The Ayurveda Experience October 06, 2022
Now that we’ve gained a deep understanding about the Kapha-Pitta Diet, it is time that we share the dietary guidelines and information about meal plans for the dosha type.
Are we making no sense? We recommend you read the previous article where we talked about the Kapha Pitta prakriti type in detail. Since this article is in continuation with the first one, we highly recommend reading the previous article (Kapha-Pitta Dosha: Ayurvedic Dietary Key to a Healthy Metabolism) to really make the most of your meal plan!
As promised in the previous edition of Kapha Pitta dosha article, we are back to help you plan that perfect and personalized meal, ideal for YOU and YOUR body type! (AND we have also prepared a food chart that can help you kickstart your meal plan! Read on to find out...)
Trust us,
This will have your body thriving in the goodness of Ayurveda!
But first,
Then all that you truly need to do is maintain that equilibrium! Which can be achieved by following certain Ayurvedic guidelines that will help maintain this state of complete equilibrium.
In addition to that, you must also develop that perfect meal plan that caters to YOUR personal needs according to body and dosha type.
You can keep these guidelines as a reference for when you will be planning your meals.
1. Eat moderate quantities of food and foods with Kapha pacifying qualities
All foods that are low in the glycemic index are generally Kapha pacifying like leafy vegetables, whole grains, beans, white meat, and egg whites.
READ MORE: Kapha Pacifying Date Pickle Recipe
Minimize the intake of Kapha aggravating foods that have a high glycemic index like sugar and sugary foods, root vegetables, starchy vegetables like jackfruit, potatoes (though you can use them after boiling or after taking them out of the starchy cooking water), white bread, white rice, pasta.
READ MORE: Kapha Diet: Everything You Need To Know | Kapha Pacifying Foods For Summer
2. Too much animal protein is linked to high cholesterol which is believed to be a Kapha disorder
Replace animal protein with vegetable proteins like moong beans, sprouts, and lentils. Seafood is also Kapha aggravating and too much and too frequent use should be avoided.
3. Have freshly cooked, warm food over raw and cold food, otherwise the digestive fire will get compromised
This can lead to the production of ama (morbid matter of digestion), responsible for allergic disorders, autoimmune disorders, and metabolites like cholesterol and uric acid as well as excess Kapha (excessive fat) and Vata.
Take care of the secondary dosha (Pitta) by consuming food spiced with cooling herbs like mint, fennel, cumin, and coriander seed powder.
Hot spices like peppers, though good for Kapha, may aggravate Pitta if taken in excess. Mild spices are alright to have.
READ MORE: Ama Nidana: Causes + Symptoms Of Undigested Food And Metabolic Toxins | 10 Ingredients to Cool Pitta
4. Sit peacefully and eat in a calm atmosphere
Chew your food properly and eat slowly. Eating while walking, working, and talking is likely to cause indigestion and acidity, which you are prone to.
5. Liquids should be taken an hour prior to or an hour after meals, so as not to dilute the digestive juices
A few sips taken with meals are however allowed and are good for digestion.
READ MORE: When And How To Drink Water As Per Ayurveda?
6. Eat only when you are hungry, and the previous meal has been digested
You’ll know this when your appetite returns, there is a light feeling in the stomach and a clear burp, if any, not smelling of the previous meal.
7. Cooking fats like sesame oil, olive oil, and ghee (in small quantities) are good for you
It does not aggravate Kapha and pacifies Pitta. Butter can be replaced by any of these, and the intake needs to be restricted to 3-4 teaspoons per day.
8. Choose white meat over red meat
Lean cuts are always preferred. Too much sea food aggravates Kapha, hence excess intake should be avoided.
READ MORE: Why Doesn’t Ayurveda Recommend a Vegan or a Vegetarian Diet? Myth Debunked!
9. Dairy taken in excess causes aggravation of Kapha
Two servings of dairy of low-fat variety can be taken every day. Avoid having Yogurt at night. Not more than two servings per week of yogurt should be taken.
Cheese is considered Kapha aggravating and fattening and needs to be avoided. Buttermilk is a better option! You can add black pepper, rock salt and roasted cumin seed powder (a pinch each) to a glass of butter milk, it is considered good for the gut flora.
Ice creams are best avoided, reserved every two weeks. It can be replaced by anyone of the rich variety of Irish cakes (1 small piece).
10. Have coriander seed, mint, and Tulsi tea 2-3 times a day
To make this tea, boil 1/2 tsp of dried Tulsi leaves and 1 tsp of coarsely ground coriander seeds or 6-8 shredded mint leaves in a glass of water. Reduce to 3/4 and strain. Let cool and enjoy it. This tea is balancing to your doshas.
11. Include more vegetables and fruits in your diet
Fruits like apples should be had 2 times a day. Too sweet and too sour fruits are best avoided.
Most vegetables (except the starchy ones, pungent, and sour ones like green bell peppers and tomatoes), are suitable to Kapha-Pitta prakriti. In fact, sour vegetables aggravate both Kapha and Pitta and should be taken minimally.
12. Bitter and astringent tastes have a pacifying effect on your constituent Doshas - Kapha and Pitta
Bitters like leeks, kale, celery, parsley, mint, and fenugreek leaves, moringa leaves, and astringents like salad leaves and spinach, are vital to a healthy diet and should be incorporated in at least a small quantity to begin with.
13. Limit tea, coffee, and alcohol intake
One to two glasses of wine on weekends are all right.
14. Nuts like peanuts are best avoided while roasted seeds may be taken and so may soaked almonds and walnuts in small quantities.
With these guidelines straightened out, let's jump on to the best part where you get to plan your meal!
Grab a sharpie or a pen, you will need them to take notes!
✓ Breakfast- Cereal + Low fat milk + Bread Egg whites
✓ Mid-morning- Roasted seeds + Tea/Buttermilk
✓ Lunch- Mix of vegetables + Whole Grains + Protein
✓ Early evening- Fruits + Tea
✓ Dinner- Vegetables + Whole Grains + Protein
To make things seamless for you, we have prepared a food chart for your future reference!
It has a detailed commentary on the food items that must be consumed and the quantity of consumption that must be followed.
It will be immensely helpful for when you plan your next meal!
With the above food chart as a reference, you can make your own meal plan according to your own preferences.
Please consider consulting a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before following the dietary recommendations for a Kapha-Pitta diet mentioned in this article.
Not only is Ayurveda considered a comprehensive medical system, but it is also a Way of Life!
This 5000-year-old ancient science places special emphasis on "Ahara" (diet) and "Anna" (food) as a means to good life, health and wellness.
And, in order to live a healthy life, one must formulate a diet that balances one’s doshas in addition to living harmoniously with the surroundings. Healthy and wholesome food nourishes the mind, body, and soul.
But healthy food doesn’t have to be boring! Customize your meal plan that both your tastebuds and your gut can enjoy!
What are some of your favorite food items that delight your taste buds but also are healthy? Share with us in the comments!
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