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  • Escape embarrassment and discomfort due to Bad Body Odor

    not just in your stink-zones (armpits, under-bust and private areas),

    but all over your body with an unusual technique that guarantees results!

    + Enjoy soft, glowing skin all over your body as a bonus!

    An Unusual Marvelous-Massage-Method brings an ancient 7 Smell-Quell Formula to eliminate

    all-over body-odor and replace it with an all-over-body glow instead!

    NO Benzoyl peroxide washes badge

    NO Benzoyl peroxide washes

    NO Aluminum based anti-perspirants

    NO Aluminum based anti-perspirants

    NO Perfumes needed badge

    NO Perfumes needed


    Mehfranz: The Marvelous-Massage-Method to a Stink-Free Body, Attractive Freshness and Glowing Confidence at any age

    with an ancient 7 Smell-Quell Formula

    • 100% natural solution to kill body odor and sweat-related discomfort
    • Purifies your body’s natural aroma and keeps unpleasant body-smell away
    • Controls body odor not just in the armpits or other stink-zones but can be used all over the body and helps reduce odor significantly with such a large reach.
    • Keeps the body smelling clean for long durations without any off-putting, claustrophobic or nauseating ‘perfumy’ feeling
    • Makes the skin visibly nourished and brighter in just a few applications
    • Makes skin softer, clearer, glowing and more youthful as a bonus!
    • Keeps the body moisturized for long periods and makes the skin smoother, and pores de-clogged
    • Makes for a daily ritual with the ‘Marvelous-Massage-Method' to help you feel physically and emotionally calm and de-stressed
    mehfranz product with ingredient
    • Stink-Free Body: No Bad Body Odor
    • Attractive Freshness: No Off-Putting, Perfumy Smell
    • Glowing Skin All Over the Body: No dry, dull, uncomfortable skin
    • Natural Confidence: No social embarrassment

    Never hear complaints of unpleasant body odor again and naturally smell good throughout the day without using a chemical deodorant or perfume – through an unusual Marvelous- Massage Method and using an ancient 7 Smell-Quell Formula -

    Only with iYURA’s Mehfranz Body Oil!

    Mehfranz is the ultimate alternative to synthetic deodorants, body sprays and perfumes that may be toxic to your lymphatic or reproductive system and to the environment - those which challenge your senses, instead of channelizing them.

    A Body Odor Solution No Dermatologist will tell you about, (‘cause even they don’t know about it!) unless they’ve studied an ancient medical science from the other side of the globe!

    • Do you notice people keeping their distance from you when they talk to you? Or are you already aware of this problem and are tired of catching subtle hints from people about BO or the outright screaming of your clothes?
    • Do sweat circles on your clothes in your under-arm area come along with a profuse smell that’s quite strong despite all the hygiene you practice?
    • Does collection of sweat under the bust, between the bust, below the knees and other corners of your body make you uncomfortable?
    • Do you often choose your party and date night outfits less according to your mood and more according to how absorbent their material is?
    • Do you feel it's unfair that your B.O often defines your choice of clothes and your personal wardrobe?
    • Does your sweat, your body’s natural odor and your deodorant or perfume (that you used to mask your odor) mix together and make you emit another confused, unappealing aroma altogether?

    You need not feel guilty or embarrassed about any of this anymore!

    You don’t need to scrub your armpits harder!

    You don’t need to return the floral flowy dress just because it’s nylon or synthetic!

    You don’t have to leave the dance floor sooner than you want just because you’re anxious of smelling bad to your partner.

    It’s time to stop masking or covering things up, it’s time to transform them!

    The science of Ayurveda once again comes to the rescue by not masking the problem,

    but by attacking the root cause and transforming your body’s odor for good.

    Mehfranz oil bottle on a hand towel with oil in bowl and packaging top view

    How does it do that?

    Ayurveda views body odor as a result of imbalances in the body's natural energies, or doshas. According to Ayurveda, body odor is primarily caused by an imbalance in the Pitta dosha or Kapha dosha.

    Ayurveda also recognizes that an individual's natural body composition, or prakriti, can influence their susceptibility to strong body odor. For example, individuals with a dominant Pitta constitution may be more prone to body odor due to their naturally high metabolic rate and tendency to overheat. Similarly, individuals with a Kapha constitution may be more prone to body odor due to their tendency to retain moisture and stagnation in the body.

    In Ayurveda, 'durgandhya', or bad smell, is seen as a symptom of an underlying imbalance in the body's natural energies, or doshas. The causes of durgandhya can vary depending on the individual's constitution, lifestyle, and environmental factors, but some common causes include:

    • Poor hygiene: Poor hygiene, such as infrequent bathing, can lead to the growth of odor-causing bacteria on the skin, leading to body odor.
    • Diet: Diet plays a significant role in the body's natural balance of doshas, and consuming foods that are heavy, oily, spicy, or fermented can lead to the accumulation of toxins in the body and imbalances in the doshas that can lead to bad smell.
    • Environmental factors: Exposure to environmental toxins, such as pollution or chemicals, can also contribute to bad smell.
    • Genetics: Some people may have a genetic predisposition to produce more sweat or to produce sweat with a stronger odor. Additionally, the types of bacteria that naturally live on our skin and contribute to body odor can also be influenced by genetics.
    • Imbalanced doshas: Imbalances in the doshas, particularly an excess of the Pitta dosha or an imbalance in Kapha dosha can also contribute to a bad smell.



    An ancient science explains.

    Whether you’re a teenager with raging hormones or a middle-aged man with enough and more testosterone, a young woman with PCOS or a lady going through menopause or someone well beyond that age, body odor can be a cause of concern for anyone!

    Why so?

    As mentioned before, Body Odor can be caused by a number of factors, such as:

    • Your diet – high in pungent foods
    • Your hygiene habits
    • Environmental factors
    • Your genetics
    • Or Dosha Imbalance?

    While we have explained the first 4, does the last one sound Greek to you? It’s actually Sanskrit.

    In Ayurvedic texts, there is an interesting explanation of the body’s humors that define your mind-body type and influences the way you smell!

    While there are various factors that contribute to unpleasant body odor, such as diet and grooming habits, an ancient science – Ayurveda – offers a unique perspective on why only some people may have bad body odor.

    According to Ayurveda, an individual's dominant dosha, or mind-body type, may play a role in determining their susceptibility to body odor. There are three main doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha – each with its own unique characteristics.

    Vata symbols - air & ether

    Vata stands for air and space, hence, it represents dryness.

    Dry or rough skin
    Cold hands and feet
    Irregular appetite or digestion
    Anxiety and nervousness
    Difficulty sleeping
    Tendency to overexert oneself

    Pitta symbols - fire & water

    Pitta stands for fire; hence it represents heat, oiliness and pungency.

    Warm or sensitive skin
    Irritability or anger
    Acidic stomach and digestion issues
    Strong appetite
    Intense focus and concentration
    Tendency towards perfectionism
    Excessive sweating

    Kapha symbols - water & earth

    Kapha stands for earth, hence it represents stagnation and clogging of pores.

    Oily or heavy skin
    Slow digestion or metabolism
    Lethargy or sluggishness
    Difficulty waking up in the morning
    Calm and steady personality
    Tendency to hold onto things or people
    Weight gain or water retention.

    People who have a dominant Pitta dosha may be more prone to sweating and therefore more likely to have body odor. Pitta is associated with the element of fire, which governs the body’s metabolism and digestion. When Pitta is imbalanced, it can result in excess heat in the body, leading to increased sweating and body odor.

    On the other hand, people with a dominant Kapha dosha tend to have a thicker, heavier build. Kapha is associated with the elements of earth and water, which govern the body’s structure and lubrication. When Kapha is imbalanced, it can result in sluggishness and stagnation in the body, leading to a buildup of toxins and potential body odor.

    While genetics, diet, and grooming habits also play a significant role in body odor, understanding our unique body type and taking appropriate measures to maintain balance can help manage body odor and improve overall well-being. By incorporating Ayurvedic principles into our daily routine, we can better understand and address the underlying causes of body odor and achieve a greater sense of balance and harmony within ourselves.

    The number one Ayurvedic practice to incorporate is the MARVELOUS MASSAGE METHOD using a Pitta and Kapha Dosha balancing oil like Mehfranz!

    mehfranz product on towel with oil in bowl

    What is the Marvelous-Massage-Method?

    According to Ayurveda, massage has several health benefits. When it comes to odor, massaging the body with a targeting Pitta-Kapha balancing oil like Mehfranz can dramatically help with offensive odor and can also make the skin soft and glowing!

    It not only helps control bad body odor in stink-centers but also all over the body, as sweat glands are present throughout different parts of the body!

    This is what makes Mehfranz even more unique – it is a full-body odor controller as it can be used all over the body and not just in the arm pits or other folds and creases where sweat is concentrated.

    Get Yours Now!


    4 REASONS WHY YOUR regular deodorants and perfumes

    are not just INEFFECTIVE but DANGEROUS

    Graphic showing PORE-CLOGGING Aluminum Compounds

    Contain PORE-CLOGGING Aluminum Compounds:

    Most regular deodorants contain aluminum compounds that clog pores and interfere with the body's natural sweating process. This can lead to an increase in body odor and other health problems.

    Graphic showing carcinogenic parabens

    Loaded with CARCINOGENIC Parabens:

    Parabens are a group of chemicals commonly used as preservatives in deodorants. They can mimic estrogen in the body and potentially disrupt hormone function, which has been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer.

    Graphic showing skin darkening

    Contain SKIN DARKENING Propylene glycol:

    This common ingredient in many deodorants has been shown to cause skin irritation, especially in people with sensitive skin. It can also cause skin discoloration and darken the skin under the arms.

    AI graphic image of woman


    All deodorants, perfumes, and mists work by masking body odor with fragrances and chemicals that cover up the smell temporarily. However, they do not address the underlying cause of body odor, which is often related to an imbalance in the body's natural processes. By only providing a temporary solution, people may become dependent on deodorants and continue to use them regularly, potentially exposing themselves and the environment to harmful chemicals. Furthermore, this cycle of masking the odor rather than addressing the root cause can prevent people from seeking out long-term solutions, such as addressing dietary, dosha and lifestyle factors that may be contributing to the problem.

    On the other hand, with ODOR-ELIMINATING AND dosha-balancing AYURVEDIC SUPERPOWERS, The Modus operandi of Mehfranz is different!

    Unlike a deo or perfume, Mehfranz does not mask your body’s odor, it TRANSFORMS it with the help of its 7 Smell-Quellers we are now going to introduce you to just a few scrolls below!

    NO Benzoyl peroxide washes badge

    NO Benzoyl peroxide washes

    NO Aluminum based anti-perspirants badge

    NO Aluminum based anti-perspirants

    NO unhygienic bacteria badge

    NO unhygienic deo sticks that make bacteria sit on top of it

    NO DIY badge

    NO Uncomfortable DIYs that sting your skin

    No scientific hacks badge

    NO Unscientific hacks

    Now, you do not need to fall prey to skin-burning BO hacks on social media and youtube from unvalidated sources! You don’t have to resort to any expensive treatments either!

    Now, you don’t have just 2 options of traditional and chemical-laden perfumes and deos or modern, aluminium-free, expensive ineffective dollar-dumps -

    There is a third option, and it is an oil. A body oil. An herb-laden body oil like no other!

    Not to make you smell like an obnoxious perfume overdose, but simply clean, fresh, NOT unpleasant!

    How does an oil get to ‘clean up’ odor issues with the body?

    Mehfranz product image

    Not just any other ordinary oil, Mehfranz’s secret lies in 3 things:

    What it is

    How it's made

    What it's made of

    What it is:

    A unique Polyherbal Ayurvedic oil, not just any other combination of base oils or essential oils! Mehfranz consists of an intelligent-formula of herbs carefully selected for very specific purposes.

    How it’s made:

    Made using an ancient, 5000-year-old method that changes the properties of the final outcome by ensuring the properties of individual ingredients is exuded out into the oil. First, a list of ingredients is finalized based on their individual properties and how they operate in sync with one another. Then, those herbs are washed, dried, pounded into a powder, mixed with a liquid like coconut water or rose water and made into a paste. Then, that paste is cooked into sesame oil. Consistent mixing is required to avoid burning of the herbs. Once all the water is evaporated, the oil is cooled and drained. Lastly, essential oils are added to this polyherbal concentrate, which is then sent for testing to meet our quality standards!

    What it's made of:

    And this is where its power is concentrated: Mehfranz’s 7 Smell-Quell formula penetrates your skin and fights the bad guys off, quelling any offensive odor. The natural ingredients that make this happen are Black Cardamom and 7 of its Smell-Quell Buddies:

    The Big Boss:

    Introducing Black Cardamom - the STAR ingredient in Mehfranz!

    Black Cardamom is a highly aromatic spice that is native to the eastern Himalayas. It has a strong, smoky flavor that makes it a popular ingredient in many savory dishes. However, what many people don't know is that Black Cardamom has powerful odor-removing properties that make it the star ingredient in Mehfranz.

    While many ingredients may mask or temporarily cover up bad odors, Black Cardamom goes a step further by actively eliminating the source of the odor!

    Not only does black cardamom have the ability to reduce unpleasant body odors, but it also works to detoxify the skin.

    BONUS- The spice has natural cleansing properties that leave the skin looking and feeling fresher and healthier.

    The Big Boss:

    Introducing Black Cardamom - the STAR ingredient in Mehfranz!

    Black Cardamom is a highly aromatic spice that is native to the eastern Himalayas. It has a strong, smoky flavor that makes it a popular ingredient in many savory dishes. However, what many people don't know is that Black Cardamom has powerful odor-removing properties that make it the star ingredient in Mehfranz.

    While many ingredients may mask or temporarily cover up bad odors, Black Cardamom goes a step further by actively eliminating the source of the odor!

    Not only does black cardamom have the ability to reduce unpleasant body odors, but it also works to detoxify the skin.

    BONUS- The spice has natural cleansing properties that leave the skin looking and feeling fresher and healthier.

    black cardamom


    White turmeric

    White Turmeric, also known as Kachura, is a RARE root-spice, ivory white in color with an extremely pleasant and soft aroma that is believed to balance all three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. It is especially beneficial for people who sweat excessively as it is considered to have a cooling effect on the body and can help pacify excess Pitta, which is associated with heat.

    It is also believed to help balance Kapha dosha, which is associated with earth and water elements and can sometimes be excessive, leading to congestion and lethargy.

    FUN FACT- Curcumin, the active compound found in white turmeric, possesses the ability to hinder and eliminate body odor and is being clinically tested as a potent 100% natural alternative to alcohol in wellness products.

    BONUS- White turmeric also brightens and even out skin tone, and reduces the appearance of dark spots and pigmentation


    White turmeric

    White Turmeric, also known as Kachura, is a RARE root-spice, ivory white in color with an extremely pleasant and soft aroma that is believed to balance all three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. It is especially beneficial for people who sweat excessively as it is considered to have a cooling effect on the body and can help pacify excess Pitta, which is associated with heat.

    It is also believed to help balance Kapha dosha, which is associated with earth and water elements and can sometimes be excessive, leading to congestion and lethargy.

    FUN FACT- Curcumin, the active compound found in white turmeric, possesses the ability to hinder and eliminate body odor and is being clinically tested as a potent 100% natural alternative to alcohol in wellness products.

    BONUS- White turmeric also brightens and even out skin tone, and reduces the appearance of dark spots and pigmentation

    white turmeric


    Himalayan Fir

    Abies webbiana, also known as Himalayan Fir, is a large coniferous tree that is found in the Western Himalayas.

    In Ayurveda, it is believed to balance the Kapha and Vata doshas due to its drying and warming qualities and grounding effect, respectively.

    The leaves of Abies webbiana that have been used while cooking Mehfranz Body Oil have been known to reduce body odor apart from having a fresh and pleasant aroma that is subtle yet refreshing.


    Himalayan Fir

    Abies webbiana, also known as Himalayan Fir, is a large coniferous tree that is found in the Western Himalayas.

    In Ayurveda, it is believed to balance the Kapha and Vata doshas due to its drying and warming qualities and grounding effect, respectively.

    The leaves of Abies webbiana that have been used while cooking Mehfranz Body Oil have been known to reduce body odor apart from having a fresh and pleasant aroma that is subtle yet refreshing.

    himalayan fir


    Amla/Indian Gooseberry

    Amla, also known as Indian Gooseberry, is a fruit that is native to India and has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Its unique appearance is matched by its powerful health benefits, making it a prized ingredient in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Amla is considered a powerful herb due to its high levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

    Amla is known to have a cooling effect on the body, making it effective in balancing the Pitta dosha. It is also believed to help balance the Vata dosha due to its nourishing properties.

    Amla is known to have properties that can help in reducing the odor. There’s a time-tested testimony to its effectiveness - it is often used in Ayurvedic deodorants and powders to cleanse the skin of body odor.

    BONUS- Amla also visibly brightens and firms the skin, reduces the look of signs of aging, detoxifies impurities, and helps remove buildup in your pores.


    Amla/Indian Gooseberry

    Amla, also known as Indian Gooseberry, is a fruit that is native to India and has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Its unique appearance is matched by its powerful health benefits, making it a prized ingredient in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Amla is considered a powerful herb due to its high levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

    Amla is known to have a cooling effect on the body, making it effective in balancing the Pitta dosha. It is also believed to help balance the Vata dosha due to its nourishing properties.

    Amla is known to have properties that can help in reducing the odor. There’s a time-tested testimony to its effectiveness - it is often used in Ayurvedic deodorants and powders to cleanse the skin of body odor.

    BONUS- Amla also visibly brightens and firms the skin, reduces the look of signs of aging, detoxifies impurities, and helps remove buildup in your pores.

    amla/indian gooseberry


    Terminalia Chebula

    Terminalia chebula, also known as the black or chebulic myrobalan, is native to parts of Asia, and grows in a variety of habitats, including deciduous forests, dry slopes, and foothills.

    The fruit of the Terminalia chebula tree has properties that help eliminate embarrassing body odor.

    It also acts as a natural astringent that again helps with managing bad body odor while also helping tighten and tone the skin.

    Terminalia chebula is believed to balance all three doshas in Ayurveda - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. This makes it versatile and suitable for use by people with different body types and constitutions.

    BONUS- Terminalia chebula has been clinically tested to firm and brighten the skin.


    Terminalia Chebula

    Terminalia chebula, also known as the black or chebulic myrobalan, is native to parts of Asia, and grows in a variety of habitats, including deciduous forests, dry slopes, and foothills.

    The fruit of the Terminalia chebula tree has properties that help eliminate embarrassing body odor.

    It also acts as a natural astringent that again helps with managing bad body odor while also helping tighten and tone the skin.

    Terminalia chebula is believed to balance all three doshas in Ayurveda - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. This makes it versatile and suitable for use by people with different body types and constitutions.

    BONUS- Terminalia chebula has been clinically tested to firm and brighten the skin.

    terminalia chebula


    Indian Madder

    Manjistha, also known as Indian Madder, is an herb commonly used in Ayurveda for its blood-purifying properties. It is known to help balance the three doshas - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

    When the pitta dosha is imbalanced, it can lead to excessive sweating and body odor. Manjistha can help balance pitta due to its cooling properties, which can help regulate and reduce the foul smell associated with it.

    BONUS- Manjistha is often lauded as the 'King' herb due to its ability to promote a clear and bright complexion as it helps reduce the appearance of blemishes and othe discolorations.


    Indian Madder

    Manjistha, also known as Indian Madder, is an herb commonly used in Ayurveda for its blood-purifying properties. It is known to help balance the three doshas - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

    When the pitta dosha is imbalanced, it can lead to excessive sweating and body odor. Manjistha can help balance pitta due to its cooling properties, which can help regulate and reduce the foul smell associated with it.

    BONUS- Manjistha is often lauded as the 'King' herb due to its ability to promote a clear and bright complexion as it helps reduce the appearance of blemishes and othe discolorations.

    indian madder


    Indian Banyan

    Indian Banyan, also known as Ficus benghalensis, is a type of fig tree that is native to some parts of Asia.

    In Ayurveda, various parts of the banyan tree, including the bark, leaves, and fruit, are used for multiple health and wellness purposes.

    The banyan tree is believed to have a cooling effect on the body and helps balance the Pitta dosha.

    The astringent properties of banyan help to reduce the effects of excess body heat and body odor. In terms of Dosha, Indian Banyan balances the Kapha and Pitta doshas, making it a useful herb for those who are prone to excess heat or dampness in the body.


    Indian Banyan

    Indian Banyan, also known as Ficus benghalensis, is a type of fig tree that is native to some parts of Asia.

    In Ayurveda, various parts of the banyan tree, including the bark, leaves, and fruit, are used for multiple health and wellness purposes.

    The banyan tree is believed to have a cooling effect on the body and helps balance the Pitta dosha.

    The astringent properties of banyan help to reduce the effects of excess body heat and body odor. In terms of Dosha, Indian Banyan balances the Kapha and Pitta doshas, making it a useful herb for those who are prone to excess heat or dampness in the body.

    indian banyan



    Vetiver, also known as Khus, is a fragrant grass that is highly valued in Ayurvedic medicine. It is known for its cooling and refreshing qualities, making it particularly useful during the hot summer months.

    Vetiver is considered a detoxifying and cooling herb, making it an excellent simple ingredient to get rid of excess body heat, especially for people who are prone to sweating.

    In Ayurveda, Vetiver is believed to balance the Pitta dosha, which governs metabolism and energy production in the body. It is also said to have a grounding effect on the Vata dosha, which regulates bodily functions related to movement and nervous system activity.

    FUN FACT- The distilled water of Vetiver is derived from its roots and has a calming and balancing fragrance that is often compared to the fragrance of soil and petrichor.



    Vetiver, also known as Khus, is a fragrant grass that is highly valued in Ayurvedic medicine. It is known for its cooling and refreshing qualities, making it particularly useful during the hot summer months.

    Vetiver is considered a detoxifying and cooling herb, making it an excellent simple ingredient to get rid of excess body heat, especially for people who are prone to sweating.

    In Ayurveda, Vetiver is believed to balance the Pitta dosha, which governs metabolism and energy production in the body. It is also said to have a grounding effect on the Vata dosha, which regulates bodily functions related to movement and nervous system activity.

    FUN FACT- The distilled water of Vetiver is derived from its roots and has a calming and balancing fragrance that is often compared to the fragrance of soil and petrichor.


    But that’s not all!

    Along with the 8 above, Mehfranz contains 30 more

    Ayurvedic ingredients to make the magic happen!

    sesame seeds

    1. Sesame Oil

    (Sesamum indicum)

    Nourishes and moisturizes the skin, preventing excessive dryness. Serves as an excellent carrier of Ayurvedic herbs

    Balances all three doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha).

    symplocos tree

    2. Symplocos Tree 

    (Symplocos racemosa)

    Has astringent properties beneficial for preventing body odor. Purifies the skin, improving the look of its texture and radiance.

    Balances Kapha and Pitta doshas.


    3. Cinnamon

    (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)

    Helps reduce body odor and imparts a characteristic woody, sweet aroma. Promotes a youthful appearance of mature skin.

    Balances Kapha and Vata doshas.

    nut grass

    4. Nut Grass

    (Cyperus rotundus)

    Aromatic on its own and has a cooling potency that's beneficial for preventing body odor. Improves skin texture and reduces pigmentation, leading to a more even skin tone.

    Balances Pitta and Kapha doshas.

    nutmeg flow and bark

    5. Nutmeg Flower
    6. Nutmeg Bark

    (Myristica fragrans)

    Have bad body odor-reducing properties. Firm and brighten the look of dull and saggy skin.

    Balance Vata and Kapha doshas.


    7. Lotus

    (Nelumbo nucifera)

    Has cooling properties that help reduce the embarrassing effects of sweating and body odor. Nourishes and hydrates the skin, promoting a healthy and radiant complexion.

    Balances Pitta and Kapha doshas.


    8. Turmeric

    (Curcuma longa)

    Is time-tested to control body odor. Improves complexion, skin brightness and reduces age spots.

    Balances all three doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha).

    beleric myrobalan

    9. Beleric myrobalan

    (Terminalia bellirica)

    Has cooling and astringent properties that help reduce body odor. Deeply hydrates dry skin and reduces the look of sunspots.

    Balances all doshas but predominantly Kapha and Pitta doshas.

    screw pine

    10. Screw Pine

    (Pandanus odoratissimus)

    Has astringent and heat-reducing properties. Cools, refreshes and tones clogged skin pores.

    Balances Kapha and Pitta doshas.

    dyker's alkanet

    11. Dyer’s Alkanet

    (Alkanna tinctoria)

    Benefits sweat-prone skin by reducing odor. Improves age spots on cranky skin types.

    Balances the Kapha dosha.


    12. Saffron

    (Crocus Sativus)

    Benefits sweat-prone skin by reducing odor. Brightens dull skin and imparts a radiant glow.

    Balances all three dosha.

    fire flame bush

    13. Fire Flame Bush

    (Woodfordia fruticosa)

    Benefits sweat-prone skin by reducing odor due to excess sweating. Imparts an instantly cooling sensation to the skin.

    Balances the Pitta dosha.

    aloe vera

    14. Aloe Vera

    (Aloe barbadensis)

    Cools and refreshes heated up skin Moisturizes without residue and hydrates all skin types.

    Balances the Pitta dosha.

    indian elecampane

    15. Indian Elecampane

    (Inula racemosa)

    Refreshes skin by imparting a natural, sharp, pine-like aroma. Gives saggy skin a taut look

    Balances the Kapha and Vata dosha.

    wild himalayan cherry

    16. Wild Himalayan Cherry

    (Prunus cerasoides)

    Gives a light, lotus-like floral aroma. Acts as a complexion enhancer.

    Balances the Kapha and Pitta dosha.

    areca nut palm

    17. Areca Nut Palm

    (Areca catechu)

    Cleanses odor affected sweat-pores. Reduces the look of wrinkles and saggy skin.

    five-leaved chaste tree

    18. Five-leaved Chaste Tree

    (Vitex Negundo)

    Promotes odor reduction. Smooths the appearance of textured and bumpy skin.

    Balances the Vata and Kapha dosha.

    indian valerian

    19. Indian Valerian

    (Valeriana wallichii)

    Has a relaxing and meditative effect according to Ayurveda. Promotes a youthful look and spotless appearance of skin.

    Balances the Vata, Pitta and Kapha dosha.

    long-leaf indian pine

    20. Long-leaf Indian Pine

    (Pinus longifolia)

    Has deodorizing and aromatic characteristics. Improves the look of skin elasticity.

    Balances the Kapha and Vata dosha.


    21. Sandalwood

    (Santalum album)

    Known to impart a unique woody, meditative aroma. Improves the look of skin tone and texture while improving the complexion visibly.

    Balances the Pitta and Kapha dosha.

    indian bay leaf

    22. Indian Bay Leaf

    (Cinnamomum tamala)

    Has properties that can help to combat sweaty related odor. Highly beneficial for reducing the look of dark spots on the skin.

    Indian bay leaf is believed to balance the Kapha and Vata doshas.

    gulf leaf flowe

    23. Gulf Leaf Flower

    (Phyllanthus niruri)

    Has a mild cooling and soothing sensation for cranky skin types.

    Balances Pitta and Kapha dosha.

    dita bark

    24. Dita Bark

    (Alstonia scholaris)

    Has strong astringent and odor removing properties. Helps to tighten and firm the skin, making it appear smoother and more youthful.

    Balance Kapha and Vata dosha.

    tailed pepper

    25. Tailed Pepper

    (Piper cubeba)

    Removes embarrassing body odor and imparts a peppery aroma.

    Tailed pepper is believed to balance the Kapha and Vata doshas.


    26. Zebrawood

    (Pistacia integerrima)

    Has purifying and astringent properties that benefit people who sweat excessively.

    Balances Vata and Kapha doshas.


    27. Camphor

    (Dryobalanops camphora)

    Popular as a coolant and has odor-eliminating properties.

    Balances Kapha and Pitta dosha.

    orange essential oil

    28. Orange Essential Oil

    (Citrus aurantium dulcis peel)

    Has tonifying properties and imparts a citrusy and sweet aroma.

    Balances Vata dosha.

    ylang-ylang essential oil

    29. Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil

    (Cananga odorata flower)

    Promotes a soothing and sensual sweet, herbaceous, floral and subtle spicy aroma.

    Balances Vata dosha.

    patchouli essential oil

    30. Patchouli Essential Oil

    (Pogostemon cablin leaf)

    Imparts a combination of woody, sweet, and musk-like notes.

    Balances Vata and Pitta doshas.

    Mehfranz bottle with ingredients labelled in the background

    Full List of Ingredients

    Sesame Oil [Sesamum Indicum], Symplocos Tree [Symplocos Racemosa], Manjistha [Rubia Cordifolia], Cinnamon [Cinnamomum Zeylanicum], Nutgrass [Cyperus Rotundus], Vetiver [Vetiveria Zizanioides], Sandalwood [Santalum Album], Lotus [Nelumbo Nucifera], Chebula [Terminalia Chebula], Amla [Emblica Officinalis], Beleric Myrobalan [Terminalia Bellirica], Turmeric [Curcuma Longa], Screw Pine [Pandanus Odoratissimus], Dyer's Alkanet [Alkanna Tinctoria], Indian Banyan [Ficus Bengalensis], Black Cardamom [Amomum Subulatum], Fire Flame Bush [Woodfordia Fruticosa], Aloe Vera [Aloe Barbadensis], Indian Elecampane [Inula Racemosa], Wild Himalayan Cherry [Prunus Cerasoides], Areca Nut Palm [Areca Catechu], Five-Leaved Chaste Tree [Vitex Negundo], Indian Valerian [Valeriana Wallichii], Long-Leaf Indian Pine [Pinus Longifolia], Himalayan Silver Fir [Abies Webbiana], Indian Bay Leaf [Cinnamomum Tamala], Gulf Leaf Flower [Phyllanthus Niruri], Dita Bark [Alstonia Scholaris], Nutmeg Seed [Myristica Fragrans], Nutmeg Flower [Myristica Fragrans], Tailed Pepper [Piper Cubeba], Zebrawood [Pistacia Integerrima], White Turmeric [Curcuma Zedoaria], Camphor [Dryobalanops Camphora], Saffron [Crocus Sativus], Orange Essential Oil [Citrus Aurantium Dulcis], Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil [Cananga Odorata], Patchouli Essential Oil [Pogostemon Cablin].


    It's important to note that if your body odor is due to a medical condition or genetic predisposition, Mehfranz cannot cure it. 

    It's recommended to consult a medical practitioner for proper diagnosis and treatment.

    However, Mehfranz can serve as a superior, 100% natural alternative to chemical deodorants, reducing body odor, promoting hygiene and maintaining the radiance, suppleness and youthful appearance of your skin.


    “Great For Those Allergic To Ingredients In Deodorants "

    "Got this for my daughter because she gets a terrible underarm rash every time she uses deodorant. So many have metals in them which are horrible for your health and those rashes are even worse. She loves this!! It smells wonderful and keeps her feeling clean and her skin cared for all day - and she’s a hectic lower school teacher - so that really is amazing! Another winner!”

    -Maria S

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    “I am truly impressed!!"

    "I saw an ad for this on Instagram, and was sceptical, because I've used other natural deodorants that work through winter and autumn, though I still sweated so, while my armpits didn't smell the underarms of my shirts did... In spring and summer, the sweat and stale shirts are even worse!! So, I crossed my fingers and prayed for the best with this one....!! But, from the very first use, I don't smell at all, nor do I sweat anywhere near as much. I even put the oil between my cleavage and under my *******, as I sweat there too!! Not with the oil, though!! I'm so impressed by this, I'm about to order the hair oil and the face oil!!”

    -Tracy W

    Deodorants BEWARE!

    5 Reasons Why MEHFRANZ is the Ultimate Winner Against Bad Body Odor, Leaving Deodorants in the Dust!

    • Any commercial deodorant or perfume can only mask B.O. temporarily. Eventually, its aroma ends up mixing with your B.O. and you end up smelling funky. Mehfranz, has no such suffocating or overpowering perfumy scent that mixes with your B.O. In fact, Mehfranz works to eliminate B.O. with repeated usage by balancing Pitta dosha – that we can promise, your deo or perfume is not even aware of! Commercial solutions are unaware of and are unable to target Pitta dosha to balance your B.O. MEHFRANZ ATTACKS THE FACTOR BEHIND B.O. Ayurvedically! As you would have learnt above on this page, Ayurveda approaches B.O. in a unique way and hence even the solution it provides is unique.
    • While there are some areas that collect sweat and emit concentrated odor, your body emits its odor all over it. Just spraying some chemical deo or perfume in your armpits is not only harmful for your health, but also altogether ineffective at completely eliminating the bad smell. Mehfranz, on the other hand, is meant for use all over the body along with the concentrated smell-pits like underarms, under the bust, in the cleavage, behind the knee etc. Hence, no corner of the body is left alone to accumulate and emanate an unpleasant smell.
    • Using Mehfranz as an all-over body oil not only helps transform your body odor but also makes your skin soft and radiant. You cannot expect that from a regular deo or perfume!
    • Unlike commercial deodorants and perfumes, Mehfranz is 100% natural and free of any chemicals!
    • There are 36 Ayurvedic ingredients in Mehfranz and 32 herbs that are not merely chemical extracts of plants, they’re WHOLE-HERBS cooked into the oil, with enhanced potency and uber-effective delivery. Mehfranz is prepared using a traditional Ayurvedic method that brings the power of herbs together most effectively. Mehfranz is the best way to experience the power of these herbs, especially right inside the pores, where they work their magic! Another perfume or deo doesn’t come close!

    Any commercial deodorant or perfume can only mask B.O. temporarily. Eventually, its aroma ends up mixing with your B.O. and you end up smelling funky. Mehfranz, has no such suffocating or overpowering perfumy scent that mixes with your B.O. In fact, Mehfranz works to eliminate B.O. with repeated usage by balancing Pitta dosha – that we can promise, your deo or perfume is not even aware of! Commercial solutions are unaware of and are unable to target Pitta dosha to balance your B.O. MEHFRANZ ATTACKS THE FACTOR BEHIND B.O. Ayurvedically! As you would have learnt above on this page, Ayurveda approaches B.O. in a unique way and hence even the solution it provides is unique.

    While there are some areas that collect sweat and emit concentrated odor, your body emits its odor all over it. Just spraying some chemical deo or perfume in your armpits is not only harmful for your health, but also altogether ineffective at completely eliminating the bad smell. Mehfranz, on the other hand, is meant for use all over the body along with the concentrated smell-pits like underarms, under the bust, in the cleavage, behind the knee etc. Hence, no corner of the body is left alone to accumulate and emanate an unpleasant smell.

    Using Mehfranz as an all-over body oil not only helps transform your body odor but also makes your skin soft and radiant. You cannot expect that from a regular deo or perfume!

    Unlike commercial deodorants and perfumes, Mehfranz is 100% natural and free of any chemicals!

    There are 36 Ayurvedic ingredients in Mehfrans and 32 herbs that are not merely chemical extracts of plants, they’re WHOLE-HERBS cooked into the oil, with enhanced potency and uber-effective delivery. Mehfranz is prepared using a traditional Ayurvedic method that brings the power of herbs together most effectively. Mehfranz is the best way to experience the power of these herbs, especially right inside the pores, where they work their magic! Another perfume or deo doesn’t come close!


    Our sense of smell is a powerful tool that allows us to experience the world in unique ways. However, what many people fail to recognize is that our olfactory receptors can get accustomed to a specific smell after prolonged exposure. This phenomenon is called olfactory fatigue, and it can lead to olfactory blindness, where our nose becomes less responsive to smell.

    The problem with olfactory fatigue is that it can prevent us from detecting unpleasant odors emanating from our bodies. We might not realize that we are the source of the offensive smell, making it hard to identify the root cause and take appropriate measures to address it.

    This is why it's crucial to maintain good hygiene and grooming practices, even if we feel like we're not emitting any odor.

    So, here are some things you can do to ensure you always smell clean:

    • Shower twice a day
    • Wash clothes more frequently
    • Exfoliate regularly
    • Choose natural fabrics for daily wear
    • Eliminate/ Reduce intake of foods like garlic, onion, processed meat, fried food, greasy foods, hot spices, condiments, alcohol and caffeine from your diet

    And if you’re too busy to do any of that, just apply Mehfranz and massage it in either all over your body or particularly in stench-prone areas such as the arm pits, under-bust, thigh-joints right after your shower!

    mehfranz bottle with oil droplets

    By the way, if you’re expecting a cool, menthol-like, minty aroma – STOP. You’re in for a surprise!

    Mehfranz gives naturally aromatic care to your body helping deodorize it and eliminating the need to use deodorants.

    An herbal concentrate rife with medicinal spices (yes, in some parts of the world, traditional medical sciences count some of these herbs in the list of nature’s medicines!), Mehfranz is unlike any body odor removal product you’ve ever seen before!

    Not only does it come in a unique oil format, it is also made up of spices and herbs from Ayurveda’s treasure chest.

    This body oil is NOT perfumed, or a replacement for perfume!

    It is an authentic Ayurvedic body massage potion that balances Pitta and Kapha, eliminates odor, soothes skin and solves similar sweaty-problems!

    Mehfranz Deodorizing Oil uses the power of Ayurvedic herbs mentioned in the ancient texts to gift your body a natural scent and more importantly, rid it of its bad scents! To your nose, this oil may smell like a spice garden, but wait for it to show its wonders. Use it regularly, twice a day for at least 2 weeks and then check how you smell!



    “Mehfranz oil"

    "I am very impressed with the service, shipping speed and packaging and of course the quality of the product. I bought this oil mostly to use as a way to not use commercial deodorants. I am active all day and have noticed a change in my body odour. This Mehfranz oil has helped stave off the dreaded BO that shows up mid day. Plus the oil softens my skin and helps it look younger! Highly recommend all their products!”

    - Kristin H



    "I was astonished at how effective this is! I bought it to use as a deodorant and it did not disappoint. You only need to apply a small amount which is very effective. Better than any natural deodorant I have ever used, if I could give it a thousand stars I would. I am completely in love with this product and am about to buy bulk as I never want to run out. Thank you for this amazing product ❤️”

    - Isabele


    “Use it for natural deodorant "

    "I love this oil, it does what it says it will do. I do manual labor and I use this on my body and no body odor at all.”

    - Natasha T


    “Battles armpit odor"

    "Excellent product, I use a small amount in my armpits after showering and noticed that my body odor is much less “potent”. Highly recommend.”

    - Kristin L


    “I Can’t Believe This Works!"

    "Seriously, I’ve tried so very many natural deodorants that failed… this one really really works. I waited for two weeks of continuous use and it seems to work even better as time goes on.”

    - Dalton Frenchie



    "This product does exactly what it says, it keeps you odor free all day long. I have had a lot of problems with sensitivity to deodorants so much so I would itch and scratch my skin raw and be unable to wear anything and then be extremely self conscious about smelling of BO I would go to the bathroom and wash my pits. Mehfranz Eternally Fragrant Body Massage Oil is amazing, no smell and no reaction whatsoever it has been a real life changer. Thankyou Ayurveda Experience your products are heaven sent”

    - Suzie S


    “My new deodorant!"

    "First of all I am impressed with the package! Beautifully designed and functional as well! I leave the bottle in a nice cylinder package on my bathroom counter. Also it is perfect for traveling without worrying your fragile bottle will get damaged. Now the product itself is smell refreshing. I use one pump and massage on my left and one more pump on my right underarm. I massage clockwise both according to the instruction. It lasted me all day without reapply in hot Texas weather 100 plus degrees every day. My husband confirmed I have no body odor at all. I have been using it for almost a month now and will repurchase!”

    - Nantana


    “Eternally Fragrant Body Massage Oil"

    "This is a great product! I was extremely skeptical that this oil would be a better option than regular deoderant, but I was curious so I purchased it. It really works! I walk every day (and our temperatures have been in the high 80's) and I work in the yard every day, and this oil really does eliminate body odor in a way my traditional deoderant never did. I keep it in the shower and apply right after and not only get the moisturizing benefits, but also the odor control. And a little of this goes a long way. I will definetly be ordering this again and will get a second bottle for my travel bag so I can get rid of my normal moisturizer and deoderant and replace it with just this oil.”

    - Vera E.

    Do you wonder if men emit a stronger body odor than women? Here’s something to know and a way to help them out!

    Sure, you must've noticed (NOSE-ticed) the stink-stank on your  teenage son just returning from a football match, or your hardworking husband wrapping his arms around you right before his quick shower or your ‘too-busy-to-bother father’ after his little nap outside in the sun?

    Interestingly, this perception of men being smellier is not necessarily related to their personal hygiene, but rather to some specific factors. For example, men tend to have more body hair than women, which can readily absorb and trap odors and moisture in enclosed areas such as armpits, providing an ideal breeding ground for odor-causing bacteria. Moreover, males are genetically predisposed to having more smelly bacteria in their armpits than females because they possess thicker skin and sweat more fatty substances, creating the perfect environment for corynebacteria to breed. Furthermore, studies reveal that the smell of male sweat is often described as "cheesy" compared to female sweat, which tends to smell "oniony" due to differences in the composition and quantity of molecules present. To help the men in your life battle body odor, you can suggest strategies such as shaving or trimming armpit hair, avoiding synthetic fabrics, using Mehfranz body odor-eliminating body massage oil along with adopting a healthier diet!

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    Free Shipping in USA, 30 days money back guarantee, No additives or binders, not tested on animals badge


    “All your products are exquisite - and that is very Rare"

    "There is a strong holistic connection with your Ayurveda Experience products, and I have tried quite a few now and all of them have been exquisite. They are beautifully packaged in colourful and exotic looking round boxes so they sit beautifully on your dressing table. The scents are very hedonistic but my main faith with you is in the careful choice of ingredients. Each of them can be trusted, and the impact on my body is simply sublime. I love your range and look forward to trialling even more of them in the near future. Thanks you so much for making them; and nurturing their ingredients so very well. I deeply appreciate all the work that you have done to bring them to market. Blessings to all of your at Ayurveda Experience."


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