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  • Skincare 101:
    Every blemish has a story to tell 

    Here’s a very relatable scenario -
    You wake up one fine morning and discover a catastrophe.

    The scene: The adjunction of your right nostril and your cheek.
    The crime: A blemish – it could be acne or a spot on your skin that you had said your goodbye to the other day, has resurfaced once again.
    The motive: To make you realize that the light at end of the tunnel was, in fact, the headlights of an oncoming train!

    We all know the common reasons why blemishes occur.
    But, again and again, in perpetuity?  

    Could there, perhaps, be some science to it?
    A reliable explanation that can help you prepare better for the next time another one’s about to strike !?

    Ayurveda says, YES!


    Ayurveda looks at any kind of external signs on the body as causes of imbalance – in nature and in your body itself. How? Read along.

    According to the philosophies of Ayurveda, there are five elements in nature, or what they call as ‘Pancha Maha Bhoothas’ in Sanskrit. They are – Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Space. Ayurveda believes that each human is a unique composition of these 5 elements, and that these 5 elements are embodied in the human body in the form of ‘Doshas’. Ayurvedic teachings recognize 3 kinds of DoshasVata (air and space), Pitta (fire and water) and Kapha (earth and water).

    Every living human being has these 3 Doshas and a unique balance between them too. Any vitiation in the composition of these 3 Doshas in the human body are what gets reflected as ailments.  

    Now, coming to what Ayurveda thinks of blemishes -

    Ayurveda says, the major cause of reoccurring blemishes is the derangement of ‘jathragni’ or what can be called in common tongue as ‘the digestive fire’, which is a major cause of Dosha imbalance in the body, and in the context of blemishes, the Pitta Dosha.  

    When jathragni deteriorates, the imbalanced Doshas push the body into producing more toxins that block the pores on your skin, also known in Ayurveda as ‘srotas’ or microscopic channels.

    And when toxins are produced, it starts to show up on your skin, whether you wish to see them or not.  

    Did you know that Ayurvedic practitioners study the skin of a person in order to discover the status of their health? Healthy skin indicates a perfect balance of all your Doshas.

    Your skin does speak a lot about your internal health as well! 

    Interestingly, the return of these skin blemishes are, in fact, vital clues about the imbalance of a particular dosha, or where in the body are those toxins being stored.

    Below, insights from our Ayurvedic skincare experts. Happy reading!  

    There are different kinds of blemishes, and each of them speak for the Dosha whose imbalance has been the cause behind their appearance.

    In short, which Dosha causes what kind of a blemish? 
    Spot the common kind of blemish that visits your skin and understand the root-cause, below!

    Have dark spots been a constant in your life, lately?  

    Know that you’re not alone. In fact, the appearance of dark spots on your skin has an Ayurvedic explanation too.

    Ayurvedic savants call dark spot ‘Vyanga’ meaning an unwanted speckle on your skin. The reason behind the appearance of a ‘Vyanga’ or a dark spot is the imbalance of not one but two Doshas.

    According to ancient Ayurvedic text ‘Yoga Ratnakar’, an aggravation of both Vata and Pitta Dosha in the system lead to the appearance of darker spots on the face. Most often, these spots become extremely dark, almost black.

    In modern skincare, we often interchange the words ‘dark spots’ with ‘age spots’, relating the phenomenon to nothing but a consequence of aging.
    However, it’s not just aging, as a factor that plays a role in it, but also multiple others such as too much sun exposure, hormonal changes in your body, especially during menopause and inflammation from acne.

    All of these factors raise Vata and Pitta dosha in the body and contribute to dryness and skin dehydration and blemishes.

    What can you do to calm your Vata and Pitta Doshas?  

    Eat right, eat healthy:

    Vata’s qualities are associated with cold, dryness and mobility, and on the other hand, Pitta’s qualities are associated with heat, lightness, intensity and fluidity.

    A Vata-Pitta Balancing Diet should be a mix of both – with heating and cooling foods, moderately moist or oily, grounding and stabilizing in nature, sweet but not too sugary, alternating with bitter and a bit of astringent occasionally.

    Best foods to eat are oats, barley, cilantro, fennel, avocados, figs, bananas etc.
    Herbs such as saffron, turmeric, cardamom, triphala etc. are of particular importance when it comes to pacifying Vata and Pitta Doshas.

    Pro tip: Mix turmeric and fuller's earth in equal parts and add curd to it to make a fine paste. Apply the concoction on your face and wash off in 30 minutes. Turmeric is known for its detoxifying and skin-brightening properties. On the other hand, fuller’s earth and curd are naturally cooler substances that can help soothe the aggravated Pitta dosha. 

    You can also try iYURA's Paraania Face Oil - Ayurveda's 1-Pump Daily Solution to reduce the appearance of darker spots (darker than your overall skin-tone) and the look of blemishes to moisturize skin!

    It contains Dita Bark, also known as 'The Blackboard Tree' along with powerful cleansing action of Turmeric!

    Do you often spot blackheads, whiteheads or milia on your skin?  

    Ayurveda has good reasons to believe that the appearance of blackheads, whiteheads and milia are causes of Vata-aggravation in your body. These leave the skin feeling dry, rough and congested.

    Unlike pimples, these are not filled with pus, neither are they deep. They are typically small, dry and are clogged with the naturally occurring substance in our skin known as ‘sebum’.

    The fundamental cause is often dehydration and dryness. This could happen because of multiple factors such as less water consumption, lack of enough moisturization, climatic conditions, amongst many more.

    What should you do and what shouldn't you do to avoid the appearance of blackheads, whiteheads and milia?

    One very basic thing we all can do is combat dehydration. Drink enough water and fluids, include foods in your diet that have enough water content in them.  

    Some of the hydrating foods that can help balance Vata Dosha are melons, okra, zucchini, avocados, sweet fruits, oranges, cherries etc. Try consuming more fiber-rich foods as well.

    Ayurvedic experts are also of the opinion that to tackle dryness, healthy fats may prove helpful. Which is why they suggest consuming foods such as fatty fish, olive oil, chia seeds, flax seeds etc. However, strictly avoid consuming dry fruits, beef, eggplants, apples etc. which are known to provoke Vata Dosha.

    Similarly, herbs such as Vetiver, Aloe Vera, Bakuchi, Ashwagandha, Shatavari etc. have proved their expertise in dealing with Vata-based skin imbalances. 

    Pro tip: Take 1-2 teaspoons of castor oil before going to bed. Make sure you take it on an empty stomach. It is a stimulant laxative. It helps to increase the movement of the intestines and thereby the bowel movement.  

    Are red, angry-looking bumps often a visitor on your cheeks and at times, your forehead?

    According to Ayurveda, these red, inflamed bumps are indicators of Pitta imbalance in your body. Which means that the element of fire in your body is in excess.

    Remember that Pitta is the dosha that administers your stomach, small intestine and your nose.

    And what do we do when there’s excessive heat? We try and cool it down by consuming cooler foods.  

    And we don’t mean refrigerated, cold foods, but foods that are naturally cooler and offer a sense coolness to the body when consumed, such as aloe vera juice, wheat, barley, coconut, fig, kale, celery, watermelon, sprouts, green salads etc.

    Consume smaller or blended meals to go easy on your digestive system.

    Avoid eating sour and spicy foods, excess of grease or oil, tomatoes, garlic, peanuts etc. These are foods that can further aggravate your Pitta Dosha.

    Ayurvedic experts say that Pitta-aggravated acne require the gentlest of care.

    Which is why they also suggest topical application of aloe vera gel which is known for its purifying properties.  

    Pro tip: Drink a glass of aloe vera juice in the morning, along with a dash of turmeric. The anti-bacterial properties of these Ayurvedic herbs purify your body from within and help get rid of skin-related problems like acne.  

    Have you been witnesses to deep, cystic pus-filled painful acne near your t-zones?  

    Chances are your Kapha Dosha is on the high!
    We understand how difficult it can be to deal with painful, pus-filled acne, regularly. Which is why we have compiled some information here. Follow them as they are, and notice a difference in days, without the help of intrusive methods.  

    Excessive Kapha is the assailant when it comes to large, persisting cystic acne. An excess of Kapha is an indicator of body’s slow, sluggish movements. This particular dosha also controls your lymphatic system.

    Which is why the most important thing to do in case of Kapha imbalance is adequate movement and exercise, especially one that helps increase blood circulation in the body.

    The best time to practice exercise are early morning hours, according to Ayurveda. Make sure you do not let your body stagnate.

    Dietary changes can also help lower down aggravated Kapha. Bitter and astringent foods are best suited for Kapha-balancing diet. 

    Make sure you always consume warm water, no cooler than room temperature. Dry fruits, pomegranates, cranberries, eggs, whole grains etc. are foods that are helpful in this condition.

    Strictly avoid all dairy products, sugar, wheat and damp food. Also limit your intake of soy and fermented foods.  

    Pro tip: Drink ginger tea, mixed with a tablespoon of honey several times a day. Ginger contains natural oils known as gingerols that reduce inflammation and pain. Anti-inflammatory benefits of gingerols can help soothe irritated skin. 

    Not a fan of ginger's spicy, pungent taste? 

    Try out iYURA Paraania Face Oil, specifically formulated by our Ayurvedic experts for blemish-prone skin

    An intense VEGAN power-potion, Paraania brings a storm of benefits to the skin to give it a clearer, more purified complexion. This power-purifier is your natural go-to to make you forget about skin clarifying and beautifying acid concentrates or peels.
    Paraania’s pristine power-dose de-clogs pores and gives them the sauna-cleanse without the sweat! 

    Now, that your INTERNAL health is taken care of, what does Ayurveda say about your skin’s EXTERNAL health?  

    First and foremost, hygiene 

    Make sure you wash your face at least 2 times a day. Use a gentle cleanser, one with natural herbs, preferably. Gently wash your face with cool water and a mild cleanser to remove dirt, pollutants and dead cells.

    In fact, you can use natural, DIY exfoliants to regularly cleanse your skin, as per your Dosha.   

    For Vata dominant skin:

    Prepare a fine paste by mixing a spoon of almond powder and ½ spoon of coconut milk. Apply it to your face and gently massage it for a few minutes. Later, wash your face with lukewarm water.

    Or, you can go for Ajara’s tried-and-tested Vata-Specific Coconut Rose Softening Cleanser.
    It is an uplifting, creamy foam-less facial cleanser with REAL coconut granules, custom-made for dry mature skin, that leaves it feeling clean, refreshed and moisturized. 

    Check out Ajara’s Coconut Rose Gentle Face Cleanser, now! 

    For pitta dominant skin:

    Prepare a thick paste by mixing a spoon of lentil flour, ½ spoon of turmeric powder, and one spoon of water. Exfoliate your skin using this paste and then wash it off with cool water.

    Too long a process? You can always opt for an all-natural, Pitta-skin specific one-tube quick solution. And we’ve got just the right thing for you.

    Try Ajara’s Cedarwood Rose Calming Cleanser – a 100% natural, calming and soothing cleanser for your sensitive Pitta-type skin.

    It contains organic coconut for a cooling and gentle cleansing effect; organic cedarwood, pure organic rose essential oil which calms, cools and soothes not only the skin but also the mind; and finally, organic ylang-ylang which provides a wonderful fragrance. 

    Check out Ajara’s Cedarwood Rose Calming Cleanser, now!

    For Kapha dominant skin:

    Add ½ spoon of lemon juice to ½ spoon of honey and apply it to your face. Wait for 5 minutes and then wash it off using lukewarm water.

    For purpose of ease, you can also use Ajara's Rosemary Mint Oil Control Wash - a 100% natural, non-irritating, gentlest of cleansers to help you indulge your oily skin with super-cleansing, immensely refreshing, glow-reviving skincare staple. 

    Check out Ajara’s Rosemary Mint Oil Control Wash, now! 

    Additionally, make sure your external surroundings are clean and free of dirt. If not, as your skin comes in contact with them, it may clog pores and lead to blemishes.

    Clean your phones with antibacterial wipes, to avoid transmission of dirt to your facial skin while talking. Make sure you always change pillowcases and bedsheets frequently as well.  

    Herbs –
    not just in your food, but also for your skin.  

    The ancient chest of Ayurvedic treasury consists of innumerable herbs commonly used in skincare that are known to carry multitudes of skin-benefitting elements within them.

    In fact, these herbs are so common that you may find them in your kitchen cabinets or may have at least heard of them.
    On topical application of these herbs to your face, their soothing properties would help skin look clearer and free of blemishes.


    A versatile Ayurvedic herb that helps clean up the skin pretty well by unclogging pores and smoothening the skin. It boosts complexion, wards off skin foes and activates skin's raw glow. This herb also helps with the look of aging signs, especially wrinkles and fine lines. 

    Dita Bark

    Also known as the ‘cleansing tree’ in Ayurveda, the bark and the roots of this tree have been used in Ayurveda for their astringent activities. For skincare formulations, the bark of this tree is used since it has powers to keep the skin looking clean, clear and even-toned. This ingredient helps reduce the appearance of dark spots and blemishes. 


    A rejuvenating and complexion enhancer, it helps in balancing the skin's temper-tantrums and uneven skin tone. It is often added to face care products to make the complexion even and tone down the appearance of uneven spots to give a relatively more even-looking complexion.


    Neem is often called Nature’s own Medicine Cabinet due to its astounding and powerful cleansing properties.
    It is a key, formidable ingredient that helps skin look clearer, pure, clean and healthy.


    Did you know that Saffron contains more than 150 carotenoid compounds including safranal, zeaxanthin, lycopene and various α- and β-carotenes along with a rich source of riboflavin? Rich in Vitamins B2, B3 and B6, Saffron makes for an excellent herb to aid in restoring a brightened-look and even-toned skin.  

    Black Gram

    According to Ayurveda, Black Gram is the holy grail for mature skin. Ayurveda's belief in graceful aging brings the holistic gift of Black Gram for firming, toning and deeply moisturizing skin that’s matured significantly over the years. This Ayurvedic ingredient contains many minerals to help the skin glow with softness and elasticity. 

    Next time, when you make a skincare purchase, look for some of these ingredients in the long list. If you spot them, rest assured, you’re in good hands!  

    Adopt an Ayurvedic skincare routine 

    Blemishes occur due to intrinsic and extrinsic reasons, and both these factors are dependent on each other. It is hard to pin-point only intrinsic factors without also getting the extrinsic aspects correct.

    For centuries now, Ayurveda has recognized the importance of herbs and spices naturally found in nature, to help ratify the appearance of blemishes on skin.

    There are traditional Ayurvedic formulations that use the synergy of these herbs and ingredients to keep skin looking clear and squeaky clean.

    At iYURA, we formulate pure, authentic, traditional Ayurveda in a modern, usable, alluring format, with results that are not mere promises – the gorgeous glow on your face would speak for it.

    These Dosha-specific formulations help keep skin clean from inside-out and shine through with a brilliant radiance. 

    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Night-Time Face Oil
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Night-Time Face Oil
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Natural Moisturizer for Glowing Skin
    Manjish Face Oil for Even Skin Tone
    Manjistha Oil Ayurveda Experience
    Manjish Facial Oil for Skin Brightening
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Night-time face oil by iYURA
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Night-time skincare oil
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Natural Face Moisturizer
    Manjish Oil for Face
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Natural Skincare for Dry Skin

    Manjish Glow Elixir  

    Night-time skin-reviving Face oil uber-rich in Manjish for even-looking complexion

    Glow-giving, even-toning and complexion-restoring Ayurvedic formulation

    Pacifies Pitta Dosha 

    Learn more
    Kesaradi Oil - Best Face Moisturizer for Natural Glow Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Best Face Moisturizer for Natural Glow Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Best Face Moisturizer for Natural Glow Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Best Face Moisturizer for Natural Glow Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Best Face Moisturizer for Natural Glow Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Best Face Moisturizer for Natural Glow Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Best Face Moisturizer for Natural Glow Face oil iYURA

    Kesaradi Brightening Face Oil 

    Saffron or ‘Kesar’-rich day-time Face oil for nourished, glowing and soft skin.

    Brightening, Revitalizing and Uber Nourishing formulation for your mornings!

    Pacifies Vata and Pitta Doshas 

    Learn more
    Paraania - The One-Pump Power-Dose for Pristine Skin Face oil iYURA
    Paraania - The One-Pump Power-Dose for Pristine Skin Face oil iYURA
    Ayurveda's 1-Pump Daily Solution for Problem Skin - Paraania
    Vegan, Natural Solution for Clear, Beautiful Skin - Paraania
    Natural Ingredients for Detoxed, Spot-Free Skin - Paraania

    Paraania Face Oil 

    Dita Bark and Neem-rich Face Oil, specifically formulated for blemished-looking skin.

    Gently purifies your skin and reduces the appearance of blemishes

    Pacifies Pitta Dosha 

    Learn more
    Turmerisa Double - Turmeric Facial Essence - Ayurvedic Activator
    Turmerisa Double - Turmeric Facial Essence - Ayurvedic Activator
    Doubly-fortified with Power of 2 kinds of Turmeric
    Turmerisa - Natural Facial Essence By iYURA
    Facial essence by iYURA | Best for Dull skin & clogged pores

    Turmerisa Double-Turmeric Face Oil Activator 

    Powered with Turmeric’s double skin-cleansing and brightening properties to activate any Ayurvedic face oil

    With Glow activation and youth-boosting effects

    Pacifies Kapha and Pitta Doshas 

    Learn more
    Prinourish Skin-Enriching Superfood Serum - With Almond Oil, Olive Oil, Turmeric, Mango and More Ayurvedic Herbs Face oil iYURA
    Prinourish Skin-Enriching Superfood Serum - With Almond Oil, Olive Oil, Turmeric, Mango and More Ayurvedic Herbs Face oil iYURA
    iYURA Prinourish Skin-Enriching Superfood Serum - With Almond Oil, Olive Oil, Turmeric, Mango and More Ayurvedic Herbs Face oil
    Prinourish Skin-Enriching Superfood Serum
    Prinourish Skin-Enriching Superfood Serum iYURA
    iYURA Prinourish Skin-Enriching Superfood Serum
    iYURA Prinourish Serum
    Prinourish Skin-Enriching Superfood Serum - Natural Ayurvedic Oil
    iYURA Prinourish Skin-Enriching Superfood Serum - Natural Ayurvedic Oil
    Prinourish Skin-Enriching Superfood Serum - Best Ayurvedic Face Oil
    Prinourish Skin-Enriching Superfood Serum - With Almond Oil, Olive Oil, Turmeric, Mango and More Ayurvedic Herbs Face oil iYURA
    Prinourish Skin-Enriching Superfood Serum - With Almond Oil, Olive Oil, Turmeric, Mango and More Ayurvedic Herbs Face oil iYURA

    Prinourish Skin Enriching Superfood Serum 

    Wholesome Moisturizer with 11 Ayurvedic Ingredients.

    Also acts as a pre-makeup moisturizer. Contains skin-brightening and nourishing Vitamins to revive the look of dull skin.

    Pacifies Vata Dosha

    Learn more
    Yauvari Youth Spring - Best Face Moisturizer for Dry, Aging Skin Face oil iYURA
    Yauvari Youth Spring - Best Face Moisturizer for Dry, Aging Skin Face oil iYURA
    Yauvari Youth Spring - Best Face Moisturizer for Dry, Aging Skin Face oil iYURA
    Yauvari Youth Spring - Best Face Moisturizer for Dry, Aging Skin Face oil iYURA
    Yauvari Youth Spring - Best Face Moisturizer for Dry, Aging Skin Face oil iYURA

    Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring 

    Black Gram-rich Face oil specifically meant to dry, aging, mature skin

    Deeply firming, toning and moisturizing Ayurvedic face oil 

    Pacifies Vata Dosha 

    Learn more
    Vetrivera Plush and Pure Skin Enhancer - Best Face Oil for Sensitive, Delicate, Dry Skin - Soothes and Softens Skin Face oil iYURA
    Vetrivera Plush and Pure Skin Enhancer - Best Face Oil for Sensitive, Delicate, Dry Skin - Soothes and Softens Skin Face oil iYURA
    Vetrivera Plush and Pure Skin Enhancer - Best Face Oil for Sensitive, Delicate, Dry Skin - Soothes and Softens Skin Face oil iYURA
    Vetrivera Plush and Pure Skin Enhancer - Best Face Oil for Sensitive, Delicate, Dry Skin - Soothes and Softens Skin Face oil iYURA
    Vetrivera Plush and Pure Skin Enhancer - Best Face Oil for Sensitive, Delicate, Dry Skin - Soothes and Softens Skin Face oil iYURA
    Vetrivera Plush and Pure Skin Enhancer - Best Face Oil for Sensitive, Delicate, Dry Skin - Soothes and Softens Skin Face oil iYURA
    Vetrivera Plush and Pure Skin Enhancer - Best Face Oil for Sensitive, Delicate, Dry Skin - Soothes and Softens Skin Face oil iYURA
    Vetrivera Plush and Pure Skin Enhancer - Best Face Oil for Sensitive, Delicate, Dry Skin - Soothes and Softens Skin Face oil iYURA
    Vetrivera Plush and Pure Skin Enhancer - Best Face Oil for Sensitive, Delicate, Dry Skin - Soothes and Softens Skin Face oil iYURA

    Vetrivera Plush and Pure Skin Enhancer

    Your delicate skin’s gentle path to a healthy, radiant soft-as-a-pillow glow and enduring, intense hydration!

    Nourish, soothe and transform dry skin with Look-Recovery Acelerator

    Pacifies Vata and Pitta Dosha

    Learn more
    Varanya Pure Black Seed Even-Toning Facial Potion Face oil iYURA
    Varanya Pure Black Seed Even-Toning Facial Potion Face oil iYURA
    Varanya Pure Black Seed Even-Toning Facial Potion Face oil iYURA
    Varanya Pure Black Seed Even-Toning Facial Potion Face oil iYURA
    Varanya Pure Black Seed Even-Toning Facial Potion Face oil iYURA
    Varanya Pure Black Seed Even-Toning Facial Potion Face oil iYURA
    Varanya Pure Black Seed Even-Toning Facial Potion Face oil iYURA

    Varanya Pure Black Seed Even-Toning Facial Potion

    Ayurveda’s Triple-Black Brightening Specialist for Skin that lacks luster and brilliance

    Reveal an Even-Toned, Brightened and Illuminated Complexion.

    Pacifies Kapha Dosha 

    Learn more

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