The Ayurveda Experience May 17, 2019
Haritaki is a very well known herb. It is used as a rasayana in Ayurveda. This means it is an herb with rejuvenating properties. It is also one of the three components of the classical Ayurvedic formulation, Triphala. Haritaki has many benefits and uses.
Haritaki is known as chebulic myrobalan or black myrobalan in English and consists of dried pericarp, the edible tissue that develops around a seed.
Haritaki is found in Southeast Asian countries like India, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Thailand, and China.
Botanical Name:
Terminalia chebula
Botanical Family:
Sanskrit Synonyms With Ayurvedic Meanings
Abhaya: It keeps the fear of sickness at bay.
Avyatha: It keeps one free from pain.
Pathya: It is beneficial or acceptable for the body.
Kayastha: It is very useful for the body.
It helps in expelling stools and harmful
vayu or gas from the body. It acts as a laxative.
It cleanses the various channels in the body.
Shreyasi: It is very beneficial to consume.
Its consumption is beneficial.
Rasa or Taste:
It contains five
rasas (madhura or sweet,
amla or sour,
katu or pungent,
tikta or bitter,
kashaya or astringent). Its taste, however, is predominantly astringent.
Guna or Qualities:
Laghu or light and
ruksha or dry
or Potency:
Ushna or hot
or taste conversion after digestion:
Madhura or sweet
Effect on
Haritaki is
tridosha hara.
This means that it brings all three doshas into equilibrium.
Parts used:
Prescribed Dosage in Ayurvedic Herbology:
3 to 6 grams
Popular Ayurvedic Formulations 3
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When Haritaki is consumed as a rejuvenating herb, it is taken with different anupana or vehicles (mediums) for different seasons. Haritaki consumed with different mediums according to the seasons is known as Ritu Haritaki.
Here’s what Ayurveda prescribes for different seasons in regards to Haritaki’s uses.
Haritaki has many uses and benefits for a slew of conditions and has a plethora of benefits, it is still contraindicated in people with the following conditions.
The fruits of haritaki or terminalia chebula are rich in tannins (about 32%-34%). The tannins in haritaki are of the pyrogallol (hydrolyzable) type. Here are the 14 components of hydrolyzable tannins.
Scientific research on haritaki has demonstrated the following properties and activities.
Antioxidant Activity
The leaves, bark, and fruits of haritaki or terminalia chebula show antioxidant activity. Phenolics present in haritaki are responsible for their antioxidant action.
Anti-carcinogenic Activity
The fruit of haritaki or terminalia chebula has shown an inhibitory action on cancer cell growth in some clinical studies. This action was due to phenolics present in its fruits.
Chebulinic acid, tannic acid and ellagic acid are the main phenolics responsible for its anti-carcinogenic activity
Antimutagenic, Radioprotective, And Chemopreventive Activity
Research has shown that haritaki or terminalia chebula has antimutagenic, radioprotective and chemopreventive activity.
Hepatoprotective Properties
Some studies have shown that ethanol extracts of haritaki are helpful in the hepatotoxicity caused by the administration of rifampicin, isoniazid and pyrazinamide (combination).
Cardioprotective Properties
A study performed on rats showed that haritaki has protective activity in myocardial damage.
Cytoprotective Activity
Some studies document the cytoprotective effect of haritaki fruits on oxidative stress and an inhibitory effect on cellular aging.
Antidiabetic Activity
A study done on rats showed that fruits and seeds of haritaki exhibited dose dependent reduction in blood glucose both in short term and long term study.
Renoprotective Properties
Studies also suggest that haritaki have renoprotective activity.
Antibacterial Activity
Haritaki or terminalia chebula has exhibited antibacterial activity against a number of both gram positive and gram negative human pathogenic bacteria.
Antifungal Activity
An aqueous extract of haritaki has exhibited antifungal activity against a number of dermatophytes and yeast samples.
Antiviral Activity
Many studies suggest that haritaki shows antiviral activity against a number of viruses like influenza A virus, herpes simplex virus and human cytomegalovirus (CMV), and more.
Antiprotozoal Activity
Studies suggest that haritaki showed antiprotozoal activity in infections like Entamoeba histolytica and Plasmodium falciparum.
Anti-inflammatory And Anti-arthritic Properties
Studies on mice suggested that haritaki shows significant anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activities.
Adaptogenic And Antianaphylactic Activities
A study done on animals showed that haritaki was able to aid the animals against a variety of different stressors.
Animal studies also showed that when extract of haritaki or terminalia chebula was administered following an induction of anaphylactic shock, the serum histamine levels were reduced, indicating its strong antianaphylactic action.
Hypolipidemic And Hypocholesterolemic Activity
Extracts of Haritaki have shown hypolipidemic activity against experimentally induced atherosclerosis.
A study done on rabbits revealed that haritaki also has hypocholesterolemic activity.
Improved Gastrointestinal Motility And Anti-ulcerogenic Activity
Studies have demonstrated that terminalia chebula fruit increases gastric emptying time.
This action appeared to be balanced with a protective effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa, with the improvement in the secretory status of Brunner’s gland. As a result, it is proven to be helpful in the protection against duodenal ulcers.
Antispasmodic Activity
Studies revealed that haritaki is helpful in relieving intestinal spasms.
Anticaries Activity
Some studies have suggested that oral rinsing with an extract of haritaki or terminalia chebula was found to significantly reduce both total bacterial counts and streptococcal counts in saliva samples. This study demonstrated the potential role of haritaki or terminalia chebula in the prevention of dental caries.
Wound Healing Activity
A study on mice showed that topical administration of an alcoholic extract of terminalia chebula leaves are helpful in treating dermal wounds.
The wounds treated with taritaki healed faster as indicated by improved rates of contraction and decreased period of epithelialization.
Purgative Properties
The purgative action of an oil fraction from haritaki has been documented. A short term clinical trials on patients with simple constipation revealed that haritaki or terminalia chebula acts as a laxative.
Immunomodulatory Activity
A study on mice revealed that an aqueous extract of terminalia chebula produced an increase in humoral antibody titer and delayed hypersensitivity in mice.
Anti-allergic Activity
A study on guinea pigs revealed that haritaki has anti-allergic properties.
Please consult your Ayurvedic practitioner or general physician before chaning your diet or lifestyle, and before taking Ayurvedic supplements including haritaki.
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