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  • Defy Age and flaunt an Ageless Glow ONE HUNDRED PERCENT Naturally!

    With a secret that has been kept hidden for far too long, now get the best, easiest and most convenient way to reduce the appearance of:

    1. Wrinkles,
    2. Fine lines,
    3. Age spots,
    4. Hyperpigmentation
    5. Adult acne and
    6. Blemishes:

    6 of the most common yet unsolved aging skin problems that can be solved with...

    Defy Age and flaunt an Ageless Glow ONE HUNDRED PERCENT Naturally!

    With a secret that has been kept hidden for far too long, now get the best, easiest and most convenient way to reduce the appearance of

    1. Wrinkles
    2. Fine lines
    3. Age spots
    4. Hyperpigmentation
    5. Adult acne and
    6. Blemishes

    of the most common yet unsolved aging skin problems that can be solved with...

    Defy Age and flaunt an Ageless Glow ONE HUNDRED PERCENT Naturally!

    With a secret that has been kept hidden for far too long, now get the best, easiest and most convenient way to reduce the appearance of

    1. Wrinkles
    2. Fine lines
    3. Age spots
    4. Hyperpigmentation
    5. Adult acne and
    6. Blemishes

    These are 6 of the most common yet unsolved aging skin problems which can be solved with...

    A 50 Century Old Holistic Science that slipped through the cracks of Modernization! 

    A science that originated in India at a time when we had pop-ups under trees in the name of hospitals and used herbs to soothe any irritation on our body! 

    A science that discovered many skincare secrets 5000 years ago, that modern science still hasn’t been able to crack... 

    A science that operates on the notion: as above, so below, as without, so within 

    Outside, Conventional Beauty (as above), though it seems like something that can be worked on externally, it actually comes from taking care of yourself from the inside (as below). Because if you don’t take care of yourself from the inside (so within), your physical state will not show the desired outside, conventional beauty (as without)! 

    It is called Ayurveda.

    Ayurveda embraces the use of natural, exotic herbs and ingredients to provide gentle yet wholesome, holistic and exceedingly effective results.

    This traditional science somehow lost its value and popularity in India through the rise of the use of chemically processed beauty products and surgeries and procedures. While these things have successfully managed to give us instant results, they’re temporary and put our skin at major risk of deterioration.

    How amazing would it be if this ancient, traditional and sagacious science were brought back in India and propagated to the whole world in its truest, most potent form to give us skin that never feels the need to be doused in chemically processed anti-aging creams or serums or undergo procedures/treatments? 

    Our Facial Skin also holds nostalgic value.

    For all the picture albums we have stacked to keep certain memories alive, sometimes just looking at our face in the mirror and seeing how different it used to look takes us back to the memories of our younger days. It could be a reminder of how we didn’t care about the bouts of pollution our facial skin had to bear, or how we made random plans of late-night adventures and pulled them off, or how much easier life was back in the day!  

    It's weird how sometimes the changed look of our face or the changed color of our hair can remind us of happy, trouble-free days. That’s how beautiful the process of aging is!  

    Young and Old

    But still, we get allured by the prospect of using anti-aging creams or serums that promise instant results, or Botox surgeries, or anything that could make our skin appear young again.  

    When we realize how beautiful the process of aging is, shouldn’t our skincare include wholesome, holistic goodness and not chemicals and injections? We try to incorporate healthy skincare by switching our chemical facewashes or emollients or creams with natural ones, but is that enough? Shouldn't we look for something more wholesome and holistic? Something that genuinely feels like “care” to our skin and not torture? Something that doesn’t just give temporary benefits that last a day or two and then wear off but gives evergreen results that stay?  

    For all the picture albums we have stacked to keep certain memories alive, sometimes just looking at our face in the mirror and seeing how different it used to look takes us back to the memories of our younger days. It could be a reminder of how we didn’t care about the bouts of pollution our facial skin had to bear, or how we made random plans of late-night adventures and pulled them off, or how much easier life was back in the day! 

    It's weird how sometimes the changed look of our face or the changed color of our hair can remind us of happy, trouble-free days. That’s how beautiful the process of aging is! 

    But still, we get allured by the prospect of using anti-aging creams or serums that promise instant results, or getting fillers, or anything that could make our skin appear young again.

    Young and Old

    When we realize how beautiful the process of aging is, shouldn’t our skincare include wholesome, holistic goodness and not chemicals and injections? We try to incorporate healthy skincare by switching our chemical facewashes or emollients or creams with natural ones, but is that enough? Shouldn't we look for something more wholesome and holistic? Something that genuinely is “care” to our skin and not torture? Something that doesn’t just give temporary benefits that last a day or two and then wear off but gives evergreen results that stay?  


    Ayurveda acknowledges the inevitability of the aging process and sees it as a beautiful thing. It does not take the “Anti” Aging approach, rather it takes the “Holistic and Healthy” Aging approach. Some of the modern sciences might suggest that while aging is inevitable, its effects can be slowed down and then present you with options like anti-aging serums filled with phthalates, sulfates and parabens, or getting fillers or surgeries, etc. - these options themselves serve to be counterproductive as they go on to further hamper the health of your skin.  

    How Ayurveda sees aging is by dividing life into three parts. It believes that in our life, we go through three stages: Kapha, Pitta, and Vata – which are also the three doshas or bio-elements in Ayurveda. 

    These are:  

    Kapha Visual

    Kapha consists of the elements of earth and water and is associated with oiliness, juiciness, heaviness. Kapha is the first stage of life – just think of a baby’s juicy and plump skin and the expression “baby soft skin”. 

    Pitta consists of the elements of fire and water and is associated with heat, sharpness, and determination. Pitta is the second or middle stage of life – just think of a teenager’s acne and hot temper, or a young adult’s drive and ambition. 

    Pitta Visual
    Vata Visual

    Vata consists of the elements of air and space and is associated with dryness, lightness, alertness and creativity. In the Vata stage of life, we experience dry, rough and sagging skin, we may feel cold more often, but also reach maturity, wisdom, grace and mastery. During this time, it’s important to focus on practices that are warming, stabilizing, grounding and nourishing. 

    Therefore, Ayurveda suggests healthy aging with healthy Vata improvement!  

    But, how does one accurately incorporate complex Ayurvedic teachings into their daily lives for healthy Vata improvement?

    Ayurveda acknowledges the inevitability of the aging process and sees it as a beautiful thing. It does not take the “Anti” Aging approach, rather it takes the “Holistic and Healthy” Aging approach. Some of the modern sciences might suggest that while aging is inevitable, its effects can be slowed down and then present you with options like anti-aging serums filled with phthalates, sulfates and parabens, or getting Botox surgeries, etc. - these options themselves serve to be counterproductive as they go on to further hamper the health of your skin.  

    How Ayurveda sees aging is by dividing life into three parts. It believes that in our life, we go through three stages: Kapha, Pitta, and Vata – which are also the three doshas or bio-elements in Ayurveda. 

    Basically, Ayurveda respects everyone’s individuality by acknowledging their specific needs – which are recognized by everyone’s different composition of the three doshas.   

    These are:  

    Kapha Visual

    Kapha consists of the elements of earth and water and is associated with oiliness, juiciness, heaviness. Kapha is the first stage of life – just think of a baby’s juicy and plump skin and the expression “baby soft skin”. 

    Pitta Visual

    Pitta consists of the elements of fire and water and is associated with heat, sharpness, and determination. Pitta is the second or middle stage of life – just think of a teenager’s acne and hot temper, or a young adult’s drive and ambition. 

    Vata Visual

    Vata consists of the elements of air and space and is associated with dryness, lightness, alertness and creativity. In the Vata stage of life, we experience dry, rough and sagging skin, we may feel cold more often, but also reach maturity, wisdom, grace and mastery. During this time, it’s important to focus on practices that are warming, stabilizing, grounding and nourishing. 

    Therefore, Ayurveda suggests healthy aging with healthy Vata improvement!  

    Easiest, Most Convenient Way to Endorse Complex Ayurvedic Teachings:

    Ayurveda suggests many lifestyle changes which are specific to different individuals. But the secret of how effective Ayurvedic herbs are, has surely not been talked about a lot in much detail. Every other Ayurvedic brand will only talk about the use of 100% natural ingredients or the use of very common ingredients like turmeric or aloe vera, without even taking into account the best way of bringing out their maximum potency. So, what these other brands miss is the Ayurvedic understanding of which blend of these natural ingredients delivers results. Blending random natural but Ayurvedic ingredients together and expecting it to show targeted results is a fool’s errand, that is not how Ayurveda works! If you wish to see evident results, what you’ll need is a perfect blend of Ayurvedic herbs and ingredients that are prescribed in the texts of Ayurveda. 


    Ayurveda goes beyond JUST Natural Herbs and Ingredients 

    Ayurveda, like any other Science, is intricate, which makes its effective delivery a little more complicated than just making creams or facewashes out of natural ingredients and calling it 100% Ayurvedic. The accuracy of the science of Ayurveda is what needs to be brought to the fore!   

    The easiest, most convenient way to incorporate Ayurvedic teachings in your daily life is by introducing yourself to authentic Ayurvedic oils! The Ayurvedic understanding that goes in the making of these is their cooking methods. The ancient way of cooking these oils (yes! “cooking” oils) is called Taila-Paak Vidhi. 

    It takes into account the properties of individual herbs, of individual base oils, how they interact with one another AND how they transform with temperature-controlled processing or cooking together. The ancient Taila-Paak Vidhi is a unique technique of incorporating the benefits of different ingredients in the most synergistic way. It includes taking high quality whole herbs, washing, drying, pounding them and then turning them into transformative products.

    You may find cosmetologists say an herbal oil won’t really solve a problem, but then, do they know of Ayurveda? Have they experienced any complex Ancient Ayurvedic oils?   

    Why Oils? Does Ayurveda not endorse the use of creams?  

    Since Ayurveda comes from a time when creams were not really a thing, Ayurveda does not talk of creams, or facewashes or emollients, or any of the multitude of common skincare that is used today. So, technically any Ayurvedic “creams” you’ve ever bought are a derivation of Ayurveda, not pure Ayurveda.  

    It does however talk about gentle massage or “Abhyanga” in Ayurvedic terms, to get no-rush, long lasting results and to promote self-care! For years people have been misinformed about the powers of oils, especially facial oils, because creams had to be marketed better and meticulously. It’s high time we acquainted ourselves with how effective and better oils are!  

    Scientifically, oils are lipophilic in nature which means that they are attracted to fats! This property allows the oil to pass through our skin and fat layers much more easily than creams. The molecules of oils are smaller than those of creams, which also aid in deeper penetration into the skin. 

    Even oil-based creams don’t have enough oil to fulfil the needs of mature skin. 

    Generally, oils are not a foreign substance to our skin. The formation of oils is a natural and innate process within the layers of our skin, which means that the application of an oil externally is a welcome addition to our skin’s natural oils.  

    A natural cream sure is better than any chemical-laden cream, but just by the nature of it, the benefits of those natural ingredients can’t reach your skin the way the benefits of the Ayurvedic ingredients used in oils would. A big reason to change course don’t you think? 

    Just a little side note: 

    For anti-aging creams that claim to have very little chemicals in them and mostly natural ingredients, it is important to make sure that those chemicals don’t react terribly with the other natural ingredients. Because the possibility of that happening is rather high! It's like, if you drank milk with a drop of poison!  

    With the many Ayurvedic oils that are out there, where do I get Authentic, Pure and 100% Ayurvedic Oils from? 

    The Most Trusted and Recognized House of Brands that provides centuries’ old authentic Ayurvedic solutions to 800,000+ happy customers spread across 4 continents in 150+ countries.  

    We provide guaranteed 100% safe products, compliant with US regulations. 

    We worked across all standards, USP, US-FDA Cosmetic, AHPA (American Herbal Product Association), Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India and even European cosmetic regulations. 

    Apart from this we also conduct other quality tests such as Iodine value, peroxide value, Acid value, saponification value, refractive index, specific gravity, wt/ml, unsaponifiable matter and mineral oil tests to ensure optimal manufacturing practices, assurance that each batch is as consistent and uniform as possible to work as expected.   


    From the house of The Ayurveda Experience, comes iYURA, a brand that brings to you the truest, most potent endorsement of Ayurveda’s teachings. This is what iYURA has mastered! It is a brand that wishes to make this Old and Sagacious “Science of Life” accessible to everyone all across the globe. Which is why all iYURA products are 100% natural and bring together the wisdom of Ayurveda in the most usable form possible! They are made by following the recommendations of experts in the field of Ayurveda and by following prescribed Ayurvedic cooking recipes.  


    The Real Face of Beauty

    This is a gorgeous box of 5 of iYURA’s bestselling facial oils! In this, you’ll find oils that have sagely and successfully incorporated 5000-year-old Ayurvedic formulations and recipes, by following ancient oil cooking methods.  


    Blending random natural but Ayurvedic ingredients together and expecting it to show targeted results is a fool’s errand, that is not how Ayurveda works! If you wish to see evident results, what you’ll need is a perfect blend of Ayurvedic herbs and ingredients that are prescribed in the texts of Ayurveda.  

    Something you’ll find in this magical box of 5 oils!  

    Apart from that, 

    These are also easy-to-use, non-sticky, non-greasy face oils that easily permeate the skin. While making these oils, the needs of the modern western user were kept in mind, which is why these oils are so easy to use! They fit perfectly into one’s busy daily life! 

    This is a gorgeous box of 5 of iYURA’s bestselling facial oils! In this, you’ll find oils that have sagely and successfully incorporated 5000-year-old Ayurvedic formulations and recipes, by following ancient oil cooking methods.  

    To reiterate 

    Blending random natural but Ayurvedic ingredients together and expecting it to show targeted results is a fool’s errand, that is not how Ayurveda works! If you wish to see evident results, what you’ll need is a perfect blend of Ayurvedic herbs and ingredients that are prescribed in the texts of Ayurveda.  

    Something you’ll find in this magical box of 5 oils!  

    Apart from that, 

    These are also easy-to-use, non-sticky, non-greasy face oils that easily permeate the skin. While making these oils, the needs of the modern western user were kept in mind, which is why these oils are so easy to use! They fit perfectly into one’s busy daily life! 

    Effective Ayurvedic Oils in The Real Face of Beauty

    1.Kesaradi Oil 

    Kesaradi Oil 

    This is Ayurveda’s skin brightening, revitalizing, uber-nourishing secret: 

    A signature blend of 'Red Gold', 'The Queen of Flowers', 'The Golden Spice' and 16 Ayurvedic ingredients based on an ancient, classical formulation that has now come to your beauty and wellness closet!


    This oil or “Beauty Elixir” gives: 

    • A deep, radiating glow with an enhanced, luminous complexion 
    • A chance to say goodbye to the look of aging skin  
    • Non-sticky, light moisturization that locks moisture in and creates a protective barrier  
    • Reduced need to apply moisturizer again and again 
    • Smooth and softened skin with a soft, supple, and toned look 
    • Brightened appearance of dull skin 
    • Improved look of the skin's texture with minimized appearance of sunspots 
    • Moisturized dry skin 
    Kesaradi Ingredients

    Some of the best ingredients used in the making of Kesaradi are: 

    • Saffron Red Gold - an extremely expensive glow-giving herb 
    • Rose oil- known for its beauty-enhancing abilities 
    • Turmeric - known to be the best Ayurvedic ingredient in skincare- from being the expert detoxifier to honing the healthy glow and flow of your skin, it can do it all! 
    • Manjistha - Clinically proven and globally appreciated for its ability to reduce the look of pigmentation, Manjistha is a celebrated Ayurvedic ingredient that helps enhance, rejuvenate, and even-tone complexion 
    • Sesame - Because sesame oil has more stability than any other dietary vegetable oils! Its good stability against auto-oxidation is because of inherent lignans (sesamin, sesamolin, sesaminol) and tocopherols (most abundant tocopherol in gamma tocopherol). 
    • Unique flowers like Lodhra, Priyangu, Kamal, Palashphool and more

    List of Ingredients: 

    Sesame Seed Oil [Sesamum indicum], Cow milk, Indian Madder [Rubia cordifolia], Essential Oil of Rose [Rosa Damascena], Saffron [Crocus sativus], Turmeric [Curcuma longa], Lotus [Nelumbo nucifera], Indian Rose Chestnut [Mesua ferrea], Wild Himalayan Cherry [Prunus Cerasoides], Symplocos Tree [Symplocos Racemosa], Nut Grass [Cyperus Rotundus], Vetiver Grass [Vetiveria Zizanioides], Licorice [Glycyrrihza Glabra], Indian Bay-Leaf [Cinnamomum Tamala], Indian Elecampane [Inula Racemosa], Indian Barberry [Berberis Aristata], Flame of the Forest [Butea Monosperma], Large Leaf Beautyberry [Callicarpa Macrophylla], Black Mustard [Brassica Nigra], Sweet Flag [Acorus Calamus], Indian Banyan [Ficus Benghalensis].   

    2.Manjish Glow Elixir 

    Manjish Glow Elixir 

    "One who massages her face with it regularly for 7 consecutive nights, gets skin with a glow that's reminiscent of the attractive radiance of gold!”  - A poetic quote from an ancient Ayurvedic Text ‘Chakradutt’, while talking about Ayurveda’s Traditional Formulation. 

    Manjish Glow Elixir is a nighttime Ayurvedic face oil, meticulously concocted with Ayurvedic herbs that specifically work on even-toning mature skin, reducing the appearances of age spots and blemishes, and eventually leaving behind a perennial glow!  


    Manjish Glow Elixir does that and more for you! It gives:

    • A clear-looking radiant complexion 
    • An illuminated face with a deep, healthy glow 
    • Soft, moisturized, supple skin 
    • The nutritive gifts of nature to your skin  
    • Perfectly balanced and even-toned skin
    • An eased appearance of age spots
    • Relief from skin's temper tantrums 
    • Non-sticky softness with a dewy glow 
    Manjish Ingredients

    The Hero ingredient of this wonder oil or wonder “face moisturizer” is- Manjistha  

    Manjistha is a renowned herb in Ayurveda, known for its glow-imparting, even-toning, and complexion enhancing properties. It is said that Manjistha can impart a glow that is reminiscent of the radiant, luminescent shine of Gold

    This Manjistha-laden oil serves to be just as good for mature, aging skin because Manjistha as an ingredient has skin-firming properties, a direct result of which is reduced appearances of age spots and other signs of aging. Not only aging skin, Manjish Glow Elixir is good for acne prone skin as well because of its skin clarifying and purifying properties. 

    This is non-sticky, non-greasy, and incredibly light in texture. It gets easily absorbed in the skin to give softness that is different (and superior) from the softness you’d get from the application of face creams.

    Manjish Ingredients

    List of Ingredients: 

    Cow Milk, Sesame Oil [Sesamum indicum], Indian Madder [Rubia Cordifolia], Butter tree [Madhuca Indica], Lac resin [Laccifer Lacca], Licorice [Glycyrrhiza Glabra], Lemon [Citrus Limon].   

    3.Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring  

    Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring  

    Get every cell bursting with the joy of youth with the ultimate unctuous, time-turning power of Black Gram in a rich, colorless, aromatic ‘Youth Spring’! If the ‘Fountain of Youth’ were a reality, it would be contained within a bottle of iYURA’s Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring! 

    Yauvari is an Ayurvedic face oil made with Black Gram, a combination of 3 base oils, and other natural ingredients- all of which have been consciously brought together to support mature skin and help reduce the appearances of signs of aging.  

    Yauvari is Clinically Proven to firm skin.


    Yauvari helps: 

    • Reduce the appearance of signs of aging like wrinkles, fine lines, crow’s feet, and laugh lines.  
    • Plump up the appearance of saggy and crepey skin  
    • Make skin supple, glow-y and ‘bouncy’ 
    • Add juicy moisture to the skin  
    • Tighten and tone the appearance of the signs of aggressive aging on the face, neck, and décolleté 

    In the clinical trial of Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring, it was proven that after consistent use of the product for 1 month, you WILL get:

    • Firmer skin** 
    • measurably softer skin** 
    • 1.5x more moisturized skin* 

    Because 100% women in the trial said they had firmer and measurably softer skin!  

    Yauvari Ingredients

    Some peculiar features:

    • It is a perfect natural replacement for moisturizing face creams, serums, and anti-aging chemicals 
    • It has a light, easy-on-the-skin texture and is non-pore-clogging 
    • It has a divine, unique aroma of Frankincense, Neroli and Lime 
    • It can be used in the morning and evening 
    • It is a 100% natural Ayurvedic Magnum Opus of Youthful Vitality in a bottle! 

    List of Ingredients: 

    Sesame Seed Oil [Sesamum Indicum], Rice Bran Oil [Oryza Sativa], Black Gram [Vigna Mungo], Touch-Me-Not Plant [Mimosa Pudica], Nut Grass [Cyperus Rotundus], Black Creeper [Ichnocarpus Frutescens], Vetiver [Vetiveria Zizanioides], Turmeric [Curcuma Longa], Stone Apple [Aegle Marmelos], Black Plum [Eugenia Jambolana], Mango [Mangiifera Indica], Ginger [Zingiber Officinale], Black Pepper [Piper Nigrum], Long Pepper [Piper Longum], Essential Oil of Frankincense [Boswellia Sacra], Essential Oil of Neroli [Citrus Aurantium], Essential Oil of Lime [Citrus Aurantifolia].   

    4.Paraania Face Oil   

    Paraania Face Oil   


    iYURA's authentic Ayurvedic targeted oil to reduce the appearance of dark spots and to specifically take care of problem-skin, Paraania is a treasure-trove in a bottle! 


    Ayurveda's 1-Pump Vegan Daily Power-Potion to reduce the appearance of darker spots (darker than your overall skin-tone) and the look of blemishes to moisturize skin that's often disturbed with acne, blackheads and whiteheads with the essence of Dita Bark, Neem and multiple other strong Ayurvedic herbs.  

    An astounding formulation, hitherto unknown but secretly thriving as the perfect moisturizing oil for acne, blemish and dullness prone skin for over thousands of years! 

    Paraania Ingredients
    • Formulated as a light moisturizer for acne-prone, unclear, blemished skin 
    • An illuminated face with a deep, healthy glow 
    • De-clogs pores and deep-cleanses skin 
    • Reduces the appearance of dark spots, blackheads and whiteheads naturally   
    • Enhances glow without exposing skin to the threat of breakouts or a sticky/oily appearance.
    • iYURA's authentic Ayurvedic targeted oil to reduce the appearance of dark spots and to specifically take care of problem-skin 
    Paraania Ingredients

    List of Ingredients: 

    Sesame oil [Sesamum Indicum], Blackboard tree [Alstonia Scholaris], Malabar Nut [Adhatoda Vasica], Neem [Azadirachta Indica], Turmeric [Curcuma Longa], Indian Barberry [Berberis Aristata], Triphala (Indian Gooseberry [Emblica Officinalis], Chebulic Myrobalan [Terminalia Chebula], Belleric Myrobalan [Terminalia Bellirica]) , Ginger [Zingiber Officinale], Indian Long Pepper [Piper Longum], Black Pepper [Piper Nigrum], Conessi Tree [Holarrhena Antidysenterica], Indian Madder [Rubia Cordifolia], Cutch Tree [Acacia Catechu], Water Soluble Ash of Barley [Hordeum Vulgare], Himalayan Rock Salt, Essential Oils of Neroli [Citrus Aurantium], Gardenia [Gardenia Jasminoides] and Jasmine [Jasminum Grandiflorum].   

    5.Prinourish Skin Enriching Superfood Serum  

    Prinourish Skin Enriching Superfood Serum  

    iYURA's NO-TINT FACE MOISTURIZER that smells like a bouquet of gently fragrant flowers that never overwhelms you. 

    Ayurveda’s Triple-4 – 3 – 2 Formula for Fully Cared-For Skin - the only moisturizer you’ll need for balanced skin - Ever, with the powerful presence of 4 nutritional oils, 4 herbs, 4 spices, 3 fruits and 2 essential oils! 


    With this specialized face oil for malnutritioned skin, you get a face so dewy and glow-y that dullness simply shines away! This Ultra-rich Formula is also loved for its ultra-light feel on the skin. Plus, it locks in moisturization, hydration and softness for a long time. 

    Prinourish Ingredients
    • This serum is a unique, VEGAN blend of 4 rich oils to revive malnutritioned or under-nutritioned, dull skin! 
    • The 11 Ayurvedic herbs including fruits, herbs and spices, employed in this formula nourish and plump-up the look of sallow skin 
    • Is the richest booster you could add to your daily skincare products to get a whole plethora of benefits from multiple plant-sources 
    • Works instantly to brighten dull-looking skin. 
    • Prinourish is your perfect pre-makeup, pre-sunscreen serum which can be doubled as a skincare facial serum & as a makeup touch-up 
    • Compatible with primer and foundation. (that is, if you use any! Most users of iYURA products don’t want any coverage makeup as their natural skin becomes just too good to hide!) 

    List of Ingredients: 

    Rice Bran Oil [Oryza Sativa], Sesame Seed Oil [Sesamum Indicum], Almond Oil [Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis], Olive Oil [Olea Europaea], Touch-Me-Not Plant [Mimosa Pudica], Nut Grass [Cyperus Rotundus], Black Creeper [Ichnocarpus Frutescens], Vetiver Grass [Vetiveria Zizanioides], Turmeric [Curcuma Longa], Stone Apple [Aegle Marmelos], Black Plum [Eugenia Jambolana], Mango [Mangifera Indica], Ginger [Zingiber Officinale], Black Pepper [Piper Nigrum], Long Pepper [Piper Longum], Essential Oils of Rose Indian [Rosa Damascena] and Geranium [Pelargonium Graveolens]. 

    So, get this beautiful box, which is good not only for keeping your facial skin nurtured and healthy, but also to make your closed ones happy to try out, as this box is perfect for gifting too! It comes in a trial size, travel-friendly box, with magnificent, traditional artwork on it. In a way, these portable Ayurvedic geniuses can be your skin's best friend - as they can travel with you and be with you whenever and wherever your skin needs some Ayurvedic goodness. 

    This box is perfect for trial purposes, which means that you can just try them out, see which of these suit your skin the best, and in case you don't like them, or something about these oils doesn't work out for you, we'll simply refund you! 

    Get this perfect set of 5 Ayurvedic Geniuses, now!

    One of the biggest benefits of this box is...

    It helps give you a makeup free look!

    How about a little challenge for you? Pick your favorite oil from this lot. 

    (Disclaimer: We’re sure you’ll love them all!) 

    5 Mini Face Oil Kit
    5 Mini Face Oil Kit

    Is it possible to get skin that looks so healthy that you won’t want makeup? 

    While many people enjoy wearing makeup in general, many also wish that they could walk out of their house without wearing any makeup and not get comments like “you look worn out” or “did you get enough sleep” etc.

    These 5 oils surely don’t hamper your skin if you wear makeup with them, but they also promote a plumper, healthier look that makes it easy for you to simply not wear any makeup at all and feel amazing about your skin!

    Imagine this,

    Foundation vs The Real Face of Beauty

    You’re planning on going out somewhere and you want your skin to look brightened and glow-y. What you would normally do is reach out for your foundation or concealer, right? But this time, just pick your preferred choice of oil from this magical box and apply it on your face. Keep massaging it until it gets absorbed – which should take 2-3 minutes.

    Look at your face now. Do you still wish to wear coverage makeup on top of that glow and plumper look you’ve gotten?

    We’re sure you don’t!

    This is what these oils would do for you! They wouldn’t harm your skin if you wore makeup with them. However, they also give you an option to not wear any makeup at all!


    If you’re someone who wishes to stop spending money on makeup, then this is the box for you! Which makes this... 


    As mentioned above, for every skincare product available out there in the market, there is nothing that even remotely comes close to caring for your skin the way these 5 baby-bottles do. We emphasize the word “care” so much because that is what adds an innate uniqueness to this box of 5 oils. Unlike other beauty products, you get long-lasting, no-rush results that reach your skin by a wholesome process of SELF-CARE! 

    Though the value of this box is the aforementioned “care” that it provides your skin, the original prices of these 5 oils if added up would be over $200. And you get to sample all 5 of these for less than $40! 5 Authentic Ayurvedic face oils for less than $40 – how do you say no to that?!  

    5 Mini Face Oils

    Apart from that, this box also provides a variety of choices for you. Think about it like this, 

    The skincare/beauty-care industry has provided consumers with a plethora of options to pick from, which entices consumers to try as many of those products as they can and finally pick the one that works for them the best. But in this process of hit and trial, one’s expenses keep snowballing. And then by the end of business, we realize that our expenses become unnecessarily exorbitant!  

    This box helps you cut back on this expense of hit and trial as well! It gives you a chance to sample 5 amazing face oils for the price of less than 1. 

    Not only do you cut back on your beauty products’ expenses, with the lasting results you’ll get with these oils, you’ll also cut back on your expenses of facials and parlor trips!  

    As this dose of Ayurvedic goodness is far more luxurious than any parlor treatment ever!  

    Why you need to buy this right away!

    It would only be better if you introduced your skin to Ayurvedic self-care soon so that your skin could quickly acclimatize to its goodness and start showing promised positive results. The instant feeling of self-love sure would be impressive, but your true elation will kick in once you start seeing results lasting by regular usage, overtime.  


    As mentioned before, these 5 oils are non-sticky, non-greasy, easily permeable, and very easy to use! You can use it the way you would use any other face oil, but considering that these are Ayurvedic face oils, massaging it into your skin the way Ayurvedic oils are meant to would surely give better results. 

    For that, here’s an elaborate, 


    How To Use 

    • STEP - 1 : During the day, pick an oil of your choice and take some drops of it on your palm.
    • STEP - 2 : Mix it in your palm and dab it on your face.
    • STEP - 3 : Use gentle outward strokes and circular motions to massage the oil into your skin.
    • STEP - 4 : Continue till the oil gets absorbed completely.
    • STEP - 5 : Repeat at night.
    Happy Customer

    Wanna know what the best part is...

    You can take these FIVE targeted, effective, natural oils wherever you want!  

    The reason behind creating this particular box with these 5 oils was to make something that is helpful for every need that aged skin has, ranging from moisturization and hydration to reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.  

    However, in the process, we ended up making this box travel friendly as well! You can keep it in your bag, apply it wherever and whenever your skin needs a dose of pure Ayurvedic care or give it to someone as a gift!  

    We guess it’s only fair to call it a portable “Ayurvedic Facecare Expert”!   

    Happy Customer


     "The BEST facial oil to add to my moisturizer!!!"

     "I have average to normal skin I'd say, with a few breakouts here and there, and of course some sun spots. I'm a native Floridian, let's put it that way!;) But this stuff is so well balanced with it's ingredients, that I use it religiously! Like daily, adding a few drops in with my already face moisturizer...every single morning and night, or any time AFTER I wash my face I should say.🚿 It leaves my dry skin quenched and looking so fresh & bright!😎 even after it's all done absorbed, it doesn't leave your face looking or feeling "over moisturized" at all, which you think would be a certainty when mixing and applying an already hydrating face oil & moisturizer together but it's not the case! And the scent is quite strong, definitely an acquired scent but I don't mind it at all! I love it lol probably because I've been using it for over a year now!!! I'll definitely purchase again, but I'm trying out your Paraania "The-One-Pump-Power-Dose" Facial Spray next, like it's on the way RIGHT NOW & I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS ONE!!!🥰 Ayurveda NEVER disappoints! 💯"

     -Sarah H.  


     "Great starter pack!"

     "If you can’t decide the oils to get, this is a great starter pack! I love them all! They all work amazing and feel soo good! I can feel the quality and not to mention smell amazing! I look forward to putting them on in the morning and evening. They are the best! My facial skin has never felt so good, looked so good and been so clear and tone."

     - Karla B  

    The Real Face of Beauty – 5 Ayurvedic Face Oil Minis Trial Kit iYURA
    The Real Face of Beauty – 5 Ayurvedic Face Oil Minis Trial Kit iYURA
    The Real Face of Beauty – 5 Ayurvedic Face Oil Minis Trial Kit iYURA
    The Real Face of Beauty – 5 Ayurvedic Face Oil Minis Trial Kit iYURA
    The Real Face of Beauty – 5 Ayurvedic Face Oil Minis Trial Kit iYURA
    The Real Face of Beauty – 5 Ayurvedic Face Oil Minis Trial Kit iYURA
    The Real Face of Beauty – 5 Ayurvedic Face Oil Minis Trial Kit iYURA
    The Real Face of Beauty – 5 Ayurvedic Face Oil Minis Trial Kit iYURA

    The Real Face of Beauty – 5 Ayurvedic Face Oil Minis

    5 Bestselling Face Oils in ‘baby sizes’ to address all your skin’s concerns!   

    • A wholesome introduction to iYURA face oils for uber-moisturized, healthy facial skin for Ayurveda novices.   
    • Contains mini sizes of iYURA’s Kesaradi Oil, Manjish Glow Elixir, Prinourish Skin Enriching Superfood Serum, Paraania Oil and Yauvari Amplified Youth Spring  
    • Travel-Friendly bottles – to assist your skin whenever it calls for care! 
    • Try and test all of iYURA’s best-selling face oils to determine which one suits your skin type.   
    • Various formulations for various skin care needs – for when external environment and stressors cause your skin to act up.  
    • 5 effective, bestselling formulations in one gorgeous box – at the price of less than 1 face oil bottle! 

    Size: 5 ml (0.17 fl oz) each – convenient trial/travel sizes!  


    30-Day Money-Back Guarantee + Free Shipping



     "As someone new to these products, this was a perfect discovery set to determine which face oil I wanted to buy. They were all great, but I picked two (one for day and one for night) that had the most appealing scents. I purchased the larger versions and I absolutely love them! My skin looks and feels great and the oil doesn't clog my pores. So thrilled to find a chemical-free moisturizer that works!! I'll be a lifetime customer for sure! P.S. The packaging is beautiful."

     - Kirsten


     "Skin renewal!!!!"

     "Lovely to try out the 5 Ayurvedic Face Minis!.... These beautiful oils are not overly heavy or 'oily". ..and they smell divine. I feel my skin is improving ....and is hydrated...less/no need for conventional moisturizers! I love these products!...Thank you! "

     - Felstead, A  

     Editor's note : 

    Our basic intention of creating this box was to give people ONE product that is good for everything that a person over maybe 40 or 50 or even 60 would need.

    We are perfectly aware of the vitriolic attacks older women receive for the simple fact that they’ve aged. And the way it has managed to imprint an indelible mark on our minds is appalling!

    I remember working in a café one day and over-hearing these two young women talking about a common acquaintance of theirs. The conversation started with innocuous remarks about her dancing abilities and went into a full-blown psycho analysis of her incessant need to look younger! How it was “inappropriate” of her to dress the way she did and how for someone who was in her 50s, she shouldn’t have worn smokey-black eyeshadow!

    It was as if these girls were punishing this woman for being who she has always been except older. But who do we blame for this? Mainstream media, for having only younger women play important roles? Or society for bounding women over the age of 50 with a rather disgraceful and specific set of rules? Or the beauty care industry for making Botox surgeries and Bird-poop facials sound so easy and wonderful?

    I know who we cannot blame. That is these women over the age of 50 who simply wish to be who they are no matter their age! If they wish to wear funky eyeshadows or no makeup at all, then maybe we as a society should be accepting enough to respect their choice!

    Perhaps our obsession with youth shouldn’t be so overbearing that it makes us feel compelled to go to extremes like getting Botox surgeries or Bird-poop facials. Perhaps we should consider taking a healthier route that simply gives us a chance to take care of ourselves – which in turn would keep us happy and plumped!

    Which is why we came up with the idea of selling The Real Face of Beauty. This gives everyone a wholesome option of taking care of themselves, an option to use natural ingredients on their face and not harsh chemicals, an option to view skincare as self-care and not something that will worsen the health of their skin, an option to wear makeup if they wish to, or never wear makeup at all!

    The youthful appearance you get after is just icing on the cake, the true value of this is the holistic, wholesome care you get. It gives you beauty that warrants compliments and skin that reminds you of your youthful endeavors!

    To top this – it comes with a 100% money-back guarantee. Even if you don’t like any of the 5, you’ll get a full refund