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  • #Rescue your skin from survival mode to revival mode with the
    Yauvari Youth-Amplifying, Triple-Action NoMoTox Revival Solution!

    #Wipe away years of hydration-starved dry, saggy, dull skin for
    Ultra-Moisturized, Bouncy, and Radiantly Glowing Face and Décolletage! 

    Sometimes, it’s not what you want, but what you need.
    And sometimes, with certain choices, you don’t have to compromise between your wants and needs.


    The perfect union of wants and needs—YAUVARI NoMoTox Revival Solution
    the long-awaited, long-term resolution to dryness, sagginess, and dullness due to years of hydration-starved skin. 

    iYURA brings you the 100% natural, non-toxic, chemical-free, clinically-tested Ayurvedic answer to the gaping question: 

    How do I strike the perfect balance between embracing aging beautifully and vibrantly, and reviving my skin’s youthful appearance and radiance? 

    Here’s the antidote—Nature’s perfect blend of youth, beauty, and wisdom. 

    • A 100/100-scoring formula* specially designed to revive moisture, radiance, and volume in three over-exposed areas—face, neck, and chest—prone to sun damage and premature aging. 
    • Revive the youthful appearance of the face, neck, and chest skin, to make it look taut and supple again, with a meticulously crafted formula derived from the treasure trove of a 5000-year-old ancient science. 
    • A recherché protein-rich legume is the crème de la crème ingredient of this non-pore-clogging oil that helps to enhance the appearance of skin volume. 
    • Terrifyingly tired and troubled skin becomes and stays terrifically taut and toned with daily use over time.  
    • Aging, agitated skin gets a new lease of life and a burst of refreshing energy with the stimulating combination of soothing herbs, skin-brightening spices, refreshing fruits, and deeply moisturizing base oils.  
    • Ultralight, highly absorbent natural oil leaves the skin smooth, soft, and rejuvenated.  
    • Its intense efficacy lies in its process-driven, action-oriented Revival Solution focused on moisture, radiance, volume revival at just about any time of the day!  
    • Mild and tantalizing scent lingers in the air like a revitalizing cool breeze on a warm summer day.  
    Get this PRO-AGING game changer NOW!

    Who thought swollen lips, cheeks, and forehead would someday become the ultimate measure of youth and beauty? 

    Why should beauty and skin care be painful? 

    Who thought the being-stung-by-bees look would become a benchmark of attractiveness? 

    When did droopy eyelids, a crooked smile, and a frozen, stiff, plasticky face become the side-effects of beauty? 

    How did a life-threatening, food-poisoning-causing bacterium become a quick fix for facial wrinkles?  

    Wouldn’t it be nice to retain the full range of your facial expressions and leave the poker face at poker tables?  

    How about not giving Madame Tussauds wax models a run for their money? 

    Every other anti-aging campaign makes us feel like our face is weighed down by decades of toxic cosmetics, toxic exes, processed foods, office politics, and years of nicotine or caffeine addiction... A face weathered by skin damage, sagginess, dullness, and loss of moisture, which can’t be reversed overnight through natural means.

    Sure, you could reverse some of the signs of your aged and damaged skin with quick fixes like cosmetic procedures and neurotoxin injectables.  

    But what if the solution lies in a completely safe, long-term, non-toxic, 100% natural way that allows you to age gracefully and gratefully? Imagine an aging face enhancement that would return the appearance of your skin’s lost youth without the pain of needles or breaking the bank!  

    Revival is possible without life-threatening toxins or toxic chemicals frequently
    used in skincare products and cosmetic injectables. 

    The solution, a truly effective solution, lies in this NoMoTox’ treasure that restores beauty to being real and caring, which is painless and UPLIFTING, both emotionally and practically! ;-) 

    Turn years of neglect into decades of nurture... 

    The NoMoTox Revival Solution, an aging skin detox, is a synthesis of product efficacy and an action-driven process. It’s this perfect blend of the innovative pro-aging, youth-amplifying, Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring and a few easy-to-use steps that help you achieve your desired skincare results.

    nomotox revival solution

    What TRULY sets apart the youth amplifying Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring from countless other complicated skincare rituals and countertop cluttering toxic cosmetics is the revolutionary new—NoMoTox Revival Solution. This skincare solution, your very own skin health revolution, is completely non-toxic and 100% natural—that’s why we call it NoMoTox! 

    Imagine purchasing a boxed cake mix that doesn’t come with a recipe or instructions? Or, even if it does, what if you didn’t know the family secret of how to bake that perfectly moist chocolate cake straight from the box? The same holds true for skincare products. Without knowing the proper process of how and why the youth amplifying Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring works, you may not get the results you want and need. And while every exquisitely designed bottle of Yauvari comes with detailed ‘How to Use’ directions, we are excited to let you in on the “family secret” that makes this gem of a natural oil work wonders on mature skin.


    Why is the iYURA Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring SO EFFECTIVE at phenomenally reducing the appearance of dry, saggy, and dull skin with daily use over time?  

    Of all the completely natural, non-toxic ingredients, the phenomenal power ingredients—Touch-Me-Not plant [Mimosa pudica], Nutgrass [Cyperus rotundus], Vetiver [Vetiveria zizanioides]—along with the dynamic Sesame seed oil, work vigorously to Soothe, Smooth, Restore, and Revive damaged, agitated, and stressed skin. If before your skin was merely surviving, now with Yauvari, it will start thriving! 

    Mimosa pudica, or the shy and demure Touch-Me-Not plant seed, is quite literally a miracle skincare ingredient with its soothing and calming properties. Other than sharing its first name with the popular bubbly and refreshing Sunday brunch cocktail, the Mimosa pudica is also known to have refreshing and cooling effects on parched skin. 

    mimosa pudica

    Cyperus rotundus, or the perennial grass-like plant, Nutgrass, is known for drought tolerance. Packed with natural goodness, this ingredient works wonders for restoring radiance and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. With no toxic elements, the Nutgrass rhizome is specially included in this youthful-appearance-reviving formula to make the skin appear taut and toned. 

    cyperus rotundus

    Vetiveria zizanioides, or Vetiver is a perennial tufted grass with fragrant roots. In the iYURA Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring, the root of Vetiver helps to brighten and refresh the skin. Light and gentle on the skin, known for its toning and cooling effects, its enchanting aroma can make your day, ushering a bounty of skin benefits. 

    vetiverisa zizanioides

    Sesamum indicum, or quite simply known as Sesame, is the key base oil that makes the phenomenal four ingredients a force to reckon with. The protein and zinc in Sesame seed oil are just what your skin needs to feel moisturized and smooth. Derived from the seeds of the flowering sesame plant, sesame seed oil has vitamins A and E, which improve the appearance of skin’s texture and give it a youthful-looking glow. 

    sesamum indicum

    The potent synthesis of these four miracle ingredients—Touch-Me-Not, Nutgrass, Vetiver, and Sesame—part of a formula straight from a 5000-year-old treasure trove for better skin health, a mystical repository of skin wealth, makes them a 

    FOURnomenal FOURce to reckon with! 

    Countless new and repeat customers across the world
    swear by the time-tested benefits of the daily use of this easy-to-use skincare solution.



    Saw unbelievable results within days!! I’m 51 years old, and I saw considerable change under my eyes!! ... My skin became tighter, firmer, and had a beautiful glow to it in just under week!! I have used Emu oil for years and will now change to this!! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!"

    - Stephanie S. (Verified Buyer☑️ )

    Age: 51 | United States


    "Treat your skin!!!

    I’ve tried nearly all of The Ayurvedic Experience facial and body oils and this is one I like to use every day. It’s light, the scent is heavenly and my skin just soaks it up without a greasy feel. I was told I looked 53 the other day …. :) must be the oil"

    - Jane R. (Verified Buyer☑️ )

    Age: 72 | Canada



    I never leave reviews, but this product blew my expectation out of the water, so I had to post saying how much I love it! Within just a handful of days I could see results on my skin, and I was amazed. Not to mention I have very sensitive skin, so I’m always afraid to use new products and have been really sensitive to most products in my lifetime. After a week of use... My skin has been brightened, has a moisturized glow to it and a smooth texture. I will never stop talking about this product!"

    - Becky

    Age: 42 | United States



    ... after using it every evening after my shower I see amazing results! I wish I did a before and after picture! I’ve been using a high end serum on my face and neck and it’s worked but not nearly as fast and doesn’t enhance my skin’s natural tone and my skin literally has a soft glow. @55 yrs old, that’s just FIERCE! I’m Hawaiian and Sicilian and it’s brought out that wonderful skin color glow I use to have in my younger day’s. ... I’m hooked for sure. And I recommend 100% over those high end serums!"

    - Cheryl H. 

    Age: 55 


    "The best of the best

    I am so excited to finally found the best oil for my skin. I have tried so many things and get frustrated with the minimal results. But this is the best and last oil I will use. I have had deep set wrinkles in my forehead and eye area (I am over 60) and wanted to see how good this is. I was shocked maybe a week and my face is looking so much better it is super soft like a velvet feel. The wrinkles are so less noticeable, and I could not be more thrilled. Thank you for a fine product."

    - Janet P.

    Age: 62 | United States


    Let us spill the beans, or in this case, legumes, on this potent ingredient!

    Drum roll, please! We are excited to share one of the best-kept secrets of the ancient science and wisdom of Ayurveda, which lies in a small yet potent crowning jewel of ingredients—Black Gram. 

    vigna mungo

    Vigna mungo is a tiny legume that is full of protein, vitamins, minerals, and polyphenols. No wonder it is revered as the holy grail for skincare in Ayurveda! The phytochemical component in this potent ingredient is what gives it the superpower to revive your skin’s natural glow and promote that soft and supple feeling!

    Being packed with phosphorus, vitamin B , potassium, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamine, and riboflavin gives black gram the ability to make mature, aged skin taut and toned. That is, buoyancy from this protein-rich legume revives fatigued, sagging, and aging skin.

    If decades of sun exposure and toxic cosmetics have wreaked havoc on your skin, making it sad and saggy, then it’s time for a black gram intervention, to restore your skin’s natural shine and suppleness.

    Wait! You don’t want to miss out on the juicy, spicy, tantalizing parts of the family secret we let you in on, do you? 

    Yauvari isn’t a short-term sagging skin fix. It's a long-term aged skin revival! BUY NOW!

    Yauvari brings in a whole gamut of potent ingredients ushering in a much-needed non-sticky lightness, high-absorbency, non-pore clogging, and captivating aroma to this youth-amplifying, skin-rejuvenating natural oil. 


    stone appe

    Stone Apple 

    This popular fruit is also called the fruit of the ancient gods! Known to give the skin a deeply healthy look, it helps in brightening the skin and keeping it clean and pure. This fruity ingredient is packed with various nutrients like beta-carotene, protein, riboflavin, and vitamin C.  

    black plum

    Black Plum 

    This wonder fruit is really recommended as a part of one’s daily diet to maintain sugar level. But for the skin? That rosy, lively glow, and a clean and clear look is one of its gifts to you! 



    This formula uses Mango leaves which are known to provide the body with those nutrients that wage the war against the appearance of aggressive aging. 


    …sans any tingling or burning sensation! The slight pungency in the combination of four spices, in a tiny amount, is just the right quantity to help keep your skin pores unclogged WITHOUT causing any irritation as confirmed by a self-assessment test and thousands of testimonials. 



    Turmeric is an all-rounder in the skincare game. From being the expert detoxifier to honing the healthy glow and flow of your skin, it can do it all. The rhizome used in this formula, keeps the pores looking neat and decongested for a smoother appearance! 



    Ginger rhizome unclogs your skin’s pores and gives it a soft, hydrated, and supple appearance. It gives your skin just the right amount of stimulation, breaking down build-ups, and unleashing a smooth surface. 

    black pepper

    Black Pepper 

    Black Pepper plays an important role in this formula to give the skin a glossy look and feel. It works on the top layer of your skin to make it look polished, clean, and silky!  

    long pepper

    Long Pepper 

    Long Pepper is like the skin gatekeeper, or a bouncer, if you will, that keeps the bad guys out. This spice will give you the clean, non-bumpy, and clarified look that you’d always want. 


    neroli, frakincense, lime

    The romantic triad, the aromatic synthesis of Frankincense, Neroli, and Lime in this oil will remind you of that enchanting allure of failing in love, making you want to dab this truly heavenly, hypnotic, and scintillating oil all over your face, neck, chest area all the time!  

    rice ran oil

    When these fragrant ingredients are blended with Rice Bran oil that contains vitamins B and E, your skin is not only hydrated and moisturized, but also looks supple, glowing, and ‘bouncy’. Rice Bran oil also contains squalene known to impart a young and smooth-looking, fresh glow to the skin.  

    Yauvari’s hypnotic fragrance makes thousands of customers keep coming back for more... 


    "Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring is Amazing!

    I can’t rave enough about this product! The feel of your skin after you apply it, the way your skin glows and the scent…heavenly! I am genuinely hooked, and I recommend to everyone. I’ve just ordered a second bottle for myself and one for my sister and I cant wait for her to try it."

    - Sheila G. 

    Age: 66 | Canada


    "Love it.

    First of all when I opened the bottle the scent reminded me of my mother and since she is gone it was such a wonderful experience it brought so much joy and lovely memories of her. She have wonderful skin all the way up to her passing at 92. I have different skin and now it feels like silk and smells fabulous."

    - Susanne M.  

    Age: 55 | United States


    "My Favorite

    This is my favorite face oil. My skin looks so great since I started using this product. It soaks into the skin and I love the scent- I find it relaxing on the mind. The packing is pretty and it shipped pretty quick. I really have got rid of all other creams. I use this at night and another one of their oils during the day. I’m happy and I’ll continue to use this."

    - Tanya R.

    Age: 48 | United States

    This wonderfully blended and carefully balanced skin vigor and vitality restorer will replenish, rejuvenate, and moisturize skin, and seamlessly revive its gloss, shine, and softness.

    And something that most worry about with natural oils, is the oiliness and stickiness that come with the territory. Even though made from oils and extracts, Yauvari is not oily, rather, just oily enough to leave your parched skin moisturized and supple, with a matte finish that is visibly juicy and delectable!  

    full list of ingredient


    Sesame Seed Oil [Sesamum Indicum], Rice Bran Oil [Oryza Sativa], Black Gram [Vigna Mungo], Touch-Me-Not Plant [Mimosa Pudica], Nut Grass [Cyperus Rotundus], Black Creeper [Ichnocarpus Frutescens], Vetiver [Vetiveria Zizanioides], Turmeric [Curcuma Longa], Stone Apple [Aegle Marmelos], Black Plum [Eugenia Jambolana], Mango [Mangiifera Indica], Ginger [Zingiber Officinale], Black Pepper [Piper Nigrum], Long Pepper [Piper Longum], Essential Oils of Frankincense [Boswellia Serrata], Neroli [Citrus Aurantium] and Lime [Citrus Aurantifolia]. 


    Size: 50 ml (1.69 oz) 

    non toxic
    100% natural
    noharmful chemicals
    free shipping
    Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring - Best Face Moisturizer for Dry Skin, Aging or Mature Skin - Replaces Your Anti Aging Moisturizer - Natural Skincare for Aging Skin Face oil iYURA
    Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring - Best Face Moisturizer for Dry Skin, Aging or Mature Skin - Replaces Your Anti Aging Moisturizer - Natural Skincare for Aging Skin Face oil iYURA
    Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring - Best Face Moisturizer for Dry Skin, Aging or Mature Skin - Replaces Your Anti Aging Moisturizer - Natural Skincare for Aging Skin Face oil iYURA
    Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring - Best Face Moisturizer for Dry Skin, Aging or Mature Skin - Replaces Your Anti Aging Moisturizer - Natural Skincare for Aging Skin Face oil iYURA
    Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring - Best Face Moisturizer for Dry Skin, Aging or Mature Skin - Replaces Your Anti Aging Moisturizer - Natural Skincare for Aging Skin Face oil iYURA
    Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring - Best Face Moisturizer for Dry Skin, Aging or Mature Skin - Replaces Your Anti Aging Moisturizer - Natural Skincare for Aging Skin Face oil iYURA
    Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring - Best Face Moisturizer for Dry Skin, Aging or Mature Skin - Replaces Your Anti Aging Moisturizer - Natural Skincare for Aging Skin Face oil iYURA
    Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring - Best Face Moisturizer for Dry Skin, Aging or Mature Skin - Replaces Your Anti Aging Moisturizer - Natural Skincare for Aging Skin Face oil iYURA
    30 days money back guarantee

    iYURA Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring

    for Mature, Aging Skin

    For Apparent Moisture, Radiance, and Volume Revival in Aging Skin

    • Revives the look of dry, dull, and saggy skin
    • Can be used all throughout the day 
    • Light, non-sticky, colorless, and completely non-staining oil
    • No preservatives, added chemicals, or any other toxic nasties 
    • 100% natural, non-toxic Ayurvedic formulation
    • Vegan, not tested on animals

    Size: 50 ml (1.69 oz) 



    If you buy today, you'll get a FREE Mini Kesaradi Glow Oil - with your order!
    The FREE Gift will get added to your cart automatically!


    30-Day Money-Back Guarantee + Free Shipping


    Our products are not only based on sound Ayurvedic knowledge, they’re also scientifically tested. And here’s the thing, rarely do you come across a product that scores a 100 on it all!

    In a *self-assessment questionnaire by an independent research firm, participants used Yauvari every day for a period of 28 days. Each participant evaluated Yauvari on 10 parameters.

    In just 4 weeks, all 33 participants were in 100% agreement
    ALL 10 parameters*

    --- PROVEN RESULTS ---

    Day 7 



    Day 14 



    Day 28 



    that Yauvari aced it all...

    • Reduces dryness 
    • Softens skin 
    • Improves skin texture
    • Makes skin look youthful  
    • Quickly absorbs into the skin 
    • Does not leave the skin sticky  
    • Spreads evenly on the face 
    • Does not cause itching
    • Does not cause irritation 
    • Does not cause burning sensation 

    *Based on a self-assessment questionnaire by an independent research firm with 33 participants that used Yauvari for 28 days and evaluated it on 10 parameters.

    Read FAQs below for details. 

    Oftentimes, the mere mention of a skincare oil makes you wonder if it’s sticky, smelly, thick, greasy, and pore-clogging. As the results reveal, you can put all such fears to rest, as we passed the test! All the 33 self-assessment participants felt that Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring is a light, non-sticky, non-pore-clogging, aromatic oil that spreads evenly and quickly absorbs into the skin.

    What’s more, results of the self-assessment test clearly show that this oil was found to effectively reduce the appearance of dryness, soften the skin, improve its texture, and revive the skin’s youthful appearance.

    Think of it like this, it's OK that the hectic lifestyle of your 20s, 30s, and 40s took a toll on your skin health. With Yauvari, now you can have the balanced, nutritious diet that your skin lacked all those years. 

    Get back your skin mojo, with the iYURA Yauvari skincare MO! 

    With the Yauvari NoMoTox Revival Solution, there are just so many “best parts”, that it is easy to forget how easy it is to remember to use it daily.

    You may use it at any time of the day—morning, noon, or night. 

    Here are 3 easy steps to skin revival: 

    After cleansing your face, take a drop or few of the Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring.

    After cleansing your face, take a drop or few of the Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring.

    Gently dab this soothing oil all over the face, neck, and chest for an even spread.

    Gently dab this soothing oil all over the face, neck, and chest for an even spread. 

    Lightly massage in the ultralight, aromatic oil until its absorbed into the skin for a moisturized, radiating, volumizing glow.

    Lightly massage in the ultralight, aromatic oil until its absorbed into the skin for a moisturized, radiating, volumizing glow.

    The NoMoTox Revival Solution is a face, neck, chest area moisture, radiance, volume reviver specially crafted to completely overhaul all your existing, painfully complicated skincare products and rituals. 

    1. Moisture Revival:

    1. Moisture Revival:  

    Do this skincare ritual daily to replenish moisture of your hydration-starved skin. Just wash the face, neck, and chest area with a light cleanser and evenly massage in a few drops of this ultra-moisturizing oil until completely absorbed. Upon daily use, you will immediately notice a visible reduction in skin dryness and long-term moisture revival. 

    2. Radiance Revival:

    2. Radiance Revival: 

    After cleansing face, neck, and chest area, take a few drops of this radiance booster in your clean palms, evenly spread all over, and lightly massage until completely absorbed. Do this simple skincare ritual every day to reduce the appearance of skin dullness and rejuvenate its magnetic radiance. 

    3. Volume Revival:

    3. Volume Revival:

    To get a skin volume boost, after a quick face, neck, chest area cleanse, take a few drops of this 100% natural oil in your clean palms, lightly dab all over your face, neck, and chest area, and gently massage until completely absorbed. Do this quick and easy daily skincare ritual to restore the look of skin volume and revive its juicy suppleness over time.  

    Pick your transformative skin care resolution with The NoMoTox Revival Solution!

    Do you know the absolute best part about the Yauvari NoMoTox Revival Solution?

    Unlike those vitamins (A, Bs, C, E, K) and acids (AHAs, BHAs, PHAs), where you need to remember to use them at specific times during the day—use in the morning, but NOT at night, or use ONLY once in three days—with The NoMoTox Revival Solution, it's always a good time to dab and massage in a few drops of the Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring any time of the day.

    What makes your skin truly thrive is The NoMoTox Revival Solution, that keeps the youthful appearance reviving Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring running optimally and at its highest potential.

    Does all this sound too good to be true? Sit back, relax, and keep on reading. 

    There’s more, a lot more, and we have barely scratched the surface with this miracle skincare solution as unravelled in the complete natural goodness of Yauvari, your very own knight in shining armor to rescue your skin from decades of dryness, sagginess, and dullness. 

    LET THE 

    Tox-NoMoTox FACE-OFF


    Let’s be clear, Yauvari is no alternative to cosmetic injectables, nor is it comparable. But we believe it is important for you to know how that could influence the health of your beauty and skin in the long run.

    When it comes to youthful appearance revival, we don’t make those overnight, short-term facial enhancement claims, which could sometimes also have horrific, long-term side effects after improper frequent, and prolonged use, such as muscle weakness, droopy eyelid and eyebrow, restricted facial movements, and such.

    We do, however, claim skin appearance revival of your face, neck, and chest area with the daily use of this moisture-volume-radiance restoring Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring, that too, with long-term benefits. 


    ROUND 1: 


    A popular cosmetic injectable made from a toxin produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacterium is known to cause the life-threatening food poisoning called botulism. While such neurotoxin injectables are used in small doses to treat several health problems, they gained massive popularity as a magic bullet to treat facial wrinkles and sagginess.

    The iYURA Yauvari NoMoTox Revival Solution is 100% natural, vegan, with non-toxic, chemical-free ingredients. This natural oil is made of ingredients free of any synthetic chemicals. While Yauvari isn’t a replacement for cosmetic injectables, it will make you fall in love with your aging skin’s natural beauty with its moisture, radiance, and volume revived.  


    ROUND 2: 

    Pain Levels

    Pain levels vary depending on dosage, treatment modality, patient medical history, pain threshold, and such. In addition to the possible injection site slight pinching or stinging sensation, followed by pain, swelling, or bruising typically lasting a few hours, some patients also report more long-term migraines after cosmetic injections.

    The iYURA Yauvari NoMoTox Revival Solution is painless and pain-free, literally and figuratively! Compared with other natural oils, clinical test and self-assessment test results show how this oil is completely non-sticky, and quickly absorbs into the skin. Other painless benefits include its mild aroma and the fact that it’s light, clear, and non-staining. Yauvari is truly only gain, and no pain!   


    ROUND 3: 

    Side Effects 

    Cosmetic injectables for treating age-related facial lines, wrinkles, and sagginess has several potential adverse side effects, if given incorrectly. Immediate side effects include droopy eyelids, crooked eyebrows, flu-like symptoms, injection site infection, dry eyes, headache, crooked smile, drooling, watery eyes, among others.

    In some cases, possible long-term side effects include muscle weakness, vision problems, breathing difficulties, trouble swallowing or talking, allergic reactions, loss of facial sensation, among others. While we recommend checking the full list of ingredients for allergies and doing a patch test before daily use of this natural oil, the non-toxic, 100% natural ingredients in iYURA Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring are known to be completely safe. Preliminary clinical trial and a self-assessment test, along with countless testimonials, reviews, and ratings, reveal that this natural oil is not known to cause skin irritation, itching, or burning sensation.  


    ROUND 4: 


    Effects and benefits of neurotoxin injections aren’t lifelong. Depending on what’s being treated, typically, effects may last anywhere between 3 and 6 months. Follow-up injections every three months are required to maintain the effects of the treatment.

    Although, the ultimate, optimal benefit of iYURA Yauvari comes with the daily adoption of the triple-action NoMoTox Revival Solution, a once-a-day ritual is also good for a quick skin rejuvenation. With the daily, long-term use of this natural oil, designed for reviving mature and aging facial, neck, and chest skin, the benefits are also long term.  


    ROUND 5: 


    The cost differs depending on what and where you’re getting injectables for. Let’s say you want to reduce your forehead wrinkles. You can expect to pay between $200 and $300 for the 8 to 20 units of an average forehead treatment. That means you could end up paying up to $300 for a painful procedure. And bear in mind, with such cosmetic treatments, you’d need to get follow-up shots to maintain that youthful appearance.

    The iYURA Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring comes in a 50 ml pump for $48 USD, which is quite a bargain for all the benefits it packs. Considering the natural goodness, high efficacy, 5000-year-old Ayurvedic formula, and gorgeous packaging of Yauvari, a 50 ml bottle for under $50 is really a dream deal! 


    ROUND 6: 


    Cosmetic injectables are quite a big commitment considering all the before-, during-, and after-procedure steps and preps necessary for desired results. After a series of screenings and tests, your health care provider decides which type of injection is right for you. Before the procedure, you may need to stop taking certain vital medications. After the procedure, you can’t rub the treated areas for 24 hours, nor can you lie down for up to 4 hours after getting the shots.

    The iYURA Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring comes in a convenient 50 ml pump, and as thousands of reviews testify, it doesn’t hurt that the bottles are beautiful and easy on the eyes! Plus, we can’t emphasize enough how easy it is to use this volume, moisture, radiance reviving natural oil, specially designed for aging facial and décolletage skin.  


    ROUND 7: 

    Time Investment

    With neurotoxin injectables, in addition to the pain, potential adverse side effects, inconvenience, and recurring expenses, they also tend to be quite a time-consuming and cumbersome process. Once you sign up for such cosmetic treatments, you are pretty much stuck as you need to keep coming back for follow-up injections to maintain that instant but short-term youthful appearance.

    The Yauvari NoMoTox Revival Solution is an easy-to-use, easy-to-remember pro-age natural oil that makes you embrace mature skin. For optimum skin revival and lower the appearance of facial and décolletage dryness, sagginess, and dullness, follow the daily morning, midday, and nighttime rituals. The best part about our skincare ritual is that it's not regimental. Your aging skin would thank you even if you apply this skin rejuvenating oil only once a day. 



    Your skin safety matters to us. So, we have a clinical trial AND self-assessment test to earn bragging rights! And because we like to outperform, we ALSO did a one-drop palm test, across 7 areas, so you could put ALL your fears and concerns to rest. Even so, it won’t hurt to do a patch test before you could no longer resist buying the youthful-appearance-reviving Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring!

    Take a drop of Yauvari in your clean palm and rub it in until it gets completely absorbed into your skin. The first thing you will most likely notice about this oil is its almost clear color and light consistency, followed by an enticing aroma. Soon, you’ll find out how it is completely non-sticky and non-staining. Finally, you will see how this oil doesn’t leave any residue and gets quickly absorbed into the skin, with your palms feeling soft, smooth, and taut. And that’s only after a single drop of one application!

    • Absorbency: Gets absorbed quickly with continuous massage  
    • Color: Clear and no apparent tinge or shade  
    • Consistency: Light to average 
    • Efficacy: Skin feels taut, smooth, and soft after one application 
    • Scent: Mild scent lingers for a short while 
    • Stain: Doesn’t leave any residue or stain 
    • Texture: No stickiness, greasiness, or oiliness 

    iYURA Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring is an experience of a lifetime like our countless repeat customers vouch for! 


    "Liquid gold 

    First, customer service is beyond perfection. The packaging is exquisite (no cheap plastic bottles) and each item is packed w loving care. The product itself is heavenly—I’m 55 w combination skin. A former sun addict who never wore sunscreen—this magic potion leaves my skin glowy and, most important, happy! If you want immediate results—ORDER right now!!! I’ve cleaned out my cleanser moisturizer cabinet and I’m in the process of filling it with the beautiful products from Ayurveda. ...I can say this is my forever oil!"

    - Jennifer S.

    Age: 55 | United States 


    "Amazing face oil 

    First of all I’m 70 years ol and have been using these oil products for 5+ years. My face is prone to acne and wearing a face mask just made it worse. Using a regime from Ayurveda has been miraculous as... [it] made a huge difference on my wrinkles even though I really didn’t have much because I used sunscreen diligently since I’m 30 years old. And especially now that I spend 5 months in the winter in Florida. I live in Southern Ontario Canada during spring and summer. I don’t put anything on my face that is laden with chemicals. Our skin is our largest organ, so treat it with the best products. So using the amazing oils from Ayurveda for my face, body and hair is match made in heaven. You can’t go wrong as these oils are soaked up by the skin in no time leaving no greasy film. I’m able to put on my sunscreen mixed with my BB cream right after with amazing results!"


    Age: 70 | Canada

    non toxic
    free shipping
    not tested on animals
    30 days money back guarantee
    no additives or binders
    Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring - Best Face Moisturizer for Dry Skin, Aging or Mature Skin - Replaces Your Anti Aging Moisturizer - Natural Skincare for Aging Skin Face oil iYURA
    Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring - Best Face Moisturizer for Dry Skin, Aging or Mature Skin - Replaces Your Anti Aging Moisturizer - Natural Skincare for Aging Skin Face oil iYURA
    Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring - Best Face Moisturizer for Dry Skin, Aging or Mature Skin - Replaces Your Anti Aging Moisturizer - Natural Skincare for Aging Skin Face oil iYURA
    Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring - Best Face Moisturizer for Dry Skin, Aging or Mature Skin - Replaces Your Anti Aging Moisturizer - Natural Skincare for Aging Skin Face oil iYURA
    Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring - Best Face Moisturizer for Dry Skin, Aging or Mature Skin - Replaces Your Anti Aging Moisturizer - Natural Skincare for Aging Skin Face oil iYURA
    Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring - Best Face Moisturizer for Dry Skin, Aging or Mature Skin - Replaces Your Anti Aging Moisturizer - Natural Skincare for Aging Skin Face oil iYURA
    Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring - Best Face Moisturizer for Dry Skin, Aging or Mature Skin - Replaces Your Anti Aging Moisturizer - Natural Skincare for Aging Skin Face oil iYURA
    Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring - Best Face Moisturizer for Dry Skin, Aging or Mature Skin - Replaces Your Anti Aging Moisturizer - Natural Skincare for Aging Skin Face oil iYURA
    30 days money back guarantee

    iYURA Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring

    for Mature, Aging Skin

    For Apparent Moisture, Radiance, and Volume Revival in Aging Skin 

    • Revives the look of dry, dull, and saggy skin
    • Can be used all throughout the day 
    • Light, non-sticky, colorless, and completely non-staining oil
    • No preservatives, added chemicals, or any other toxic nasties 
    • 100% natural, non-toxic Ayurvedic formulation
    • Vegan, not tested on animals

    Size: 50 ml (1.69 oz) 



    If you buy today, you'll get a FREE Mini Kesaradi Glow Oil - with your order!
    The FREE Gift will get added to your cart automatically!


    30-Day Money-Back Guarantee + Free Shipping

    Imagine taking a dip in one of the pristine clean and clear lakes of this beautiful country on a hot summer day. It feels like being reborn in the comforting arms of Mother Nature.

    When you use the youth-amplifying iYURA Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring every day, your agitated, aged skin is reborn in the gentle infusion of completely non-toxic, nasty-chemical free, 100% natural ingredients.  

    Don’t reinvent the wheel—turn the wheel of time with Yauvari NoMoTox Revival Solution! 


    "I tried expensive products and came back to this one 

    I was using this youth oil regularly, and I was getting compliments about my skin still looking young with no wrinkles. Foolishly, I caved to advertising and thought I needed something with retinol so I purchased an expensive face oil… After two weeks With no results, and actually negative results… I stopped using the expensive product and went back to my Yauvari Amplified Youth oil. It truly does make a difference. For me I’m 48, no need for those expensive products anymore. Also this company has excellent return policy if you are unhappy with a product."  

    - Danielle C. 

    Age: 48 | United States


    "Finally Getting Results

    The first thing I noticed about this oil was the incredible fragrance when I started applying it. So beautiful! I loved the way one pump provides just enough product so you can comfortably massage the oil into your skin and doesn’t leave you skin feeling oily. Afterward when I touch my skin it feels so soft and plump. I use it twice a day and I have noticed a significant difference in the level of moisture in my skin. My cheeks used to feel almost chapped even after using my favourite moisturizer, and this is improving. I have only been using this product for about 2 weeks and I love the results." 

    - Deborah C. 

    Age: 63 | Canada


    iYURA Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring is specially formulated for aging skin moisture, radiance, and volume revival of over-exposed areas such as your face, neck, and chest area. The formulation derived from a 5000-old ancient science of Ayurveda has 100% natural and non-toxic ingredients.

    Yauvari is non-oily, smooth, velvety, and almost-matte finish, as opposed to what you would expect from an oil.

    Compared with creams and serums, Yauvari oil is clean and sinks in deeply. Creams need preservatives, and even though not all preservatives are bad, why use them when you can use a 100% clean formula instead. Some serums may be water-based, but Yauvari is oil-based which helps in locking in moisture.

    This oil is made by cooking Ayurvedic herbs into it. So, it’s not like a common moisturizing base oil, but a specialized oil which brings the benefit of rare Ayurvedic ingredients straight into your skin.

    The combination of potent ingredients and the process of daily massage is what makes this oil so effective, especially with mature and aging skin.

    The Yauvari NoMoTox Revival Solution isn’t just skin care but self-care as it follows the ancient Ayurvedic principle of massage. A good massage is only possible with a good oil.

    This oil has non-toxic and 100% natural ingredients that are clinically tested and are safe to use. A self-assessment test bolsters thousands of testimonials that confirm how Yauvari is light, non-sticky, and gets completely absorbed into the skin making it smooth and soft, without making it break out. 

    *Self-Assessment Test: In a self-assessment questionnaire conducted by an independent research firm, 33 participants used Yauvari for 28 days and evaluated the oil on 10 parameters of dryness, skin softening, skin texture improvement, skin youthfulness appearance, quick absorption, stickiness, even spreading, itchiness, irritation, and burning sensation. Findings show that all 33 participants had a 100% agreement on all 10 parameters after using Yauvari daily for 28 days. 

    why use ayuvedic skincare poducts?
    what makes a product ayurvedic
    why iyura


    "Love these products!!!

    I have tried many products over the years, these have real results with out all the chemicals ! I was really impresses. I have seen a huge improvement in the texture and glow of my skin I am sensitive skinned redhead and have had no issues. I have ordered more from this line and I am excited to try ! So happy to have found these products. I was very skeptical about a internet product like this but love Ayurvedic life style , these are the real deal try them out! 😊"

    - Amy

    Age: 52 | United States

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