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  • ELIMINATE and flush out DAILY TOXIN build-up from your body and 

    A 3-WAY DETOX!



    with 100% Natural Actives that will help you:

    • Activate digestion, revitalize energy, and fortify strength & stamina
    • Say goodbye to restless nights, wake up refreshed & rejuvenated
    • Experience a noticeable improvement in your digestion, enjoy wholesome meals & fuel your body
    • Regulate your digestive system and eliminate toxins efficiently, thanks to its unique blend of natural ingredients that promotes regular bowel movements
    • Support overall health & well-being
    • Feel more driven, capable & efficient in daily activities
    • Enjoy a significant improvement in quality of life with a clinically tested supplement
    Clinically Tested - Clensicap -Daily Detox and Digest

    + STARTS WORKING in JUST 15 days!*

    100% Natural Actives | No Excipients | No Binders | No Preservatives | Vegetarian Capsule Shell

     Vegan | Non GMO | Third Party Lab Tested | GMP Certified


    Imagine your body as your own personal home, and just like any home, it requires regular upkeep and maintenance. Toxins are like the dust and grime that accumulate EVEN AFTER DAILY CLEANING, over time, making your body unhealthy to live in.

    Toxins can enter your body in two ways:

    • through natural bodily functions (endotoxins) and
    • from external sources in the environment (exotoxins)

    As you go about your daily activities, your body generates metabolic waste from processing food, water, and alcohol. If this stubborn waste isn't properly eliminated, it can build up and turn into toxic waste in your body.

    But the human body has its own built-in detoxification system,


    It is true that the human body has a natural detoxification system in place, primarily involving the liver and kidneys, to eliminate harmful substances from the body. However, in today's world, our bodies are constantly exposed to a wide range of toxins, both from internal metabolic waste and external factors such as pollution, processed food, and chemicals in our environment.

    Over time, constant exposure to these toxins can overload our body's natural detoxification system, leading to a buildup of toxins in our system.

    Also, with our sedentary work routines and quick, often unhealthy food choices, the issue of toxin build-up has become a growing concern. The problem, however, is that it's not easily visible to the naked eye. The early signs associated with it are often similar to those of other regular health problems, making it difficult to identify them.

    Nevertheless, there are 8 tell-tale signs that you should be aware of.

    Trouble in digestion

    1. You’re having trouble with digestion:

    Digestive issues can be a real pain - quite literally. If you're experiencing occasional bloating, gas, cramping, and acid reflux, enjoying simple wholesome meals with friends and family feels like a distant dream.

    Sluggish / Constipated

    2. You feel sluggish:

    Feeling sluggish and/or slow digestion can make it challenging to get through your daily activities, and you may feel unmotivated and foggy headed.

    Poor bowel movement

    3. You have poor bowel movements:

    When you're not having regular bowel movements, it can make you feel uncomfortable and bloated. You may feel like you're carrying around excess weight and can't seem to get rid of it. 

    Exhausted, fatigued, and tired

    4. You feel exhausted, fatigued, and tired:

    Feeling exhausted from daily activity can make it challenging to get through the day. You may find yourself reaching for caffeine and sugar to keep you going, which can lead to a vicious cycle. You may feel like you're constantly dragging yourself through the day, unable to find motivation or joy in anything.

    Poor sleep & erratic appetite

    5. You experience poor sleep quality and erratic appetite:

    You may find yourself struggling to fall asleep at night, and then unable to wake up in the morning. You may also find yourself overeating or undereating, which can impact your overall health.

    Binge eating / overindulged in alcohol

    6. You’ve been on a binge eating spree and/or drinking occassionally :

    We've all had those moments where we indulge in our favorite junk food or our favorite glass of wine sometimes. But if you've been on a binge eating spree and you’re pouring the drink often, keep reading.

    Poor quality of life

    7. You feel like you have a poor quality of life:  

    When toxins accumulate in the body, they can cause a range of physical and emotional symptoms that can leave a person feeling drained and unwell. This can impact a person's ability to work, exercise, and engage in social activities, which can lead to feelings of frustration. Ultimately, if left unaddressed, toxin build-up can hamper a person's quality of life, making it essential to identify and address the underlying causes of the problem.

    Skin breaks out & looks dull

    8. Your skin breaks out and looks dull:

    When there is a toxin build-up in the body, it can overwhelm the liver's detoxification process, which may lead to the accumulation of toxins in the bloodstream. As a result, skin health may be affected leading to breakouts and zits, making your skin looks dull and lifeless.



    Clensicap is a humble yet multifaceted supplement that works on effective toxin elimination by targeting not one or two, but three essential systems of your body giving way to the 3-WAY DETOX.

    > 30%

    improvement in Appetite, Digestion, Bloating & Hyperacidity*

    > 70%

    improvement in Abdominal discomfort

    > 48%

    improvement in Fatigue, Tiredness & Lethargy*

    > 35%

    improvement in Energy, Strength & Stamina*

    > 59%

    improvement and positive change in skin clarity*

    > 93%

    showed minimal improvement on overall detox health*

    In a 60-day clinical trial study conducted with 64 participants, results showed

    More than


    improvement in Digestion, Occasional Bloating & Occasional Acid Indigestion*

    More than


    improvement in Abdominal discomfort*

    More than


    improvement in Fatigue, Tiredness & Lethargy*

    More than


    improvement in Energy, Strength & Stamina*

    More than


    improvement and positive change in skin clarity*

    More than


    improvement in overall detox health*


    • Clinical study showed improvement in digestion within 15 days (within 2 weeks)
    • Improvement in Occasional Acid Indigestion, Bloating, Abdominal fullness
    • Increased energy levels by showing improvement in conditions like Fatigue, Tiredness, Lethargy and daily activity
    • Improved skin health
    • Better digestion


    • Aided in liver detox
    • Helped maintain healthy liver function
    • Supported a healthy appetite
    • Improved energy levels
    • Improved immunity – signs of a healthy liver
    • Helped maintain healthy kidney function
    • Helped support healthy kidney filtration rate


    • Clinical studies showed improvement in appetite and digestion within 15 days (about 2 weeks)
    • Improvement in Hyperacidity, Bloating, Abdominal fullness & pain
    • Increased energy levels by showing improvement in Fatigue, Tiredness, Lethargy and daily activity
    • Improved skin health
    • Better digestion


    • Aided in liver detox
    • Helped maintain healthy bile
    • Increased healthy appetite
    • Improved energy levels
    • Improved immunity – signs of a healthy liver
    • Helped maintain healthy kidney function
    • Helped support healthy kidney filtration rate


    • Activated natural detox function in 60 days (about 2 months)
    • Improved Quality of Life
    • Improved digestion, energy, strength and stamina
    • Supported better sleep cycles and more sound sleep
    • Showed improved health to support overall activities
    • Heightened ability to perform daily activities


    • Activated natural detox function in 60 days (about 2 months)
    • Improved Quality of Life
    • Improved digestion, energy, strength and stamina
    • Supported better sleep cycles and more sound sleep
    • Showed marked improvement in overall health
    • Heightened ability to perform daily activities


    First 15 Days

    Based on findings from the clinical trials, participants reported:
    1) Better digestion
    2) Healthy appetite
    3) Improved energy, strength and stamina

    Daily for 1 month

    With continued use of Clensicap, subjects in the same clinical trial observed:
    1) Improved sleep quality
    2) Reduction in feeling of lethargy, fatigue and tiredeness

    Continued 2 Months of usage

    Longer use for 2 months showed improvement in several parameters such as:
    1) Overall Quality of Life
    2) Immune function
    3) Skin health
    4) Ability to perform daily tasks


    There are 3 reasons behind Clensicap’s shining performance:



    (PS: This is not just advertised to work but shown to work!)


    Ayurveda’s unique approach to alleviate toxin build-up


    We rigorously tested our product on real human subjects in a clinical trial with 30 subjects over 60 days.

    Let’s understand #1 first.


    The GCG daily cleanse complex is an Ayurvedic complex of herbs:

    G - Guduchi

    C - Chebula

    G - Gotu Kola


    Let’s understand #1 first.


    The GCG daily cleanse complex is an Ayurvedic complex of herbs:

    G - Guduchi

    C - Chebula

    G - Gotu Kola




    Guduchi has been a beloved herb for centuries, and it has successfully carved out a niche for itself in modern wellness science, for a good reason. A naturally unctuous and astringent herb that aids the body’s ‘Agni’ (heat), Guduchi is a powerhouse of detox and immune function all by itself.

    • Detoxifies liver to maintain healthy liver function
    • Helps purify blood
    • Works as a calming agent in skin conditions caused by increased Pitta
    • Helps the liver in supporting healthy blood sugar levels already within normal range

    Since Guduchi works on reducing the excess of all three doshas – Vata, Kapha and Pitta – it is not surprising that most immune-function compositions in Ayurveda put it on top of the list.




    Found in the wilder parts of North Indian forests, Chebula brings in unmatched benefits to the digestive system, among other properties. Chebula is good for supporting healthy digestion, occasional heartburn and similar excretory concerns. Mainly, it:

    • Acts as a digestive stimulant
    • Helps regulate bowel movement
    • Aids in waste and toxin elimination
    • Works to rejuvenate immune function 
    • Supports the respiratory system
    • Helps support cognition and memory

    At times called Haritaki, Chebula is revered for its dry and astringent properties, that sit in wonderful contrast with the respective cooling and warming properties of its herbal counterparts, Gotu Kola and Guduchi.

    Gymnema Sylvestre or Madhunashini



    You have heard of Cica. Found in countless skincare products, Cica is lauded for its amazing calming, cooling and clarifying properties. Well, if you’re a fan of Cica’s skincare benefits, get ready to love it even more for its detox properties! Because Cica is just another name for the Ayurvedic deep detoxifier, Gotu Kola.

    Widely used for its liver detoxification properties, Gotu Kola is great for the rest of the body. It helps draw out fluids from tissues, and aids in regulating elimination of urine and other excess fluids from the body.

    Gotu Kola

    Ancient health and wellness texts from Indonesia and China, and thousands of years old scriptures in Ayurveda have all heralded Gotu Kola for:

    • Strengthening memory
    • Improving concentration
    • Supporting healthy digestion
    • Harnessing intelligence
    • Stabilizing mood
    • Enhancing cognitive function; and
    • Promoting liver and kidney health

    Aside from these internal benefits, Gotu Kola works on boosting the body’s ability to support healthy skin as it aids in improving the liver’s ability to keep the digestive system running well. This wonder herb helps ease issues around sleep, creating less and less chances for the body to feel fatigued.

    This is a trio of herbs that work together like a symphony of detoxification and cleansing, to bring balance to your body and restore your health. Guduchi, Chebula, and Gotu Kola are the 3 masterful ingredients that create the GCG complex - a powerhouse of energy rebooting and complete cleansing that has been cherished for centuries.

    These soldiers of intense detoxification do the harder work but are supported in strength and efficacy by three proven and widely used herbal ingredients that make Clensicap a holistic and clinically tested detox system.





    A little green fruit no bigger than a golf ball, Amla is proof that great things come in small packages. An amazing thing Amla does for the body is increase its ability to absorb nutrients better, and efficiently release waste. This increases metabolism and improves overall bodily functioning! Amla is great for

    • Digestion and enhancing digestive enzymes performance
    • Improving concentration
    • Fighting against free radicals in the body
    • Maintaining liver function
    • Stimulating collagen production
    • Supporting the health of hair follicles and skin cells.

    No wonder that Amla is not only used in herbal wellness practices but also in form of sweet and sour candy popular across North India, for its taste and digestive properties!

    Mung Bean



    With even the limited research that is available on Mung Bean, we already know (through Ayurveda) that this little bean is responsible for effectively neutralizing free radicals from settling and causing imbalances in the body in the form of toxin build-up. Mung is a rich source of

    • Folate, iron and protein
    • Potassium
    • Magnesium 
    • Fiber
    • Vitamins and minerals
    • Antioxidant acids
    • Essential Amino acids

    Along with its high-power nutritional value, Mung Bean has also been linked to feelings of satiety (fullness) and curbing untimely hunger pangs, which may help those working towards weight reduction. All in all, it is the perfect companion to other digestive and liver+kidney detoxifying agents working in Clensicap.




    When it comes to proven, time-tested and reliable herbs for mental and physical wellness, few can compete with the renowned status of Bacopa monnieri. Brahmi is equipped with properties ranging from cognitive support to detoxification.

    Brahmi is known to

    • Create conditions that support healthy digestion
    • Help support intelligence and memory
    • Work to address 'Ama' or toxins
    • Maintain healthy circulation

    Brahmi is frequently used as a standalone supplement for cognitive function, general immunity and women’s health. But coupled with the dynamic set of ingredients in Clensicap, Brahmi transforms into a formidable force working on the entire body and mind.

    And take a look at the long list of Incredibles that make Clensicap an efficacious cleansing supplement for you and your body.

    Puncture Vine


    Puncture Vine (Tribulus terrestris) 

    A beautiful, spiky - looking plant, puncture vine has many benefits for the liver and the urinary tract. Traditionally used to support bladder, liver and reproductive function, this green vine is utilized in Clensicap for its unique benefit to balance water retention in the body. It helps the body eliminate excess fluids, clearing the way for the liver and in the process, creating grounds for stronger immunity and supporting glucose tolerance.



    Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) 

    One of the oldest herbs in the world of Ayurveda, licorice is renowned for its wellness benefits. By helping your body in flushing out toxins more quickly, this herb aids in bowel regularity, better digestion and deeper detox. Used along with other potent herbs and extracts, it can be a powerful agent in reducing occasional heartburn and help in getting better sleep and increased energy.

    Green Tea


    Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) 

    Popular for its ease of use, green tea is a household name in detox today. In Ayurveda, however, it has a more specific job – hydration, supporting healthy weight maintenance and cleansing the body. Not only does green tea make it easy for the body to flush out toxins regularly, it is also an effective way to include something gentle and safe for your skin health. Green tea has been used to aid in the reduction of the appearance of blemishes and in clearing up skin.



    Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) 

    With everything that we know about Ashwagandha today, it is no surprise that it is one of the ingredients in this powerpack of a supplement for energy, immunity and digestion. Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic hero, helping and supporting the liver in carrying out its detox functions, helping in free-radical combat and aiding in the lowering of free radicals in the body. Additionally, this super herb acts as an adaptogen that helps lower cortisol levels(stress hormone). Basically, Ashwagandha is an all-rounder that elevates the impact of every polyherbal formulation it is used in.



    Bibhitaki (Terminalia belerica) 

    Known in Ayurveda as Bibhitaki, this herb is an impactful internal cleanser and a natural blood purifier. Just like licorice helps the body flush out toxins through elimination, Terminalia belerica does the same by supporting fat metabolism and elimination of toxins.



    Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia) 

    Manjistha is a powerful herb that supports blood detoxification. Traditionally in Ayurveda, Manjistha is known as a blood purifier that supports clear skin and alleviates breakouts. Manjistha is also revered for its liver protecting properties and toxin elimination potential.

    Indian Spikenard


    Indian Spikenard (Valeriana jatamansi) 

    Another powerful adaptogen in the Clensicap concoction, Jatamansi supports healthy circulatory function. A potent herb used for its benefits in maintaining urinary health, respiratory health and cognitive health.

    Together, a formidable but gentle bouquet of Ayurvedic vitals create a system of detoxification, immunity building and long-term maintenance of inner power and energy that is hard to beat and tough to emulate in 3-day juice cleanses and weekend detox trends.


    But this is not all...

    There is another reason why Clensicap works! This brings us to reason #2:

    Ayurveda’s unique approach to alleviate toxin build-up

    Ayurveda has its own word for toxin build up: AMA (pronounced as AAAH-Mah). According to Ayurveda, to understand toxin-build up or Ama, we must begin with digestion.

    We think of digestion so off-handedly.

    We say, ‘I can’t stomach this!’ when we learn something shocking.

    If someone keeps a big secret, we say, ‘How could you digest something like that?’ Or, more literally, we might exclaim, ‘Oh, my digestion isn’t that great’ before we take a big bite of the cheesecake.

    In Ayurveda, digestion is the key to wellness. You put something in your body and expect it to be digested. This is the only way that anything can travel through you, good or bad.

    According to the centuries-old scriptures, the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’ of the body are split as such:

    Agni (fire) GOOD

    Ama (Cold) BAD




    Oily, Viscous, and Wet


    Sticky, Slimy


    Stable, Stagnant


    Foul Smelling





    Ama plays a pivotal role in Ayurvedic comprehension of physiology, pathology, and therapeutics. Instead of representing a solitary element or substance, Ama signifies the irregular or hindered course of digestion and metabolism that results in the accumulation of toxic by-products that the body cannot effectively neutralize or expel.

    The first signs of Ama manifest in the form of poor digestion.

    And an ignored digestive tract can result in:

    • hyperacidity,
    • flatulence,
    • diarrhea,
    • cramping, and 
    • constipation

    Also, if you let toxic elements stay in your system too long, the minor issues listed above can have an impact on general health and wellness.

    You will soon come to the same answer that Ayurveda arrived at centuries ago: Instead of detox fads, go for a natural, gentle and effective detoxification system that is easy to carry on for years to come and one that erases the need for short-term, ineffective and single-focus detox trends.


    Ayurveda has long known everything about toxin build-up and has always had reliable remedies to rid the body of these nasties.

    Check box

    Unlike most supplements available today, Clensicap is designed on the basis of Ayurvedic principles to target Ama. Hence, Clensicap works not as a single-focus short-term placebo but an inclusive and comprehensive supplement to help your liver, kidneys and digestive system work against the odds.

    Check box

    The science behind Clensicap follows the wellness principles outlined thousands of years ago in Ayurveda (still 100% applicable and valid).

    Check box

    Clensicap is a unique composition of ancient traditional herbs that helps gently detoxify and internally nourishes the kidneys, liver and the digestive system.

    Check box

    A polyherbal combination, Clensicap combines herbs that supports healthy digestion and support our kidneys and liver functioning to aid them in elimination of toxins.


    "Loving them. They swallow easily. Suddenly, an urge of energy without feeling tired afterwards. And not to mention much better sleep or napping. Loving them. Way to go Staff."

    - Nealette S. about other supplements from The Ayurveda Experience


    I like taking the capsules after I eat a meal. I feel it has helped with my my intestinal issues 

    Age 68 

    Verified Buyer 


    Lot of energy at first. I was hoping for better bowl movement. Wasn't sleeping for a few days. Taking supplements for both. One month down, glad I bought two bottles from the start, out of stock until further notice. Customer service is wonderful and sent me a link to notify me when it's back in stock. I not drinking alcohol as much because of this detoxification of liver and kidney. 

    Age 67

    Verified Buyer 


    Purchased this to be part of my daily routine. Sometimes I don't eat right. Use this to balance out my digestive system. So far, so good. It is one cap twice a day. I take one in the morning and one before I go to bed. It is a gentle detox formula for me. Have had no issues taking it. Very good value.

    Age 62

    Verified Buyer 


    This is an amazing daily detox, helps greatly with digestive issues. Please always have this in stock !!! 

    Age 62

    Verified Buyer 



    My sleep, digestion, skin has improved noticeably. Even at night I don’t need to run so many times to the bathroom!! Love it, after this bottle I will definitely get another one!!! 


    Verified Buyer 

    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion - Pack of 6 Supplements Ayuttva
    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion - Pack of 6 Supplements Ayuttva
    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion - Pack of 6 Supplements Ayuttva
    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion - Pack of 6 Supplements Ayuttva
    20% OFF
    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion - Pack of 6 Supplements Ayuttva
    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion - Pack of 6 Supplements Ayuttva
    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion - Pack of 6 Supplements Ayuttva
    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion - Pack of 6 Supplements Ayuttva


    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion

    • Ayurvedic Herbs in a Clinically tested formulation
    • As per clinical trial conducted over 60 days, results showed:
    • Better digestion, improved energy and stamina in as soon as 15 days
    • Better sleep, less fatigue in 1 month
    • Improved quality of life, better immune function and skin health in 2 months*
    • Gluten free, non-GMO, made in a US FDA registered facility, 3rd party lab tested
    • Non-habit-forming
    • Non-laxative
    • Safe to consume daily

    6 X 60 capsules 

    6 month’s supply

    Buy Today and Get 20% OFF





    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion - Pack of 3 Supplements Ayuttva
    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion - Pack of 3 Supplements Ayuttva
    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion - Pack of 3 Supplements Ayuttva
    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion - Pack of 3 Supplements Ayuttva
    10% OFF
    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion - Pack of 3 Supplements Ayuttva
    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion - Pack of 3 Supplements Ayuttva
    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion - Pack of 3 Supplements Ayuttva
    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion - Pack of 3 Supplements Ayuttva


    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion

    • Ayurvedic Herbs in a Clinically tested formulation
    • As per clinical trial conducted over 60 days, results showed:
    • Better digestion, improved energy and stamina in as soon as 15 days
    • Better sleep, less fatigue in 1 month
    • Improved quality of life, better immune function and skin health in 2 months*
    • Gluten free, non-GMO, made in a US FDA registered facility, 3rd party lab tested
    • Non-habit-forming
    • Non-laxative
    • Safe to consume daily

    3 X 60 capsules 

    3 month’s supply

    Buy Today and Get 10% OFF





    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion Supplements Ayuttva
    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion Supplements Ayuttva
    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion Supplements Ayuttva
    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion Supplements Ayuttva
    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion Supplements Ayuttva
    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion Supplements Ayuttva
    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion Supplements Ayuttva
    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion Supplements Ayuttva


    Clensicap - Daily Detox Supplement for Improved Strength, Stamina, Sleep and Digestion

    • Ayurvedic Herbs in a Clinically tested formulation
    • As per clinical trial conducted over 60 days, results showed:
    • Better digestion, improved energy and stamina in as soon as 15 days
    • Better sleep, less fatigue in 1 month
    • Improved quality of life, better immune function and skin health in 2 months*
    • Gluten free, non-GMO, made in a US FDA registered facility, 3rd party lab tested
    • Non-habit-forming
    • Non-laxative
    • Safe to consume daily

    60 capsules 

    1 month’s supply





    Drop element here
    Drop element here
    Dosage - Twice a day, after meals

    How to Consume ?

    The dosage of Clensicap is simple and easy. Just take one capsule with water, twice a day after meals, or as suggested by your health practitioner.

    8 Reasons Why Clensicap Reigns Supreme Over Other Detox Alternatives

    • No unpleasant or bitter taste: Unlike many detox alternatives, this herbal natural detoxification supplement has a completely neutral taste, so you can enjoy it without having to adjust to any unpleasant or bitter flavors.
    • Easy to consume: The one-and-done capsule makes it easy to take, morning and evening! No lengthy prep or keeping ingredients prepared for a smoothie or a cleanse!
    • No added sugar: An Ayurvedic recipe does not need sugars to enhance it in any way, so you get a "No added-sugar" composition with Clensicap.
    • Based on the holistic science of Ayurveda: Trusted, tested and built on centuries of reliable knowledge, Clensicap is a modern take on an ancient science of wellness.
    • Contains unique Ayurvedic herbs and ingredients: Clensicap is a careful composition of specialized herbs to bring you balanced and sustainable detox.
    • Clinically tested: a rare-to-find quality of Clensicap is its clinical trial and the evidence of how well it works on liver, kidney and digestive detox.
    • Affordable, sustainable, practical solution: No need for expensive retreats, difficult diets or impractical, temporary cleanses when you can get this affordable and long-term detox supplement instead.
    • A refreshing alternative to harsh purge treatments: Many detox supplements have been reported to leave you feeling drained, dehydrated, cranky, and uncomfortable. Clensicap- the clinically tested Ayurvedic formula is designed to enhance and stimulate the body's natural detoxification process in a gentle and effective way, without causing any side effects.

    Believe it or not: You can buy it for the price of a single piece of fruit a day!

    Yes, at a cost of $30 for 60 tablets, or a one-month supply, clinically tested Clensicap is much more affordable compared to other detox programs and supplements on the market. This works out to just $1 per day, which is a very reasonable price for a daily supplement that is designed to support your overall health and well-being.

    In addition to its affordability, Clensicap is good value for your money due to its simplicity and convenience.

    Unlike many other detox programs and supplements, Clensicap does not require you to make significant lifestyle changes or follow a strict diet. Instead, you simply take one tablet twice a day with water, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

    No to detox juices


    No to detox programs


    Cleansicapclean ingredients



    The market is flooded with detox supplements and programs, but how many of them are actually clinically tested for results?

    The sad truth is, most of these products are not lab tested for their finished formula, relying solely on their individual ingredients' clinical studies.

    Who knows if these ingredients lose their potency when mixed together? It's no surprise that most detox methods are nothing but seasonal fads, relying on unsuspecting customers and flashy influencer marketing to sell their ineffective products.

    BUT WE'RE HERE TO GIVE YOU PROOF, NOT JUST EMPTY PROMISES. When it comes to something you ingest, especially when it's responsible for cleansing you from the inside out, clinical testing and result-oriented proof should be a MUST.

    With potent ayurvedic ingredients backed by multiple clinical studies and research, Clensicap has been tested as a finished product to provide the benefits we claim.

    5 reasons you should think twice before investing your money and hopes into these detox promises:

    • A wide variety of detox consumables have loads of added sugars to make them palatable and downright tasty. There goes your sugar control! (And this makes it easy for you to over-indulge in such trendy detox supplements).
    • On the other hand, even if you do take more than the prescribed dosage, the reason you don’t see any great change in your body is because these UNTESTED detox products, mostly sold by UNQUALIFIED influencers through their social media platforms hardly contain the needed amount of nutrients that they list. So, you never get what you pay for.
    • The consumables go through such long processes that they eventually become over-processed and devoid of any real nutritional value. And so, there goes your detox.
    • The lack of nutrients ensures that you see minimal impact, which makes you consume more of it in the hopes of better results, and that in turn results in potential side effects.
    • Lastly, these products are rarely vegetarian, and typically packaged in casing that contains gelatin (derived from animal by-product such as bones and skin).
    • Clensicap is the demystification of the very idea of toxic build-up, which means you not only get what you see, but also see the results you want to get, with a clinically-tested, vegetarian capsule filled with potent natural detox agents that work beautifully together and give you renewed energy, peaceful sleep, a happier digestive system, and optimally functioning kidneys and liver.


    Now let’s make a simple comparison.

    By comparing Clensicap with some of the leading brands, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of its exceptional features that make it stand out in the market.

    Brand A

    Brand B


    Starts working in

    14 days

    Improvement in digestion in 15 days

    Clinical study

    Clinical strength formula

    Clinically tested 

    Energy / Strength / Stamina



    Regular Bowel Movement/
    improved digestion



    Toxin Removal



    Liver & Bile enzymes


    Clearer Skin


    Better Sleep


    Better Appetite


    Improved Immunity






    Brand A

    Brand B


    Starts working in

    14 days

    Improvement in digestion in 15 days 

    Clinical study

    Clinical strength formula

    Clinically tested 

    Energy / Strength / Stamina



    Regular Bowel Movement/
    improved digestion



    Toxin Removal



    Liver & Bile enzymes


    Clearer Skin


    Better Sleep


    Better appetite


    Improved immunity






    Why you must start a daily detox routine with Clensicap NOW:

    With Clensicap, you can prevent the need for drastic measures such as colonic cleanses, crazy diets and expensive cleansing plans - all of these are difficult to do regularly, and have minimal, short-lived impact. Plus, you have to do them over and over again. These unverified and untested detox programs that promise a full-body cleanse actually flush essential minerals and vitamins out of your body, making you feel light-headed (but telling you that it’s good to feel light!)

    Just like you wash your face every day, apply sunblock and moisturizers on your face, neck and body, and you exfoliate your skin and scalp regularly, you need to do the same for your internal health too. But this cleansing from within does not need to feel like an arduous diet or an occasional task. It should be present, constant and as simple as a dose of wellness.

    Put simply, when you detox your body’s ecosystem, you see cascading benefits of a clean, toxin-free, functional body in everything you do, from waking up to going to sleep.

    Say goodbye to detox confusion and empty promises.

    There is no shortage of trendy diets and detox plans on social media that claim to promote weight loss, boost energy levels, and improve overall health. However, many of these trends and diets are untested, lack scientific evidence, and can even be harmful to your health. It's essential to say no to bogus detox trends and untested social-media-based diets and turn to Ayurveda's clinically tested detox program.

    Here are 3 reasons why you must try Clensicap's Clinically tested detox:

    1. Clensicap is created keeping in mind the whole body...

    …and not just the bits you see on the outside. When you experience a lack of energy, your nutrient values are dwindling; sallow and dull skin means you need balanced and stronger digestion; fatigue during the day can indicate that your vitamins are not landing where they should. All these signs point to toxin build-up in your body, distributing whatever you are ingesting in wrong or inefficient ways and forcing your liver, kidneys and digestive tract to work harder for poorer results. This is where we come in!

    2. Clensicap is wellness, encapsulated.

    With just one capsule twice daily, your detox comes down to a simple one-and-done! Every ingredient in Clensicap is utilized to harness boundless benefits in every capsule.

    3. Most clinically unfounded, rarely tested, quick-detox solutions are more claims than actual results.

    Also, mostly, these detox diets and cleanses are all weekly, bi-weekly or monthly and they all need you to do something extra - gather the supplies, go grocery shopping and look for exotic fruits and vegetables, try out different consumables (and their side effects!), learn to like the taste of probiotics and prebiotics and on and on it goes.

    Clensicap is tasteless, effortless, and pain-less (looking at you, colon cleanses!)

    Before you go, spare a few minutes to understand Clensicap even better by reading through some of these questions, which might answer any niggling doubts you might still have.

    Frequently asked questions

    1. What is Clensicap?

    Clensicap is a polyherbal formulation of 13 ayurvedic herbs that is clinically tested to support liver, kidney and intestinal health. In a 30 plus subject study on healthy volunteers over 60 days (about 2 months), Clensicap was found to maintain healthy liver function & kidney function as shown in blood tests, overall health as indicated by Quality-of-life assessment and elimination of toxins as demonstrated by clean digestion and maintenance of eGFR. Clensicap is designed to trigger a natural cleanse and maintains healthy liver and kidneys while improving digestion.

    2. What are the ingredients?

    Clensicap is a proprietary blend of extracts of Guduchi, Tribulus terrestris, Amla, Licorice, Green tea, Mung bean and extracts of Ashwagandha, Bacopa, Terminali belerica, Chebula, Centella asiatica, Manjistha and Jatamansi in a vegetarian capsule shell. Clensicap does not contain any fillers or binders.

    3. Does Clensicap contain preservatives?

    No, there are no preservatives in Clensicap.

    4. What is the recommended dosage?

    Just take one capsule with water, twice a day after meals, or as suggested by your health practitioner.

    5. Is Clensicap safe to consume?

    Clensicap has been tested in human subjects and is considered safe to use. Additionally, the product is screened for pathogen, pesticide, aflatoxin and heavy metal contamination. Each batch is assessed for select actives identification in a 3rd party lab.

    6. Are there any side effects?

    There are no known side effects of Clensicap, however if you develop any reaction or discomfort after use, stop using immediately and consult your healthcare provider.

    7. Is Clensicap for me?

    External stressors like environment and pollutants, poor diet, lack of exercise, long working hours can all lead to toxin buildup in the body.

    If you feel sluggish, lack energy, have poor/incomplete digestion, then 100% natural plant-based supplement Clensicap is for you. Clensicap is a clinically tested blend of herbs that act to maintain healthy liver, kidney and digestion giving you overall health support.

    8. What can I expect from consuming Clensicap?

    By acting on key organs responsible for toxin removal from our body, with Clensicap you can expect better energy levels, better appetite, improved digestion, sleep and regularity. Subjects who took Clensicap experienced better digestion in just 15 days, healthy kidney and liver function in 60 days and improvement in overall quality of life after 60 days of supplementation.

    9. What are the quality checks done on Clensicap?

    Multiple quality checks are done on our products to ensure the highest standards of quality and safety. We conduct no less than 10 specific checks.

    At Ayuttva, we obsess over quality. Through every stage of processing, Ayuttva products undergo rigorous testing to ensure the fundamental quality parameters of our food and supplement products are met. Whether it be testing for purity, strength and integrity or standardizing ingredients, all our assessments are conducted at independent labs to ensure non-biased testing.

    10 steps to quality products:

    1. 3rd Party Testing: Our products undergo rigorous testing by independent third-party laboratories to verify their quality, purity, and potency.

    2. Manufactured in a GMP Facility: Clensicap is manufactured in a facility that adheres to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), ensuring strict quality control and compliance with industry standards.

    3. Manufactured in a US FDA Registered Facility: Our supplement is produced in a facility registered with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), meeting stringent regulatory requirements.

    4. Heavy Metal Testing: We conduct comprehensive testing to assess the presence of contaminants, such as heavy metals, in our products. Our goal is to ensure that these contaminants are within safe limits and do not pose any harm to consumers.

    5. Microbial Testing: Clensicap undergoes microbial testing to ensure the safety and purity of the product.

    6. Pesticide and Aflatoxin Testing: We conduct tests to ensure that our supplement is free from pesticides and aflatoxins, ensuring a clean and safe product.

    7. GMO Testing: Clensicap is tested to confirm that it does not contain any genetically modified organisms (GMOs), providing you with a natural and non-GMO product.

    8. Gluten-Free Testing: We ensure that Clensicap is gluten-free, making it suitable for individuals with gluten sensitivities.

    9. Quantification of Major Actives: We quantify the major active ingredients in Clensicap to ensure the consistency and efficacy of the formulation.

    10. Strength of Actives: We verify the strength and potency of the active ingredients to guarantee that they meet our high-quality standards and deliver optimal results.

    BUY NOW!

    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease