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    Ever felt like no matter what you do to get clear skin and keep your body healthy, nothing seems to be helping?

    You're not alone! Despite all the dietary restrictions and wellness trends, the glow-up struggle is real.

    They said you should drink at least 1 gallon of water every day to get clear skin, so you did it, but the only difference you noticed is you run to the bathroom more frequently than you used to.

    They said eat all kinds of greens and yet your skin shows no signs of natural improvement.

    Picture this: You've revamped your eating habits, avoided all kinds of tempting treats, but the results are playing hard to get. If you've been nodding along, welcome to the club!

    The truth is, even healthy habits show healthy results, only if they’ve been inculcated the right way, and in the right direction.

    If you’ve heard of Ayurveda, you know it recommends a holistic and nurturing lifestyle to ensure you’re your best, healthiest self! But above all, the best thing about Ayurveda and its holistic way of living is that it comes from the notion of perfect balance. It encourages you to balance everything – your mental and physical health, your mind, body and soul and your intrinsic and unique bio-elements, aka your doshas.

    So, the issue with your eating habits may not be the fact that it’s not healthy or ‘green’ enough but the fact that it doesn’t help you attain this state of perfect balance Ayurveda specifies in its scriptures.

    And to see significant improvement in your skin health and overall health – if you replaced your nutritional intake with all-dosha-balancing foods, you’d be greatly surprised...

    So here you go! These are some major all-dosha-balancing replacements you can go for in your everyday life. They’re easy to prepare, and a good place to start. Oh, and the cherry on top? These recipes are far more holistic than you’d expect!

    3 Ayurvedic Recipes for Balanced Nutrition, Pet Health, and Skin Care!

    1. How about a lovely Ayurvedic Dinner?!

    Tridoshic Saffron Coconut Curry Broth!


    - Saffron Strands: 1 teaspoon
    - Olive Oil: 4 tablespoons
    - Onion: 1, finely chopped
    - Shiitake Mushrooms: 2 cups, roughly chopped
    - Red Pepper: 1, deseeded and roughly chopped
    - Ginger: 1-inch piece, finely chopped
    - Garlic: 1 clove, crushed
    - Coriander Powder: 1 tablespoon
    - Ground Cumin: 1 teaspoon
    - Low-Sodium Soy Sauce or Coconut Aminos: 2 tablespoons
    - Vegetable Broth: 2 cups
    - Coconut Milk: 1 (14-ounce)
    - Shrimp: 1 pound (cleaned), optional
    - Swiss Chard or Kale: 1 bunch, washed and finely chopped
    - Salt: To taste
    - Black Pepper: To taste

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    • Infuse Saffron:
      - Soak saffron strands in 1 tablespoon of hot water.
    • Sauté Vegetables:
      - In an oven, sauté onion, mushrooms, a small amount of red pepper, and ginger in oil.
    • Add Spices and Liquids
      - Stir in garlic, coriander powder, cumin, soy sauce or coconut aminos, and vegetable broth. Add coconut milk and infused saffron.
    • Simmer:
      - Let the mixture simmer gently.
    • Add Greens and Shrimp:
      - If using shrimp, add it now along with the Swiss chard or kale. Cook until the shrimp is done and greens are wilted.
    • Season:
      Adjust salt and pepper to taste.

    Enjoy your balanced tridoshic Saffron-Infused Vegetable Delight not only by yourself but also recommend it to your loved ones!💗

    BUT WAIT! Did you know that a balancing Ayurvedic meal can even be helpful for... your pet? Yes! Even if you've already swapped dry kibble for freshly cooked pet food, your cat or dog will greatly benefit from this nutritious, balancing Ayurvedic meal - safe for pets and an absolutely royal treat!

    2. A wholesome, royal meal for your pet!

    Tridoshic Buddha Bowl


    - 1 cup brown rice
    - 1 cup quinoa
    - 1 cup cooked chicken, finely shredded or 1 cup chopped tofu (firm)
    - ½ cup carrots, finely chopped
    - ½ cup green beans, chopped
    - ½ cup sweet potato, diced
    - 1 teaspoon Triphala powder
    - ½ teaspoon Turmeric powder
    - 2 tablespoons coconut oil
    - 2 cups of water

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    • Cook Grains:
      Combine brown rice, quinoa, and water in a pot. Bring to a boil, then simmer until grains are cooked (30-40 mins).
    • Prepare Protein:
      Pan-fry chicken or tofu in coconut oil.
    • Cook Vegetables:
      Sauté carrots, green beans, and sweet potato in coconut oil until soft.
    • Combine Ingredients:
      Mix cooked grains, prepared protein, and vegetables in a bowl. 
    • Add Ayurvedic Herbs: Sprinkle Triphala, Ashwagandha, and Turmeric powders; stir for even distribution.
    • Cool and Serve:
      Allow to cool to room temperature. Serve the appropriate pet portion.

    Note: you know your pet's habits and sensitivities best. Introduce foods gradually to avoid digestive issues and consult with a vet if your pet has health conditions.

    And Ayurveda’s embracement of the notion of ‘Perfect Balance’ goes beyond just food. It’s a part of every little aspect of your life – even your daily skincare (or what Ayurveda likes to look at as self-care) ritual!

    So, to attain this perfect balance, along with the recommended food recipes, here is an easy-to-make DIY body scrub you can make at home; a great, healthy replacement for the beachy body scrubs you use...

    3. Your Most Relaxing Ayurvedic Shower

    Ayurvedic Salt or Sugar Body Scrub:

    • Fine Sea Salt or Brown Sugar: 1 cup
    • Cold-Pressed Sesame Oil or Coconut Oil: 1/2 cup
    • Ayurvedic Essential Oils (optional): A couple of drops (like lavender, rose, or neem)
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    • Choose Your Base:
      - Select either fine sea salt or brown sugar as the base for your scrub.
    • Add Oil:
      - Pour in cold-pressed sesame oil or coconut oil. Adjust the quantity based on your desired consistency.
    • Adjust for Size:
      - Adjust portion sizes based on your pet's size and dietary requirements. Cats generally require more protein, while dogs can have a more balanced diet.
    • Optional Ingredients:
      - Add 10-15 drops of Ayurvedic essential oils for fragrance and additional benefits.
    • Application:
      - In the shower, take a handful of the scrub and gently massage it onto wet skin in circular motions. Focus on areas with rough or dry skin.
    • Rinse Off:
      - Rinse off the scrub with warm water. The oil will leave your skin moisturized, so there's no need for additional moisturizer.
    • Pat Dry:
      - Pat your skin dry with a towel, leaving a thin layer of oil to continue moisturizing.

    Note: Perform a patch test before use to rule out any sensitivities. Adjust quantities based on preference and skin type. Store in an air-tight jar for next use.

    You could use plain sesame or coconut oil, BUT if you'd like to experience the ultimate luxurious & skin enhancing DIY body exfoliator, use a polyherbal Ayurvedic oil instead of plain sesame or coconut oil!
    These oils, crafted through the authentic 'oil-cooking' methods detailed in Ayurvedic scriptures dating back 5000 years, elevate the scrub's potency. Creating these oils is a complex process, demanding meticulous precision and profound expertise in herbology and Ayurvedic texts. By combining your DIY scrub with an authentic Ayurvedic oil, you're not only getting the exfoliating benefits, but you're also getting the polyherbal oil's skin firming, softening & smoothing benefits!

    So, for authentic Ayurvedic oils that’d be perfect to go with this DIY body scrub recipe, here are the best ones to go for:


    1. Balaayah Black Gram Body Booster:

    A supremely enriching polyherbal body oil, this authentic Ayurvedic ingenuity is filled with the powers of Black Gram - a proteinaceous lentil perfect for firming your skin, and many other healthy Ayurvedic ingredients like Velvet Beans, Himalayan Rock Salt and Nutsedge. This body oil intensely moisturizes your skin, makes it velvety soft and firms the look of saggy, droopy and crepey skin, especially on your arms and legs. When you use it to make your DIY body scrub, not only will you enjoy these amazing benefits of Balaayah, but you will also be mesmerized by the indulging aroma of 3 (yes 3!) different, indulging aromas!

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    2. Shamanri Young Energy Body Oil

    Filled to the brim with the powers of Shatavari (known in Ayurveda as the Jackpot for defying age in women) and other skin-calming herbs like Sandalwood, Pushkarmool & Indian Valerian, this oil truly is a 'Young Energy' oil. Use this oil to get firmed, smooth, joyous youthful skin.

    A special feature of this Pro-Age Body Oil for Women is its serene scent! It feels soothing and swirls around your body like an Ayurvedic charm. Its herb-induced sweet aroma comes from the essences of Lavender, Vanilla, Orange and Tangerine!

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    2. Shamanri Young Energy Body Oil

    Filled to the brim with the powers of Shatavari (known in Ayurveda as the Jackpot for defying age in women) and other skin-calming herbs like Sandalwood, Pushkarmool & Indian Valerian, this oil truly is a 'Young Energy' oil. Use this oil to get firmed, smooth, joyous youthful skin.

    A special feature of this Pro-Age Body Oil for Women is its serene scent! It feels soothing and swirls around your body like an Ayurvedic charm. Its herb-induced sweet aroma comes from the essences of Lavender, Vanilla, Orange and Tangerine!

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    3. Ashwaro Body Oleator

    Containing the unparalleled benefits of Ashwagandha, Manjistha, Licorice, Wild Himalayan Cherry and Triphala, this body oil will make you forget about age spots, sunspots-ridden skin. A Body Brightener Oil that extends soothing support for the appearance of mature and photoaged skin from UV-rays & tanning beds, with every stroke and neutralizes environmental stress on skin!

    And through its meditative aroma, given to it by the essential oils of frakincense and lavender, it also grounds your senses!

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    Cleanalyn Natural Jelly - Tulsi

    Stuffed with the powers of almost 50 Ayurvedic ingredients, this Clinically Proven, 100% Natural skin moisturizing jelly, treats excessive dryness and even brightens it! 

    It is Clinically Proven to outperform a common member of many's dressing table - Petroleum Jelly! 

    So, throw out the bottle of oil-industry-waste that is Petroleum Jelly from your dresser, and replace it with this all-natural and undoubtedly better skincare jelly!

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    Cleanalyn Natural Jelly - Tulsi

    Stuffed with the powers of almost 50 Ayurvedic ingredients, this Clinically Proven, 100% Natural skin moisturizing jelly, treats excessive dryness and even brightens it! 

    It is Clinically Proven to outperform a common member of many's dressing table - Petroleum Jelly! 

    So, throw out the bottle of oil-industry-waste that is Petroleum Jelly from your dresser, and replace it with this all-natural and undoubtedly better skincare jelly!

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