The Ayurveda Experience May 17, 2019 2 Comments
Mahasudarshan churna (mahasudarshan powder) and mahasudarshan ghan vati are popular Ayurvedic formulations. Let’s take a look at their benefits and uses in Ayurveda.
Both of these formulations are primarily used for treating various types of fevers.
Mahasudarshan churna is simply a powdered formulation of mahasudarshani preparation.
In classical Ayurvedic texts, this formulation is called sudarshan churna. Commercially, this formulation is known as mahasudarshan churna.
Other Ayurvedic texts like Ras Tantra Saar and Sidh Prayog Sangrah also mention sudarshan churna as mahasudarshan churna.
While many brands market sudarshan churna as mahasudarshan churna, the ingredients of both formulations are identical. The Hindi word maha means ‘great’ or ‘big’.
Since sudarshan churna was known to have many benefits and uses, the word ‘maha’ was added to its name to signify its importance in the Ayurvedic system of medicine.
Therefore, the name mahasudarshan churna has become more popular in recent times than the formulation’s actual Sanskrit name.
Mahasudarshan churna is a mixture of various herbs. The tablet form of mahasudarshan churna is called mahasudarshan ghan vati.
Classical Ayurvedic texts, however, exclusively mention the uses and benefits of the powdered form (mahasudarshan churna).
Mahasudarshan powder is bitter in taste and some may find it difficult to consume directly. People who cannot tolerate the taste can opt for the tablets after discussing it with their Ayurvedic practitioner.
The mahasudarshan tablet (vati), is easily palatable compared to the mahasudarshan powder.
One should note that the powdered form has better absorption rates than the tablet which is why many Ayurvedic practitioners prefer mahasudarshan churna over mahasudarshan vati (tablet).
This, however, does not mean that mahasudarshan tablets are ineffective. This point is mentioned here just to explain why some Ayurvedic practitioners prefer the powdered form over the tablets.
All the above-mentioned ingredients are ground into a fine powder and mixed with powdered kiratatikta or Swertia chirata. The resulting powder is sudarshan churna or mahasudarshan powder.
Clinical studies have demonstrated that mahasudarshan churna is an excellent remedy for the complications associated with fever, liver enlargement, spleen, fatigue, and nausea.2
Kutaja or Holarrhena antidysenterica, an ingredient in mahasudarshan churna has shown antibacterial activity against S. aureus, S. flexneri, S. typhosa, B. subtilis.2
Studies have indicated the antibacterial potential of mahasudarshan churna against pathogens like S. typhi, S. epidermidis, E. coli, S. aureus, K. pneumoniae, P. vulgaris and P. aeruginosa.
Mahasudarshan churna is helpful in controlling infectious diseases such as typhoid fever, intestinal infection, urinary tract infections, and respiratory infections which are associated with the above-mentioned bacterial pathogens.2
Some clinical studies have demonstrated the antioxidant potential of mahasudarshan churna.
These studies have shown how it can be a useful therapeutic agent for the diseases associated with oxidative stress.3
In general, both the powdered and tablet formulations do not have any known side effects but should be avoided if you are allergic to any of its ingredients.
If you are taking any prescribed drugs then you should discuss it with your Ayurvedic practitioner and general physician before using mahasudarshan powder or mahasudarshan tablet (vati).
Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult their Ayurvedic practitioner before use.
It is safe for use in children however, the dosages should be decided by a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner or health care provider only.
It is always advised to take mahasudarshan powder and mahasudarshan tablet (ghan vati) under the strict supervision of a qualified Ayurveda practitioner.
September 13, 2022
My experience : I use this churna sometimes occasionally, getting good benefits. It is most effective churna.
May I get your suggestions /advices whether this churna can be taken every day in the morning on empty stomach. Please advise me. With regards.
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Shashikant Awalkar
June 09, 2021
If mahasudrashan churna and sitopaladi churna of any reputed brand can be taken in this covid situation as a preventive medicines for longer period ? Kindly advise.