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  • Brahmi: Uses, Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects + Ayurvedic Uses Of Bacopa Monnieri

    Brahmi: Uses, Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects + Ayurvedic Uses Of Bacopa Monnieri

    Here, we take a look at Brahmi, its Ayurvedic uses, benefits, and side effects. We also take a look at its Ayurvedic applications, appropriate dosages, and compare it with a similar herb known as gotu kola.

    What Is Brahmi?

    Brahmi, also known botanically as Bacopa monnieri, is a very well-known Ayurvedic herb used to improve memory, concentration, and intelligence.

    Brahmi is a Sanskrit word derived from the words brahma or brahman. According to Hindu mythology, brahma is the creator of the universe.

    It is said that lord brahma is responsible for all creative forces in the world.

    The word brahman in Hinduism connotes the highest universal principle (also called the ultimate reality). Brahmi literally means the energy/wisdom of Brahma.1

    Indian pennywort, thyme-leafed gratiola, water hyssop, or herb of grace are some of the other common names for brahmi.

    Brahmi has been used for centuries in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. Either by itself or with a combination of other herbs, brahmi has long been an important medicine in Ayurveda.

    In renowned Ayurvedic medical texts like the Dravyaguna Vijnana (herbal pharmacology), brahmi has been categorized under medhya herbs.

    Medhya herbs are used in Ayurveda as nootropics i.e. cognition enhancers to improve memory, intelligence, and other neurological functions.

    In Ayurveda, brahmi has been described to have a wide variety of uses and benefits.

    Brahmi has also been extensively mentioned in the Ayurvedic medical text Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita. A few examples from these classical textbooks have been mentioned here.

    Brahmi has been categorized under balya maha kashyaya, sangya sathapana maha kashyaya and praja sathapana maha kashayaya by renowned Ayurvedic scholars Charaka.

    Balya maha kashyaya is a group of herbs that provide strength and immunity.2

    Sangya sathappan maha kashayaya is a group of herbs that help in preventing unconsciousness i.e. improving alertness and influencing the quality of consciousness.3

    Praja sathapana maha kashaya is a group of herbs that are helpful in stabilizing pregnancy.4

    Brahmi is used in a wide variety of Ayurvedic formulations. Brahmi ghrita, brahmi taila (oil), and brahmi churna (powder) are some of the commonly available preparations.

    The freshly extracted juice of brahmi is also used. Brahmi is also available as capsules and syrups. In Ayurveda, brahmi has been described to have a wide variety of uses and benefits.

    Some other important Ayurvedic formulations containing brahmi are saraswat arishta, saraswata churna, and smriti sagar rasa.

    Brahmi is not only a part of Ayurvedic formulations but it is also used in a variety of food products.

    There are various commonly available food products (depending on your location) including beverages and health drinks that contain brahmi as an ingredient.

    Some beverages even have brahmi as the primary ingredient, while some have it mixed with fruits and other ingredients.

    Besides these, brahmi granules are also available which can be taken after mixing with milk. Brahmi granules are available in various flavored forms as well.

    Brahmi is also used as an ingredient in custard powders, health foods, jellies, biscuits, nutrition bars, and cereals.

    Differences Between Brahmi and Gotu Kola

    Difference between brahmi and gotu kola

    Gotu kola, another herb from popular Ayurvedic texts is also known as mandukaparni. Interestingly, it is mistakenly considered to be brahmi in the norther regions of India.

    Many herbalists often mislabel gotu kola as brahmi but the plants are totally different. Gotu kola is Centella asiatica whereas brahmi is Bacopa monnieri.

    The comparative phytochemistry, pharmacology and therapeutic properties of these two herbs are also distinct.

    The Ayurvedic Formulary of India has also clarified that brahmi is Bacopa monnieri and gotu kola or mandukaparni is Centella asiatic. Classical Ayurvedic textbooks have also mentioned them as separate herbs.

    However, just like brahmi, gotu kola is also categorized under the medhya (nootropic) category of herbs.

    Gotu kola is mistakenly known as brahmi in some regions of the country because the literal meaning of brahmi in Hindi/Sanskrit is anything that increases intelligence, memory, and general cognition.

    The reason these herbs are confused with each other is probably that both are used as nootropics (cognition enhancers).

    Botanical Description of Brahmi or Bacopa Monnieri

    Bacopa monnieri is a small, soft, perennial, creeping, and non-aromatic herb.

    It has numerous branches which particularly grow in wetlands and marshy places.

    The plant can generally grow up to 6 inches in height.

    However, it can grow up to 3 feet in height. Branches creep horizontally and cover the ground.

    The leaves are small, oblong, and green in color. The leaves are coin-shaped and grow in a cluster of two to three. The leaves are placed alternatively on the hairy stem. The leaves are succulent in nature and are 4-6 mm thick.

    The flowers are small and actinomorphic. Flowers are light pink or bluish-white or light purple in color. Flowers contain 4-5 petals. Flowers grow in summer season and later on fruit grows.

    In India and other tropical countries, it grows naturally in wet soil, shallow water, and marshes. It grows naturally around wells, rivers, and ponds where water is regularly available.

    Brahmi is also found as a weed in rice fields.

    The herb can be found at elevations from sea level to altitudes of approximately 4000 feet.

    It is also called the water aquarium plant because it grows in water. The propagation of plants is often achieved through cuttings.

    Brahmi is an indigenous plant which is found throughout the country in the damp and marshy areas of tropical regions.

    Brahmi is also found in India’s neighboring countries like Nepal, Sri Lanka, China, Taiwan, and Vietnam. It is also found in US states like Florida, Hawaii, and some other southern states where it can grow in damp conditions (by a pond or bog garden).

    Brahmi can be grown hydroponically. Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil. Here, plants are grown using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent.

    This is one of the benefits of brahmi, you can grow it yourself!

    Sanskrit Synonyms Of Brahmi With Meanings

    Aindari: It is called aindari because it gives the body energy and power. It is also called aindari because it grows in 'watery land'.5

    Ayurvedic Properties of Brahmi 6

    brahmi benefits uses side effects Ayurvedic

    Rasa or Taste: Tikta or bitter

    Guna or Qualities: Laghu or light

    Virya or Potency: Ushna or hot

    Vipaka or Taste Conversion After Digestion: Katu or pungent

    Prabhava or Special Effect: The prabhava of brahmi is medhya (cognition enhancement)

    Effect on Dosha: Bacopa monnieri is Kapha dosha shamak and Vata dosha shamak. It pacifies excessive Kapha and Vata dosha because of its ushna virya or hot potency.

    Parts Used: Panchanga or the whole plant.7

    Dosage: Swarasa or freshly extracted juice 10-20 ml.7

    Next, we’ll discuss the various Ayurvedic uses and benefits of brahmi.

    Ayurvedic Benefits And Uses Of Brahmi 6,7

    Ayurvedic benefits of brahmi
    • It has anti-inflammatory properties.
    • It has analgesic or pain-relieving properties.
    • It is a natural detoxifying herb.
    • The paste of brahmi is applied to inflamed areas to relieve pain and inflammation. Its paste is also sometimes applied in cases of poisoning.
    • The paste of brahmi after heating is been applied over the chest like a balm to relieve cough, cold, and other respiratory issues like asthma.
    • It aids intelligence and memory.
    • It is an anti-convulsant. It is also helpful in cases of mania.
    • It is useful in improving digestive strength and aids the proper digestion of food.
    • It is also useful in ama dosha (ama is an Ayurvedic concept related to undigested food caused by weak digestion).
    • It has laxative properties.
    • It has blood purifying properties due to tikta rasa or bitter taste. Brahmi is useful in many circulatory disorders.
    • It is good for the heart and acts as a cardiac tonic.
    • It is helpful in managing fever, improving the quality of voice and in speech impairments.
    • It has diuretic properties, therefore, it is also useful in dysuria (difficulty in passing urine).
    • It is useful in menstrual problems like dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea.
    • It is helpful in stabilizing the pregnancy and useful in boosting infertility.
    • It increases sweating in the body.
    • In Vataj Kaphaj jwara (fever occurs due to an imbalance of Vata dosha and Kapha dosha), paste of brahmi is mixed with onion and sand. Then a bundle, also called poltis in Hindi, is made to administer swedana therapy (swedana is sweating therapy) to relieve Vataj Kaphaj jwara .
    • It is useful in a variety of skin disorders, helps relieve itching, and useful in general debility.

    Bioactive Constituents Of Bacopa Monnieri

    Various phytochemical studies have shown that the main chemical constituents of brahmi are alkaloids brahmine, herpestine, nicotine, saponin, monierin, hersaponin.

    Bacosides A1, A2, A3, and B, bacogenins A1 to A4, steroids triterpene, and bacosine. Apart from the Bacopa saponins A–F, three new triterpenoid glycosides, Bacopasides III–V have also been shown.8

    Saponins are the main active constituents of extract of brahmi and are responsible for most of its pharmacological actions.9

    The active ingredients of extract of Bacopa monnieri are enlisted below in table.9

    Chemical groups Contents
    Saponins Bacoside A, bacoside B, bacopasaponins, D-mannitol, acid A, monnierin
    Flavonoids Apigenin, luteonin
    Alkaloids Brahmine, herpestine, hydrocotyline
    Glycosides Asiaticoside, thanakunicide
    Phytochemicals Betulinic acid, betulic acid, wogonin, oroxindin, stigmastarol, β-sitosterol
    Sapogenin Jujubacogenin, pseudojujubacogenin
    Other constituents Brahmic acid, brahamoside, brahminoside, isobrahmic acid

    Nutrient Composition Of Brahmi 10

    Component Amount (per 100 gram)
    Moisture 88.4 gram
    Protein 2.1 gram
    Fat 0.6 gram
    Carbohydrates 5.9 gram
    Crude fiber 1.05 gram
    Ash 1.9 gram
    Calcium 202 mg
    Phosphorus 16 mg
    Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) 63 mg
    Nicotinic acid 0.3 mg
    Iron 7.8 mg
    Energy 38 cal


    In general, brahmi is well tolerated by most individuals. While brahmi has its own uses and benefits, the most common side effect seen in some people is gastrointestinal distress. The main symptoms of gastrointestinal distress including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

    If you want to take brahmi for its above-mentioned benefits, consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner or general physician first.


    1. Brahmi: herb of grace, http://www.ayurvedacollege.com/articles/students/Brahmi
    2. Charak Samhita, part-1, Sutra Sathan, 4/7, page no.-72, by Aacharya Vidyadhar Shukla and Professor Ravidutt, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, 2017.
    3. Charak Samhita, Sutra Sathan, 4/48, page no.-77, by Aacharya Vidyadhar Shukla and Professor Ravidutt, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, 2017.
    4. Charak Samhita, Sutra Sathan, 4/49, page no.-77, by Aacharya Vidyadhar Shukla and Professor Ravidutt, Chauamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, 2017.
    5. Dravyaguna Vijnana by Aacharya Priyavrat Sharma, Volume 2, page no.6, Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, 2017
    6. Dravyaguna Vijnana by Aacharya Priyavrat Sharma, Volume 2, page no.7, Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, 2017
    7. Dravyaguna Vijnana by Aacharya Priyavrat Sharma, Volume 2, page no.8, Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, 2017
    8. Kumar, Navneet, et al. “Efficacy of Standardized Extract of Bacopa monnieri(Bacognize®) on Cognitive Functions of Medical Students: A Six-Week, Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial.” Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: eCAM vol. 2016 (2016): 4103423. doi:10.1155/2016/4103423
    9. Chaudhari, Kaustubh S et al. “Neurocognitive Effect of Nootropic Drug Brahmi(Bacopa monnieri) in Alzheimer’s Disease.” Annals of neurosciences vol. 24,2 (2017): 111-122. doi:10.1159/000475900
    10. Patel, Saurabh et al. “Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri) as Functional Food Ingredient in Food Processing Industry.” Research Gate, May 2018


    2 Responses

    Denise Albury
    Denise Albury

    September 13, 2022

    can Brahma cause tachycardia and stimulating enough to interfere with sleep like caffeine? ginseng also does this to me.

    nitin chavan
    nitin chavan

    September 13, 2022

    presently i take shycyatric tretment run can i take brami tablet

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