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  • FACE
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  • Discover the Ayurvedic Hack to Facial Massage with Secret Massage Points and Get the Look of a Natural Face Lift, Instantly!

    Natural glow, reduced look of fine lines and wrinkles, lightened look of spots...are all just few of the benefits of this potent ‘Skinimalist’ approach.

    On an average, a face lift costs about $7,000 to $11,000, tethered by side effects such as bruising, bleeding, swelling, pain etc. Not worth it!

    On the other hand, imagine having secret points on your face, that when massaged daily, starting now, gives you the instant look of a face lift!

    You don’t have to imagine because one of the principles of the 5,000-year-old Science of Ayurveda talks precisely about such vital, hidden, secret energy points on our bodies, 84,000 to be exact, where various kinds of tissues meet, which when massaged or stimulated can bring balance to your bodily constitution! Out of them, about 108 are generally used therapeutically. Nearly a quarter of the 108 are found on the face!

    Ayurvedic face massages go beyond normal facials  

    An Ayurvedic Marma Face Massage focuses on specific points on your face called 'Marmas' that help relax and tone those facial muscles.

    “The points and the channels that the energy travels in are the energy channels that carry light energy...On doing Marma massage for the face, there’s an interesting quality of light that comes into the face...a glow, a Vital Glow!”

    -Melanie Sachs
    Ayurvedic Lifestyle Counselor 

    “The points and the channels that the energy travels in are the energy channels that carry light energy...On doing Marma massage for the face, there’s an interesting quality of light that comes into the face...a glow, a Vital Glow!”

    -Melanie Sachs
    Ayurvedic Lifestyle Counselor 

    Here’s how you can incorporate an Ayurvedic Marma Facial Massage into your daily skincare routine
    Just a matter of 10-15 minutes and can be done anywhere!


    Take 3-4 drops of a 100% natural Ayurvedic Face oil that suits your skin type.
    You can take more or less as per your moisturizing needs.


    Start with the first Marma on your forehead, called Ajna Marma, meaning ‘making order’, which is located right in the middle of the forehead. (Confused? Refer to the illustration for the exact location) In Ayurvedic meditation, this point is used for increasing focus.

    In Marma Therapy, this point accesses the body’s ‘Master Gland’ - the Pituitary Gland which plays a major role in regulating vital bodily functions and general well-being.

    All you need to do is use your Ayurvedic face oil to draw tiny clockwise spirals, starting at Ajna Marma and let that spiral get bigger and bigger.

    Come on, do it as you read!  

    You might get the feeling that your mind is expanding. Keep doing this for the next 1-2 minutes, then pause at your Ajna Marma, take a deep breath and take your finger away.

    Voila! Don’t you feel more rejuvenated, more awake?

    The best time to massage your Ajna Marma is during the night, before calling it a day.

    It is recommended you use a 100% Natural, Ayurvedic night-time face oil to perform this easy procedure, one that contains within it the powers to moisturize your skin deeply and smoothen the look of those ‘worry lines’ on your forehead.


    You see the point where the hair meets your forehead, in the temple area, above your eye-brow arch? That’s where the Utkshepa Marma is located, on either side of your forehead/scalp area.

    Massage these two points with circular clockwise motions, for about 2 minutes.

    These points are directly linked to your sense of smell. Massaging this area releases emotional blocks and make you and your facial skin feel rejuvenated.


    Now, just near your Utkshepa Marma, find the point on either side of your head, more precisely, the hollow of your temples (refer to the illustration for the exact location). This point is called the Shankha Marma.

    With just one finger, gently touch the point and massage in a clockwise circle.

    This Marma point is connected to the large intestine and helps regulate digestion. 

    Ayurveda believes that acne, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads are all signs of poor digestion.

    This massage technique can be practiced any time during the day, whenever you feel the need to calm down. It also helps elevate your memory and helps focus too.


    Let’s glow-ify your eyes now!

    Feel the bony orbits of your eyes, the bony edges below and above your eyes. Come to the very corner of your eye. Use your finger slightly like a little hook, as if you were to pull away, your finger would stay there. That point is the Apanga Marma.

    Continue doing this for 30 seconds or a minute. Make sure the pressure is not deep into the eye socket or towards the eye. It’s important that the pressure is slightly on the inside surface of that bony orbit of the eye.

    Apanga Marma is your go-to to improve perception and vision. Massaging this point increase circulation around the eyes, and brings more moisture to the area around your eyes.


    Additionally, there are minor Marmas all the way along the lower bony orbit of the eyes and the upper bony orbit of the eyes. Gently tap along the edges.

    It is also beneficial for the eyes if you just pinch the eyebrows gently. The Marma located right above each eyebrow is known as Avarta Marma.

    This could be practiced at the end of the day to refresh your tired window to your soul.

    The tissue around your eyes is extra tender and tends to get dry easily. Using a completely natural, chemical and paraben-free, lightweight, nutrient-rich Ayurvedic oil would help keep it moisturized and glowing!

    If you already have one of iYURA’s face oils, pick it up and join with us!

    Interesting factoid: Marma is often used in mannerisms. For example: when you say “I’ll think about that” notice how your palm/fingers go instantly to your temples? Or the center of your chin? Marmas are often in use in terms of touching our faces just casually.


    Next, feel that intersection between your nostrils and your cheek? That is your Phana Marma.

    They are deeply linked to the causes of headaches and sinus congestion. It also improves circulation around that area

    Slowly and gently, massage these 2 points on the either side of your nose using your fingertips using circular motion. You can also slightly press these points and release these points. Continue for 30 seconds or a minute.

    This is the point that’s more prone to acne and blackheads. Using a non-invasive targeted Ayurvedic face oil like iYURA’s Paraania, can help moisturize the skin and reduce the look of blackheads and whiteheads.


    Have you been feeling lethargic lately? There’s a Marma point for that too, for times when you need more alertness and increased concentration, for, say a business meeting?! 

    This point is located in the middle of your upper lip, in that little hollow, called the Oshtha Marma.

    Gently press and release this point. Continue doing this for 6 times.

    This point also improves the look of your overall complexion and digestion!


    You can find this next Marma in two locations – Behind your ears and Below your ears. They are known as Vidhur Marma.

    On those super stressful days, massaging these points for a few minutes will help calm your mind, relieve stress and tension in the head.

    Apart from controlling your senses, in particular, ears and the sense of hearing, massaging these points help in reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and promotes a youthful appearance.

    Using a targeted Ayurvedic face massage oil, specifically meant for dry, aging skin would prove beneficial.  


    Last but not the least, Chibuk Marma which lies in the center of the chin regulates the overall appearance of your skin.

    Massaging this point daily for 2-3 minutes promotes a healthy, glowing skin.

    Facial Marma Massage with iYURA

    As an Ayurvedic beauty brand, known and trusted by women across USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, iYURA brings potent, purely Ayurvedic and effective face care formulas to your modern dresser that can help make your daily massage session a fruitful one!

    All our Face Oils benefit skin in the most natural and non-invasive way.

    Unlike other essential oils or lotions available in the market, iYURA’s face oils are cooked and not merely blended, and contains base oils, essential oils and rare, exotic herbs.

    From a sacred, meticulous and laborious process ensues these transformational oils - truly diamonds in the rough!


    Love the Kesaradi Oil! 

    "It has been a wonderful experience for me. I have been using the Kesaradi Oil morning and night. I use about 5 to 7 drops of the oil, and massage my face and neck for about five minutes with it. Love, love, love it..."

    -Angelika T.


    Best facial oil!! 

    "I was so excited when my package came. When I opened the oil the wonderful aroma hit my nose and I felt transported to a tropical locale. Then I finally got to massage the oil into my skin and I looked radiant without ever feeling oily. It’s perfect for my skin type! Very very happy with my purchase!!"

    -Julie M.  


    Love it!

    "...This oil is wonderful! I love the feel of my skin when I massage it on my face! AND I loved the smell!! I will definitely order more!..."

    -Trudy G.  


    Happy Glow

    "I really loved how it made my skin feel, I have oily skin but it didn't make it more oily just gave a brilliant glow. Put in on before bed and massaged it on my face. Aftr I showered it was soft and clean. Definitely a fan."

    -Cheryl S.  

    Try one of these completely Ayurvedic face massage oils that can amplify the results of your daily face massage routines:

    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Natural Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA

    iYURA Kesaradi Oil

    Ayurvedic morning face oil with the signature blend of Saffron, Turmeric, Rose Oil and 16 other powerful Ayurvedic herbs.

    Best Suited for: Dry, Combination, Sensitive and Dull Skin.  

    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Night-Time Face Oil
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Night-Time Face Oil
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Natural Moisturizer for Glowing Skin
    Manjish Face Oil for Even Skin Tone
    Manjistha Oil Ayurveda Experience
    Manjish Facial Oil for Skin Brightening
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Night-time face oil by iYURA
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Night-time skincare oil
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Natural Face Moisturizer
    Manjish Oil for Face
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Natural Skincare for Dry Skin

    iYURA Manjish Glow Elixir

    Ayurvedic night-time face oil with the goodness of Indian Madder, Lemon and Butter Tree Bark.

    Best Suited for: Oily, Acne-prone, Aging Skin 

    Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring Face oil iYURA
    Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring Face oil iYURA
    iYURA Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring Face oil
    Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring Face oil for Wrinkles
    Youth Spring Face Oil for Dry Skin

    iYURA Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring

    Ayurveda’s Ultimate Fountain of Youth for Apparent Firmness, Smoothness and Vibrancy in Aging Skin

    Best Suited for:
    Aging Skin, Dry Skin and Combination Skin 

    Paraania - The One-Pump Power-Dose for Pristine Skin Face oil iYURA
    Paraania - The One-Pump Power-Dose for Pristine Skin Face oil iYURA
    Ayurveda's 1-Pump Daily Solution for Problem Skin - Paraania
    Vegan, Natural Solution for Clear, Beautiful Skin - Paraania
    Natural Ingredients for Detoxed, Spot-Free Skin - Paraania

    iYURA Paraania

    Ayurveda's 1-Pump Vegan Daily Power-Potion to reduce the look of blemishes and to moisturize skin that's often disturbed with acne, blackheads and whiteheads

    Best Suited for: Acne-prone, Blemish-prone, Oily Skin 

    Prinourish Skin-Enriching Superfood Serum - With Almond Oil, Olive Oil, Turmeric, Mango and More Ayurvedic Herbs Face oil iYURA
    Prinourish Skin-Enriching Superfood Serum - With Almond Oil, Olive Oil, Turmeric, Mango and More Ayurvedic Herbs Face oil iYURA
    iYURA Prinourish Skin-Enriching Superfood Serum - With Almond Oil, Olive Oil, Turmeric, Mango and More Ayurvedic Herbs Face oil
    Prinourish Skin-Enriching Superfood Serum
    Prinourish Skin-Enriching Superfood Serum iYURA
    iYURA Prinourish Skin-Enriching Superfood Serum
    iYURA Prinourish Serum
    Prinourish Skin-Enriching Superfood Serum - Natural Ayurvedic Oil
    iYURA Prinourish Skin-Enriching Superfood Serum - Natural Ayurvedic Oil
    Prinourish Skin-Enriching Superfood Serum - Best Ayurvedic Face Oil
    Prinourish Skin-Enriching Superfood Serum - With Almond Oil, Olive Oil, Turmeric, Mango and More Ayurvedic Herbs Face oil iYURA
    Prinourish Skin-Enriching Superfood Serum - With Almond Oil, Olive Oil, Turmeric, Mango and More Ayurvedic Herbs Face oil iYURA

    iYURA Prinourish Skin Enriching Superfood Serum 

    Ayurveda’s Triple-4 – 3 – 2 Formula for Fully Cared-For Skin - with 4 nutritional oils, 4 herbs, 4 spices, 3 fruits and 2 essential oils!

    Best Suited for: Dry Skin Types. Can also be used as a pre-moisturizer for dryer skin types.  

    Turmerisa Double - Turmeric Facial Essence - Ayurvedic Activator
    Turmerisa Double - Turmeric Facial Essence - Ayurvedic Activator
    Doubly-fortified with Power of 2 kinds of Turmeric
    Turmerisa - Natural Facial Essence By iYURA
    Facial essence by iYURA | Best for Dull skin & clogged pores

    iYURA Turmerisa Double-Turmeric Facial Essence

    A Face Oil Activator that can double the benefits of your already potent facial oils! A drop of Turmerisa would just do the trick!

    Suits: All skin types. You only need one drop.  

    iYURA Navikara Renewal Fluid

    Ayurveda’s 7-herb marvel to counter and reverse the impact of fatigue, stress, environmental exposure and macro pollutants on the look of your face and body.

    Best Suited for:
    Dry, Tired, Fatigued Skin 

    Dyumati Brilliant Face and Body Dew Oils iYURA
    Dyumati Brilliant Face and Body Dew Oils iYURA
    Dyumati Brilliant Face and Body Dew Oils iYURA
    Dyumati Brilliant Face and Body Dew Face & Body Oil iYURA
    Dyumati Brilliant Face and Body Dew Face & Body Oil iYURA
    Dyumati Brilliant Face and Body Dew Oils iYURA
    Dyumati Brilliant Face and Body Dew Face & Body Oil iYURA
    Dyumati Brilliant Face and Body Dew Oils iYURA
    Dyumati Brilliant Face and Body Dew Oils iYURA
    Dyumati Brilliant Face and Body Dew Oils iYURA
    Dyumati Brilliant Face and Body Dew Oils iYURA
    Dyumati Brilliant Face and Body Dew Oils iYURA
    Dyumati Brilliant Face and Body Dew Oils iYURA
    Dyumati Brilliant Face and Body Dew Face & Body Oil iYURA
    Dyumati Brilliant Face and Body Dew Face & Body Oil iYURA
    Dyumati Brilliant Face and Body Dew Oils iYURA

    iYURA Dyumati Brilliant Face & Body Dew Duo

    Ayurveda’s Vegan Illuminator Duo that dips your skin from face to feet in an instant glow, deep-seated moisture and plumped appearance of both your face & body.

    Best Suited for: Dry, Dehydrated, Lifeless-looking Skin 



    5 Days in and Fabulous!

    I’ve only used for five days but...these oils are amazing. My skin is firmer and it feels like velvet! The twice daily facial massage starts and ends my days in an indulgent manner that I’ve never felt before! Definitely a wonderful step in self-care! I hope to order more products very soon.

    -Dawn C. 


    Great stuff!

    A little goes a long way. My skin looks way more hydrated and healthy after I massage the oil in twice a day. Both have a light scent that is pleasant. Don’t have to wear base when I use it

    -Christina B.  



    I've been using the nighttime product for a year. Just ordered the morning and enjoying the daily routin. It definintely helps you focus on intention and really massaging in the skin for a lymphatic massage and I feel and see the difference. I'm 50 now and I get so many compliments on my skin, you can't tell my age from my skin. love this product

    -Talia C.



    I love this Ayurvedic oil day/night... I even introduced it to my daughter and she absolutely loves it. The way it makes you feel, it just makes for an amazing massage session I highly recommend!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    -Renee A.  



    The thing I noticed with the first drop of Paraania was the clean ,exhilarating fragrance. It smells so fresh and natural, organic in a wonderful early morning meadow kind of way. I take a few moments just to enjoy the sense of renewal and refreshment that feeling brings. You need only a small amount, two drops, for full facial coverage. It absorbs easily and quickly as you massage it in. After using for only a few weeks, I have noticed a renewed clarity, tone and refinement to my skin which looks healthier and more vibrant than it has in a long time. I love it!

    -Chris G.  


    Finally Getting Results

    The first thing I noticed about this oil was the incredible fragrance when I started applying it. So beautiful! I loved the way one pump provides just enough product so you can comfortably massage the oil into your skin and doesn't leave you skin feeling oily. Afterward when I touch my skin it feels so soft and plump. I use it twice a day and I have noticed a significant difference in the level of moisture in my skin. My cheeks used to feel almost chapped even after using my favourite moisturizer, and this is improving. I have only been using this product for about 2 weeks and I love the results.

    -Deborah C.  


    Beautiful skin, beautiful mind!

    My skin is supple, smooth , and glowing and , equally important, the 5 minute massage in the morning sets the serenity with which I approach the day while the evening massage soothes me into sleep.

    -Michele S.  


    Love the new feel

    I love this oil. Use it once in the morning on clean, dry skin, massage in well, wait for a bit and finish with a moisturizer. I love the fragrance and the hint of Jasmine that lingers...my skin feels great.

    -Susan H.  


    This oil is
    easy to apply and makes my face and neck appear more youthful. A few drops massaged into my face and neck every night is all it takes.

    -Susan B.  


    Magic in a bottle

    I have purchased the iYura Day & Night and they are few of the products that didn't disappoint. Rich but not heavy, gentle on skin, easily absorbed, ideal for face massage... It makes a difference. It is food for skin ... and it smells so homey (I can't describe it but first time I used the night oil, it smelled like warm home made bread... ). Highly recommend it!

    -Ramona D.