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  • Triphala Remedies for Ayurvedic Eye Care

    Triphala Remedies for Ayurvedic Eye Care

    Triphala Remedies for Ayurvedic Eye Care

    Triphala is ancient Ayurvedic recipe consisting of equal parts of dry powders of three herbs -  
    Amalaki – Emblica officinalis  
    Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellirica  
    Haritaki – Terminalia chebula  

    Triphala is a good remedy for diabetes, hypertension, migraine, high cholesterol, obesity, constipation and such other numerous lifestyle disorders.  
    One of the under-appreciated benefit of Triphala is, its utility in comprehensive Ayurvedic eyecare.  
    In ancient Ayurvedic textbooks, we can find many remedies of Triphala for eyecare.  

    A few important of those are explained below.  

    1. Triphala eyewash: 
      First, Triphala decoction / Kashayam needs to be prepared. For this, one tablespoon of dry powder of Triphala is taken along with 4 cups of water, in a wide mouthed vessel. It is boiled in mild fire till the water quantity reduces to a quarter. It is then filtered and allowed to cool down by itself. It is important to filter it before it cools down. This way, you can collect pure liquid part without any solid particles in it. This filtered liquid is called Triphala kashayam or decoction.  
      Cooling down of the kashayam is necessary because, hot treatment over eyes is not considered as a good habit. It can increase Pitta Dosha and cause vision problems in future. For the same reason, hot water face wash is considered as an unhealthy habit in Ayurveda.  
      Once after it cools down, the patient is made to wash the eyes thoroughly with the decoction for 1 – 2 minutes.  
      This remedy is excellent to get rid of all the dirt that may have accumulated in your eyes after a long day of work. It has cleansing effect on eyes.  
      It is good to heal ulcerations, excessive eye discharge due to infections in the eye and eyelids.  
      Improvisation: 1/3rd quantity of Licorice powder can be added to Triphala and the decoction can be prepared in the same way. This combination is called as ‘Triphaladi’ in traditional Ayurveda. It has all the benefits explained above, but more useful in relieving burning sensation of eyes, eye irritation and wounds and ulcers related to eyes and eyelids.  
      This process of washing eyes with such kashayams is called Netra Prakshalana 
    2. Netra Seka – therapeutic ocular irrigation: 
      Here, the above-mentioned Triphala Kashayam is used for irrigating the eyes, from a height of 7 – 8 cm. Here, the Kashayam is poured on to the eyes in the form of this stream. This has similar effects as explained above.  
    3. Aschyottana Eye drops 
      Instilling medication in drop form a height of 3-4 cm. For this, Triphala Kashayam can be used. More often, herbal ghee prepared with Triphala, called Triphala ghritham is used for this purpose.  
      here, a tablespoon of Triphala powder is mixed with a cup of cow ghee and 4 cups of Triphala Kashayam. This mix is taken in a wide mouthed vessel and boiled under mild fire. Boiling is continued till the water content evaporates completely and only the ghee and the Triphala paste remains in the vessel.  
      After that, the contents are filtered when it is still hot. Thus, obtained ghee is the traditional Triphala ghrita.  
      How to use? It is used as eye drops for various infection and vision related problems of the eye.  
    4. Vidalaka and Pindi  paste or poultice over eyes 
      Medicated application over closed eyes in paste as well as poultice form. 
      Triphala powder is made into a paste with equal quantities of honey or ghee and is applied over the closed eyes. This way, it is used in treating eye disorders. The paste is left on the closed eyes from 10 – 15 minutes. 
    5. Anjana - Application of medicine in conjunctival sac: 
      This therapy is also called eye-salve. Here, Triphala charcoal powder is used. For this, dry fruit pieces of Triphala are taken in a closed mud container and heated to very high temperature. The obtained Triphala charcoal is powdered.  
      It is not directly used as eyesalve. It is mixed with various other ingredients such as aloe vera gel, castor oil etc. ingredients and a fine paste is prepared. This is applied with the help of eye-liner.  
    6. Oral use of Triphala tea:
      Decoction of Triphala (Kashayam) is administered orally for various eye disorders.  
    • In eye discharge due to Kapha (thick discharge with itching sensation and heaviness of eye socket) – Triphala kashayam – 1 – 3 tablespoons is administered mixed with a teaspoon of honey, at night, before or after food.   
    • Eye disorders due to blood vitiation and Pitta imbalance lead to extreme burning sensation, sub-conjunctival bleeding and redness of eyes. In this case, Triphala ghrita (herbal ghee) is administered in a dose of 1 – 2 teaspoon at night or 1 – 3 tablespoons of Triphala Kashayam is administered along with a teaspoon of ghee  
    • In eye disorders due to Vata Dosha imbalance, such as retinal disorders, pain in the eyes, vision disturbance etc.Triphala kashayam – 1 – 3 tablespoon is administered mixed with a teaspoon of sesame oil.
    7.Triphala Collyrium 

    Collyrium wicks (Anjana Varti) prepared with Triphala is useful as collyrium to relieve discharge. This is useful because of astringent principles.   

    Seed pulps of the fruits of Haritaki, Bibhitaki and Amalaki are taken in the ration of 3:2:1. They are rubbed in water and wick is prepared (varti). This wick is used to as collyrium in netra sravas pathological eye discharge) 

    This is said to arrest even the most stubborn, difficult and chronic discharges occurring from the eyes.  

    8. SpecialTriphala home remedy for eye care

    This special Triphala remedy is useful to anyone who has repeated eye disorders like dryness of eyes, irritation, redness, itching sensation, burning sensation etc. 

    It also helps to some extent in people with vision power related issues. 
    People suffering from computer vision syndrome - CVS 
    People who complain of eye dryness post eye-surgery 
    People who work near hot furnaces or under the sun, who travel a lot and complain about frequent eye irritation.  


    Triphala Churna (powder) - half teaspoon 
    Honey - 8-10 drops 
    Ghee - 3 - 4 drops. 

    Method of preparation, intake 
    How to make? 
    Mix all the three in a bowl thoroughly to make a paste. 

    How to take? 
    Take the paste along with water at night, after food. 

    How long to take? 
    It can be taken for 2 - 3 months or even longer. It is traditionally told as something that can be taken on daily basis for a long period of time. 

    It is best to avoid this in pregnant mothers and children below 5 years of age. 

    These are a few ways in which Triphala is used for comprehensive eye-care.  

    1 Response


    May 11, 2024

    I found this very interesting and informative. Thank you.

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