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  • “My skin is aging and ordinary creams and serums seem no longer effective on its dullness and uneven tone. What should I do?” 



    Promises that claim to repair wrinkles, fade sun spots or hyperpigmentation, or to magically make large pores disappear to reveal "porcelain skin" can leave all of us wanting, needing that shiny new product.  

    And with more and more skincare ‘actives’ like AHA, BHA, retinol, peptides, ceramides, hyaluronic acid or niacinamide – each promising more results than the other – we're left switching from serum to serum and from one cream to the next.  

    We’ve seen it all... for decades, since our 20s, we’ve seen hundreds of brands and thousands of skincare ads. Celebrity endorsements, the next “big thing” in skincare, dermatologist-approved, even DNA-altering scientifically developed formulations. 

    And yet...

    None of them seem to deliver what they promise.  

    Sure, those fancy creams might work for a 25-year-old who needs some help with a couple of pimples.

    But for our mature skin that has gone through years of:

    • collagen degeneration (a natural part of aging)
    • sun damage (UV radiation)
    • air pollution (cars, fumes, factories, pesticides that evaporate into the air)
    • second-hand smoke
    • harmful chemicals in makeup, in skincare and even laundry detergents (the pillowcase we sleep on at night!)

    ... it seems like ordinary creams and serum are no longer effective.  

    As we age, our skin loses the ability to renew itself (collagen) and its bounce (elasticity), and after 40, 50 or 60 years, we can’t expect our skin to look as firm, tight and taut as it did in our 20s. 

    But why do skincare companies fail to accept this? They continue to over-promise and under-deliver. 

    Are our expectations simply... too high?
    Not at all! 

    If you’ve ever heard of Ayurveda (the Ancient Science of Life that originated in India over 5000 years ago), you’ll know that this holistic system of medicine has a large focus on self-care and rejuvenation.

    Many routines and practices in Ayurveda are made specifically to keep our skin looking and feeling young – and what makes Ayurveda so special is that it actually focuses on long-term, sustainable results rather than short-term effects. 

    The earliest mentions of Ayurveda in ancient books and texts date back to over 5000 years ago. That means that the Ayurvedic self-care routines and skincare formulations we know today, have been around for literally thousands of years. If the test of time doesn’t prove how effective they are... well, what does?!


    1. Products Are Focused On Only 1 Skin ‘Problem’ And
    Don’t Focus On The ENTIRE Skin’s Health

    Have a look at what the top 4 bestselling "anti-aging" products "promise" to do:

    Product A

    With anti-aging Retinol to “repair wrinkles”.

    Product B

    With Niacinamide to “fade blemishes or hyperpigmentation".

    Product C

    With Hyaluronic Acid for “surface skin cell turnover and regeneration”.

    Product D

    With Vitamin C to deliver “2X brighter skin in just 28 days”.

    Most of us want, well, ALL of those results, and so, we may end up layering one on top of the other.

    But why is 1 product restricted to only 1 skin problem? Why does it sound so unrealistic to us that a moisturizer could actually work on all skin problems, for all skin types?

    The mere idea of an all-rounder moisturizer makes us think "it’s not high quality". Why have skincare companies put this idea in our head? Is it simply to make us buy more and more products and spend our hard-earned money on 5 products instead of on 1?

    Possibly. Likely.

    (Disclaimer: yes, sometimes we actually want targeted products when our skin is going through an imbalance like for example acne. We need targeted ingredients to address the inflammation that is acne - but in this article, we’re talking about a daily moisturizer to achieve healthy skin.)

    Speaking of imbalances: Ayurveda has a refreshing explanation for these skin imbalances. Ayurveda recognizes that there are 5 elements in nature: Air, Water, Fire, Earth, and Space. These elements make up 3 ‘doshas’ or bio-elements: Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

    Vata consists of the elements of air and space. Its qualities are: light, dry, cool, rough.
    In our skin, Vata shows itself as dryness, dehydration, roughness, flakiness, pronounced wrinkles and fine lines.

    Pitta consists of the elements of fire and water. Its qualities are: hot, sharp, light, liquid.
    In our skin, Pitta shows itself as redness, inflammation like acne, and reactive skin.

    Kapha consists of the elements of water and earth. Its qualities are: heavy, slow, smooth, soft, unctuous.
    In our skin, Kapha shows itself as (excess) oil, soft, juicy skin, large open pores and congestion like blackheads.

    Kind of makes sense, doesn’t it?

    When one or more of these doshas are imbalanced, their qualities are more pronounced.

    How does that translate into skincare?

    To bring those imbalances back into a healthy balance, we need to counter the dosha imbalance with its opposite qualities.

    When skincare products are meant to have anti-aging effects, they’re going to target Vata dosha (dryness, wrinkles, sagginess) through opposite ingredients that have nourishing, warming qualities.

    If products are meant to fight acne, they’re going to target Pitta dosha (inflammation) through opposite ingredients that have cooling qualities.

    If products are meant to fight excess oil, they're going to target Kapha dosha through ingredients that are light and dry in nature.

    And the beauty of the Science of Ayurveda is that it discovered how to balance all doshas parallelly.  

    Mind you: this is not something that was discovered overnight in a lab. The earliest mentions of Ayurveda were recorded about 5000 years ago, so you can imagine the amount of trial-and-error formulations went through before they were finalized to be passed on through generations.

    By carefully selecting ingredients that target specific doshas and using them in a perfected proportion, Ayurveda has created formulations for face, body and hair that nurture and balance every dosha - without aggravating another.

    2.  Products Are Not Meant For Long-Term Results

    Whenever skincare products target a specific skin problem, they’re often quite harsh and are hyper fixated on fixing that one problem, without taking into account the rest of the skin’s microbiome.

    These are often products that contain ingredients like retinol. They may show immediate effects, but aren’t beneficial for your skin in the long run.

    If you've ever taken isotretinoin, you were undoubtedly told to use it for only about 5 months and to never take more than prescribed. (And you've likely experienced the side effects: increased dryness, chapped lips, sun sensitivity and your skin is more prone to cuts and bruises. You were likely told to double your birth control because it can cause birth defects...) That just shows how they're not meant for long-term use.

    Since Ayurveda was established about 5000 years ago, the ingredients that were available weren’t created in labs, but found in nature. No pesticides either – so only organic, non-GMO, wildcrafted ingredients sourced from one of the biggest thriving ecosystems on earth: India, the homeland of Ayurveda.

    The climatically pivotal cold Himalayan mountains in the north, tropical rainforests in the east, arid deserts in the west, and humid coast in the south, make India one of the most climatically diverse countries in the world – which means the variety of wildlife, plants and herbs are drastically larger and more diverse than we have in the States.

    With thousands of options tried-and-tested over thousands of years, Ayurveda knows exactly which herbs are beneficial for your skin in the long run.

    3. Decades Of Using The Same Ingredients Has Made Our Skin Unresponsive

    Almond oil. Castor oil. Moroccan oil. Argan oil. Shea butter.

    Yes, these ingredients indeed have many moisturizing benefits for skin and help support the skin’s natural barrier. But, as with many substances (think alcohol or medication), we often develop a tolerance over time. Even our skin can become unresponsive to certain products. And especially when most skincare products nowadays contain only a small amount of these healthy ingredients (and the rest are synthetics), our skin doesn’t react the same way to them as it used to.

    Similarly, more recently discovered ingredients like retinol show their immediate effects for the first few weeks or months, but then slowly stop performing. Since retinol is a synthetic ingredient, our skin got used to it and no longer feels the impact the same way it once did.

    Natural ingredients usually show longer, better long-term effects, but again, most products in today’s market only contain a small amount of natural ingredients.

    And when they do, they’re usually not formulated in a way that brings out each ingredient’s full potential. 

    4. Products Are Incorrectly Prepared

    Yes, there is, in fact, a way to activate the maximum bioavailability of each ingredient in a formulation – without having to use chemical reactions in a lab, and without GMO. Ayurveda discovered this interesting procedure thousands of years ago and prescribes it in the ancient Ayurvedic texts.

    But first:

    Preparation of synthetic creams: ingredients get chemically treated, blended, more chemically treated, preservatives are added. Machines fill up thousands of bottles in a matter of minutes. Every step of the way is often optimized to have the lowest manufacturing cost, sometimes compromising on quality.

    But you may have already taken the step towards natural skincare products which aren’t created in labs. Perhaps you even make your own skincare, or your neighbor has started her own skincare line in her kitchen.

    Preparation of natural products often goes like this: Organic ingredients are locally sourced (that’s great!). A carrier oil (e.g. almond oil, jojoba oil, coconut oil) is added to a vessel, usually a glass bottle. Essential oils (e.g. lavender, peppermint, tea tree) are poured into the mix. Stir until all ingredients have blended, and the final product is complete. The outcome is an organic, pure skincare product, and that’s wonderful. 

    But science and chemistry teach us that simply blending ingredients doesn’t mean that they’ll actually be effective.
    Sprinkling herbs on a solid stick of butter doesn’t make herb butter – you have to let the butter melt first, then mix the herbs, then let the butter harden in fridge again.

    Such skincare products cannot match the potency of traditionally prepared Ayurvedic oils.

    So how are authentic Ayurvedic products prepared?

    Interestingly, there’s a beautiful word in the Sanskrit language, called ‘Samskara’. Not only do ‘Samskaras’ refer to moral or ethical values, but they’re also defined as marks of different experiences etched in the human mind or soul.

    This word also refers to a ‘process’ or a journey something goes through. If you notice Ayurvedic cooking, the timing of adding the spices to the oil or ghee, the order in which ingredients are added, the way in which certain herbs are added etc. are all very important considerations which affect a change in the nature of that food.

    This Ayurvedic principle or ‘Samskara’ is meticulously followed in the preparation of authentic Ayurvedic skincare oils, too. (Notice we say ‘authentic’, because simply blending an Ayurvedic ingredient like turmeric into, say almond oil, does not make a product authentically or traditionally Ayurvedic.) 

    Ancient Ayurvedic texts reveal the meticulous process of cooking – yes, cooking – authentic Ayurvedic oils: 

    Phase 1: Treating the Dry Herbs

    • Collect dry herbs: wildcrafted, sustainably sourced, certified pesticide-free
    • Conduct intensive quality check for pesticides, heavy metals and more
    • Wash and dry the herbs multiple times
    • Pound the herbs to make a powder

    Phase 2: Methods of Preparation

    There are 2 methods of making an Ayurvedic oil:

    METHOD 1: Using 'Kalka', or 'a thick paste' with the powdered herbs.
    METHOD 2: Using 'Kashaya', or a 'liquid concoction' with the pounded herbs.

    The preferred method for each ingredient is selected based on the properties of the herbs involved and the purpose that we’re trying to achieve with the particular formulation that’s being prepared. 

    Phase 3: Cooking the 'Kalka' And the 'Kashya' with the Base Oils 

    • Base oil is added to a wide-mouthed vessel
    • Heated and boiled at supervised temperatures
    • Stirred constantly till all the moisture evaporates
      Note: High precision required since the oil must not burn during the evaporation process
    • Kalka or Kashaya is added into the vessel. Constant stirring continues during the whole process
    • Temperature is monitored constantly to prevent burning
    • Temperature is allowed to lower naturally
    • The oil is then filtered carefully with a cloth

    This meticulous process or ‘Samskara’ ensures that when Ayurvedic herbs are cooked, their properties are:

    • Made more bio-available
    • Transferred into the oil
    • They become easy to use – it is not easily possible to use the herbs in their original form, so they must be washed, dried and cooked to use their potent dosha balancing capabilities through the medium of oil
    • And in some cases, transform to give the desirable effect

    This makes these oils super potent and powerful.

    An authentic, true Ayurvedic formulation will find inspiration in ancient Ayurvedic texts as well as recognize the problem it is trying to solve and will implement Ayurvedic principles such as “like increases like” as an ingredient-selection criterion. (Remember the doshas and their imbalances we talked about earlier?)

    However, at the same time, an effective formulation will achieve the most supreme principle of Ayurveda by bringing in an element of balance.

    5. Use an Ancient, Proven, Time-Tested Formulation

    Certain Ancient, time-tested Ayurvedic skincare formulations are known for their usage of balancing ingredients. We do not mean just pH balanced, but in fact, their formulation with specific ingredients that balance all 3 Doshas.

    A balance of all 3 Doshas in skincare language simply means that your skin won’t show signs of aggravation – the look of wrinkles and fine lines will stay smoothed out, abrupt look of dullness, acne and blemishes will feel balanced, appearance of uneven texture and tone will no longer be a problem.

    However, a balancing formulation in Ayurveda can be made only by making an informed and time-tested choice of herbs and spices that also synergistically operate, something that is hard to achieve when it comes to herbs and spices.

    Take for example, Lodhra (Symplocos Tree), a rare-to-find Ayurvedic herb, that works directly to balance blemishes, making it a Pitta-balancing herb.

    According to Ayurvedic knowledge, other herbs that work in sync with Lodhra in a formulation are Sweet Flag (Calamus Root) and Sacred Lotus that work hand in hand to moisturize extremely dry skin, subtly balance its effects and give soft, touch-inviting skin.

    Ayurveda talks about one such balancing beauty elixir used for centuries, that intelligently balances the proportions of ingredients for each dosha, without any undesirable effects:

    No less than 21 such potent Ayurvedic ingredients formulate this ancient elixir, each intelligently chosen and prepared to synergistically benefit all skin types, balance all 3 skin-dosha imbalances, and keep skin looking healthy in the long run.

    All of this, of course, in the form of pure oil. 100% natural, no chemicals, no preservatives (oil is a preservative itself!), no GMO ingredients, no “DNA altering” innovations. Just nature used in its most potent form. 

    Ordinary creams and serums are no match for such a potent, traditional ancient formulation.


    by The Ayurveda Experience
    is a unique Ayurvedic face oil to balance the look of dullness, uneven skin tone & visible signs of aging

    Kesaradi Oil contains 21 exotic herbs that are not easily found in the west. They’re sustainably wildcrafted, non-GMO and certified pesticide-free.

    Enriched with potent herbs intelligently chosen for their balancing effects and traditionally prepared to ensure maximum bioavailability, Kesaradi Oil is based on one of the oldest existing Ayurvedic formulations (mentioned in 2 ancient Ayurvedic texts: the Ashtanga Hridayam and Bhaishajya Ratnavalli) that has literally withstood the test of time over thousands of years.

    In fact, its traditional formulation is often called “The Beauty Elixir”...


    or “Red Gold” balances Vata + Pitta + Kapha: boosts healthy glow, even-tones skin, enhances complexion. Saffron is known to brighten and illuminate skin. Found in Kashmir or Punjab regions.


    or “The Queen of Flowers” balances Vata + Pitta: has youth-promoting properties and helps reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles. Is calming, hydrating, and helps the skin maintain a proper balance of moisture. Found in cold and temperate regions.


    balances Pitta + Kapha: has powerful purifying, even-toning and brightening benefits. Often used a dietary supplement to purify skin from the inside-out. Brightens the complexion and makes it appear more youthful and firmer. Reduces the look of blemishes, age spots and dark spots. Found in hilly subtropical regions.


    or “The Golden Spice” balances Vata + Pitta + Kapha: natural cleanser and exfoliator that purifies skin and gives a clear-looking complexion. Brings out a raw, natural glow. Cultivated in many regions, primarily southern forests.

    Large Leaf Beauty Berry

    balances Pitta: purifies skin to bring it back into a healthy looking state. Soothes heat. Found in Himalayan region.

    + 16 more exotic Ayurvedic ingredients.


    "Full of high quality ingredients. So much better than any other product I've used. My skin is brighter and clearer” 

    - Rebecca R.
    Skin type: Combination
    Skin concern: Aging
    Age: 64


    "This oil gave me my dream skin!”
    “You know how people always want what they don’t have, well all of my life I have dreamed of having shiny, clear, flawless skin! In my younger years I had acne that left scars. My whole life I have had to wear a lot of make up to cover them. I also had uneven skin tone and enlarged pores. I had tried everything, including cosmetic surgery and the derma filler -for acne scars. These oils from Ayurveda were God sent. They changed my life and I am so forever grateful to who ever invented this stuff! Ayurveda oils did more for me than any cosmetic surgery I have ever had. I have spend thousands on my face and this simple day and night oils from Ayurveda did more for me for a fraction of the price!”

    - Lynn L.
    Skin type: Oily
    Skin concern: Acne scars, enlarged pores, uneven skin tone
    Age: 61


    "Amazing stuff!!!"
    “I have been using the Kesaradi Oil for over six months now. My skin (I am 69) is looking the best ever! My dermatologist commented on how great my skin looked (he thought I was still using the expensive products that I was buying from him). When I told him thank you very much I am using Kesaradi oil and showed it to him, he was rather speechless. I am saving hundreds of dollars bc I no longer use all the skin care products from there. ... I rarely even use makeup anymore. … I highly recommend this product and will use it forever! THE BEST!!!!”

    - Patricia R.
    Skin type: Dry
    Skin concern: Wrinkles- old age
    Age: 69


    “I absolutely love this oil. I’ve always had sensitive skin and reactions to many products. I will never go without this oil. It leaves your skin moisturized and glowing. So happy I found this company!”

    - Megan R.
    Skin type: Sensitive
    Skin concern: Sensitive/anti-aging
    Age: 33


    "My favorite"
    “I have been using this product for several years now, buy it regularly as soon as it runs out. this is my favorite. I like its soft, balanced action. Most of all, it evens out [the look of] skin tone and texture. Very good effect on problem areas: under the eyes, neck and décolleté. This tool, which is always with me both at home and on travels, has never failed me! Thanks!

    - Anna I.
    Skin type: Combination
    Skin concern: Age changes
    Age: 47


    "Best skin care ever !”
    “I've been using these oils for about a year now and I can vouch for the premium quality and the excellent results I've got! My skin was absolutely lifeless, dry, itchy and dull. I tried almost all the big expensive brands in the market only to get disappointed. Then I came across The Ayurveda Experience, the name itself gave me a lot of confidence, it's been a year I've been using only these oils, and I can say I'm completely hooked on for life !! A little goes a long way. Keeps the skin soft and supple, no chemicals -absolutely natural - what else can one ask for - it's magic !!”

    - Smita S.
    Skin type: Dry
    Skin concern: Dryness, dullness
    Age: 40

    The Most Trusted and Recognized House of Brands that provides centuries’ old authentic Ayurvedic solutions to 550,000+ happy customers spread across 4 continents in 150+ countries. 

    We provide guaranteed 100% safe products, compliant with US regulations.

    We worked across all standards, USP, US-FDA Cosmetic, APHA (American Public Health Association), Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India and even European cosmetic regulations.

    Apart from this we also conduct other quality tests such as Iodine value, peroxide value, Acid value, saponification value, refractive index, specific gravity, wt/ml, unsaponifiable matter and mineral oil tests to ensure optimal manufacturing practices, assurance that each batch is as consistent and uniform as possible to work as expected.  

    Purity, safety and efficacy lie at the core of The Ayurveda Experience.

    The Ayurveda Experience's in-house brand 'iYURA' brings to you authentic products that are 100% natural, free of chemicals, free from any pesticide or heavy metal toxicity exposure. 

    iYURA opens up the doors for you to access ancient formulations in their most premium potential and brings to you today: 

    Kesaradi Oil, a face oil made with time-tested Ayurvedic ingredients that have proven to work over thousands of years, with the purest and most potent ingredients sustainably sourced from their native habitat.  

    More than 240,603+ customers worldwide have loved this face oil with an average rating of 4.8 stars! 


    If you buy this now, you'll get a FREE Mini Youth Spring Face Oil - Dry, Aging Skin Face Moisturizer with Black Gram - with your order!

    The FREE Gift will get added to your cart automatically!


    Free Mini Yauvari Face Oil
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Natural Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Natural Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA

    Kesaradi Ancient Balance Glow Oil

    (50 ml/1.69 oz)

    Rich, Intelligent Face Oil for Glowing, Healthy Skin.

    Balances the appearance of signs of aging, dullness, uneven skin tone, and brings out an unparalleled, beautiful glow. Balances Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas. 

    • Perfect for daily use: only 3 drops are enough per application
    • Contains 21 potent Ayurvedic ingredients
    • Has a triple balancing effect: intelligently targets Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas to reveal your most beautiful skin yet 
    • Can be left on during the day as your daily moisturizer: does not feel oily, is non-sticky 
    • Ultra-moisturizing
    • You feel healthy, glowing, confident and luxurious through the day!  



    If you buy today, you'll get a FREE Mini Youth Spring Face Oil - Dry, Aging Skin Face Moisturizer with Black Gram - with your order!

    The FREE Gift will get added to your cart automatically!


    + Free Delivery

    100% Satisfaction, 30-Day FULL Money Back Guarantee

    Did you know?

    "Kesar" means "Saffron".


    "Best skin care ever !”
    “Another wonderful product from Ayurveda. ... Well worth the price.”

    -Susan C.


    ”Love this product”
    “I have always had very dry skin. The Kesaradi facial oil has improved my skin immensely. It is softer, more supple and makes my face glow. I am 67 years old and couldn’t be more pleased with how my skin looks and feels. I highly recommend this product”

    Nancy C.
    Skin type: Dry
    Skin concern: Extreme dryness
    Age: 67 

    Complete list of Ingredients: 

    Sesame Seed Oil [Sesamum indicum], Cow milk, Indian Madder [Rubia cordifolia], Essential Oil of Rose [Rosa Damascena], Saffron [Crocus sativus], Turmeric [Curcuma longa], Lotus [Nelumbo nucifera], Indian Rose Chestnut [Mesua ferra], Wild Himalayan Cherry [Prunus Cerasoides], Symplocos Tree [Symplocos Racemosa], Nut Grass [Cyperus Rotundus], Vetiver Grass [Vetiveria Zizanioides], Licorice [Glycyrrihza Glabra], Indian Bay-Leaf [Cinnamomum Tamala], Indian Elecampane [Inula Racemosa], Indian Barberry [Berberis Aristata], Flame of the Forest [Butea Monosperma], Large Leaf Beautyberry [Callicarpa Macrophylla], Black Mustard [Brassica Nigra], Sweet Flag [Acorus Calamus], Indian Banyan [Ficus Benghalensis]. 

    Of all the reasons that traditional face oils are so much better than ordinary creams, value for money is something that Kesaradi promises.  

    Think about this...You’ve been using serums or creams for years – let's say $20 a jar, buying a new one every 2 months for 20 years.

    But what results have you seen? 

    What good has it done to your skin besides the basic moisturization?

    You’ve spent $2400 on thin air for the last 20 years with no relevant or visible effects on your skin. Let alone the toxic chemicals that have been added to your face, and a list of ingredients only a scientist can pronounce.  

    The time has finally come for us to switch to a 100% natural formulation that has proven to show results over thousands of years. It's time we revealed the exotic jewel of herbal, Ayurvedic ingredients to the western world and unleashed the powerful benefits of these potent ingredients.

    Your endless search for an effective product that is specifically curated for real results that actually LAST, is finally over! 

    Many of our customers said that they’ve finally found THE product that they will stick with forever. 


    “Smells amazing, love the feel of the oil and it makes my skin so soft! It immediately became a daily staple and I'll continue using it because my skin is becoming more balanced each day!”

    - Letitia P.


    "I was hopeful when I ordered the Kesaradi Oil; however with sensitive skin I was also anticipating it may not be the product for me. I love the oil. It has improved my skin (especially some dry patches). The Kesaradi Oil will now be a staple in my self care routine. Thank you!!!”

    - Marilyn M.

    Not only that, but you will find that the product is exquisitely packed in what you can call a piece of ART! You will be mesmerized by the beautiful artwork, bringing life and beauty to your dresser!

    Try it for yourself! 
    And if for some unthinkable reason you don’t like the product, or it doesn’t work for you, then you can avail our 30-day FULL money back guarantee!


    If you buy this now, you'll get a FREE Mini Youth Spring Face Oil - Dry, Aging Skin Face Moisturizer with Black Gram - with your order!

    The FREE Gift will get added to your cart automatically!


    Free Mini Yauvari Face Oil
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Natural Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Natural Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA
    Kesaradi Oil - Face Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin or Sensitive Skin - Natural Skincare for Glowing Skin Face oil iYURA

    Kesaradi Ancient Balance Glow Oil

    (50 ml/1.69 oz)

    Rich, Intelligent Face Oil for Glowing, Healthy Skin.

    Balances the appearance of signs of aging, dullness, uneven skin tone, and brings out an unparalleled, beautiful glow. Balances Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas. 

    • Perfect for daily use: only 3 drops are enough per application
    • Contains 21 potent Ayurvedic ingredients
    • Has a triple balancing effect: intelligently targets Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas to reveal your most beautiful skin yet 
    • Can be left on during the day as your daily moisturizer: does not feel oily, is non-sticky 
    • Ultra-moisturizing
    • You feel healthy, glowing, confident and luxurious through the day!  


    If you buy today, you'll get a FREE Mini Youth Spring Face Oil - Dry, Aging Skin Face Moisturizer with Black Gram - with your order!

    The FREE Gift will get added to your cart automatically!



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    “I am amazed with the oil. It's the best thing I've ever put on my face! I have seen a tremendous difference and this will be in my life forever!”

    - Jennifer O.


    “I have been using the oil for less than a month now, and i am more than impressed. I was skeptical if it would be right for my skin. I've been using Loreal moisturizer for years. The results from the kesaradi oil is immediate and awesome! I am beyond impressed. My skin is nice, to say the least. It's non oily and my skin is soft, glowing and I don't have to use any other moisturizer and my face stays moisturized and make up stay beautiful all day. This oil replaces everything I thought I liked for a moisturizer. I'm sold! I will be using kesaradi oil forever, oh and the smell....OMG, it's precious and elegant..”

    - Barbara T.

    The Ayurveda Experience brings to you amazing concoctions of oils made from incredible Ayurvedic herbs! 

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