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    Revealed: The Obesity Gene “Off Switch” Stuns Women Everywhere With Near-Overnight Weight Loss

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    7 Stunningly Simple Fat-Melting Workouts Strips Off Female Fat In 7 Days Or Less!

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    Discover how the Ancient 5000-Year-Old Science of Ayurveda can make your life a Healthier Experience so you can embrace your body and mind with the Holistic approach to take control over your own health!  

    You are just a consultation away from a healthier and happier life!

    • Harmonize your lifestyle by tuning your habits to your unique body constitution, and keep the balance maintained within yourself. The best way to keep health problems at bay is to stay well in the first place. 
    • Smooth out your stressed life and maintain perfect health. Your mind may get overwhelmed while you work under tremendous pressure, which aggravates Vata and causes stress and wears out your body. Ayurveda may help to manage this stress with its 5000 years old science. 
    • Understand your body type with age old science of Ayurveda. Be it dry, sensitive or oily due to the aggravation of Vata, Pitta & Kapha you can find the best way to balance your three doshas for healthy and radiant skin. 
    • Embrace aging through self-knowledge and holistic practices. As you age your Vata starts to increase gradually, this is when you start to observe mood changes, sleeplessness, and irritability and Ayurveda practices may aid in bringing youthful joy back into your life. 
    Book your consultation for better health now! 

    When you consult an Ayurveda Expert, you will understand that Ayurveda does not just use the traditional methods of examining the problem but take every single aspect of your life into consideration to better understand your physical and mental state.

    How Ayurveda helps you to live a healthier life!


    In Ayurveda, each health concern is unique because you are naturally unique. According to Ayurveda, you have a body type or constitution which is like a blueprint of your ideal state of health. When you understand what your unique body type is, you know better how to care for yourself and can make better choices for optimal health throughout your life.

    Ayurveda balances the doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) to bring your body in harmony. It aids in holistically improving your health in the most natural ways using strategic foods, drinks, activities and daily routines to create positive changes in health - all tailored to your body type.

    Since Ayurveda is highly personalized, it’s based on many factors like your own experience of life, your environment and everything that contributes to your state of health.

    If you’re willing to make some changes to your diet and lifestyle, Ayurveda can help you meet your health goals so you can experience that natural state of wellness once again. 

    Enhance your health with our Ayurveda Experts

    How does your consultation with our Ayurveda Expert work?

    You can book your consultation online by simply choosing a suitable date and time.

    You can make the payment for the appointment once your spot is confirmed, using your credit card/PayPal account. Once you book your appointment, you’ll be directed to the Intake Form where you can share your health information. We are completely HIPAA Compliant, so your information is secured with us.

    It is mandatory to fill out the intake form as our experts won’t be able to understand your body’s constitution and concerns without the requested information.

    Note: You also need to upload pictures of your tongue, face and nails Your consultation will be one-on-one with your Ayurvedic Practitioner.

    It will be live and online using Zoom.You can either join your practitioner using Zoom on your desktop or join on your mobile phone with the Zoom mobile app.  

    Our Ayurvedic Practitioners look forward to meeting you and assisting you on your journey towards better health! 

    5 Life Altering Benefits of Ayurveda

    Improved digestion

    Better digestion

    Your digestion will become stronger as you start eating in accordance with your dosha. When you eat certain meals at the proper times of the day, your digestive system will be stimulated, which will reduce the buildup of toxins in your digestive system. You won't feel lethargic as a result, which will give you more energy!

    Healthy weight management

    Healthy body weight

    Changing lifestyle patterns through Ayurveda and a balanced diet can help in managing your body weight. As it’s rightly said in Ayurveda, eating habits are more important than your weight. To choose a diet that will meet your nutritional goals and balance your doshas, consult with our experts.

    More energy

    Cleansed energy

    As humans we are ever-changing, and we figure out with time what isn’t working for us and what’s not making room for better things in life. Ayurveda offers a similar approach to clean your body and mind with a better lifestyle, so your energy levels feel recalibrated

    An understanding of your strengths and weaknesses

    Reduced stress

    The holistic approach of Ayurveda keeps your mind in harmony and helps reduce stress overall giving your body the chance to rejuvenate in this fast-paced world

    A feeling of ease and satisfaction

    Healthy skin and hair

    The goal of ayurveda is to find and address the underlying causes of dosha imbalances, which can take some time but once you reach there it yields effective and long-lasting benefits working wonders for your skin and hair.

    An online Ayurvedic Health Consultation with a qualified professional can make you understand all these benefits and your unique body type or doshas in a much better way. 

    Book an Appointment today!

    Want to know about our Ayurveda Experts?

    Want to know about our Ayurveda Experts?

    Our Experts are Ayurvedic Practitioners, and they are trained at the top-notch Ayurvedic educational institutions in the United States.

    They are prepared to identify and educate about the contributing causes to ill-health and the dietary remedies and remedial measures that will aid in realigning an individual with their natural state of wellness.

    Why choose

    The Ayurveda Experience

    for an Ayurvedic Health Consultation

    The Ayurveda Experience is America’s top trusted resource for Ayurveda.

    At The Ayurveda Experience, sharing knowledge of Ayurveda is our purpose and passion. With over 600,000 happy customers, our platform is one of the largest, most trusted and most recognized Ayurveda portals in the West. Our qualified Ayurvedic Practitioners are part of a team of experts that work together to deliver accurate knowledge and effective information about Ayurveda along with personalized video courses, articles, and product recommendations. We are your one-stop complete Ayurvedic journey from the skin to spoon to everyday good living.

    Highly qualified and experienced Ayurveda Experts

    Highly qualified and experienced Ayurveda Experts

    The Ayurveda Experience Experts are trained in the true Ayurvedic science of life, with knowledge of Sanskrit, the classical Ayurvedic texts, Ayurvedic anatomy and physiology, Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle management, and dosha assessment. Our Ayurveda Experience Experts have studied from the best schools of Ayurveda in the United States, certified by NAMA, the regulatory body for Ayurveda in USA.

    Dedicated customer service team

    Dedicated customer service team

    For any assistance you need, our customer service specialists are here to quickly and efficiently respond to your requests.

    Guaranteed authentic Ayurveda

    Guaranteed authentic Ayurveda

    The Ayurveda Experience is guided by the traditional practice of Ayurveda. That means, this is not a feel-good Ayurvedic spa experience or a one-size-fits all approach to health. During your one-on-one live online consultation, we listen to your personal journey of health and offer you valuable methods to positively impact your life experience.

    100% satisfaction money back guarantee

    100% satisfaction money back guarantee

    Your happiness is our top priority so if you’re not completely satisfied with your Ayurvedic consultation, we offer you a 100% money back guarantee, no questions asked.

    Charts, dosha analysis and more!

    Charts, dosha analysis and more!

    After your consultation, we will send you a written diet and lifestyle chart, dosha analysis, step-by-step instructions, and optimal foods and drinks for maintaining a good lifestyle.

    What’s an Online Ayurvedic Health Consultation worth? What does it cost?

    One visit to a professional may fail to address the root causes of your symptoms and health concerns. Several visits to an expert can become unaffordable, inconvenient and time consuming.

    An Ayurvedic consultation can help you learn valuable and effective health tips which you can use throughout your lifetime. Which means less time at the doctor’s office, more money in your pocket, and more happy times with family and friends.

    While Western medicine targets symptoms by isolating them from your experience of life, Ayurveda addresses all aspects of your life. Ayurveda provides a holistic approach to healing incorporating your entire day, habits, and life experience into your recommendation plan so you can find wholeness (health) once again.

    Unlike the vast majority of conventional health and coaching appointments, The Ayurveda Experience offers a complete 100% money back guarantee. If for any reason at all you’re dissatisfied with your consultation you can reach out to our support team, and we’ll give you a full refund.

    This promise of a money-back guarantee is just unheard of in the health sector. But we are confident that Ayurvedic wisdom can improve lives everywhere. Our Ayurveda experts will offer you valuable and insightful information that you can use right away and throughout your life to positively impact your health. Your happiness is our top priority, guaranteed!

    Consultation: 45 minutes - $99

    You get a special 15% discount on your first consultation. Discount will be applied automatically during the time of the payment. *

    Schedule a consultation today so you can experience the life you always wanted - happy and healthy!

    Here’s what our clients have to share:

    “I had NO idea it would be this extensive and thorough! I am in a state of wonder - that such accurate information about my own life, habits and physical experiences could be written so accurately…
    I have reviewed all of the papers you sent 0 and I must admit I am awestruck, First, the overview of the different Prakriti and Doshas was easily understood and quite interesting. The basics explained a great deal about how influential our parents personal dietary habits and cultural influence have upon our own personal Prakriti.”

    - K. Krebs

    “First, please accept my thanks and my gratitude for my report and your words of wisdom. I learned so much from our conversation last Friday. I really want to take this moment to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have really opened my eyes. I now feel armed with all of the knowledge about who I am, and why I am the way that I am. I am a very STRONG Vata-Pitta! I am working on making some much needed changes in my life. I’m going to start implementing the practices I read about in the report in order to become a better “me”. Thank you, Vaidya Bhanot, for sharing your knowledge and wisdom! You’ve really inspired me!”

    - Rachel Marquez

    We Respect Your Privacy - Always

    The Ayurveda Experience takes the utmost care to maintain data privacy. Your information is secure and never shared with a third party. We are HIPAA compliant.

    Note: Ayurvedic consultations are only available to residents of Health Freedom States: California, Georgia, Oklahoma, Idaho, Minnesota, Rhode Island, Louisiana, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada and Maine.

    If you are not based in a Health Freedom State, this consultation can only be purely educational. Our Ayurvedic Practitioners cannot examine you personally or make personalized recommendations for your unique health or wellness requirements. In this case, our Ayurvedic Practitioner can only give you educational information about what Ayurvedic texts say regarding the topic of your choosing. The Ayurveda Experience strictly follows FDA compliance related to the Health Freedom Act, Complementary Alternative Medicine and Telehealth.


    Ayurvedic Practitioners at The Ayurveda Experience are trained in the science and the practical application of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is the traditional medical system of India. While Ayurveda is a vast science, Ayurvedic consultations are for informational purposes only. Always consult your medical provider for assistance with your health conditions. Ayurvedic Practitioners are trained in the management of diet and lifestyle according to your state of health.

    The goal of Ayurveda is to establish positive changes in your health and wellness using holistic methods like diet, lifestyle, healthy routines and other specific activities for health like self-massage. Ayurvedic practitioners are not licensed medical providers, do not provide medical diagnosis and may not recommend discontinuance of medically prescribed treatment. Ayurvedic practitioners do not manage the use of legend medications, perform surgery or perform x-rays.