✨Ayurvedic SALE-A-BRATION!✨
Discover the Simplest 3-Step Process Ever
That Will Make the Rest of Your Life a Guaranteed Healthier and Happier Experience!
Discover the Simplest 3-Step Process Ever
That Will Make the Rest of Your Life a Guaranteed Healthier and Happier Experience!
What to eat, what to avoid, what is the right body work for you, which is the most suitable meditation technique for you, how to take care of yourself the natural way, the secret mantras to suit your needs – everything you can think of is right here.
Anyone who tells you that you can live a perfectly healthy life without any exercise is absolutely deluded! Yes, everyone needs exercise, but are all exercises good for everyone? Find out what those certain poses particularly good for your type are and exercise the correct way.
Are you sure you’re including all the required elements of food in your and your family’s daily diet? Well, this module will make sure you do! Learn about the 6 Fundamental Categories food is divided into and how you must include them in your daily diet.
Ayurveda provides holistic health solutions, and breath and energy form a very important part of healthy living. In this module, you'll learn the meaning of ‘Prana’ and share different Pranayama exercises with you.
Ayurveda recognizes how unique you are with your own individual combination of Doshas. By empowering you with in-depth knowledge of your Dosha, The Ayurveda Experience will help you truly understand your real personality, and then appreciate your strengths and weaknesses or Prakruti and Vikruti. (These concepts will be covered in detail in the program.)
This is only possible through in-depth knowledge of the Science of Life: Ayurveda.
Once the knowledge is acquired and you recognize, understand and appreciate your true self, you then know how to correctly adapt and optimize your lifestyle to attain that perfect balance.
We have converted this 3-step process of:
Meet the author - Lissa Coffey
Lissa Coffey is a lifestyle and relationship expert who serves up an inspiring blend of ancient wisdom and modern style. She’s been living an Ayurvedic lifestyle since researching her first book, “The Healthy Family Handbook,” in 1996. Lissa appears frequently on television and radio and contributes to many national publications with her insightful and compassionate approach to modern-day issues.
Lissa Coffey is a certified instructor with The Chopra Center. Deepak Chopra says: “Coffey brings the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda to a contemporary audience and shows us how to discover more about ourselves and our relationship.”
In 2005 she was awarded a commendation from Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa for her “Outstanding Contribution to the Yoga Community.”In 2012 AAPNA (Association of Ayurvedic Professionals North America) awarded Lissa the “Dharma Award” for “Excellence in Promoting Awareness of Ayurveda.”
“Lissa Coffey walks her talk, and now has written a beautiful and clear book to teach us the most advanced and ancient ideas about achieving the perfect balance that results in the kind of health that helps us look, feel and be our very blessed best! She is an amazing woman and I am thrilled to recommend her course!”
Candace Pert, PhD, author: ‘Molecules of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine’ at Quantum Physics Reveals About How We Should Live’
Over 7000 people have 'chosen' the 'Ayurveda way of Life'
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Over 7000 people have 'chosen' the 'Ayurveda way of Life'
Purchase the online course now and get a FREE PDF Text Companion and INSTANT digital access to the entire course (which means that you can watch the course online on your desktop or mobile!)
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Over 7000 people have 'chosen' the 'Ayurveda way of Life'
Purchase the online course now and get a FREE PDF Text Companion and INSTANT digital access to the entire course (which means that you can watch the course online on your desktop or mobile!)
Instant Access + 60-day money-back guarantee
Choose your price (USD 17/ USD 27/ USD 47) from the below drop down
“Lissa Coffey has created a treasure of a handbook with countless practical suggestions based on the teachings of Ayurveda, showing us how we can eat, live, sleep, and interact with other people to find and maintain a balanced lifestyle. When we are naturally in balance, as Lissa suggests, we feel good, look good, and do good.”
Lothar Schäfer, author ‘Infinite Potential: What Quantum Physics Reveals About How We Should Live’