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  • Mehfranz Eternally Fragrant Body Massage Oil - Natural Fragrance Body Oil - Scented Body Oil With Cardamom and Cinnamon

    Product Details

    Never hear complaints of body odor again and naturally smell good through the day without using a chemical deodorant or perfume!

    Mehfranz is an all-natural Ayurvedic body oil, specifically made to eliminate body odor and help you smell good throughout the day naturally.

    This unscented natural body oil doesn’t work like perfumes – which means that it doesn’t simply mask your body odor with random fragrances, it helps cast away body odor for long periods and eventually transforms the body’s unpleasant odor to a sweet, elegant one!

    With Mehfranz, you can expect to say goodbye to:

    • Persistent armpit odor and underarm odorthese odors are not always due to sweat, they could simply be general unpleasant body odors, that Mehfranz is the best suited oil for!
    • Sweat-related discomfort and smells like armpit smell, underarm smell and smelly sweat in generalMehfranz removes sweat-related smells from the body as well! (Sweat is not supposed to be smelly, but in case it is due to bacteria generation in it, Mehfranz works on removing it from the core!)
    • Dry and Clogged poresApart from its excellent odor-eliminating work, Mehfranz also keeps the body moisturized and makes the skin softer, smoother and de-clogged

    With Mehfranz, you can expect to give a warm welcome to:

    • A naturally pleasant-smelling body through the daythis Ayurvedic formula made with natural ingredients, keeps the body smelling fresh and eliminates the need to use deodorants and anti-perspirants everyday
    • Brighter, healthier-looking skinwith just a few applications, you will see a visible difference!
    • Clean, clear looking, even-toned and youthful skin!

    Mehfranz is your Ayurvedic solution for body odor and the perfect answer to the question you’re most embarrassed to ask out loud - “how to stop sweat smell or any other body odor for that matter”!

    What’s more?  

    Mehfranz Eternally Fragrant Body Massage Oil uses the word ‘fragrant’ in its truest, most natural sense. It uses the power of Ayurvedic herbs mentioned in the ancient texts to gift your body a natural scent that does not go away! To your nose, this oil will feel like a green garden filled with cooling spices and herbs that uplift your senses and soothes you! 

    100% Satisfaction, 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.

    Full list of ingredients:

     English Name Scientific Name Sanskrit Name
    Sesame Oil Sesamum indicum Tila
    Symplocos Tree Symplocos racemosa Lodhra
    Indian Madder Rubia cordifolia Manjistha
    Cinnamon Cinnamomum zeylanicum Tvak
    Nut Grass Cyperus rotundus Mustaka
    Nutmeg Myristica fragrans Jatiphala
    Lotus Nelumbo nucifera Padma
    Turmeric Curcuma longa Haridra
    Indian gooseberry Emblica officinalis Amla
    Beleric myrobalan Terminalia bellirica Bhibhitaka
    Chebulic Myrobalan Terminalia chebula Haritaki
    Screw Pine Pandanus odoratissimus Ketaki
    Dyer’s Alkanet Alkanna tinctoria Maharanga
    Indian Banyan Ficus bengalensis


    Black Cardamom Amomum sublatum Brihad ela
    Free Flame Bush Woodfordia fruticosa Agnijvala
    Aloe Vera Aloe barbadensis Ghrit Kumari
    Indian Elecampane Inula racemosa Paushkaram
    Vetiver Grass Vetiveria zizanioides Kusha
    Wild Himalayan Cherry Prunus cerasoides Padmaka
    Areca Nut Palm Areca catechu Pugaphal
    Five-leaved Chaste Tree Vitex negundo Nirgundi
    Indian Valerian Valeriana wallichii Tagara
    Long-leaf Indian Pine Pinus longifolia Sarala
    Sandalwood Santalum album Gandhasara
    Himalayan Fir Abies webbiana Talisa patra
    Indian Bay Leaf Cinnamomum tamala Patra
    Leaf Flower Phyllanthus niruri Bahupatra
    Devil’s Tree Alstonia scholaris Saptacchada
    Tailed Pepper Piper cubeba Chinorana Cinatiksna Kakkola Renuka
    Zebrawood Pistacia integerrima Ajashrungi
    White Turmeric Curcuma zedoaria Karchura
    Camphor Dryobalanops camphora Karpura
    Indian Blue Water Lilly Nymphaea stelleta Krishna Kamalam
    Essential Oil of Clove Syzygium aromaticum Lavanga
    Saffron Crocus sativus Kesar
    Essential Oil of Ela/Cardamom Elettaria cardamomum Ela
    Essential oil of Cinnamon Cinnamomum zeylanicum Tvak

    No mineral oils, parabens or chemicals. 

    100% Natural Ayurvedic product. Not tested on animals.

    Caution: For external use only. Test for allergy. Do not apply to wounds, cuts or rashes. This product is not meant to treat, heal or cure any disease. Use within 24 months from date of mfg.

    Quantity: 100 ml (3.38 fl oz)

    100% Satisfaction, 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.

    Features of the Oil

    How to use

    Step 1 - Take a few pumps of Mehfranz on your palm 

    Step 2 - Spread it across your arms, legs, neck and back 

    Step 3 - Give your body a mindful massage after a morning shower or a long day 


    Tip: Dampen your skin before using the oil for even application and better penetration of the oil 

    100% Satisfaction, 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.

    Why iYURA?

    Here’s something that differentiates iYURA - All iYURA products, while remaining authentic to the classical formulations, cater to the modern, western user.

    We at iYURA, ensure that we stay abreast with time and meet your contemporary needs in a way that’s preferable for you.

    We’re also known to introduce innovation to Ayurvedic products without compromising on the authenticity of the formulation or the original idea behind the product.

    At the same time, we take care of the fact that getting the best, most premium, authentic and effective Ayurvedic products does not get overwhelming for you.

    All iYURA products are absolutely clean, free of any additives, chemicals, binders etc. We do not even think of testing on animals.

    100% satisfaction, 30-day money-back guarantee

    Product Details

    Never hear complaints of body odor again and naturally smell good through the day without using a chemical deodorant or perfume!

    Mehfranz is an all-natural Ayurvedic body oil, specifically made to eliminate body odor and help you smell good throughout the day naturally.

    This unscented natural body oil doesn’t work like perfumes – which means that it doesn’t simply mask your body odor with random fragrances, it helps cast away body odor for long periods and eventually transforms the body’s unpleasant odor to a sweet, elegant one!

    With Mehfranz, you can expect to say goodbye to:

    • Persistent armpit odor and underarm odorthese odors are not always due to sweat, they could simply be general unpleasant body odors, that Mehfranz is the best suited oil for!
    • Sweat-related discomfort and smells like armpit smell, underarm smell and smelly sweat in generalMehfranz removes sweat-related smells from the body as well! (Sweat is not supposed to be smelly, but in case it is due to bacteria generation in it, Mehfranz works on removing it from the core!)
    • Dry and Clogged poresApart from its excellent odor-eliminating work, Mehfranz also keeps the body moisturized and makes the skin softer, smoother and de-clogged

    With Mehfranz, you can expect to give a warm welcome to:

    • A naturally pleasant-smelling body through the daythis Ayurvedic formula made with natural ingredients, keeps the body smelling fresh and eliminates the need to use deodorants and anti-perspirants everyday
    • Brighter, healthier-looking skinwith just a few applications, you will see a visible difference!
    • Clean, clear looking, even-toned and youthful skin!

    Mehfranz is your Ayurvedic solution for body odor and the perfect answer to the question you’re most embarrassed to ask out loud - “how to stop sweat smell or any other body odor for that matter”!

    What’s more?  

    Mehfranz Eternally Fragrant Body Massage Oil uses the word ‘fragrant’ in its truest, most natural sense. It uses the power of Ayurvedic herbs mentioned in the ancient texts to gift your body a natural scent that does not go away! To your nose, this oil will feel like a green garden filled with cooling spices and herbs that uplift your senses and soothes you! 

    100% Satisfaction, 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.

    Full list of ingredients:

     English Name Scientific Name Sanskrit Name
    Sesame Oil Sesamum indicum Tila
    Symplocos Tree Symplocos racemosa Lodhra
    Indian Madder Rubia cordifolia Manjistha
    Cinnamon Cinnamomum zeylanicum Tvak
    Nut Grass Cyperus rotundus Mustaka
    Nutmeg Myristica fragrans Jatiphala
    Lotus Nelumbo nucifera Padma
    Turmeric Curcuma longa Haridra
    Indian gooseberry Emblica officinalis Amla
    Beleric myrobalan Terminalia bellirica Bhibhitaka
    Chebulic Myrobalan Terminalia chebula Haritaki
    Screw Pine Pandanus odoratissimus Ketaki
    Dyer’s Alkanet Alkanna tinctoria Maharanga
    Indian Banyan Ficus bengalensis


    Black Cardamom Amomum sublatum Brihad ela
    Free Flame Bush Woodfordia fruticosa Agnijvala
    Aloe Vera Aloe barbadensis Ghrit Kumari
    Indian Elecampane Inula racemosa Paushkaram
    Vetiver Grass Vetiveria zizanioides Kusha
    Wild Himalayan Cherry Prunus cerasoides Padmaka
    Areca Nut Palm Areca catechu Pugaphal
    Five-leaved Chaste Tree Vitex negundo Nirgundi
    Indian Valerian Valeriana wallichii Tagara
    Long-leaf Indian Pine Pinus longifolia Sarala
    Sandalwood Santalum album Gandhasara
    Himalayan Fir Abies webbiana Talisa patra
    Indian Bay Leaf Cinnamomum tamala Patra
    Leaf Flower Phyllanthus niruri Bahupatra
    Devil’s Tree Alstonia scholaris Saptacchada
    Tailed Pepper Piper cubeba Chinorana Cinatiksna Kakkola Renuka
    Zebrawood Pistacia integerrima Ajashrungi
    White Turmeric Curcuma zedoaria Karchura
    Camphor Dryobalanops camphora Karpura
    Indian Blue Water Lilly Nymphaea stelleta Krishna Kamalam
    Essential Oil of Clove Syzygium aromaticum Lavanga
    Saffron Crocus sativus Kesar
    Essential Oil of Ela/Cardamom Elettaria cardamomum Ela
    Essential oil of Cinnamon Cinnamomum zeylanicum Tvak

    No mineral oils, parabens or chemicals. 

    100% Natural Ayurvedic product. Not tested on animals.

    Caution: For external use only. Test for allergy. Do not apply to wounds, cuts or rashes. This product is not meant to treat, heal or cure any disease. Use within 24 months from date of mfg.

    Quantity: 100 ml (3.38 fl oz)

    100% Satisfaction, 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.

    Features of the Oil

    How to use

    Step 1 - Take a few pumps of Mehfranz on your palm 

    Step 2 - Spread it across your arms, legs, neck and back 

    Step 3 - Give your body a mindful massage after a morning shower or a long day 


    Tip: Dampen your skin before using the oil for even application and better penetration of the oil 

    100% Satisfaction, 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.

    Why iYURA?

    Here’s something that differentiates iYURA - All iYURA products, while remaining authentic to the classical formulations, cater to the modern, western user.

    We at iYURA, ensure that we stay abreast with time and meet your contemporary needs in a way that’s preferable for you.

    We’re also known to introduce innovation to Ayurvedic products without compromising on the authenticity of the formulation or the original idea behind the product.

    At the same time, we take care of the fact that getting the best, most premium, authentic and effective Ayurvedic products does not get overwhelming for you.

    All iYURA products are absolutely clean, free of any additives, chemicals, binders etc. We do not even think of testing on animals.

    100% satisfaction, 30-day money-back guarantee