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The Ayurveda Experience December 20, 2016
Ayurvedic approach to cancer: Ayurveda names diseases with infinite possibilities of terminology, yet the word cancer does not exist.
In fact, Ayurveda sees the world and the human body in terms of elements or forces constituting it and creating troubles when in imbalance.
Here are some key points to understand the Ayurvedic view on cancer and how to restore the balance.
Global or Localized?
In Ayurveda, the cancer is approached globally. Considering that, even if it is located in a specific part of the body, it is the whole that is to be treated. The body is a global entity whose parts cannot be taken individually. Everything in the body works in harmony and inter-dependency where not even a single cell can work by itself without communicating. Hence, if one part is affected, it will affect the whole chain, including the mind.
To reinforce or to weaken?
Chemotherapy, radiation and other common proposed cancer treatments aim at weakening the whole body to weaken the cancer and prevent its spread. Indeed, the cancer cells are destroyed but…the healthy cells too…and there is no guarantee that it will not come back.
In Ayurveda, the aim is to reinforce all that is affected in order to bring back the normal functions.
Obviously, the immunity is a key point, as well as harmonizing the doshas and bringing clarity to the mind. That is the crucial and controversial question today regarding cancer treatments in modern medicine, as chemotherapy makes the body weaker in order to get rid of the affliction and many people die not of cancer, but of chemotherapy. This approach is at the opposite of Ayurveda, always aiming at making the body stronger to understand how to heal itself and realize the source of imbalances.
The patient or the body?
In Ayurveda, the treatment is focused on the Patient (Mind, Body and Soul) and not only the body. The well-being of the person is very important. His/her state of mind is key and the comprehension of the disease and its manifestation is crucial. It is the person who is treated, the entire being, not only and merely the disease.
The cause or the symptoms?
Ayurvedic medicine takes into account the body, the mind and the spirit and believes that cancer finds its roots and origins in the spirit or the soul, then ends up manifesting in the body, creating imbalance of the doshas.
Also, other possible causes in Ayurveda can be in charge conjointly or alone: emotional suppression, bad habits, improper lifestyle or diet, Karma (or consequences from past or recent actions), genetics and inherited predisposition, etc.
If treating only the symptoms, we are always living in fear, praying for cancer not to manifest again, but remaining its prey. If we understand why it happened and we are willing to work on it, there is no chance for the disease to manifest again. Deeply and fundamentally, any disease’s role is to tell us something, bring something to our consciousness or provide us an experiment so that we can grow.
Different treatments that Ayurvedic medicine offers can be used not only as the main cure, but also as complementary therapies.
Yoga, meditation, pranayama (breathing practices), herbal supplementation, etc. can assist a patient undergoing an allopathic treatment for cancer that always goes with difficult side effects that can be particularly handicapping.
Deep treatments such as Panchakarma can also be the main approach to cure cancer.
Prevention campaigns
Current campaigns against cancer promote early diagnosis, regular follow up and analysis: mammography, colonoscopy, blood test, etc. and it is likely that if you are 60 years old and up you will receive these recommendations.
Theoretically, the goal of these campaigns is good, attempting to discover the problems at their early stages. The thing is, it deeply brings in the emotion of fear and it is yet to be proven that it reduces the chances to have a cancer in the end. Also, the diagnosis tools are often invasive and not advanced or sharp enough to effectively detect all cancers.
Diagnostic methods
Usually, cancer is diagnosed after the manifestation of symptoms, which in Ayurveda is already an advanced stage of the disease and rapidly progressing. At this point it is more difficult to treat and to overcome it. Hence, prevention in all ways possible, and a personalized routine is of utmost importance.
Ayurvedic physicians can diagnose the disease at its early stages before it can create more serious imbalances to the body and mind. Ayurveda classifies the evolution of diseases in six stages (Samprapti).
Modern diagnosis and equipment can only detect disease once it is in the 5th or 6th stage.
The food
In the Ayurvedic view, most of the diseases when imprinting in the body, start with the digestion.
Hence, food should be adapted to the constitution of the person (Prakriti), state of health (Vikriti), and many other factors. The use of healthy spices, fresh, cooked and easily digested food is important in order to avoid the creation of toxins, or Ama. Refined, industrial, fried, sugary, salty products are to be avoided.
While on cancer treatment, hospitals mostly give industrial food, reheated food or pre-packed food that is not in concordance with the person’s constitution, current state of health or digestive capacity, and often improper food combinations, while diet should be one of the first considerations in treatment.
The lifestyle and habits
Immunity and metabolism can be regulated with simple changes such as: sleeping early and rising early, taking time to rest and meditate, encouraging positive emotions and thoughts, avoiding tobacco and alcohol as well as tea and coffee, avoiding too much meat.
Other factors to avoid may include: hormonal supplements, electromagnetic fields, pesticides, too much sun exposure, etc.
Many strategies and personalized programs can be put in place by an Ayurvedic practitioner in order to promote the well being of the body, mind, and senses.
Spiritual Practice
Depression, stress and anxiety are common troubles affecting many of us.
Often, those troubles can explain body reactions that cannot be explained. The reverse is also true in that an unhealthy body can lead to mental disorders. Mind and body are intertwined and both work optimally only with a cohesive partnership. Otherwise, pathology starts to grow and over time can affect the entire being.
Cancer, the disease of this century, is mostly linked to poor life hygiene and to lack of taking time to face and deal with our emotions.
Without fixing the mental factor in each disease, it will likely occur again. Nothing can last and remain in the body unless the minds allows it. Modern medicine sets aside and confuses spirituality with religion or alternative healing, while it is a central point. The source of all illness is not material: the physical manifestations are only the child effect of a deeper trouble. It is important to look into our personality, all our negative tendencies, acquired or inherited. It is important to reconnect with our divine and infinite inner self in order to heal.
Cancer is considered as one of the most deadly disease of its time which has taken so many lives and still counting.
Scientists from all over the world are working to find out some incredible solutions for it without disrupting the Harmony of the Patient’s Body and Mind and they not there yet.
So, the question arises: Why haven’t they figured it out yet?
The answer is quite simple, but the biased mindset of the modern science doesn’t take Mind as an entity to cause this deadliest disease, nor is it considered of any importance in the treatment.
Spirituality is a way to understand the needs of the Mind either to fulfill its needs to understand why those needs can’t be fulfilled.
Mind Body coordination is very important to live a healthy disease free life.
Ayurveda is a Mind-Body medicine that empowers harmony to Patient’s Body and Mind from centuries.
Ayurveda classifies diseases based on the cause.
They are of three kinds:
Cancer can be considered under Karmaja and Doshakarmaja Vyadhi.
It’s roots are even stated to possibly surpass the boundaries of Life and Death until it is resolved.
We strongly believe that the role of Karma is always there for the manifestation of Cancer. This is a controversial topic for our modern scientific understanding, but ancient Ayurvedic principles continue to be verified by scientific discovery.
Cancer in simple words of a Humble Ayurveda Physician is “A disease in which a new life starts to grow inside us when we suppress the life within us.”
Spiritual Ayurveda can help to bring balance by enhancing the harmonization of the Body, Mind, and Spirit.
There is no denying that the manifestation of the cancer lies within somatic plane, but its creation lies in the Psychic planes.
Science has advanced with time, but still there is no technology which can explore the unsolved riddles of Mind and Karma.
Without rearranging the balance in the mind it is not possible to get rid of the cancer, hence its high rate of recurrence.
Body-Mind calibration is needed to get rid of the cancer permanently.
In Ayurveda, we don’t treat any disease; we just make the Mind and Body strong enough to heal itself.
Spirituality is a very effective tool to counteract the Karma. And Ayurveda is time tested Mind-Body medicine for Body and Mind anomalies. To be sure, each person needs some specific remedies to nullify their karma and Mind-Body troubles, and Spiritual Ayurveda is the optimum solution.
Spiritual Ayurveda is a specific lifestyle emphasizing each aspect of our life and best possible practices.
Behind every fear lies a desire. Behind the fear of winter lies the desire for sun. Behind the fear of losing lies the desire to win. Behind the fear of cancer lies the desire to live.
It is that exact point that Ayurveda emphasizes. Only life can nurture life. Ayurveda proposes multiple answers and strategies to help people face the plague of our century, either alone or in parallel with allopathic protocols.
It is about time that we unite two approaches with divergent methods.
It is about time that people take control of cancer by taking control of their life through understanding and wise choices.
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