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  • To anyone who's ever suffered wicked self-esteem-destroying words from the ‘Mean Girls’, this is your SWEET REVENGE…


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    There’s no magic bullet, but there is one simple, beauty secret that will leave your aging skin so smooth and supple… so toned and tightened… so vibrant and rejuvenated… it will have the Mean Girls’ jaws dropping in ENVY!

    Discover the power of the one pump that will become your own personal fountain of youth…​

    Understand why our skin starts to age in our late 20s… what the inevitable signs are… and how to manage them so you have the last, laugh-line-less laugh…

    Learn all about the TRIPLE Gold Complex ingredients that will result in TRIPLE the compliments about​ how young you look…

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    There’s no magic bullet, but there is one simple, beauty secret that will leave your aging skin so smooth and supple… so toned and tightened… so vibrant and rejuvenated… it will have the Mean Girls’ jaws dropping in ENVY!

    Discover the power of the one pump that will become your own personal fountain of youth…​

    Understand why our skin starts to age in our late 20s… what the inevitable signs are… and how to manage them so you have the last, laugh-line-less laugh…

    Learn all about the TRIPLE Gold Complex ingredients that will result in TRIPLE the compliments about​how young you look…


    My name is Wendy. I’m 57 and I am SO grateful for the life I have. BUT…

    I wasn’t always. In fact, in overly dramatic youthful fashion, most of my youth was spent wanting to crawl under my purple paisley bedcovers and hide from the world until I turned 22 because I didn’t fit in at school… or with what the magazines presented as being pretty… and the boys that were considered datable? I was invisible to them.

    I think at some point, we’ve all experienced some sort of comments about our looks. So, maybe you can relate.

    And MAYBE you have your own stories about how the Queens of Mean targeted you at school for not looking a certain way.

    And MAYBE  you were able to make it to the bathroom stall to hide from barrage of cruel comments hurled at you in the hallways between class:

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    “Look! It’s Wendy the Wannabe!

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    “You know what else starts with a “W”, Wendy? Wallflower!”

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    “What rhymes with not-so-trendy?”

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    Yep, that’s me. Wendy.

    Now, maybe those aren’t the exact insults you suffered. (Or maybe you were on the other end and dispensed mean remarks like gum from a gum ball machine.) Whichever role you played—giver or receiver—stick around to see if there’s a Hollywood-happy ending to all of this.​

    Because in the next few minutes we’re going to spend together, I’m going to treat you like my BFF (Beauty Forever Friend) and share how my ‘Mean Girl’ experience inspired me to find ways to be the best version of myself over the last 3 decades.​

    Which means looking and feeling my best when other women my age are looking unrecognizable to themselves and feeling a little hopeless.

    Gonna be honest. It wasn’t easy… and it took time… and some discovery… but I finally found the ME hidden in all that MEAN! A version of myself that is​

    Confident as can be… even without make-up.

    Divorced and dating… age-appropriately
    (for the most part 😉 )​

    Comfortable in my own aging, but age-defying skin!

    I feel SO much better about myself now—at 57—than when I did back then. And you know what? I’m NOT ALONE!​

    A significant majority of women over 50 feel they have gained wisdom and valuable life experience over the years, which contributes to self-assuredness-

    This last one really resonates with me as it confirms that older IS wiser. Especially when it comes to the wisdom I now have about the best way to hold onto a more youthful-looking appearance that has​ 
    Heads turning Hearts throbbing​

    This last one really resonates with me as it confirms that older IS wiser. Especially when it comes to the wisdom I now have about the best way to hold onto a more youthful-looking appearance that has​ 

    ✅ Heads turning
    ✅ Hearts throbbing​
    ✅ And grown-up ’Mean Girls’ eating their words for lunch

    because, unlike in the school cafeteria days, they DO eat lunch now!​

    Even better, this approach to looking and feeling my best? It didn’t require​

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    Shelling out big bucks for a toney aesthetician who promised to be an anti-aging magician​.

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    Taking time out of my busy professional and personal life recovering from swelling, bruising, and itchy stitches.

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    Suffering the pain of repeated needle pricks or wearing protective eyewear while a dermatologist played laser tag ​on my face, neck, and decollete.

    It required only one thing—​


    Sounds exotic, right? Something the ‘Mean Girls’ would have the inside scoop on? Well, the ‘Mean Girls’ I know must not have gotten the memo about this AGE GAME-CHANGING OIL and how women over 40 are going crazy for its ability to

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    • Soften the look of fine lines and wrinkles assaulting our foreheads and around our lips and eyes.
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    • Dim the appearance of dark spots that are dotting the driver’s-side of our faces.
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    • Firm and tone the appearance of sad, sagging skin​.
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    • Revive and reinvigorate the skin and skin tone so we can literally put our best face forward!​
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    It required only one thing—​


    Sounds exotic, right? Something the ‘Mean Girls’ would have the inside scoop on? Well, the ‘Mean Girls’ I know must not have gotten the memo about this AGE-GAME CHANGING OIL and how women over 40 are going crazy for its ability to

    Artboard 1 copy 13.png__PID:3bd8e6d2-d12c-4d9f-a04a-2cfd6ffb899c
    • Soften the look of fine lines and wrinkles assaulting our foreheads and around our lips and eyes.
    Artboard 1 copy 12.png__PID:0e3bd8e6-d2d1-4c6d-9f20-4a2cfd6ffb89
    • Dim the appearance of dark spots that are dotting the driver’s side of our faces.
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    • Firm and tone the appearance of sad, sagging skin​.
    Artboard 1 copy 11.png__PID:510e3bd8-e6d2-412c-ad9f-204a2cfd6ffb
    • Revive and reinvigorate the skin and skin tone so we can literally put our best face forward!​
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    Let me explain. Cut to present day.

    I’m out to lunch with my daughter and who’s sitting at the table next to us? You got it! The same crowd that wouldn’t let me sit with them at the lunch table. Still BFFs, clearly. (But not Beauty Forever Friends, even more clearly.)​

    When I discreetly pointed them out to my daughter, she said (a hair too loudly), ”They’re your age? You look like you could be their daughter!” Good kid, that one. Am I right?​

    Anyway, Queen Mean took that as her cue to come over and stutter hello. This was my

    She said, “WOW, Wendy! I almost didn’t recognize you. You look just like your daughter. I mean, your daughter looks just like you. You could be twins, I… mean…”​

    Now, I could unpack that sentence a million different ways starting with the ‘WOW’ attached to ‘Wendy’ rather than ’Wallflower’ or​ ’Wannabe’. Or the ‘I mean…(I. MEAN. LOL) I knew what she meant and felt it tingling in the best of ways throughout my whole body.

    But you know what? I’d rather not spend any more energy focusing on MEAN and take this opportunity to share with you how the tables have turned, and I became QUEEN OF BEING SEEN!​

    Much like you, I’m targeted on social media as an older “aging” woman who might suffer from any number of age-related​ things. Yauvari Amplified-Youth Spring kept showing up and I was intrigued so I kept reading about the skin care product, just like​ you’re doing now.​

    ​The reviews were great… And verified! Pretty much 5 starts across the board…​

    I could relate better to the women shown in their ads more than any other beauty brand vying for my attention— different body shapes, different shades of grey, clean-faces with no retouching…

    The mention of Ayurvedic herbs and oils I hadn’t heard of despite the fact they’ve been around and used in skin care for centuries…​

    A price per bottle that made my first purchase a no-brainer as it was a fraction of what other skin care products cost!​


    Everything I read make me tick and— yes—CLICK! And my youthful-looking self hasn’t looked back. Not once.​

    Let me give you the details…

    But before I get to that…​

    It’s important to explain a little bit about what I’ve learned about Ayurveda since using Yauvari, and how this ancient wisdom applies to aging. The Ayurvedic practices can be a little intimidating and complex. I’m obviously not an expert, so I’ll keep things pretty top level.​

    We all know there are a lot of things that contribute to aging—environmental toxins, diet, UV rays, air temperature—but according to Ayurveda, the root of the aging process goes deeper as detailed in the 5,000 year-ancient Ayurvedic texts.

    According to those texts, we all go through three stages of life, also known as the three doshas—or vital energies—that govern our bodies.


    According to the Ayurvedic texts, KAPHA is the first stage of life and embodies the elements of Earth and Water. It is associated with oiliness, juiciness, and heaviness and is the force that makes sure our cells remain hydrated, our tissues strong, and our minds steady. Baby soft skin? That pretty much sums up KAPHA.​


    PITTA is the second, or middle stage of life, and embodies the elements of Fire and Water. It is associated with heat, sharpness, and determination and is the vibrant and fiery force that governs transformation and metabolism. Teen anger and irritability and volcanic acne? That’s PITTA rearing its fiery head.

    VATA is the third, or last stage of life, and embodies the element of Air. It is associated with dryness, lightness, and creativity. It is associated with dry, rough, and sagging skin and orchestrates the complex balance of our physical acuity.

    So, if you’re 40? 50? Even 60? That unrecognizable aging skin dotted with spots and lined with wrinkles that appeared as if overnight? 
    Blame VATA!​

    Now that we’ve identified VATA as the “why” behind the “what on earth is happening to my youth and my skin?”, we know the kind of care we need to manage them! It’s the old PROBLEM/SOLUTION approach to taking care of aging skin. Kind of like taking care of ‘Mean Girl’ problems with any number of solutions including hiding in the bathroom stall until safe 🤦🏽‍♀️​​

    If you’re like me, it was time to do some ‘down the internet rabbit hole’ searching about what makes this skin care product different from the others.

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    What does the word Yauvari mean?​


    Fruit? Herbs? Oils? So, I began to dig deeper into the herbs part and saw that at the heart of Yauvari was something called Triple Black-Gold Complex, which is the foundational trio of herbs that seems to really separate this product from other age-targeted products—Black Gram Lentil, Black Plum, and Black Pepper.

    The results: While nothing came up as a definition for the word, this came from the Ayurvedic Experience website:​ Yauvari allows herbs, fruits, oils to brew together in utmost harmony to bring out results that only the force of nature can yield.

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    What is a BLACK GRAM LENTIL and how will it help my aging, VATA skin?

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    The results : Little known in the West, this little black legume has been around for thousands of years and is literally an enriching food for your skin! In Ayurvedic practices, it’s revered for firming, toning, and hydrating skin that’s been through a lot over the —the relentless UV rays, the inescapable environmental toxins, the oil-stripping soaps and products.


    And when it comes to VATA? Here’s where I really started to Geek Out (ironically, the same quality that made me a ‘Mean Girl’ target back in the day.) I discovered that Black Gram Lentil is a natural, moisturizing soother with the ability to transform aging skin.

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    FROM sallow and sagging

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    Soft and smoother-looking!​


    Black Gram has exfoliating properties that help eliminate environmental dirt, pore-clogging oils, and dead skin cells through gentle exfoliation. And with its skin-nourishing properties, it helps maintain the velvety feel and softness of healthy, more youthful skin.​

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    Thin and Frail

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    Firm and refined​


    Black Gram’s impressive mineral content—including potent age-defying polyphenols—enhances the look of the skin’s firmness and elasticity, effectively reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and creases.

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    FROM dull and lifeless

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    Bright and buoyant​


    The skin-brightening properties of Black Gram help reduce the appearance of dark spots and hyperpigmentation as well as even out the overall skin tone.​

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    FROM Vata

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    🔥 Mama, even at 57!!!​


    With Black Gram’s two other partners in the Triple Black-Gold Complex: Black Plum and Black Pepper.​


    Is it as clear to you as it was to me? It was time to say goodbye to beauty counter gimmicks and take an effective, all-natural, Black Gram Lentil approach to caring for my skin. Seems these ugly little black beauty beads are transforming skin care as much as they are transforming aggressive signs of aging… even supporting the health of your skin!

    And that was just the FIRST ingredient in Yauvari’s Triple Black-Gold Complex. Back to my keyboard.

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    What is BLACK PLUM and how will it help my aging, VATA skin?​

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    The results : The Black Plum fruit with its alluring purplish-black skin is a precious jewel for nurturing radiant and vibrant skin. It’s celebrated for its vitamin- and mineral-rich profile which makes it an important ingredient in effective skincare. The Black Plum has been used for centuries in traditional Ayurvedic skincare to support conditions like acne, blemishes, and other minor skin irritations. Its cooling properties are believed to support a harmonious balance of dosha with its ability to transform skin.​

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    FROM dull and sullen  

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    Revived and radiant


    Black Plum is a rich source of potent vitamins and minerals including vitamin C and anthocyanins (search it 😉).

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    FROM lackluster and irregular

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    Bright and even-toned​


    The Black Plum is a rich source of natural acids that help reduce the appearance of annoying dark spots and pigmentation, resulting in brighter, more even-toned skin.​

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    FROM flaky and funky

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    Rehydrated and renewed​


    The juicy, hydrating nature of the Black Plum can help keep the skin moisturized, resulting in a healthier, more supple complexion.

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    FROM Vata

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    Mama, even with 60 right around the corner!​


    The moisturizing qualities of the Black Plum align perfectly with Vata’s need for moisture and hydration, delivering a deeply soothing and moisturizing experience. When the Black Plum combines with the Black Gram Lentil, they harmonize the skin’s energy, leaving it radiant, supple, and with a rediscovered sense of serenity.

    And rounding out the TRIO of BLACKS in TRIPLE BLACK-GOLD COMPLEX? BLACK PEPPER. I knew what it was, but I had no idea why it was a skin care ingredient. Back to the keyboard!​

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    What are the effects of BLACK PEPPER on VATA skin?​

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    The results: This common spice has properties that aren’t as commonly known when it comes to skin care. In Ayurvedic practices, this little peppery pellet is revered as the “King of Spices” and can deliver invigorating results when ethoughtfully used in daily routines.

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    FROM sullen and sallow

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    Smooth and supported​


    Black Pepper aids in reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines while also firming the appearance of sagging skin for a more lifted, youthful look.

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    FROM uneven and spotted

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    Evened and balanced​


    Black Pepper helps fade dark spots, spots from sun damage, and age spots. It also evens out the skin tone, resulting in a more even and balanced complexion.​

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    FROM hollow and deflated

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    Buoyant and boosted​


    Black Pepper’s properties provide a visibly brightened boost, especially when used on maturing skin​.

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    FROM Vata

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    I’m way too 🔥 to be anyone’s Mama!


    Black Pepper has a fiery intensity that complements Vata’s inherent coolness and dryness. The spice, with its invigorating properties, helps counter the sluggishness that often plagues aging, or Vata-prone, skin.

    DO YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE? I SURE DID! Especially when I found this out…​

    Yauvari scored a PERFECT SCORE in a Consumer Perception and Efficacy Test on 33 subjects over 28 days.

    I was surprised at how excited I can still get over a score of 100% (once a Geek, always a Geek!)... and Yauvari did it in 10 of 10 categories:


    And, here’s a skin care industry anomaly if I ever read one…​

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    Non-sticky feeling after application

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    Proper spreading on the face

    Artboard 1.png__PID:c31bd09a-e2ef-4c21-b826-9998f52396c6

    No irritation caused by the product

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    No burning sensation with the product

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    Reduction of dryness

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    Softening of the skin

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    Improvement in skin texture

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    Youthful appearance of the skin

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    Quick absorption into the skin

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    No itching after using the product

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    Proper spreading on the face

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    No irritation caused by the product

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    No burning sensation with the product

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    Reduction of dryness

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    Non-sticky feeling after application

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    Softening of the skin

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    Improvement in skin texture

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    Youthful appearance of the skin

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    Quick absorption into the skin

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    No itching after using the product


    WAS I IN? 💯

    So here’s what happened next.

    I placed my order and received it rather quickly. When I opened it, the packaging was so bright and cheery. Just like in the pictures. And the oil itself? Exactly as promised.​

    I needed just a few drops of oil (one pump) to cover my face, neck, and upper chest

    The oil was silky and light to the touch without leaving a trace of lingering stickiness on my hands or face…​

    I could literally feel the oil being absorbed quickly and easily into my dry, thirsty skin…​

    Maybe my eyes were playing a trick on me, but I swear my skin looked instantly more glowy, with that youthful dewiness I’d given up having so many years ago…​

    Oh, and I was pleasantly surprised by the uplifting and fresh aroma of the oil – Frankincense, Niroli, and Lime. I started anticipating my Yauvari in the AM, Yauvari in the PM skin care ritual after using just a few times. That’s how lovely it is…​

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    If I were you, here’s what I would be asking me…


    Stay with me… this is where things really get interesting.

    I call my results the ‘AMPLIFIED-YOUTH EFFECT’… if you could have seen the Queen of Mean’s face when she saw me, you’d understand why! My youthfulness looked amplified—by at least two decades❗​

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    Effect #1 HYDRATES

    That depressing dry, flaky, crepey skin I’d been noticing with each passing year?
    Yauvari penetrated deep into my skin and contributed to a strikingly youthful-looking, oh-hello-there appearance.​

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    Effect #2 RE-VOLUMIZES

    Those suddenly sunken areas staring back at me in the mirror?​
    Yauvari helped plump the look of those aggravating areas, diminishing the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles.​

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    Effect #3 AMPLIFIES​

    The change in the texture of my skin that happened overnight?
    Yauvari amplified the feel of my skin’s natural softness and suppleness.​

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    Effect #4 REVEALS

    That dullness and drabness that I felt the need to cover over with layers of makeup? ​
    Makeup, no more! Yauvari absorbed into all three problem areas of my skin, revealing a more vibrant, glowy complexion, helping revive the brightness that disappeared along with my youth.​

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    Effect #5 TRANSFORMS

    The unfamiliar face staring back at me in the mirror for some time now as age settled in?
    Yauvari targeted the look of my aging areas and gave me what I can only describe as a visible, youth-embracing transformation.

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    Effect #6 UPLIFTS​

    That heaviness of spirit that descended on me with each additional candle that descended into my birthday cake?
    Yauvari’s divine scent with an aromatic blend of Fankincense, Neroli, and Lime was an instant pick-me-up with each application.​

    You know what else was kind of great?!

    Yauvari’sAMPLIFIED-YOUTH’ EFFECT' is a 100% gain, 0% pain approach to a more youthful-looking me.

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    No Pain or Needle Prick

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    No Brusing, Swelling or Peeling

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    No Doctors or Downtime

    Let’s take a walk down historical lane, shall we?​

    For as long as EVER, , women have endured pain in the name of beauty and to hang onto our youthful appearance. We​

    JAM our toes into pointy-toed heels to make our legs look longer​
    SQUEEZE into sausage-casing shapewear to tame belly bulges
    APPLY chemicals to straighten, strip, and dye our hair with disregard to the damage​
    SUFFER nips, tucks, needles, suction, and bruising to maintain a head-turning figure

    No one’s twisting our arm to do this. We willingly do it over and over again throughout our lives because going through the pain is ”worth it”!

    This is a toxic approach to appearance that buys into the long-time myth that pain is required to gain beauty.​

    Well, I’m here to tell you as your BFF ’Beauty Friend Forever’, there’s a pain-free way to go about getting your you-go-girl groove back!

    IN FACT, ​
    the best path to finding the look of your lost, head-turning, heart-throbbing, mean-girl-revenging youth is​.....

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    100% Natural & Vegan

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    No Bruising, Swelling, or Peeling

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    Both Short-Term And Long-Term Effective

    To explain, I needed to literally turn back the pages of time and mine the wisdom of 5,000-year-ancient Ayurvedic texts.

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    What do the Ayurvedic texts say about skin care?


    The results: The Ayurvedic texts unveil a timeless skin care philosophy that transcends fleeting trends. Rooted in nature’s bounty, Ayurveda prescribes personalized rituals using herbs, oils, and time-honored techniques to nurture the skin. It’s a holistic approach and recognizes that radiant skin emanates from inner equilibrium.


    This approach is where ancient wisdom meets modern skin care needs. My skin care needs!​But wait…

    Why is it taking the West so long to catch up when nature’s beauty ingredients have been around since the beginning of time?


    Ayurvedic beauty practices often emphasize a holistic approach to well-being, while Western beauty standards have been more focused on external appearances. This creates a cultural disconnect.​


    Ayurvedic beauty wisdom with its rich heritage and holistic approach has remained relatively unknown in the Western world for a very, very long time.


    The beauty industry in the Western world has been dominated by commercial interests and profit, offering quick-fix solutions and products. Ayurvedic practices and products are a threat to the industry as we know it.


    Integrating Ayurvedic insights into Western lifestyles can be difficult. It often involves changes in dietary habits, daily routines, and mindset and can be met with resistance.​


    The Ayurvedic wisdom was traditionally communicated in Sanskrit, which was a barrier for a Western audience.


    It seems many of the Ayurvedic companies that tried to sell their products in the West weren’t really equipped to meet industry compliance here. But iYURA, the company behind youth-boosting Yauvari changed all of that by putting stringent quality control processes in place, including safety testing protocols that ensure their products are pesticide-free and have no traces of heavy metal toxicity.

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    As more and more of us in the West are looking for holistic and natural approaches to beauty, the wisdom detailed in Ayurvedic texts is gradually gaining the recognition it deserves. And the products being made by iYURA are not only effective, but safe!​

    Remember what I said earlier about the best revenging being


    Well, after using Yauvari for about a month and seeing some beautiful results, I had to make some changes.​

    The turtlenecks I relied on to hide my lined neck and spotted decollete? I replaced them with look-at-me V-necks!​

    The foundation I was using to conceal my dark spots and the foundation I relied on to hide my fine lines? It’s now concealed in the back of my vanity drawer!​

    The scarves I became locally famous for wearing with... everything, to fashionably hide… everything from chest to chin? I still wear them. But only out of want not need!​

    In a matter of weeks, I had become one of THOSE women!​

    You know how small communities are. I had people talking.​
    She looks so good, what is she doing?” ​
    Has Wendy lost weight?” “Had work done?” “Changed her hair?” “Started pilates?” “Found a new facialist?”​
    Wendy. Just wow!"

    Seems a little Black Gram Lentil goes a long way towards getting noticed—in the best way!

    And while Black Gram is the hero of this skin care story, there are some supporting characters worth mentioning, here. Somewhat common herbs by comparison, but with some very intriguing characteristics you should know about.

    A time-tested trio of trouble-shooting herbs:​

    Turmeric, Ginger, and Long Pepper

    The combination of Turmeric, Ginger, and Long Pepper perfectly aligns with the Ayurvedic approach to the appearance of skin that defies its biological age. Ayurveda, which originated in India more than 5,000 years ago, focuses on holistic well-being. Remember the Kapha, Pitta, and Vata stages in Ayurveda? Turmeric, Ginger, and Long Pepper help address various imbalances in each of those stages.

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    There’s a reason Turmeric has been getting a lot of attention in recent years. A sunny-yellow beauty booster, it acts as an age-defying multitasker, helping defend the skin against premature aging and promotes a healthy, youthful glow.​


    Turmeric can reduce the appearance of dark spots and promotes a more even skin tone and visible confidence!​


    Turmeric can reinforce the skin’s beauty barrier, enhancing moisture retention and unsolicited compliments!​


    ​Using a turmeric-infused skin care product can help reveal a radiant and natural glow and result in a radiant smile!

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    While ginger is a staple spice in contemporary kitchens, its long been celebrated in Ayurvedic practices for being nature’s secret ingredient for radiance. We know if for its invigorating flavor, but it is also invigorating for the skin.​


    Helps reduce the visibility of fine lines ​and wrinkles, which leads to firmer, smoother-looking, self-esteem boosting skin!​


    The natural enzymes in ginger aid in gentle exfoliation, promoting the removal of dead skin cells and revealing a brighter you—physically and mentally!​


    Ginger’s natural enzymes also contribute to a more even complexion, diminishing the look of dark spots and disappointment in the mirror!​

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    While ginger is a staple spice in contemporary kitchens, its long been celebrated in Ayurvedic practices for being nature’s secret ingredient for radiance. We know if for its invigorating flavor, but it is also invigorating for the skin.​


    PURIFIES With its natural detoxifying properties, it’s known to address the look of uneven skin tone and promote a clearer complexion!​


    ​​With its innate warming properties, it helps support a more youthful looking appearance, leaving it feeling revitalized!​


    ​​It acts as a skin toner, firming and tightening the look of saggy skin while enhancing the desired look of youthful elasticity!​

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    You can’t talk about Vata without mentioning Vetiver​

    This aromatic grass, cherished in Ayurveda for centuries, is a go-to ingredient for managing skin imbalances as it leaves the skin feeling refreshed, revitalized, and harmonized—the Ayurvedic way.​


    TIGHTENS AND TONES​ A natural astringent, Vetiver tightens and tones the appearance of sagging skin, promoting the look of a more youthful complexion—and spirit!​


    REBALANCES The natural oils in Vetiver helps maintain skin moisture balance, helping relieve the dry flakiness that can make skin look older and ​


    The high content of water and in mango promises the look of a plump, refreshed complexion and compliments from complete strangers! ​

    I think I already mentioned that this oil was just right to the touch… light and silky smooth and easily absorbed into my skin… but why? This is when I had the opportunity to learn a little something about lubrication!

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    Why is Rice Bran Oil good for aging skin?

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    The results: Rice bran oil is a master carrier that magnifies the potency of herbs and accelerates their impact on parched,​aging, and mature skin. Ultra-absorbing, this oil becomes a conduit for rapid revitalization.

    Benefits for the skin include improving complexion and skin tone, nourishing and hydrating dry, parched skin, smoothing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, leaving the skin looking supple, silky, soft, and radiant.​

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    Why is Sesame Oil good for aging skin?​

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    The results: Sesame oil is considered a “carrier” oil due to its ability to traverse the skin’s depths, delivering the essence of​healing herbs and nature’s nutrients directly to the skin’s core where it works its wonders.

    Benefits for the skin include deeply nourishing and hydrating, gently exfoliating and smoothing the look of fine lines and wrinkles, reducing the visible signs associated with premature aging, reducing of the appearance of sun and dark spots.

    This was my ’Eureka’ moment! ​I’d finally discovered my own personal fountain of youth but… instead of water? ​It was flowing with golden, silky smooth Rice Bran and Sesame Oils. ​

    If you’ve been searching for your own fountain of youth, here’s ​something you should know…

    Yauvari’s ‘Amplified-Youth’ Effect not only gave me INSTANT GRATIFICATION, I saw results almost immediately from the deep drink of hydration my dry, creased skin was so in need of…

    and, with every passing day—and every passing compliment!—the long-term benefits to my skin are what I’ve longed for since turning the big THREE OH-NO!

    Let me back up for a second and give you a full list of the clean ingredients in Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring. I mean, it almost reads like a grocery list, RIGHT?!​

    Sesame Seed Oil [Sesamum Indicum], Rice Bran Oil [Oryza Sativa], Black Gram [Vigna Mungo], Touch-Me-Not Plant [Mimosa Pudica], Nut Grass [Cyperus Rotundus], Black Creeper [Ichnocarpus Frutescens], Vetiver [Vetiveria Zizanioides], Turmeric [Curcuma Longa], Stone Apple [Aegle Marmelos], Black Plum [Eugenia Jambolana], Mango [Mangiifera Indica], Ginger [Zingiber Officinale], Black Pepper [Piper Nigrum], Long Pepper [Piper Longum], Essential Oils of Frankincense [Boswellia Sacra], Neroli [Citrus Aurantium] and Lime [Citrus Aurantifolia]. ​

    Here’s something else worth knowing…​
    When I find something I love, something that has had a profound positive effect on me in some way… much to my teenage daughter’s dismay, I will tell everyone—the barrista at the local coffee shop, the girl at the grocery checkout, the woman in the chair next to me at the nail salon… I do! I just can’t help myself. (Alright, maybe I didn’t tell the Queen of Mean at lunch that day 😉).​

    Yauvari Amplified-Youth Spring? It is the REAL DEAL with REAL, CLEAN INGREDIENTS… and (drumroll, please)​

    It’s a REAL DEAL!​

    If you’re like me, you’re savvy enough to know the beauty industry plays on our fears of aging. It’s how it’s become a $160 billion dollar a year money making machine! Well, I’m here to tell you there’s a better way to manage the fine lines and wrinkles, dark spots and dry, dull skin and…

    It’s not going to have you racking up credit card debt ​OR prevent you from indulging in those other little self-care moments—like a massage or mani-pedi.​IN FACT, Yauvari is a luxury line item you’re won’t even think twice about (until you look in the mirror!)​

    One generous 1.69fl oz/50ml bottle of Yauvari, which lasts me up to 6 months depending on how I use it, is just $48.00. $48 for a product rated 10 on a scale of 1 to I’M A 10?​

    Here’s what others are saying about what I call the ’Amplified-Youth’ Effect.​


    “Love This Product!”
    "This smells amazing! I've been using it about three or four weeks. I definitely feel that my face is more moist and it softens the lines a bit. I think it has helped a little with dark spots as well. It is not oily/greasy and absorbs well. I'm 64 years old, so I don't expect miracles. But I will definitely be buying this again."

    -Debra T.


    “Happily surprised ”
    "................... I used it for about 10 days after I bought a full one. I really did NOT expect such improvements in (about) 3 weeks. I was a pack-a-day smoker until about 2 months ago. The changes to my areas around my lips and the "11" between my brows is really fading. I have very "expressive" eyebrows, which means I have pretty deep wrinkles around my eyes, forehead and temples. This youth serum is magnificent. I did not want to leave a review until I was SURE it worked. I depend on customer reviews as a way to help me make up my mind. This oil is wonderful AND it really works. Worth the price."

    My skin looks so lustrous after putting it on. It gives a wonderful (dry not oily looking) sheen. I have noticed the very dry crepey skin above my knee is feeling softer longer. …" 

    - Shannon


    “FIERCE! ”
    "................. I wish I did a Before and After picture! I've been using a high end Serum on my face & neck and it's worked but not nearly as fast and doesn't enhance my skins natural tone and my skin literally has a soft glow. @55 yrs old, that's Just FIERCE! I'm Hawaiian & Sicilian and it's brought out that wonderful skin color glow i use to have in my younger day's. I've just purchased another order but the full size of this. I'm hooked for sure. And i recommend 100% over those high end Serums!"

    -Cheryl H.

    What have you got to lose if you DON’T try Yauvari?

    The chance at being mistaken as your daughter’s sister?
    ​Comments like “I’ll have what she’s having” from your friends?​
    The freedom to forego the foundation and concealer and go bare-faced and beautiful?​
    Or, like me, an opportunity for sweet revenge next time you run into the Queen of Mean?

    What have you got to lose if you DO?

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    The lack of confidence that you look as good now as you did 20 years ago?

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    ​The fine lines and wrinkles that make mirrors your number one enemy?

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    ​The dull, dehydrated look of a woman who’s well past her prime (whatever that means)?​

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    The fear of being overlooked when you’d prefer to be looked over?

    Speaking of usage…

    This seems like a good time to tell you about my Yauvari routine.

    I’m GUILTY…​

    I’ve fallen prey to the promises of department store beauty department pitches. I’ve spent a pretty penny on five-step skin care programs in the form of toners and tonics, lotions and potions, only to experience a string of broken, expensive age-defying beauty promises. YES! I got sucked in DESPITE knowing that I’m pretty low maintenance when it comes to beauty, and a five-step process is four steps too many 😂 😂 😂!

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    Long story short…​

    Using Yauvari fit beautifully into my threshold of what I’m willing / not willing to do for the sake of keeping things ageless and sexy 💃🏼​

    Here’s how.​

    Because Yauvari is feather-light, I can use Yauvaonce a day, twice a day, on its own, in combination with my other favorite skin care products.​

    What I found works best for me is to use one pump in the morning after I wash my face, and one pump before bed, again, after I wash my face. Just like any other moisturizer, I gently rub a small amount of oil all over my face, neck, and decolette… allowing my skin to drink in the nourishment I now know it needs.​

    Sometimes, if I’m feeling like I need a little extra-hydrating boost of bounce and youthfulness, I’ll add Yauvari to another one of my other favorite iYURA products. They complement each other. And me? I get all the compliments!​

    TBH, using Yauvari as part of my pre-beauty sleep ritual is unskippable now because of its lightly divine scent. Here’s what I do…​

    First, I pump Yauvari into the palm of one hand​ then, methodically, rhythmically, I slowly rub the oil between both palms. ​Next, I cup my hands together and bring them to my nose​I close my eyes and inhale… taking in a deep, extended, calming breath ​I imagine the subtle brightness of the aroma washing over my body, cleansing the day away and bringing it to​completion on a positive note. ​

    This sense of positivity? This brightness? This, I learned, was thanks to these three essential oil all-stars 🤩

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    Lime Oil

    Frankincense — earthy, woody, calming, evoking a feeling of ritual sacredness…​

    ​Neroli — floral, slightly sweet, evoking a feeling of uplifted spirit…

    Lime Oil — a little bit zesty, a little bit citrusy, evoking a feeling of positive, vibrant energy…​

    SO, now… I promised you a Hollywood ending. For that, we need to go back to that lunch date I had with my daughter. You know, the one where the Queen of Mean approached our table and started to grill me like the asparagus on my plate about how I was maintaining my youthful look.​

    Here’s what happened next…​

    I told Charlotte (I figure it’s time to call the Queen of Mean by her real name) I was flattered by her comments about how good I looked and invited she and her friends to join us for a cup of tea. For the next hour or so, it was just a bunch of girls, sipping mint tea, catching up on life, sharing stories of marriages, divorces, children, dogs, and, of course, the incredible Ayurvedic oil she and her friends had to try.

    Just like these women, maybe they’d be writing their own 5-star reviews soon!​​


    “Heavenly oil”
    Results improved everyday. Beautiful smell, feel, packaging... Used morning and evening.
    Saw results after 2 weeks... Skin is even tone [SIC] and clear... Don't need foundation anymore... works great with sunblock being applied after. No oily residue with use. Love it.

    -Michelle N. from United States, about other iYURA products


    “I have had scaly dry skin since my 20s and have tried a lot of natural oils and body lotions. I have been very impressed with this oil. It smells rather divine after it soaks in … .

    My skin looks so lustrous after putting it on. It gives a wonderful (dry not oily looking) sheen. I have noticed the very dry crepey skin above my knee is feeling softer longer. …" 

    - Rebecca B. about other iYURA products


    “New to the Ayurveda experience”
    “Every day I see a little more - I am so pleased. Also I am 77 yo and have used every product (practically) on the market, never to see the results they promise. This body oil and the day and night oils are amazing. My skin on my arms is looking so much better and my legs - wow - I have a lot of sun damage and it really is helping. I love these products and will continue to use them. Thank you.” 

    - Lynn M. about other iYURA products

    Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring Face oil iYURA
    Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring Face oil iYURA
    iYURA Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring Face oil
    Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring Face oil for Wrinkles
    Youth Spring Face Oil for Dry Skin

    iYURA Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring - for Dry, Mature, Aging Skin

    Behold the transformative might of iYURA's Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring, infused with the enigmatic "Triple Black Gold Complex" that women above 30 are in awe of.

    • Intensely moisturizes, reviving dry, flaky, and crepey skin.
    • Promotes a strikingly youthful texture, captivating time.
    • Firms and tones saggy décolletage, echoing ancient grace.
    • Plumps and re-volumizes, bestowing revived vitality.
    • Dims fine lines and wrinkles, defying age's grasp.
    • Gives an elastic, bouncy feel, preserving youth's essence.
    • Replaces dullness with a RENEWED GLOW, radiating allure.
    • Reveals a vibrant, brightened complexion, timeless and sophisticated.
    • Targets the look of all '7 STANDARD SIGNS & LINES OF AGING'
    • 100% natural VEGAN formula, embracing ancient purity.
    • Divine aroma of Frankincense, Neroli, and Lime, a timeless symphony.

    +Each massage feels like a dip into a fountain of youth spring!


    Size: 50 ml / 1.69 oz 



    If you buy today, you'll get a FREE Mini Paraania Face Oil - A clarifying face oil for skin that looks spotless - with your order!
    The FREE Gift will get added to your cart automatically!


    30-Day Money-Back Guarantee + Free Shipping

    What is Yauvari​
    What is it made of​
    How is it different, how does it smell, how does it feel​
    Why will I look forward to the ritual of using it every morning and evening?​
    How does Yauvari change my relationship with makeup?​
    Why is it better than other options out there​
    What do women who have used it say​
    Why I should order it now and not delay​
    What do I stand to lose if I don't act now (indirectly)​