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  • Case Study: Healing Hashimoto’s Thyroid Disease with Ayurveda

    Case Study: Healing Hashimoto’s Thyroid Disease with Ayurveda

    I would like to present a case of a patient with this condition to illustrate my approach.

    Rhonda was a fifty-four-year-old female who was struggling with obesity, fatigue, and a sluggish thyroid. Her TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) had been hovering just outside the optimal range for many years, and she had elevated thyroid peroxidase antibodies consistent with Hashimoto’s disease, where her immune system was attacking her thyroid.

    She had a strong aversion to taking medications and was opposed even to taking a natural form of thyroid hormone. She felt like she was too fatigued even to exercise, although she had been very active for most of her life. She was following a gluten-free Paleo diet with a lot of fruits and vegetables and loved dairy products of all kinds including milk, cheese, and yogurt. She explained that she was from Wisconsin, where dairy farming is common, and that’s why she loved drinking milk every day.

    After talking with her, I determined that she had excess Kapha as well as a very low Agni. I had her follow a Kapha-pacifying diet. Traditionally, Ayurveda recommends eliminating dairy products in the course of such a diet. Even though it was very difficult for her, Rhonda stopped eating dairy products and started following the Kapha meal plan. I also encouraged her to incorporate warming spices such as ginger, turmeric, black pepper, and chili into her diet. Lastly, I suggested that she begin taking an herbal supplement called guggulu, which is effective in reducing excess Kapha and also traditionally used to support healthy thyroid function.

    After three months, she was excited to report that she had lost fifteen pounds just from changing her diet. Her energy had improved to the point where she was able to start a regular exercise program. As she began exercising, her energy improved further and she lost another ten pounds. After six months, we repeated her thyroid function tests and found that they had normalized.  In fact, her thyroid antibodies had returned to normal, indicating that her Hashimoto’s disease had been successfully reversed.

    Other things to consider in Hashimoto’s disease include the elimination of gluten because of potential cross-reactivity between gluten and thyroid tissue.

    Also, consider performing tests for the elimination of other food sensitivities, at least in the beginning.

    Ashwagandha — usually not used alone but as part of an herbal formula as it has heating tendencies, and can worsen irritability, especially if someone already has high Pitta. Also, do not use ashwagandha indefinitely because there have been reports of hyperthyroidism, incurred by prolonged unsupervised use of ashwagandha.



    2 Responses

    Archana Sharma
    Archana Sharma

    June 09, 2021

    I have hight tpo of 109 .I am given levothyroxine of 450 mcg per week. I have hypothyroidism. I want to talk to you and take your medicine .can I get rid of hypothyroidism.


    June 23, 2021

    Hello Dr.Akhil,
    I am diagnosed with Hashimoto’s in 2015 with antibodies less than 10 and started taking thyroid medicines. I am 49 years old. I made several changes in my life style (diet, exercise,supplements etc)due to which I was able to reduce slight dosage of my medicine. I feel that it may be possible to further reduce the dosage of my medicine and for which I need your help. Please let me know if you can help me.
    I live in Northern California.

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