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  • Combat brain fog, fatigue and forgetfulness with
    enhanced focus and clarity 100% naturally! 

    Remember, Recollect and Recall with Ayurveda’s Most Potent Source of Trace Minerals from the Himalayas that has come in fusion, for the first time-ever, with a Award - Winning, *Clinically Proven* Memory Enhancer to revive Superior Cognitive Health    

    Are brain fog, fatigue and forgetfulness issues you've been dealing with for far too long now?

    Do you feel lethargic and low on energy during most hours of the day?

    Now you can experience the benefits of a meticulous fusion of an Award - Winning, *Clinically Proven* Memory Enhancer to revive Superior Cognitive Health and Ayurveda’s Most Potent Source of Trace Minerals from the Himalayas to support healthy energy levels!


    Mineral-Rich High-Quality Himalayan Shilajit Resin with Award-Winning Lutemax2020 

    boost mental health
    • Boost the absorption of nutrients, minerals and oxygen in the body, and get more from your food
    • Experience the benefits of antioxidant-rich Resin that stimulates brain cells for a healthy function 
    • Get memory support with clinically awarded Lutemax 2020 and get the benefits of the richest natural source of Fulvic Acid, Humic Acid and Selenium.
    • Restore energy and overcome lethargy without addictive dependence like caffeine. While coffee gives your brain false signals of energy, Cogni Resin actually uplifts your energy 
    • Be able to concentrate on one thing better with improved focus and alertness - assured by the presence of Lutemax 2020, which is shown to support processing speed.
    • Get the benefits of Himalayan Resin in an uber-convenient way by mixing it with your favorite beverage. While conventional resins may taste bitter and even harden with time, this will supplement your health while also being mess-free & tasty!

    Cognitive Health & Mental Performance | Mood Support | Improved Concentration & Alertness|
    Sleep Health Support | Vision Support |  Beautiful Skin | Non-Habit-Forming | Mess-Free


    Mineral-Rich High-Quality
    Himalayan Shilajit Resin with
    Award-Winning Lutemax 2020 

    Cognitive Health & Mental Performance | Mood Support |  Improved Concentration and Alertness | Sleep Health Support | Vision Enhancement  |  Beautiful skin | Non-Habit-Forming | Mess-free

    • Feel more alert and remember things better by boosting the absorption of nutrients, minerals and oxygen in the body, and get more from your food
    • Experience the benefits of antioxidant-rich Resin that stimulates brain cells for a healthy function
    • Support memory with the richest natural source of Fulvic Acid, Humic Acid and Selenium + added benefits of 3 carotenoids from clinically awarded Lutemax 2020  
    • Restore energy and overcome lethargy without addictive dependence like caffeine. While coffee gives your brain false signals of energy, Cogni Resin actually uplifts your energy  
    • Be able to concentrate on one thing better with improved focus and alertness 
    • Get the benefits of Himalayan Resin in an uber-convenient way by mixing it with your favorite beverage. While conventional resins may taste bitter and even harden with time, this will supplement your health while also being mess-free & tasty 

    Tired of brain fog, mental fatigue? Here’s what you need! 

    Boost mental heallth Naturally

    Do you struggle with remembering names of people you've known for a long time? Does it so happen that you decided to go grocery shopping and forgot to get what you actually wanted? Have you ever entered a room and forgotten what you had exactly entered the room for?

    This is a very common and natural phenomenon that the human body goes through. As we age, our cognitive abilities tend to decline and that’s fine. Because there are natural and healthy ways of enhancing our cognitive abilities. You can now take care of your cognitive health with essential minerals & nutrients that are proven to help you recall better and enhance your short-term as well as long-term memory. 

    What you need is a ‘New Brew’ brimming with potent antioxidants that will revitalize your brain cells, support its detox and help the most important neurotransmitter and parasympathetic activity (clinically studied), along with many more benefits for your overall health.

    Cogni-Resin is an innovative formulation that combines the most potent form of mineral-rich Himalayan Shilajit Resin with the clinically studied superior extract of Lutemax 2020 in an easy-to-consume format.

    It not only supplements your diet in an easy and effective way but also makes having your favorite beverage a notch healthier. It will make your morning drink nutrient dense, energizing and fortifying. Its pleasing vanilla aroma will soothe your senses, centering you in your self. Cogni Resin will soon replace the host of caffeinated drinks, that bring you neither health nor calm. 

    Boost mental activity


    The Himalayan Shilajit Resin, though a rarity in its own right, is not an undiscovered gem. It was discovered over 3000 years ago in India and world over, this has proven to be carrying many well-grounded promises of health and vitality.

    It is a combination of plants and minerals – a herbo-mineral exudate, that has been formed over millions and millions of years as a result of being compressed by mountains accompanied by extreme temperatures and the pressure of the high-altitude range. 
    It is called ‘The Warrior of Strength and Destroyer of Weakness’ because of its long list of unmatched benefits.

    This rich Phyto-complex compound has 85+ bio-active components that are needed by the body. It has exceptional components that help reduce the degradation of memory-related brain chemicals and hence, they improve cognitive abilities. This Power-Resin naturally boosts your body’s cellular function which enhances energy, helping you combat physical as well as mental fatigue.


    Out of these, there are 2 RARE Molecules which are the 2 REASONS behind its Supreme Efficacy.


    You know how sometimes you eat all the right foods, follow a proper routine, exercise and do Every. Single. Thing. right – yet end up having one or the other nutritional deficiencies: most commonly Vitamin D (that may lead to radical damage and brain fog) and Folate (important nutrient responsible for brain function)? That’s because your body’s ability to absorb nutrients from food declines rapidly as you age. So, even if you're eating a well-balanced diet, you aren't getting enough nutrition from it.

    Fortunately, modern science has proven that Fulvic Acid makes nutrients more available from the food you ingest. Fulvic Acid, when dissolved in water or any other drink, carries the minerals in your food, and enables the cells in your body to absorb them better.

    Well, Fulvic Acid Drops and Supplements are all the rage right now. A couple of celebrities have in fact claimed to have been consuming Fulvic Acid daily. 

    Support memory

    Most of the time, they are derived from fertilizers or peat moss – but all those times, you also run the risk of metal and toxin (such as lead and mercury) contamination, and lower quality product. Contrary to that, purified Himalayan resin, world’s richest natural source of Fulvic Acid on earth, flowing out from the fissures of the Great Himalayas, home to Mount Everest, is known to be the best and most efficient way to get Fulvic Acid in your body. It undergoes minimal processing and works at a cellular level to support health.

    It does not allow tau proteins (the highly soluble proteins in the brain) to aggregate in the brain. Tau proteins are an essential part of the nervous system, but their buildup is often the cause of brain cell damage. Research suggests the fulvic acid in Himalayan Resin helps reduce the abnormal accumulation of tau proteins, hence protecting the brain.

    Fulvic Acid has also been scientifically proven to be rich in powerful antioxidants. It goes on to act as a CATALYST to quickly and effectively facilitate thousands of chemical reactions in our body that slow down as we age – like enzyme production, movement of nutrients in and out of your cells, digestion and so forth.

    In fact, Fulvic Acid is so powerful that one single molecule can carry 65 or more minerals directly into our cells! 

    Support memory naturally

    What else does Fulvic Acid do?

    Stimulates metabolism which means you'll feel more energetic

    Boosts immune function so your body feels stronger

    Fights free radicals as it is known to have antioxidants 

    Detoxifies & removes pollutants from the body

    Catalyzes Vitamins within the cell

    Supports energy
    levels - without the
    downsides of caffeine 

    Nourishes the gut and supports healthy digestion  

    Boosts nutrient absorption - you get more health benefits from your food

    Optimizes cellular function
    as trace elements easily pass though cell membranes 

    Stimulates metabolism 

    Boosts immune function 

    Fights free radicals 

    Detoxifies &
    removes pollutants 

    Catalyzes Vitamins
    within the cell 

    Supports energy
    levels - without the
    downsides of caffeine 

    Nourishes the gut, support microbiome and strengthen digestion  

    Boosts nutrient absorption - trace minerals in FA boost absorption 

    Optimizes cellular function
    as trace elements easily pass though cell membranes 

    #2 HIMALAYAN RESIN HAS HUMIC ACID - The Perfect Addition to Fulvic Acid

    The Humic Acid in Himalayan Resin complements the fulvic acid. Like fulvic acid, it is also loaded with trace minerals.

    It bolsters your immunity and assists in managing discomfort. This mineral-bank replenishes amino acids, enzymes, phytonutrients and vitamin levels.

    It helps our bodies maintain optimal hydration. It supports healthy bacteria in the gut, helping you digest better. Humic acid makes minerals and vitamins more bioavailable and hence more effective.

    Increase mineral absorption

    Your body needs minerals for mental health, bone health, eye health and also digestive health. When mineral intake declines, health problems inevitably increase. Minerals also support other vitamins and enzymes to carry out important chemical reactions in the body. A deficiency in a single mineral like potassium could lead to dozens of health problems like muscle cramping, excessive fluid loss and even kidney diseases. Thankfully, Humic acid is loaded with trace minerals to help you keep your body healthy.

    Fulvic acid and Humic acid together promote an incredible internal balance that would be nearly impossible to achieve with nutrition alone. They support nearly every aspect of wellness!

    increase cognitive efficiency

    But that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

    Due to the high levels of Potassium and Magnesium, Himalayan resin also increases endurance by increasing dopamine secretion. This Resin is also known to be rich in Selenium, Dibenzo Alpha Pyrones, Humins, many trace minerals, vitamins A, B, C and P (citrines), phospholipids and polyphenol complexes, terpenoids - which are so rare to find in one single supplement.

    But that's not all!

    With CogniResin, you get the Clinically Proven benefits of Globally-recognized Lutemax 2020 

    For enhanced memory, intellect and vision

    Lutemax is not just an ordinary extract from an ordinary flower, but an award-winning, globally recognized extract from an Ayurvedic flower – Marigold. This flower delivers a unique combination of all 3 nutrient-dense carotenoids - Lutein and 2 isomers of Zeaxanthin. While all 3 are essential for eye health, Lutemax 2020 has these compounds in the best optimized ratio - 5:1.

    Lutemax is a well-known, highly potent compound used in supplements targeting eye health, but did you know your eye health is very closely linked to your cognitive health too?! 

    In a 2013 study of almost 4500 subjects aged 50 and older, a lower MPOD (Macular Pigment Optical Density) was significantly associated with poorer prospective memory.

    They took significantly longer time to complete a trail-making task. Their lower MPOD was also associated with poorer performance on the mini-mental state examination and on the Montreal cognitive assessment.

    This study further proves that our eyes and brain are connected, and supplementing with macular carotenoids can not only improve vision but also positively influence visual-neural processing and outcomes associated with brain health and stress. 

    The carotenoids in Lutemax 2020 are also the only 3 dietary carotenoids known to cross the blood-brain barrier. Lutemax 2020, naturally derived from marigold flowers, is backed by multiple clinical studies, and is proven to help with these 7 things:  

    cognitive health

    1. Cognitive health

    Lutemax 2020 is shown to increase Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and improve verbal memory, and sustained attention, and processing speed. 

    stress and mood support

    2. Stress and mood support 

    Supplementing with Lutemax2020 significantly helped reduced stress, serum cortisol, and highlighted the importance of macular carotenoids for daily stress support

    3. Sleep quality

    3. Sleep quality 

    Lutemax 2020 has shown to significantly improve sleep quality and regulate sleep/wake cycles for people who are exposed to prolonged blue light and decrease macular stress.  

    4. Enhanced bioavailability

    4. Enhanced bioavailability 

    Lutemax 2020 rapidly increased serum levels of lutein and zeaxanthin in association with increased Macular Pigment
    Optical Density (MPOD) in as
    little as 8 weeks! 

    Improved visual performance

    5. Improved visual performance 

    In multiple studies, Lutemax 2020 consistently improved contrast sensitivity and photo-stress recovery. It has also been shown to improve glare tolerance.

    Blue Light Protection

    6. Blue Light Protection

    Lutemax 2020 demonstrated improvements in outcomes associated with prolonged blue light exposure from digital devices, including eye strain and fatigue, headache frequency, and glare tolerance.  

    Skin health

    7. Skin health 

    Photoaging is responsible for 90% of the visible changes to the skin. Carotenoids like Lutein are shown to help support a healthier, younger-looking appearance. In a study, a brand of Lutemax 2020 improved overall skin tone and brightened its appearance.  

    What’s more?  

    Lutemax 2020’s safety has been clinically established through multiple rounds of studies. They are also the basis of Lutemax 2020’s FDA GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) affirmation!

    5 Reasons why Cogni Resin is the Modern Solution for a Modern Lifestyle 

    Why you need Cogni Resin as you age 

    Enhance mental performance

    As you age, you don’t just start ‘looking’ older, but your body also undergoes a lot of changes on the inside – from starting to forget the name of a classmate, to walking to the other room and forgetting what you were there for, to disrupted sleep cycles and general mood, the hardships of life, in general, and age, in particular, can get to you over time.

    And like your skin, your internal well-being needs to be supplemented with herbs and Ayurvedic goodness to deal with the throes of aging naturally – and Cogni Resin is formulated with just that goal in mind! Cogni Resin is the first of its kind to have fused 2 major Ayurvedic cognitive enhancers: Himalayan Resin and Lutemax 2020 into one to form a formulation with the potency to support your brain health as you grow older. Which means, you’re getting DOUBLE benefits from this uniquely powerful Ayurvedic formulation.  

    1. Enhance Cognitive Health & Mental Performance 

    Both Himalayan Resin and Lutemax 2020 are touted for their cognitive performance enhancing capabilities. Especially Lutemax2020 which is clinically researched to support cognitive health and memory!"

    This means you'll get the utmost support in keeping your cognitive health as well as energy levels in the healthiest range!

    2.  Mood Support 

    Himalayan Resin has been shown to support healthy dopamine levels in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for feelings of contentment and well-being. Lutemax 2020, has also been clinically studied to show significant stress reduction.

    With the purest of the pure Himalayan Shilajit Resin, you can manage mood swings better, and feel calm & balanced naturally.

    3. Improved Concentration and Processing Speed 

    Himalayan Resin is known to stimulate the cells so they convert energy faster. With powered up cellular energy, you can unleash abundant vitality and endurance to all organs of the body– the brain, heart, muscles and more.

    This is the reason why Himalayan resin is also known as the ‘Destroyer of Weakness’ and works as an excellent supplement in re-boosting energy as you age. It gives you the energy you need. Unlike coffee or other caffeinated drinks, it does not give an illusion of energy but real energy.
    Did you know? Caffeine alters the activity of certain neurotransmitters in the brain whereas Himalayan Resin stimulates brain cells.

    4. Modulated Sleep Health 

    Blue light plays a role in regulating sleep/wake cycles, and Lutemax 2020 has shown to significantly improve sleep quality in subjects exposed to prolong blue light from sources such as digital devices. 
    This means you'll be able to fall asleep faster and will wake up feeling refreshed and well-rested.

    5. Enhanced Vision  

    In multiple studies, Lutemax 2020 consistently improved contrast sensitivity and vision health. 

    Here’s why Cogni Resin cannot be substituted
    by any other Nootropic Supplements (for Brain Health) 

    Before we go on to find the answer for that question, we want to tell you how a typical cognitive health supplement works. Brain supplements usually contain one or two vitamins or chemicals that might have been proven to be beneficial for the brain. But are they enough? Can they be the ‘cure-all’ - HIGHLY UNLIKELY!

    Out of the 25,000 bioactive substances in food, 1 or 2 of them being supplemented externally is not going to make a whole world of difference. What your brain needs is a supplement that can enhance the bio-absorbability potential in your body that makes it capable of assimilating the essential nutrients from the food we consume, transport them, and act as a catalyst in their breaking down process. The Himalayan Resin in Cogni Resin does just that. Along with carrying its own brain-enhancing, natural actives, it also contains the mighty Himalayan Resin that has been scientifically proven to be an enhancer of nutrients entering the body through your diet.

    Contrary to any other brain supplement Himalayan Resin is an unadulterated coalescence of 85+ amino acids, enzymes and nutrients, along with Fulvic Acid and Humic Acid, found completely naturally in nature. It works through a non-intrusive infusion of pure vitamins and minerals in the body, necessary for it to function optimally. Cogni Resin is the first of its kind to bring the incredible fusion of high-performance Himalayan Resin, and brain and vision-enhancing, naturally derived Lutemax 2020 to the world! 

    How is Cogni Resin superior and safer than all other Mountain Resins?

    Ayurveda is a unique science of time and space! The legends of Ayurveda’s prowess, in the form of natural Himalayan Resin and Marigold have lived to narrate the tales of this science that has outsmarted the constructs of time and space, and stay, equally, if not more, relevant even now.

    Cogni Resin – a functional product of the fusion of world’s purest Himalayan Resin (which is scientifically researched) and superior extract Lutemax 2020 (clinically studied), unlike no other Resin supplements in the market, is secured to be of the highest quality.

    One of the biggest clinchers when it comes to consuming typical Resin is the sensory experience – its taste and aroma. Cogni Resin removes that barrier for you too – it comes fused with pure honey and natural vanilla flavor and aroma to make your daily warm drink appetizing to your senses, and restorative to your body.

    Unlike a lot of readily available resins that are derived from fertilizers and peat moss (both
    could be harmful to the body if ingested), Cogni Resin is made
    up of pure, high-quality
    Himalayan Resin, sourced
    directly from the fissures of the great Himalayan Mountain range.

    Moreover, Himalayan Resin used in Cogni Resin is purified using not alcohol or chemicals, but using
    tried and tested, ancient Ayurvedic “green” procedures that has been practiced for centuries.
    We use authentic Triphala Decoction Method to purify Himalayan Resin. This procedure is not common knowledge and not everyone can perform it efficiently. Only seasoned Ayurvedic experts, who are very rare, are aware of the proper way to perform this.

    Ayurveda is a unique science of time and space! The legends of Ayurveda’s prowess, in the form of natural Himalayan Resin and Marigold have lived to narrate the tales of this science that has outsmarted the constructs of time and space, and stay, equally, if not more, relevant even now.

    Cogni Resin – a functional product of the fusion of world’s purest Himalayan Resin (which is scientifically researched) and superior extract Lutemax 2020 (clinically studied), unlike no other Resin supplements in the market, is secured to be of the highest quality.

    One of the biggest clinchers when it comes to consuming typical Resin is the sensory experience – its taste and aroma. Cogni Resin removes that barrier for you too – it comes fused with pure honey and natural vanilla flavor and aroma to make your daily warm drink appetizing to your senses, and restorative to your body.

    Unlike a lot of readily available resins that are derived from fertilizers and peat moss (both could be harmful to the body if ingested), Cogni Resin is made up of pure, high-quality Himalayan Resin, sourced directly from the fissures of the great Himalayan Mountain range.

    Moreover, Himalayan Resin used in Cogni Resin is purified using not alcohol or chemicals, but using tried and tested, ancient Ayurvedic “green” procedure that has been practiced for centuries. We use authentic Triphala Decoction Method to purify Himalayan Resin. This procedure is not common knowledge and not everyone can perform it efficiently. Only seasoned Ayurvedic experts, who are very rare, are aware of the proper way to perform this.


    "...I have it every morning dissolved in a cup of Pu-Erh tea and it gives me a sharp, focused energy throughout the day. After switching to your brand, I've noticed it dissolves easier and is easier to manage than others, and is noticeably more potent. I'm sold and will recommend to anyone that will listen!"

    - Peter. about other supplements from The Ayurveda Experience


    "I'm in retail and I don't think that I could have gotten through my Christmas season without it. It was really a life saver. it picked me up, gave me good energy, felt focused and not so dragging with long hours and sitting in traffic for long periods of time. It helped my frame of mind and my energy level, both mentally and physically."

    - Shirley about other supplements from The Ayurveda Experience


    "Loving them... Suddenly, an urge of energy without feeling tired afterwards. And not to mention much better sleep or napping. Loving them. Way to go Staff."

    - Nealette S. about other supplements from The Ayurveda Experience

    Liquid error (sections/pf-481b962c line 97): product form must be given a product


    “I am dealing with adrenal fatigue issues and after a few years of trying many other supplements, I have to say this actually works. I have more energy and less stress. I am going to order my 2nd bottle. Highly recommend!”

    - Soreya Y. about other supplements from The Ayurveda Experience


    “I love this product. In combination with good digestive enzymes and probiotics, my digestive system is functioning better than it has in years.”

    - David F. about other supplements from The Ayurveda Experience


    Ayurvedic way to enhance brain efficiency
    • Cogni Resin contains a clinically studied ingredient and a scientific validated active 
    • Cogni Resin is Ayurvedic with 100% natural ingredients
    • Cogni Resin contains Lutemax 2020 which has benefits for your cognitive health and Shilajit which has benefits for your  skin health as well!
    • Cogni Resin is affordable 
    • Cogni Resin is a safe, high-quality supplement manufactured in a US FDA registered GMP facility. It has been tested multiple times by third-party labs for the presence of metals, microbes, and the concentration of fulvic acid. We go beyond just ensuring compliance for you.  

    And a bonus 6th one - 30-day Full Money-Back Guarantee

    Cogni Resin understands your need to try out the product and rests the decisive powers with you to see if it really works for you – regardless of what our 800,000 customers may say. Which is why if you try Cogni Resin and feel that it’s not for you, write to us within 30 days of receiving the product, and we’ll simply refund the full amount!

    And what would
    YOU price this ‘mountain gem’ at?

    A $100? $200? - take into consideration the rarest of the rare herbo-mineral from the great mountains of Himalayas, and the purest of the pure herbal extract that you’re getting in a jar of Cogni Resin.

    NO, you don’t need to spend hundreds and thousands of your hard-earned money to get pure and safe energy – ONLY $30 USD!

    Yes, it’s that affordable – costs much lesser than lunch for two at your favorite restaurant, much lesser than a pair of jeans, and well, we can just keep going on and on! But the bottom line is – Cogni Resin is an extremely pocket-friendly immediate investment that you can make for your physical and mental health, on which you possibly cannot put a price tag.

    Yes, we call it an ‘immediate-investment’ because it won’t just help you enhance your health right now, but also pay off in the future by boosting your metabolism and keeping your body healthy. Plus, we looked at other resin supplements on a popular go-to marketplace – and they’re MUCH expensive. In case you're getting it at a low price, there are high chances it is of bad quality because sourcing and purifying Himalayan Resin is expensive. 

    So then, what would stop you from getting Cogni Resin for yourself? It’s only YOU standing between yourself and your optimal health right now! And you know what – your partner can also take Cogni Resin, and so can other members of your family! Who would want to say no to a little bit of energy, right?! 

    How to Consume Cogni Resin:


    Simply take a pea-sized amount of Cogni Resin using the spoon provided. Add it to approximately 100 ml lukewarm water, milk or your favorite tea. Stir well and enjoy.

    Consume it twice daily after meals or as directed by physician.

    about Cogni Resin

    1. What are the ingredients in Cogni Resin 

    Pure Himalayan Resin (Asphaltum), Lutemax 2020, Natural Vanilla Oil (flavor), Honey and Water are the only ingredients in Cogni Resin. No chemicals, no preservatives, no additives and no artificial colors.

    2. Does Cogni Resin have any side-effects? 

    Cogni Resin is made of Lutemax 2020 and Shilajit and has undergone multiple rounds of testing to reach the final stage before being packed in the jar. Cogni Resin when consumed according to the suggested directions is safe.

    3. Can consuming too much Cogni Resin be harmful to my body? 

    At the recommended dosage, there is no harm or side effect. However, please note that too much of anything is likely to have an impact on your health. We strongly suggest adhering to the recommended dosage of our supplements.

    4. How should I consume Cogni Resin? 

    Take a pea-sized amount of Cogni Resin. Dissolve it in lukewarm water, milk, tea, green tea, hot cocoa, whichever you prefer. Stir well until it dissolves and drink.

    5. Are there contra-indications? 

    NOT to be included in your dietary plan if:
    ◾ You are suffering from sickle cell anemia, hemochromatosis, or thalassemia
    ◾ You are pregnant or breast-feeding individuals.
    ◾ You have elevated androgen levels.
    ◾ You develop some rare reaction, resulting in rashes, increased heart-rate, or dizziness.
    ◾ You are below the age of 18.

    6. What are the quality checks done for Cogni Resin?

    Each batch is tested for microbial load, heavy metal contamination, identity, purity and gluten. We also conduct an assay analysis for fulvic acid & humic acid.

    7. Does Cogni Resin contain any additives or preservatives? 

    No, Cogni Resin is free of preservatives, artificial flavors and colors.

    8. How is Cogni Resin different from other Shilajit resin brands out there? 

    Most Resin resin brands that are available in the market contain either Resin (the purity of which can be questionable), or Resin mixed with non-standardized herbs. Cogni Resin is the first of its kind in the world that brings the fusion of pure Himalayan Resin along with award-winning Lutemax 2020.

    about COGNI RESIN

    1. How should I consume Cogni Resin? 

    Take a pea-sized amount of Cogni Resin. Dissolve it in lukewarm water, milk, tea, green tea, whichever you prefer. Stir well until it dissolves and drink. Else can also be consumed as is. 

    2. What are the ingredients in Cogni Resin 

    Asphaltum, Lutemax 2020, Natural Vanilla
    Oil (flavor), Honey and Water are the only
    ingredients in Cogni Resin. No chemicals, no
    preservatives, no additives and no artificial colors.

    3. Does Cogni Resin have any side-effects? 

    Cogni Resin is made of food-grade raw ingredients
    and has undergone abundant testing to reach the
    final stage before being packed in the jar. Cogni Resin
    when consumed according to the suggested directions
    will not produce any side-effects.  

    4. Can consuming too much Cogni Resin be harmful to my body? 

    No. At the recommended dosage, there is no harm or side effect. However, please note that too much of anything is likely to have an impact on your health. We strongly suggest adhering to the recommended dosage of our supplements.

    5. Is it safe to consume Cogni Resin along with other medicines/supplements? 

    At the recommended dosage of every individual
    ingredient, there are no known side effects. However,
    if you are pregnant, lactating, on medication due for
    a medical procedure or have an existing medical
    condition, consult a physician before use. 

    6. What are the quality checks done for Cogni Resin?

    Each batch is tested for microbial load, heavy
    metal contamination, identity, purity, stability and  

    7. Does Cogni Resin contain any additives or preservatives? 

    No, Cogni Resin is made of high-quality Himalayan Resin purified by the all-herbal, Ayurvedic Triphala
    decoction method, along with the award-winning Lutemax 2020. To enhance its taste and smell,
    the formulation has been infused with all-natural honey and vanilla flavor and aroma.

    8. How is Cogni Resin different from other Shilajit resin brands out there? 

    Most Resin resin brands that are available in the market contain either Resin (the purity of which
    can be questionable), or Resin mixed with non-standardized herbs. Cogni Resin is the first of its kind in the world that brings the fusion of pure Himalayan Asphaltum along with award-winning Lutemax 2020.

    How are we so sure that the resin used in Cogni Resin is of top-notch quality? 

    In an independent scientific research, it has been found that Himalayan resin (which is used in Cogni Resin) is of much superior quality than any other kind of resins found under other mountains in the world. The Fulvic Acid content in Himalayan Resin has been proven to be in the maximum quantity when compared to other resin varieties available across the world. To be more precise, Fulvic Acid content in Purified Himalayan Resin was found to be 33.20 mg/ml. On the other hand, Fulvic acid content in Raw Mongolian and Yemeni Mountain Resin was found to be 17.48 mg/ml and 12.23 mg/ml respectively.

    Moreover, the purified Himalayan resin used in Cogni Resin is in a ‘Resin’ format which is known to be the most available form of resins as compared to powder and liquid variants. It undergoes less refinement, is easy to absorb and lasts longer when stored away from heat and sunlight. Now, we keep saying PURIFIED Himalayan Resin, wonder why?  

    There are usually 3 common methods of resin processing that are practiced across the world:

    The first one being – Thermal Evaporation 

    The first one being – Thermal Raw Himalayan Resin is mixed in water and dissolved to provide a certain consistency along with uniformity. This solution is filtered to get rid of all contaminants. The purified extract is exposed to a high temperature between 80°C - 90°C to evaporate the water. 

    Thermal evaporation is undoubtedly a cheap process; however, it severely diminishes the quality of Himalayan Resin and its rejuvenative properties, making it lose its potency and effectiveness.

    Altai method 

    This method uses a water bath to solidify the resin, followed by cutting off its topmost layer, heating it up which leaves an oily broth, and then heating the raw resin with the oily broth. Impurities settle at the bottom, and purified resin is collected from the top.  

    This process is incredibly long and therefore becomes expensive. 

    Centrifugation Method 

    Centrifugation is a no-heat purification method which uses ultra-high-speed rotatory movements to separate filth and inhomogeneous contaminants from the pure resin content, based on the difference in density.  

    This makes the minerals in Himalayan Resin less available, making it less effective. 

    The process of purification of Himalayan Resin used in Cogni Resin is NOT one of these.

    The Himalayan Resin is a rarity that exists in treacherous mountains and flourishes in some of the most harsh and difficult geographical terrains. And while it is a difficult feat to procure it in enough quantity, it is another herculean task to purify Himalayan Resin so that the formulation can be as unadulterated and as pristine as nature intended it to be.

    The purification process involves precision, skill and an unerring meticulousness that involves heating the raw resin at the right temperature and then treating it with the powdered mixture of 3 potent super fruits such as Amla, Haritaki and Bibhitaki. This brings about, the dual-function of purifying and infusion, sealing your Resin in a compact, superior and function-based supplement. 
    It not just kills bacteria and microbes but also mixes an extra boost of extremely beneficial Ayurvedic herbs to the purified resin! 

    And the guarantee of the best quality you get from us, you'll not find that anywhere else! 

    Through every stage of processing, all Ayuttva products undergo rigorous testing to ensure all quality parameters are met. Be it testing for purity, strength and integrity or standardizing ingredients, all our assessments are conducted at independent labs to ensure nonbiased and reliable testing.

    10 steps that make Ayuttva products and hence Cogni Resin the best in quality!

    1. GMP Manufacturing: All Ayuttva products are manufactured in GMP units which means every product is evaluated at multiple stages of production. This ensures standardized processing, consistent quality and high safety.

    2. US FDA Registered Facility: There is no better tool to ensure quality than an independent audit, which is why we choose only US FDA registered manufacturers who come under the audit purview of FDA.

    3. 3rd Party Lab Tested: All Ayuttva products are tested by the manufacturer as well as individual 3rd party labs to ensure that the manufacturer’s practices are not dropping any lower than exemplary.

    4. Gluten-Free: Even products with all gluten-free ingredients are tested for gluten presence by 3rd party labs.

    5. GMO Testing: Non-GMO presence is tested by accredited third party labs, independent of what raw material suppliers declare. 

    6. Heavy Metals Testing: Heavy metal contamination is a safety concern when dealing with botanicals and herbs as contamination can seep in from soil, water and chemicals. We adhere to the highest safety standards and run all our products through heavy metal contamination testing for lead, mercury, nickel, cadmium and arsenic as per USP limits. If a batch contains a higher amount than legally allowed, we do not pass it.

    7. Impurities (Pesticide & Aflatoxins) Testing: Ayuttva products are tested for pesticide and aflatoxin presence as per USP limits. Even though this is not a mandatory requirement by food regulation authorities, we choose to test our products because we believe in delivering only the very best to you.

    8. Safety (Microbes, Pathogens and Shelf life): Microbial growth and contamination may occur at source or in process stage or during the shelf life of the product. We ensure all ingredients are tested for microbial load and the finished product is independently verified to be within microbial limits as prescribed by USP in the final product as well as under stress conditions of temperature and humidity.

    9. Standardized extracts for better potency: The basic premise of all Ayuttva products is efficacy, which can be quantified by the number of active compounds derived from the herb. Along with herbs, we also use standardized herbal extracts to ensure higher & consistent concentration of active compounds.

    10. 3-Stage Testing: At all stages of the product, from initial raw materials to manufacturing to the finished product, Ayuttva products are tested for quality, consistency, efficacy and many other parameters. These stringent tests ensure Ayuttva brings to you only the safest, cleanest, purest, most effective products – as per The Ayurveda Experience’s high standards!


    Craving something hot, chocolatey and delicious? Whip up your own personalized cuppa with our suggested recipes, or get creative and experiment with your style - whichever way you want, there are tons of ways to enjoy Cogni Resin. Be it a heartwarming wholesome Cogni resin cocoa blend, a revitalizing, enriching Cogni resin smoky latte or a deeply calming, Cogni resin green tea elixir, there's no end to how creative you can be with our improved taste of Himalayan Resin. Here is 1 easy yet sumptuous recipe:

    Tasty cogni resin

    Cogni Cocoa:

    • Warm a glass of milk
    • Add 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder and stir.
    • Then add a pea-sized amount of your Cogni Resin.
    • Top it off with frothy cream and enjoy!
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