Discover Some Unheard-Of Underlying Causes of Chronic Stress, Anxiety and Depression And Address them Naturally Without Any Drugs So You Can Keep Stress-Related Disorders at Bay and Find the Way to Stay Happy, Upbeat and Energetic!
Avoid Dangerous Psychoactive Drugs, Uncomfortable Side-Effects, and the Disabling Uncertainty and
Depletion of the Emotional Roller Coaster
Psychiatric medications are the top-selling medications in the world
The number one top-selling blockbuster drug in the United States for many years was an antidepressant, and in 2016 it was Abilify, an antipsychotic drug that is also used as an antidepressant.
In the United States today, one in six Americans are taking antidepressants or other psychiatric drugs. This is almost double the number in 2011, when about 1 in 10 Americans were taking psychiatric medications.
And yet, as psychiatric prescriptions are going through the roof, mental health is declining. Suicide rates are among the highest they have been in many decades, and mental disorders are one of the most common causes of disability today.
So clearly, this “drug solution” is NOT working, it’s not the quick fix we’d hope for, and we are missing out on something.
What is that something?
The Real Problem is in the Gut, NOT the Head
Imagine a tree.
The tree has roots, a trunk, branches, leaves, and fruit.
Just like a tree, the disease process has roots. Taking a drug is like picking the fruit or trimming the branches… while it may provide some temporary relief,
it won’t kill the disease at the root.
Ayurveda has considered the health of the digestion process as the “root” of most disease processes for thousands of years.
And today, modern Integrative Medicine is becoming increasingly focused on the health of the gut, and the relationship between gut health and the function of the mind and emotions, known as the gut-brain axis.
gut–brain axis
is the biochemical signaling that takes place between the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system. That term has been expanded to include the role of the gut flora in the interplay, which is essentially the complex community of microorganisms that live in your digestive tract.
But what is the the enteric nervous system?
The enteric nervous system consists of a mesh-like system of neurons that govern the function of the gastrointestinal system. The enteric nervous system has been described as a "second brain" for several reasons:
More often than not, most mental health upsets (that are not a result of an accident or shock) are deeply connected with subtle and sometimes even obvious digestive imbalances. And all mental conditions are inevitably affected by the diet you take and the proper functioning of your digestive system.
For these reasons, Ayurveda and Integrative medicine focus on the health of the gut at the root of a healthy mind, emotions, and ability to cope with stress.
So What Kind of Changes Result in Your Mind and Emotions When You Heal Your Gut?
To answer this question, here are 3 stories of 3 very real people who worked with a Harvard-trained Integrative Medicine physician, who is also an Ayurvedic Practitioner:
Case Study #1 – Chronic Stress
Roger was a 55-year-old man who came to Dr. Akil for chronic stress and burnout. He was a successful Silicon Valley entrepreneur who had pushed himself for many years until he crossed the breaking point. He developed severe insomnia, fatigue, and gut issues for the first time in his life. The chronic stress had taken its toll. His doctors prescribed him sleeping pills, heartburn drugs and stimulants to get him through the day.
When Dr. Akil first saw him, he did some specialized lab testing and identified Leaky Gut Syndrome, a specific gut imbalance that is the underlying root cause of many different symptoms. He also found heavy metal toxicity from mercury since he ate sushi almost every night. Finally, he had adrenal hormone dysfunction, which is very common in cases of chronic stress. They began by healing his digestion with a comprehensive leaky gut repair program with certain foods and supplements, including L Glutamine.
They then began to detox him from mercury using chlorella, cilantro and other natural therapies. He felt about 50% better and was able to get off the Heartburn drugs.
Finally, they addressed his adrenal dysfunction with specific herbs, including Ashwagandha and Rhodiola. He reported feeling better than ever before and finally got off all his medications.
They got him on an Ayurvedic diet, regular exercise regimen and simple meditation practice long term to help him prevent a recurrence of his symptoms.
Case Study #2 –
Yolanda, a 48-year-old mother of two came to see Dr. Akil for chronic anxiety, constipation, and fatigue. She was having small, hard bowel movements every three to four days, and disabling anxiety that made it hard for her to function at work.
She had switched to a Paleo-type diet a year before seeing him, and initially felt more energy and a slight decrease in anxiety, but then did not notice any improvement in symptoms. Her diet consisted of large salads daily for lunch and cold cuts or smoked salmon with vegetables for dinner. Her doctors had told her that drinking more water would help with her bowel movements, so she was drinking large quantities of ice water every day. She did not know why she was not feeling better despite avoiding all grains, eliminating gluten, and following a Paleo diet.
After getting her history and examining her, Dr. Akil determined that she had what is known in Ayurveda as an “excess of Vata” and a very weak “agni” or digestive fire. Her daily salads and cold foods were in fact further increasing her vata and exacerbating her condition. A common symptom of elevated Vata is anxiety, which was her most bothersome symptom. Her two water bottles per day filled with iced water were in fact depressing her digestive fire.
Dr. Akil had her change her diet to eliminate all raw foods such as salads and all cold foods. She began eating cooked vegetables, soups, and warm meat dishes instead of cold cuts. He told her to drink only warm water or room temperature water and avoid ice. He instructed her to incorporate more spices into her cooking such as turmeric, cumin, coriander, and ginger to help stimulate her digestive fire and boost her metabolism. He encouraged her to use sesame oil, which is considered in Ayurveda to have medicinal properties for balancing vata, in her everyday cooking.
Within two months, she reported that her chronic constipation had resolved. She was surprised to report that her anxiety had improved dramatically. Her energy, while not yet optimal, had increased to about 70 percent of normal. Over the next 3 months, as she continued to strengthen her agni, thereby improving her digestive capacity, and fully balance her Vata, her energy levels normalized fully and her anxiety resolved.
Case Study #3 – Depression
Betsy was a 64-year-old woman who was struggling with depression, fatigue, and a sluggish thyroid. Her thyroid stimulating hormone had been hovering just outside the optimal range for many years. She had a strong aversion to taking medications and was opposed to antidepressants or even to taking a natural form of thyroid hormone.
Weight gain had resulted in her becoming obese. She felt like she was too fatigued even to exercise, although she had been very active for most of her life. She was following a gluten-free Paleo diet with a lot of fruits and vegetables and loved dairy products of all kinds including milk, cheese, and yogurt. She explained that she was from Wisconsin, where dairy farming is common, and that’s why she loved drinking milk every day.
After talking with her, Dr. Akil determined that she had what Ayurveda refers to as “excess Kapha” as well as very low Agni. He had her follow a Kapha-reducing diet.
Traditionally, Ayurveda recommends eliminating dairy products during such a diet. Even though it was very difficult for her, Betsy stopped eating dairy products and started following the Kapha meal plan. Dr. Akil also encouraged her to incorporate warming spices into her diet, such as ginger, turmeric, black pepper, and chili.
He had her start an activating pranayma, a specific breathing technique. Lastly, he suggested that she begin taking an herbal supplement called Guggulu, which is effective at reducing excess kapha and is also traditionally used to support healthy thyroid function.
After three months, she was excited to report that she had lost fifteen pounds just from changing her diet. More importantly, her mood and motivation had improved to the point where she was able to start a regular exercise program. As she began exercising, her energy improved further and she lost another ten pounds.
As they treated the root causes of her depression by working on Kapha and agni, her depression disappeared. After six months, they repeated her thyroid function tests and found that they had normalized.
Meet Dr. Akil
Dr. Akil Palanisamy, MD, is a Harvard-trained integrative medicine physician and an Ayurvedic practitioner par excellence. Known to masterfully blend his Western medical training with functional medicine and Ayurveda, Dr. Akil has authored the acclaimed "The Paleovedic Diet: A Complete Program to Burn Fat, Increase Energy, and Reverse Disease".
He has worked with thousands of patients and helped them heal and recover from chronic diseases using dietary changes and nutritional supplements. Patients the world over love him for his compassion, insight, holistic approach and in-depth knowledge - a few of the remarkable traits that have helped him in successfully treating a wide variety of serious health conditions including autoimmune diseases, digestive disorders, hormone imbalance, and stress-related illnesses.
Dr. Akil has studied Ayurveda in Southern India at the Arya Vaidya Chikitsalayam, and found a powerful synergy in combining Ayurveda with the paleo diet in his clinical practice. This has led him to coin the term "Paleovedic Diet," which refers to a nutrient-dense customized Paleo diet that incorporates spices, specific fruits and vegetables, intermittent fasting, and an Ayurvedic lifestyle.
Currently, he sees patients at the Sutter Health Institute for Health and Healing in San Francisco, where he also serves as Physician Director for Community Education. Dr. Akil has also been a consultant with The Medical Board of California for many years.
In Dr. Akil’s words: “I have seen first-hand how my approach can make a difference in treating and reversing anxiety, depression, and stress-related illnesses.”
Dr. Akil explains that the root cause of these conditions is not different from the root cause of most diseases, based on our modern understanding of illness and that root cause is ‘Inflammation’. Another considerable fact is that depression and anxiety are not genetic conditions, based on the best research – it cannot be genetically determined whether you will suffer from one of these conditions. Rather, what is important is Epigenetics.
But what do we mean by Epigenetics?
What are some of the common symptoms of depression?
In Western medicine, there are certain criteria known as the DSM criteria used to diagnose depression- what are those?
Dr. Akil will answer these and many more such questions in his new course with The Ayurveda Experience:
Here’s a look at the contents of the course:
FREE Gift #1: e-Text Companion
This 63-page e-book accompanies the video course to help you get a concrete overview of what Dr. Akil will be teaching you.
You can continue your progress in the program even if you don’t have a device handy to watch the course, or you can watch the program and meanwhile follow along in the book.
You can use the e-text companion for a quick reference or to jot down your own notes and thoughts while you’re following the program so you can create your very own personal summary with the concepts you found most important!
Within the course you will learn:
You’re not going to find such a comprehensive coverage of these topics by a world-renowned medical expert anywhere else. This program is complete, well-organized, and comes to you in a simple and easy-to-watch format.
This course is for you if:
This program with powerful content is akin to several medical lectures made relatable and easy to grasp in Dr. Akil’s trademark crisp, warm and down-to-earth style. It’s filled with practical explanations and tools for supporting your gut and your mind.
You can order the course in three versions, Silver, Gold and Platinum.
As part of our offer, you'll get a special introductory discount when you order right now along with a Free Text Companion, Free Shipping and 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.
“Being on Dr. Akil’s program, I learnt to solve the root of disease and think from a preventive point of view. After he successfully helped with my thyroid issues and thrombocytopenia, I feel compliant, energetic, balanced and full of hope. My platelet levels, which had dropped to 20,000 when I first started the program, have now normalized. Although I love traditional medicine, I also like the more holistic approach which Ayurveda and Dr. Akil offer. The best part about Dr. Akil is that he is interested in your spiritual and emotional health as well. He is interested in treating not just the disease but the whole person and that makes all the difference!”
Jeannie Hahne, Nurse
Dr. Akil provides a sage and easy to follow middle way that blends the best of medical science with the wisdom of ancestral traditions.”
Victoria Maizes, MD, Executive Director, Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine
Why is This Program So Essential?
Right now in the modern world, there is a silent epidemic of mental health problems going on. While psychiatric prescriptions are significant sources of income for drug companies, the underlying imbalances leading to this epidemic remain largely unaddressed.
Did you know?
Through this course, you will learn:
The format for this course is high definition video that you can access through DVDs that we’ll send to your doorstep, or, instantly through digital streaming in The Ayurveda Experience member portal.
There is not one, but many reasons for you to begin with this course, not just today, but right away.
Of course, the cost advantage with the introductory discount is huge and why would you not want to study such an interesting, in-depth and useful program and also to save so much off your investment?
The cost of consulting with Dr. Akil directly would obviously far exceed the investment in this course, and yet, when you watch these videos, Dr. Akil will give you his best in an organized step-by-step structure- for you to go back to again and again, for a lifetime!
If you have a busy schedule or other practical limitations, other classes might be too far away, too expensive or impractical due to time constraints. With this course, you face none of these issues - you learn where you want to, when you want to and at a price which is really affordable.
(Doubt that? Check out the prices of courses around and calculate the investment you need to make in terms of money and time, and of course, the ambiguity of the quality of content that you’ll get. The cost of making all the effort of going to a class only to find little to learn or implement, well… is huge).
Also, most importantly, finding a real, authentic practitioner with years of clinical experience is challenging. Not only does Dr. Akil offer you this, but he is coming from the Ayurvedic perspective. So instead of cobbling together bits and pieces of research to create a quick order “detox system,” he bases his analysis upon the thousands year old science of Ayurveda verified with modern science and integrative medicine.
Many patients come to me and tell me that their doctors had told them that they would never get better. But how could their doctors know? The body has a tremendous ability to heal, often more rapidly and completely than you might expect and that is something that you should never forget. Whether you are taking this course in order to learn tools to help your patients, or interested in working on healing yourself, the first thing to remember is that YOU CAN GET BETTER. I have created this course to give you the knowledge and understanding to help begin the journey of healing and transformation …. and you will love being on it.
Here’s OUR PROMISE to you
What a patient says
“I have been a patient of Dr Akil for over a year. I was having a lot of problems with respiratory allergies when I came to him, something that had troubled me for a long time. Allergy specialists would keep putting me on different medications which were really expensive and which I didn’t enjoy taking. When I came to Dr Akil, he took a whole range of blood tests and recommended customized practices and supplements. A year later, my snoring has stopped, I feel much better and refreshed when I wake up, I have better sleep, and my allergies are much better managed. What was very interesting to me was that the blood tests ordered by Dr Akil also showed I had elevated liver enzymes – something I would not have linked with the allergies. Dr Akil put me on corrective therapies to heal my liver as well and six months later, two of those abnormal values fell within range. I now plan to continue with Ayurvedic healing for life!”
Henri Folse, Health Economics Consultant
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What experts say
“Long before Evolution via Natural Selection became the dominant paradigm of biology, traditional cultures developed sophisticated systems for understanding nature and human health. In India this system is called Ayurveda, which means “knowledge of life.” Dr. Akil has integrated our original human diet (Paleo) with the insights of Ayurveda to offer a framework whereby we may optimize our nutrition and lifestyle.”
Robb Wolf, New York Times-best-selling author of The Paleo Solution
“Dr. Akil has beautifully blended the ancient, timeless wisdom of Ayurveda and Ayurvedic principles of healing with the light of modern medicine, integrated so that anyone can use it for his or her total healing.”
Vasant Lad, B.A.M.S., internationally recognized Ayurvedic physician, Author of Ayurveda: Science of Self-Healing and Textbook of Ayurveda.