptive nature to stomach and intestines, Useful in malabsorption syndrome, diarrhoea.
Balya - improves strength
Agnideepani - Improves digestion power
Amahara - relieves Ama - indigestion
Trut hara - relieves excessive thirst (as seen in fever)
Dahahara - relieves burning sensation in the body. Note that though Guduchi is Hot in potency, it helps to relieve burning sensation. This action is brought about by its Madhura Vipaka. (Sweet after - taste). Sweetness is coolant in nature.
Mehahara - useful in treatment of diabetes, urinary tract disorders.
Kasahara - Useful to relieve cough
Paunduhara - relieves anemia
Kamala - Useful in treatment of jaundice and related diseases of liver
Kushta - Useful in skin diseases
Vatasra - Vatarakta - Useful in gout - arthritis
Jvara - Useful in fever. 90% of Ayurvedic medicines for fever contain Guduchi as an essential ingredient.
Krimihara - useful to relieve intestinal worms.
Vamihara - useful to relieve vomiting.
Prameha - useful in diabetes and urinary tract disorders
Shwasa - useful in difficulty in breathing, (dyspnoea), asthma, Bronchitis
kasa - Cough, cold
Arsha - Piles, hemorrhoids
Krichra - Difficulty in passing urine
Hrudya, Hrudroga - Vatanut - Useful in heart diseases with Vata symptoms such as pain.
Chakshushya – improves vision, good for eyes, useful in eye disorders
Vayasthapana – anti aging, rejuvenating
Vrushya - Aphrodisiac
Useful in sero - negative arthritis, ankyolising spondilitis, multiple sclerosis etc
Most used part is stem. Almost all the pharmacies use stem of Guduchi. Leaves and arial roots are also used for medicinal purpose.
Its dry stem powder - 1 tablespoon is mixed with a cup of water, boiled, reduced to half a cup. Filtered. This Kashaya can be consumed once a day, just before food.
Guduchi Dosage: Stem powder - 3 - 6 grams per day, in divided dose
Water decoction - 15 - 60 ml per day, in divided dosage.
There is a special extraction from the stem of Guduchi, called Guduchi Satva. Its dosage is 1 to 2 gms.
Giloy churan dose for rasayana and therapeutics:
Guduchi as rasayana - usually taken after Panchakarma treatment - 5 - 10 grams, 2 times a day after food (churna)
Therapeutic dose - 5 grams 2 times a day after food with suitable Anupana.
Giloy for general immunity for normal people -
Powder - 2 grams once a day can be taken along with a teaspoon of honey for 2 months time.
Or Giloy decoction is prepared with 1 teaspoon of powder added with 1 cup of water, boiled and reduced to half a cup. Filtered. This is consumed once per day.
It is a very good herb for diabetes. But if you are taking other medicines, it may further lower the blood glucose levels. Hence people with diabetes should take this herb only under medical supervision.
It's usage in pregnancy should be monitored under strict medical supervision. It is used in post - natal care and in children.
Ayurvedic medicines
Important Ayurvedic medicines with Guduchi as main ingredient:
Amritarishta - Extensively used in the treatment of fever.
Siva Gutika - used for a variety of diseases like liver and spleen disorders, respiratory conditions, etc
Guduchi Satva - used in Ayurvedic treatment of burning sensation of feet, bleeding diseases etc.
Mushalyadi Churna - It is used in aphrodisiac treatment and oligospermia
Guluchi as anti - ageing medicine:
As per Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana1.3, regular intake of 5 ml of Giloy juice prepared from its root and flower is explained as an excellent brain tonic and rejuvenator - Medhya Rasayana.
Giloy in PCOS
Is Giloy useful in PCOS
Giloy is useful in controlling the blood sugar level, to fight insulin resistance and also to prevent weight gain. These symptoms are associated with PCOS. This way, giloy is useful in PCOS.
Vernacular names, Sanskrit synonyms
Names in different languages:
English name - Indian Tinospora, Heartleaved moonseed, Heart - leaved tinospora, Indian tinospora, tinospora gulancha
Hindi name - Giloy, Gurach, Gulvel, Guruchi
Kannada name - agniballi, amrutaballi
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