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  • Reduce the appearance of Age Spots from your face 100% Naturally at home in minimum 7 nights!

    Age Spots, though they sound like spots you’d get from aging, barely have anything to do with the process of aging. They’re marks (sometimes even freckles), that appear on the skin because of too much sun exposure.

    These marks normally appear darker than the rest of your skin and can be brown, black or tan in color. Many even in their 20s witness prominent appearances of age spots, just that the chances of you getting age spots is higher when you're older (in your 50s or so).

    Let's try to understand why we get age spots and why they can appear earlier than you might expect them to: 

    Age spots are caused by excess melanin production. Melanin is the pigment that gives skin its color. The reason why age spots are a direct result of prolonged sun exposure is because excess melanin production happens in the skin when it's exposed to the sun, to protect it from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays.  

    So, after years of exposure to sunlight and UV rays, melanin builds up in certain areas and is produced in high concentrations. Which is why only some spots get darker on our skin and not the entirety of it. 

    Age spots normally start to show in one’s 50s, but, since the appearance of age spots has very little to do with "age" and depends on one’s exposure to sun, some people might start seeing them even in their 20s. Keep reading to find out how you can get rid of them in the "healthiest" way possible - quite literally this is the healthiest way!

    How do you reduce the appearance of age spots?  

    There is a 100% Natural way of doing that. But first things first, there are a couple of things you need to keep in mind: 

    a) Age spots are harmless. Age spots do not hurt, or have any health implications. If you see brownish/ blackish spots on your face, don’t be immediately alarmed, they’re not always indicative of some disease. 

    b) You do NOT have to be conscious about them. If you want to get rid of them for cosmetic reasons, then don’t go for extremes like applying chemical peels, or getting laser and intense pulse light therapies. You don’t need to subject your skin to the many negative, skin-health deteriorating risks (like redness, scabbing and swelling) of such therapies and solutions. Instead, try a wholesome, holistic, 100% natural method that’s so potent and good for you, that the reduction of the appearance of age spots becomes the easiest thing and a result of true self-care! 

    But what is this wholesome, holistic, 100% natural method?

    You will find it here – in the texts of Ayurveda. 

    Ayurveda is the 5000-year-old ‘Science of Life’ that recommends specific herbal concoctions for specific ailments that show targeted results to ensure healthy and holistic skincare, haircare and overall optimal wellbeing.   

    Why trust an ancient Science? 

    Despite having been in existence since 5000 years ago, Ayurveda has a whole repository of time-tested, some even clinically tested herbs, plants and fruits that can have transformative effects on beauty and wellness. These herbs have very specific properties that work on various conditions in a targeted fashion.

    That is how Ayurveda works, it doesn't just work on the surface of a bodily indisposition, but it looks into the root cause of it and then tries to fix it. 

    Which is why authentic Ayurveda is the best route. If the stem of what's causing a particular ailment was worked on in a natural and healthy way, then that wouldn't loop you in the vicious cycle of chemicals and their side-effects. Instead, it'd make your body naturally self-dependent, ensuring any positive changes you see, actually last. 

    That is how Ayurveda operates. It operates on the belief that self-care and self-love combined with the nature's own science of wellness and beauty can give targeted results, and not just results that go 'poof' after a day or two but STAY. 

    But that is not all, Ayurveda doesn't operate on just beliefs, ancient Ayurvedic texts have documented certain specific herbs that help with age spots  

    So, what does Ayurveda prescribe for age spots?  

    To find the right answer to this question, one can't simply rely on google searches.

    A simple google search will tell you that Ayurveda recommends a basic DIY solution like a turmeric mask, or aloe vera or something like that to get rid of age spots. 

    And that’s what happens when there’s a lack of understanding of Ayurvedic texts. Did you know that turmeric is a renowned herb in Ayurveda not because it has a plethora of benefits (because that's true and a given), but because it’s a bioavailability enhancer – which means that its own goodness, and the goodness of other herbs you use with turmeric is exacerbated and makes it easier for the nutrition of the herbs to penetrate your skin thoroughly to give targeted results? So, alone, turmeric isn’t the best solution for age spots.  

    Hence the emphasis on “good understanding of Ayurvedic texts and its prescription of herbs for problems”.  Which is why we're going to tell you about not one, but the right combination of herbs that will target age spots specifically and brighten your skin in minimum 7 nights.

    The first of the prescribed set of Ayurvedic herbs for age spots is – Manjistha.  

    Manjistha is a renowned herb in the world of Ayurveda, known for its complexion enhancing and skin rejuvenating abilities. The herb is so powerful that there’s a saying about one if its most popular formulations - “One who applies it on their face regularly for minimum 7 consecutive nights, gets skin with a glow that's reminiscent of the attractive radiance of gold!” 

    Manjistha has many skin-clarifying and even-toning abilities. It basically fades the appearance of any spots or marks or discoloration and makes the complexion of your skin even and brightened.  

    Using Manjistha however is a little complicated, considering how it is essentially a tree-branch, so, you can’t exactly poke it in your face...  

    So, how Do you use Manjistha? 

    The maximum nutritional powers and goodness of an Ayurvedic herb can best reach one’s body when delivered via an authentic Ayurvedic oil.  

    If we go by the texts of Ayurveda, it recommends herbs to be "cooked" together, in a very specific way. The temperature at which the formulation is to be cooked, which herb is to be added at what point in the process, everything is specified in the texts.  

    This method of oil “cooking” (also called Taila Paak Vidhi in Sanskrit) makes it best for the formulation to be in oil format, because oils are great bioavailability enhancers, making them perfect for exacerbating the nutritional powers of the herbs used in the oil. 

    Also, oil is the purest and most concentrated method of herb delivery. The molecules of oils are smaller than those of creams, which aid in deeper penetration into the skin. 

    And when the herbs used in a formulation are so powerful, you want them to reach your skin easily!  

    And on that note, one question that has perplexed almost everyone we know is - do oils moisturize the skin much more effectively than lotions or creams?

    The answer is YES!


    Let's list them out! 

    • Oils help re-introduce lost moisture in the skin – be that right after stepping out of the shower or exposure to air conditioning or cold, dry winds. They are great at mimicking the skin’s lipid barrier and supporting it.  

    But there are face creams that are oil based, do they not support the skin’s lipid barrier?”, you might wonder. 

    These face creams contain only a small portion of oil in them, which is nowhere near to what our skin requires.

    Some more reasons why oils are a better friend than face creams or lotions: 

    • Oils are not a foreign substance for our skin. The formation of oils is a natural and innate process within the layers of our skin, which means that the application of an oil externally is a welcome addition to our skin’s natural oils. 
    • Did you know? Face creams with emulsified wax in them work by forming a protective layer on the skin, that later end up clogging the pores!

      Something you should be considering, if you are thinking about buying a face cream instead.   
    • Pure and natural oils are innately rich with an array of benefits that help in giving your skin a toned and even complexion along with an enhanced texture. Not only that, but oils also offer therapeutic properties that help relax the mind, the body and the soul. 

    Well, where do I get an authentic Manjistha infused oil that’s cooked by following the Ayurvedic recipe of oil cooking? 

    The Most Trusted and Recognized House of Brands that provides centuries’ old authentic Ayurvedic solutions to 1 Million+ happy customers spread across 4 continents in 150+ countries. 

    We provide guaranteed 100% safe products, compliant with US regulations.

    We worked across all standards, USP, US-FDA Cosmetic, AHPA (American Herbal Product Association), Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India and even European cosmetic regulations.

    Apart from this we also conduct other quality tests such as Iodine value, peroxide value, Acid value, saponification value, refractive index, specific gravity, wt/ml, unsaponifiable matter and mineral oil tests to ensure optimal manufacturing practices, assurance that each batch is as consistent and uniform as possible to work as expected.  

    iYURA products are 100% natural, free of chemicals, free from any pesticide or heavy metal toxicity exposure.

    Purity, safety and efficacy lie at the core of The Ayurveda Experience.

    Take advantage of this face oil made with time tested Ayurvedic ingredients that have proven to work over thousands of years.  

    THIS is the 100% Natural way of Reducing the appearance of age spots from your face at home in minimum 7 nights!  
    Manjish Glow Elixir 

    Manjish Glow Elixir is a nighttime Ayurvedic face oil, meticulously concocted with Ayurvedic herbs that specifically work on even-toning mature skin, reducing the appearances of age spots and blemishes, and eventually leaving behind a perennial glow!   

    The Hero ingredient of this wonder oil or wonder “face moisturizer” is - Manjistha   

    Manjistha is a renowned herb in Ayurveda, known for its glow-imparting, even-toning, and complexion-enhancing properties. It is said that Manjistha can impart a glow that is reminiscent of the radiant, luminescent shine of Gold!   

    Manjish Glow Elixir does that and more for you! It gives:  

    1. Perfectly balanced and even-toned skin

    2. An eased appearance of age spots

    3. A clear-looking radiant complexion

    4. An illuminated face with a deep, healthy glow

    5. Soft, moisturized, supple skin

    6. The nutritive gifts of nature to your skin

    7. Relief from skin's temper tantrums

    8. Non-sticky softness with a dewy glow 

    This Manjistha-laden oil serves to be just as good for mature, aging & dry skin because Manjistha as an ingredient has skin-firming properties, a direct result of which is reduced appearances of age spots and other signs of aging. Not only for aging, dry skin, Manjish Glow Elixir is good for acne-prone skin as well because of its skin clarifying and purifying properties.  

    This is non-sticky, non-greasy, and incredibly light in texture. It gets easily absorbed in the skin to give softness that is different (and superior) from the softness you’d get from the application of face creams.

    Manjish Glow Elixir is only to be used at night as it contains a potent amount of Manjistha, which makes it best for you to give it the whole night to work its magic uninterruptedly and wake up with a morning glow!

    Complete list of Ingredients: 

    Indian Madder or Manjishtha

    A celebrated rejuvenative and complexion enhancer, it helps in balancing the skin's temper-tantrums and uneven skin tone.

    It is often added to face care products to make the complexion even and tone down the appearance of uneven spots to give a relatively more even-looking complexion.

    If your skin reminds you of angry, teenage days, Manjistha is like a soothing breeze of maturity and patience which boosts rather than smothers youthful exuberance!

    Lemon or Jambheer

    Ayurveda uses this plant in many formulations that are aimed at balancing Pitta (or the element of heat). 

    As part of a skin care oil, it has great benefits as a Pitta-pacifier (as a cooling, balancing, soothing herb). It also brings the clearing benefits of citrus for skin that appears clogged up. It also helps provide a lovely luster to give that glowy look!

    Butter Tree Bark or Mahua Bark

    Mahua longifolia is an Indian tropical tree found largely in the central and north Indian plains and forests. Also known as the Butter Tree or Honey Tree, it’s locally known as the ‘Mahua’ tree and is loved by the locals for the numerous benefits it has!
    Its seeds are used to obtain a yellow, butter-like liquid used as fat. This butter melts immediately upon contact with the skin. It is believed that Mahua Butter keeps drying of the skin at bay and may tone down the appearance of wrinkles and restores the skin's radiance. BUT, this formulation does not contain this butter - and this is where it gets interesting

    Note and notice this - this ingredient was also used thousands of years ago. Interestingly, the part of this tree used in our recipe is neither the flowers nor the leaves or the butter from the seeds - this formulation uses the bark instead! This recipe contains Butter Tree Bark, which, as modern research shows, contains 2 active ingredients particularly good for the skin, enabling rejuvenation and a youthful appearance. Isn’t it wonderful how thousands of years ago, when there were no ‘lab tests’, this choice of using the bark rather than the other parts of the tree was made keeping in mind its unique properties?


    If you buy this now, you'll get a FREE Mini Youth Spring Face Oil - Dry, Aging Skin Face Moisturizer with Black Gram - with your order!

    The FREE Gift will get added to your cart automatically!


    Free Mini Yauvari Face Oil
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA 1 fl oz (30 ml)
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA 1.69 fl oz (50 ml)
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA

    Manjish Glow Elixir

    50 ml (1.69 fl oz)

    Ayurvedic Night-Time Face Oil - Natural Moisturizer for Healthy Skin

    Specifically works on even-toning mature skin, reducing the appearances of age spots and blemishes, and leaving behind a perennial glow!  

    • Perfectly balanced and even-toned facial skin
    • An eased appearance of age spots  
    • A clear-looking radiant complexion 
    • An illuminated face with a deep, healthy glow 
    • Soft, moisturized, supple skin 
    • Relief from skin's temper tantrums 
    • Non-sticky softness with a dewy glow  



    If you buy today, you'll get a FREE Mini Youth Spring Face Oil - Dry, Aging Skin Face Moisturizer with Black Gram - with your order!
    The FREE Gift will get added to your cart automatically!

    Manjish Glow Elixir is now available in 2 different sizes!

    Choose your size!

    30 ml (1 fl oz) at $34/oz or

    50 ml (1.69 fl oz) at $26.62/oz



    + Free Delivery

    100% Satisfaction, 30-Day FULL Money Back Guarantee


    "Love it!"
    I didn’t really know what to expect at first, but I kept seeing their ad on FB and I shared it to my bf for like 3 mos before my bday! Then on my bday (43) I got it! After a week I noticed a significant difference in how great my skin tone looked, I had some freckles and age spots showing on my face and they definitely looked lighter. I shared it with my bf and every morning and night we use the oil and massage each other’s face as a part of our daily ritual, so happy with our results!

    - Raichail M.


    "Clear Improvement"
    This product is really good. I have used many types of skin serums over the years and had marginal to no positive results. The Glow Elixir softened and moisturized my face and neck beautifully and evened up the look of hyperpigmentation left from sun damage. Those 'age spots' appear to be decreasing. Most amazing, the elixir hasn't broken out my skin. I've fought acne my entire life and was afraid to use this oil, but it kept my skin calm, not greasy. It soaks right in and I didn't get one bump anywhere from it. It's easy to apply at night, I look better and recommend this highly. I will buy it again. 

    - Cheryl B.


    "Manjish Glow Elixir"
    I have been using this product for about one month and I am loving it so far...  my skin really looks great. I almost think I’ve had a reduction in age spots. Thank you so much for this product. Thank you I can’t wait to get Moore 

    - Cara M.

    Raising a toast to Manjistha
    For being a beauty secret through the rise of the beauty industry

    It’s a little strange how Manjistha’s use in the past, thousands of years ago, for clearer, even-toned skin, was never seen as a beauty concern but as a direct result of herbal goodness and self-care and self-love.

    It was only through the rise of the use of cosmetics and the beauty care industry that the need for spotless skin became too prevalent a concern.  

    But, if you think about it, despite the fact that Manjistha was discovered centuries ago and was well-known for its even-toning abilities, it was still used more for calming and pacifying bodily indispositions than for beauty concerns.

    The only time Manjistha was highly in use (for spotless skin) was in the Vedic era.  

    Even if you trace back to the time when cosmetics were first used, and when Kohl was used by ancient Egyptians to make their eyes look more dramatic, which was back in 4000 BC, you’ll see that the use of lots of natural ingredients like berries, beetroot, and charcoal, was highly prevalent, but the use of Manjistha was not. Even the scripts of Ayurveda categorized Manjistha as “varnya”, which means: that which improves the complexion and “visaghna”, which means: that which detoxifies. The scripts also see Manjistha as a rasayana – a rejuvenator, and longevity promoter. 

    And then of course through the late 19th and 20th centuries, when the beauty care industry became a viable option as career paths for lots of people - a fact clearly indicative of the rise of various beauty needs, the need for instant results also rose significantly. Which is why modern scientific advancements in beauty care even involved harmful chemical formulations that could severely hurt anyone’s skin health, but gave quick, instant results, so, people felt compelled to run that risk. In fact the use of lead in skincare wasn't even seen as a big deal until it actually started hurting people's health, even led to many respiratory-health concerns. 

    Throughout all of this, the use of Manjistha for skincare still hadn’t come to the fore.

    It's only now that people are discovering Manjistha for skincare, but still not many know about it! So yes, Manjistha did end up being a beauty secret through the rise of the beauty care industry.

    And you can use this beauty secret, that’s not only super effective, but also healthy and nurturing for your skin.

    You can use it in its most authentic, pure form, which allows you to get the unparalleled benefits of this wonder herb, unequivocally!  

    Raising a toast to Manjistha
    For being a beauty secret through the rise of the beauty industry

    It’s a little strange how Manjistha’s use in the past, thousands of years ago, for clearer, even-toned skin, was never seen as a beauty concern but as a direct result of herbal goodness and self-care and self-love.

    It was only through the rise of the use of cosmetics and the beauty care industry that the need for spotless skin became too prevalent a concern.  

    But, if you think about it, despite the fact that Manjistha was discovered centuries ago and was well-known for its even-toning abilities, it was still used more for calming and pacifying bodily indispositions than for beauty concerns.

    The only time Manjistha was highly in use (for spotless skin) was in the Vedic era.  

    Even if you trace back to the time when cosmetics were first used, and when Kohl was used by ancient Egyptians to make their eyes look more dramatic, which was back in 4000 BC, you’ll see the use of lots of natural ingredients like berries, beetroot, and charcoal, was highly prevalent, but the use of Manjistha was not. Even the scripts of Ayurveda categorized Manjistha as “varnya”, which means: that which improves the complexion and “visaghna”, which means: that which detoxifies. The scripts also see Manjistha as a rasayana – a rejuvenator, and longevity promoter. 

    And then of course through the late 19th and 20th centuries, when the beauty care industry became a viable option as career paths for lots of people - a fact clearly indicative of the rise of various beauty needs, the need for instant results also rose significantly. Which is why modern scientific advancements in beauty care even involved harmful chemical formulations that could severely hurt anyone’s skin health, but gave quick, instant results, so, people felt compelled to run that risk. In fact the use of lead in skincare wasn't even seen as a big deal until it actually started hurting people's health, even led to many respiratory-health concerns. 

    Throughout all of this, the use of Manjistha for skincare still hadn’t come to the fore. It's only now that people are discovering Manjistha for skincare, but still not many know about it! So yes, Manjistha did end up being a beauty secret through the rise of the beauty care industry. And you can use this beauty secret, that’s not only super effective, but also healthy and nurturing for your skin. You can use it in its most authentic, pure form, which allows you to get the unparalleled benefits of this wonder herb, unequivocally!  

    Many of our customers said that they’ve finally found THE product that they will stick with forever. 


    "Love, love it!"
    My face loves this!! I will be turning 60 in May and I am giving up makeup. This products is wonderful, it’s smells great, feels amazing on my skin and has evened out my skin tones. I will be using this forever!!!!

    -Renee M..


    "Great Stuff!"
    Who knew putting oil on my face would leave it softer, smoother, brighter, and more balanced?! I'm 46 years old and my skin needs to adjust to our northeastern climate a few times each year. I started using this as the cold weather started and it's made all the difference with regard to imbalanced skin. I love this product and will likely be using it forever.

    -Gina M.

    Not only that, but you will find that the product is exquisitely packed in what you can call a piece of ART! You will be mesmerized by the beautiful hand painted Madhubani artwork by local artists, bringing life and beauty to your dresser!

    Try it for yourself! 
    And if for some unthinkable reason you don’t like the product, or it doesn’t work for you, then you can avail our 30-day FULL money back guarantee!


    If you buy this now, you'll get a FREE Mini Youth Spring Face Oil - Dry, Aging Skin Face Moisturizer with Black Gram - with your order!

    The FREE Gift will get added to your cart automatically!


    Free Mini Yauvari Face Oil
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA 1 fl oz (30 ml)
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA 1.69 fl oz (50 ml)
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA
    Manjish Glow Elixir - Ayurvedic Face Oil Night-time face oil iYURA

    Manjish Glow Elixir

    50 ml (1.69 fl oz)

    Ayurvedic Night-Time Face Oil - Natural Moisturizer for Healthy Skin

    Specifically works on even-toning mature skin, reducing the appearances of age spots and blemishes, and leaving behind a perennial glow!  

    • Perfectly balanced and even-toned facial skin
    • An eased appearance of age spots  
    • A clear-looking radiant complexion 
    • An illuminated face with a deep, healthy glow 
    • Soft, moisturized, supple skin 
    • Relief from skin's temper tantrums 
    • Non-sticky softness with a dewy glow  



    If you buy today, you'll get a FREE Mini Youth Spring Face Oil - Dry, Aging Skin Face Moisturizer with Black Gram - with your order!
    The FREE Gift will get added to your cart automatically!

    Manjish Glow Elixir is now available in 2 different sizes!

    Choose your size!

    30 ml (1 fl oz) at $34/oz or

    50 ml (1.69 fl oz) at $26.62/oz



    + Free Delivery

    100% Satisfaction, 30-Day FULL Money Back Guarantee

    The Ayurveda Experience brings to you amazing concoctions of oils made from incredible Ayurvedic herbs! 

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