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  • "From Artificial to Authentic:

    Unveiling the Beauty of Natural Skincare"

    A Journey of Change for Your Most Perceptive Organ

    The skin is our body's largest organ, a powerful barrier that protects us from the external environment. But it's more than just a protective shield. It's also an incredibly perceptive organ that responds to even the slightest change in our environment, lifestyle, and the products we apply to it. Today, we're exploring the transformative journey your skin embarks upon when you transition from synthetic to natural skincare products, and how quickly you can anticipate visible changes.

    The Sensitivity of Your Skin

    Your skin is constantly at work, adapting to changes in your environment, diet, stress levels, and the skincare products you use. You might have noticed how your skin reacts when you're stressed, or when you try a new product. That's because your skin cells, specifically the keratinocytes, are programmed to perceive and respond to such changes.

    When you switch from synthetic to natural skincare products, your skin takes notice. Synthetic products often contain harsh chemicals that might cause short-term benefits but can ultimately disrupt your skin's natural processes. Transitioning to natural products introduces your skin to a gentler, more holistic approach to skincare. But how quickly can you expect to see the benefits?

    The Timeline of Change

    While it may differ from person to person, here's what you can expect when you stop using synthetic skincare and switch to natural products:

    Days 1-7: Initial Adjustment

    In the first week of the transition, your skin may go through an adjustment phase. If you were previously using products with synthetic ingredients, such as harsh surfactants, your skin might initially react to their absence. The phrase "it will get worse before it gets better" may apply to your skin and you might notice some minor issues, like increased oiliness or dryness, but these should subside as your skin adjusts to the new, more natural routine.

    Weeks 2-4: Early Improvements

    By the second to fourth week, you will start seeing positive changes. Your skin will begin to feel softer and smoother, thanks to the natural oils and botanical extracts in your new skincare products. If you've had minor skin irritation from your old products, you will see these issues starting to resolve.

    After 1-3 Months: Significant Benefits

    After one to three months, the benefits of natural skincare products become more evident. With consistent use, you will notice a more balanced complexion, reduced redness, or an overall healthier glow. Natural products, rich in antioxidants, can also help mitigate the signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles, giving your skin a more youthful appearance.

    Above all, Consistency is a Must!

    Remember, you're making a significant change in your skincare routine, one that your skin, as the perceptive organ that it is, will acknowledge and eventually, reward you for.

    This reward will not only reach your skin, but will also bless your body from the inside! A healthy shift from synthentic to natural skincare is good for the whole of you, not just your skin!

    The Internal Shift: How Your Body Reacts to the Transition

    Switching to natural skincare is not merely a surface-level change; it also ushers in a profound shift within your body. Our skin, being permeable, absorbs a significant portion of what we apply to it. Synthetic skincare products often contain chemicals that, once absorbed, enter our bloodstream and can have systemic effects.

    Here's how your body might respond internally when you make the transition to natural skincare:

    Immediate Effect: Reduced Exposure to Harmful Chemicals

    From the moment you make the switch, your body’s exposure to potentially harmful synthetic chemicals decreases significantly. Ingredients like parabens and phthalates often found in non-natural skincare products, have been linked to potential hormonal disruptions and other health concerns.

    Weeks 1-4: Detoxification Process

    As you continue using natural skincare products, your body begins a detoxification process. It starts to eliminate residues of the synthetic chemicals previously absorbed through your skin. This is an ongoing process and can result in improved overall wellness, given that the burden on your body's detoxification systems is reduced.

    Detoxification Process

    After 1-3 Months: Enhanced Wellness

    Over time, as your body adjusts to this decrease in chemical exposure, you may experience enhanced overall wellness. Symptoms related to chemical sensitivity, such as headaches or fatigue, may lessen. While these benefits are harder to quantify than external changes, the long-term health implications are significant.

    Enhanced Wellness

    However, it's important to remember that skincare products are just one source of potential chemical exposure. A holistic approach to wellness should consider other aspects like diet, lifestyle, and the use of natural alternatives for household products.

    On the surface level we know that chemicals are bad, they have known horrible side-effects and can make our skin more susceptible to the worsening effects of our environmental stimuli. But these chemicals have a huge negative impact on  our internal health as well. Let's see how:

    Beyond the Surface: Delving into the Internal Impact of Synthetic Skincare Ingredients

    Understanding the potential effects of synthetic chemicals found in non-natural skincare products can help illuminate why the switch to natural skincare is beneficial not just for your skin, but for your overall health. Here are three commonly used synthetic ingredients and their potential impacts on your body:


    Parabens are often used as preservatives in skincare products to prevent bacterial growth and extend shelf life. However, studies have suggested that parabens can penetrate the skin and remain within the tissue. Parabens are endocrine disruptors, meaning they can mimic estrogen in the body. High estrogenic activity is associated with certain forms of breast cancer, and parabens have been found in breast tumor tissue. While more research is needed, the potential link between parabens and health risks has raised concerns.



    Phthalates are commonly used to enhance the performance of skincare products, often as a solvent or to make fragrances last longer. Like parabens, phthalates are also endocrine disruptors. They can interfere with hormone function, potentially leading to reproductive abnormalities and fertility issues. Some studies also suggest links between phthalates and obesity, as well as an increased risk of diabetes.


    Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)

    Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is a surfactant used in many skincare products for its cleansing and foaming properties. SLS is known to be a skin irritant, causing redness, dryness, and itching in some people. However, the concern extends beyond skin irritation. Some studies suggest that SLS could be absorbed into the bloodstream after prolonged exposure, and it may have the potential to act as a hormone disruptor, though this claim requires further research.

    Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)

    Hormone disruption caused by exposure to certain synthetic chemicals can lead to a wide range of symptoms, some of which may be visible. However, it's crucial to understand that these symptoms can be linked to various other conditions as well, and it is important to seek professional medical advice if you are experiencing any health concerns.

    Visible signs of hormone disruption may include:

    • Skin Changes: Changes in hormone levels can lead to various skin problems. For instance, increased androgen levels can cause oily skin and acne. On the other hand, decreased estrogen levels can lead to dryness and premature aging signs, including fine lines and wrinkles.
    • Hair Loss or Hirsutism: Hormonal imbalances can also affect your hair. Elevated androgen levels might cause hirsutism, a condition characterized by unwanted hair growth on the face, back, or chest in women. Conversely, hair loss or thinning can also be a sign of hormonal disruption.
    • Weight Changes: Unexpected weight gain, particularly around the waist, or difficulty losing weight, despite a healthy diet and exercise, could also be signs of hormonal imbalances.
    • Breast Changes: Exposure to estrogen-mimicking chemicals like parabens has been associated with changes in breast tissue, including tenderness or the formation of lumps. However, it's essential to note that such changes can indicate serious conditions, including breast cancer, and immediate medical consultation is advised if you notice any abnormal changes.

    These examples underscore why it's crucial to understand what goes into our skincare products. While the concentration of these chemicals in individual products might be low, long-term exposure and the cumulative effect of using multiple products can lead to a significant chemical load in our bodies. 

    But are "safe synthetics" actually safer?

    There are some scientifically studied, safer synthetics out there that are not as harmful and bad for you as parabens, pthaletes and SLS - the ingredients we talked about earlier, but at this point you must be wondering, can you trust them? 

    Determining the safety of skincare ingredients, whether they're natural or synthetic, requires rigorous scientific research. The perceived safety of ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and niacinamide compared to parabens is based on the current understanding of these substances derived from a plethora of scientific studies.

    Hyaluronic Acid

    Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in our bodies, found primarily in our skin, connective tissue, and eyes. It has an exceptional ability to retain moisture, which is why it's a popular ingredient in skincare products, particularly for anti-aging and moisturizing.

    As for its safety, hyaluronic acid has been studied extensively. It's considered safe for most people and typically causes few side effects when used topically. In fact, it's also used in certain medical procedures, including eye surgeries and arthritis treatments.

    Hyaluronic Acid


    Niacinamide is a form of vitamin B3. It's an essential nutrient, meaning our bodies can't produce it, so we must obtain it from our diet or supplements. In skincare, it's praised for its ability to reduce inflammation, improve skin texture, and decrease hyperpigmentation.

    Numerous studies support the safety of topical niacinamide. It's considered non-irritating, and side effects are rare. Of course, as with any ingredient, individual reactions can vary, but overall, niacinamide is deemed safe for topical use.


    The lack of negative effects and the presence of these substances naturally in the body add to the belief in their safety. This contrasts with ingredients like parabens, which have been associated with potential health risks in some studies.

    Therefore, it's crucial for skincare brands and regulatory bodies to stay abreast of the latest research, ensuring the safety and efficacy of all ingredients used in skincare products.

    This is imperative because exposure to new, unique chemicals in our daily life is not that uncommon.

    In fact, there is a published report from the Environmental Working Group (EWG). In 2004, they stated that most people use an average of 9 personal care products daily, exposing them to 126 unique chemical ingredients.

    Given that the personal care product industry constantly evolves, the numbers might have increased since then. Still, the key takeaway remains relevant: we come in contact with many chemicals, some potentially harmful, through our daily skincare and personal hygiene routines.

    Here are some harmful chemicals you encounter every single day:

    • Morning Hand Wash: Washing hands with a hand soap that contains Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) - a surfactant that can cause skin irritation in some people.
    • Brushing Teeth: Many toothpastes contain Triclosan, a chemical with antimicrobial properties. Triclosan has been linked to hormone disruption and could contribute to antibiotic resistance.
    • Face Washing: Your face cleanser might also contain SLS or other potentially irritating surfactants. Additionally, it could have parabens.
    • Applying Toner: Toners often contain alcohol, which can be drying and irritating to the skin, especially for those with sensitive skin. They might also contain parabens.
    • Serum Application: Some serums contain parabens and phthalates. Certain ones may even include retinyl palmitate, a form of vitamin A that may speed up lesion and tumor growth when the skin is exposed to sunlight.
    • Moisturizing and Sun Protection: Many moisturizers and sunscreens contain oxybenzone, a chemical sunscreen agent that has been linked to hormone disruption. They can also contain parabens, phthalates.
    • Applying Makeup: Makeup products can contain a wide variety of chemicals, including parabens, phthalates and even lead.
    • Showering with Shower Gel: Shower gels can contain various potentially harmful chemicals. For example, they might have Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), which are surfactants that can cause skin irritation in some people. Parabens used as preservatives have been linked to hormonal disruption.
    • Shampooing Hair: Like shower gels, shampoos often contain SLS and SLES, which help them foam but can also be irritating to the skin and eyes. They can also contain parabens. Some shampoos contain coal tar, a known carcinogen, though usually in very small amounts.
    • Applying Conditioner: Conditioners often contain silicones, which can cause build-up and weigh hair down. They may also contain quaternium-15, a preservative that releases formaldehyde, a known human carcinogen. Parabens can also be found in many conditioners.

    The key is to understand what you're putting on your skin and making choices that align with your personal comfort level, health concerns, and values. 

    In addition to personal care products, many everyday items and environments can expose us to potentially harmful chemicals. Here are a few examples:

    • Drinking Water: Plastic water bottles can leach chemicals into the water, particularly if they're exposed to heat or used for a long period. One of the primary concerns is Bisphenol A (BPA), an endocrine disruptor. Additionally, microplastics, tiny fragments of plastic, have been found in bottled water, although the health effects of ingesting these are still not fully understood.
    • Food: Pesticides used in conventional agriculture can leave residue on fruits and vegetables. Processed foods often contain artificial preservatives, colorings, and flavorings. Cooking or heating food in plastic containers can also lead to chemical leaching.
    • Household Cleaners: Many common household cleaning products contain potentially harmful chemicals. For example, certain products contain phthalates. Others might contain triclosan, an antimicrobial agent that can disrupt thyroid function and contribute to antibiotic resistance.
    • Furniture and Carpets: Many materials used in furniture and carpets are treated with flame retardants, which can emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into your home environment. Some of these compounds have been linked to respiratory problems and other health issues.
    • Air Pollution: Outdoor air pollution, particularly in urban areas, can expose you to a range of potentially harmful substances, including particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, and ozone. Indoor air can also be polluted with chemicals from household products, cooking, and heating.

    These examples illustrate that exposure to potentially harmful chemicals is a widespread issue, affecting many aspects of our daily lives. While it's impossible to eliminate all exposures, being aware of these sources can help you make choices to reduce your overall chemical load. This might include using glass or stainless-steel water bottles, choosing organic food, using natural household cleaning products, and improving ventilation in your home to reduce indoor air pollution.

    And, removing chemicals from your skincare, something you directly apply to your skin, would be a small change that will reward your skin and your body multifold!

    But, what natural skincare should you choose, out of the many options available?

    It is easy to get lost in the pool of brands telling you their product is the best, but one thing makes all the difference is - Authenticity. 

    And when it comes to natural skincare, following the learnings and prudence of a Science that contains 5000 years worth of research on the use of natural, exotic herbs in skincare for effective, healthy, gentle and evident results is one of the best choices to make, don't you think?

    This 5000 year old Science is the Science of Life and is called Ayurveda. It specifies the use of particular herbs for particular skin troubles and the scientific method with which these polyherbal amalgamations should be made to validate effectiveness.

    Finding these authentic polyherbal formulations that have been made by following exactly what the ancient scriptures of Ayurveda state is not easy. Why, you wonder? That's because many brands believe that natural skincare is all about blending random ingredients and expecting results, but that's not how Ayurveda works. 

    It is true that a switch from synthentic chemicals-based skincare to natural skincare is important, but it is also true that  not any natural skincare will do. Authenticity is key to getting desired results from your natural skincare.

    And where do you find authentic natural skincare?

    You find it here, at...

    The Most Trusted and Recognized House of Brands that provides centuries’ old authentic Ayurvedic solutions to 1 MILLION+ happy customers spread across 4 continents in 150+ countries. 

    We provide guaranteed 100% safe products, compliant with US regulations.

    We worked across all standards, USP, US-FDA Cosmetic, AHPA (American Herbal Product Association), Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India and even European cosmetic regulations.

    Apart from this we also conduct other quality tests such as Iodine value, peroxide value, Acid value, saponification value, refractive index, specific gravity, wt/ml, unsaponifiable matter and mineral oil tests to ensure optimal manufacturing practices, assurance that each batch is as consistent and uniform as possible to work as expected.  

    iYURA products are 100% natural, free of chemicals, free from any pesticide or heavy metal toxicity exposure.

    Here's the best authentic, natural skincare you can use today:

    Best Authentic Natural Replacement for Paraben-filled Body Lotions:

    Balaayah Black Gram Body Booster

    This Ayurvedic Body Oil is specifically designed to cater to the needs of dry, mature skin. It's made with precribed Ayurvedic ingredients like Black Gram and Himalayan Rock Salt to firm the look of saggy, droopy and crepey skin on the arms and the legs.

    Buy Balaayah Black Gram Body Booster, now!
    Balaayah Black Gram Body Booster

    Best Authentic Natural Replacement for Anti-Aging Creams filled with Phthalates:

    Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring

    This Authentic Ayurvedic Face Oil is expertly made to provide firming benefits to facial skin. Ayurveda's precribed herb for that is the Black Gold - Black Gram, but its amalgamation has to be different for facial skin and bodily skin. Yauvari is that expert facial oil that brings the firming action of Black Gram to tighten the look of droopy skin on the face, neck and décolleté. 

    Buy Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring, now!
    Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring

    Best Authentic Natural Replacement for Hair Conditioners containing Silicones:

    Keranya Pure Black Seed Potent Hair Potion

    This Ayurvedic ingenuity brings the astounding hair-enriching power of Black Cumin - a renowned hair herb in a multi-layered blend of 3 additional excellent hair oils and 3 other Master Hair-Herbs (like Amla & Bhringraj) directly to your roots. 

    This is a hair oil of choice for those who like to see more hair on their head than in their brush!(Scanty hair, wiry hair, rough, tangled hair or hair lost to the towel, the floor, the comb – all of this can now possibly be a mere nightmare!)

    Buy Keranya Pure Black Seed Potent Hair Potion, now!

    Best Authentic Natural Replacement for Face Cleansers containing SLS:

    Citrenis Clean and Bright Skin-Buffing Gelly

    Made with Natural ingredients like Orange Peel, Green Tea and Walnut-Shell Powder, this cleanser is an Ayurvedic, dual-action, gentle-on-the-skin weekly exfoliating cleanser and hydrator to brighten your face, purge your pores, buff out unevenness and send your senses on a journey of soothing, lasting freshness.

    Buy Citrenis Clean and Bright Skin-Buffing Gelly, now!
    Citrenis Clean and Bright Skin-Buffing Gelly

    Best Authentic Natural Replacement for Undereye Creams with Steroids:

    Rufolia Periorbital EyeMulsion

    Made with scientifically validated, safe and effective ingredients like Niacinamide and Hyaluronic Acid, along with Ayurveda's renowned even-toning herb Manjistha, Rufolia Periorbital EyeMulsion is a cream that doesn't just work on your undereye skin but works all around the eyes, even the eyelids. It brightens the look of darkened under-eyes, smoothens the look of crow's feet or eyelid wrinkles.

    Buy Rufolia Periorbital EyeMulsion, now!
    Rufolia Periorbital EyeMulsion