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  • 21 Ways To Take Ashwagandha (Ashwagandha Remedies + Recipes)

    21 Ways To Take Ashwagandha (Ashwagandha Remedies + Recipes)

    If you’re wondering how to take ashwagandha and looking for some unique ideas and ashwagandha remedies, here’s a variety of Ayurveda-inspired ways of taking ashwagandha. 

    But first, let’s quickly explore what ashwagandha does.

    Ashwagandha, also known as the winter cherry or Indian ginseng is both a tonic and a sedative due to its adaptogenic properties.1 It has a wide variety of uses for both men and women.

    Ashwagandha: A Rasayana

    In Ayurveda, ashwagandha is known as the “sattvic Kapha rasayana”.2 What does that mean?

    Rasayana” in Sanskrit literally means path (ayana) of the rasa (fluid or juice).3 According to the ancient Ayurvedic scholar Sushruta, rasayanas are substances that slow the aging process. They increase longevity and increase both mental and physical strength.4

    Ashwagandha is known in Ayurveda to have the following additional properties.

    It increases sexual desire (vajikara), rejuvenates the body (rasayani) and increases strength (balya). It improves the quality and quantity of semen (ati shukrala).

    It helps manage the white discoloration of the skin (shwitrapaha), helps manage edema (shothahara) and helps to clear impurities (ama) from the various channels of the body. It’s also useful in managing emaciation and under nutritive conditions (kshayapaha).5,6,7

    Ashwagandha As A Medicinal Herb

    Ashwagandha is considered to be one of the best rejuvenating agents in Ayurveda. The roots and leaves are the useful parts of the plant.8

    Ashwagandha root powder is used in the treatment of rheumatic pain, inflammation of the joints, nervous disorders, and epilepsy.

    Dried roots are used as a tonic for hiccup, cold, coughfemale disorders, as a sedative, in senile debility ulcers and more.

    A decoction of the bark is taken for asthma and applied locally to heal bed sores.

    A paste of the leaves is applied for carbuncles, inflammation, and swellings. It acts as an anti-inflammatory. Leaf juice is useful in conjunctivitis.

    Ashwagandha herbal massage oil is useful in many conditions like paralysis, epilepsy, and sleeplessness.

    Fine powder of ashwagandha mixed with oil is useful in skin conditions.

    Ashwagandha and its extracts are also used in the preparation of herbal teas, powders, tablets, and syrups.

    According to Brenda Watson and Leonard Smith, authors of ‘The Fiber35 Diet: Nature’s Weight Loss Secret’, ashwagandha itself contains no stimulants. It is considered a safe supplement on par with green tea.9

    Classical Ayurvedic Preparations: Ashwagandhadi churna, ashwagandha rasayana, ashwagandha ghrita, ashwagandharishta, ashwagandhadi leha, balaashwagandha-lakshadi taila.10,11

    How To Take Ashwagandha

    Ashwagandha is an important medicinal plant due to its pharmacodynamic properties.

    It has several beneficial effects but despite its therapeutic value, ashwagandha sometimes is difficult to be consumed in its raw form. It has a very bitter taste.

    To overcome this, here are 21 effective formulations prepared with ashwagandha powder, including snacks, drinks, and sweets as well as remedies. These may be more acceptable and palatable to you then the raw powder alone.

    Ashwagandha Remedies + Ashwagandha Recipes

    Before taking any herbal supplement consult with your healthcare provider to see if it’s right for you.

    1. Ashwagandha Roasted In Ghee [Sweet Cravings]

    Ashwagandha roasted in ghee to reduce sweet cravings.

    An ounce of ashwagandha roasted in ghee and mixed with a tablespoon of date sugar is delicious. You may find it effective to eat this in the morning about twenty minutes before breakfast, in the mid-afternoon and at bedtime with a cup of hot milk.12

    2. Ashwagandha With Honey [Aphrodisiac]

    Aphrodisiac: Take Ashwagandha with honey.

    One teaspoon of ashwagandha with ghee, sugar, and honey is a very good aphrodisiac. It increases semen quantity, sperm count and mobility. It is effectively used in erectile dysfunction, low libido, and premature ejaculation.13

    3. Ashwagandha And Vidari [Low Sex Drive]

    Take ashwagandha for low sex drive

    For a strengthening drink for men with low sex drive, take 1 tsp of ashwagandha powder with ½ teaspoon of the herb vidari mixed in warm milk. Drink this at bedtime.

    If you would like to learn more about Ayurveda and how it can be used for anti-aging, check out Todd Caldecott’s Ayurvedic course on Anti-Aging below.

    anti aging course by Todd Caldecott

    4. Ashwagandha To Increase Breast Milk

    Ashwagandha acts as a galactagogue. It thickens and increases the nutritive value of breast milk when given to nursing mothers.14

    5. Ashwagandha Tea

    Ashwagandha Tea

    Ashwagandha Tea can be prepared by boiling the powder in milk. This is referred to in Ayurveda as the kshirpaka method of extracting the active principle of the herb in milk.

    Kshirpaka Method Of Ashwagandha Tea15

    Take half a glass of water and half a glass of milk in a pan. Add 1 gram of ashwagandha powder and bring it to a boil. When reduced to half, remove from the heat. Once cool, add sugar.

    6. Rich Ashwagandha Sweet And Salty Cookies17

    Rich ashwagandha cookies.


    • 1/2 cup refined wheat flour
    • pinch of salt
    • 2 tsp ashwagandha powder
    • 1/4 cup butter
    • 1/8 cup sugar
    • 1/4 cup milk

    Sift the flour, salt, and ashwagandha powder together 3-4 times with a sieve and set aside. Melt the butter in a pan.

    Add sugar to the melted butter and mix well. Next, add the milk and mix together.

    Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, mix together and knead into a dough. Form the dough into cookies on a baking sheet. Bake in the oven at 375 F for 2-3 minutes. This is a great way to take ashwagandha.

    7. Healthy Low-Cost Ashwagandha Cookies18

    Ashwagandha cookies.

    Here’s another way of taking ashwagandha in the form of cookies.

    These are low-cost nutritive biscuits made of shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), ashwagandha and licorice (yashtimadhu, Glycyrrhiza glabra) powder.

    They are rich in carbohydrates, energy, protein, and fat. They have medicinal importance in particular for malnourished populations.


    • 1 cup refined wheat flour
    • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
    • 1/2 cup butter
    • 2 tbsp dried coconut
    • 1 1/2 tsp cocoa powder
    • 1/2 tsp shatavari powder
    • 1/2 tsp ashwagandha powder
    • 1/2 tsp licorice root powder
    • 2 drops Vanilla essence
    • 3 1/4 tsp baking powder
    • 1-2 tbsp water

    Mix all ingredients together to form a dough. Shape into cookies on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.

    8. No-Bake Ashwagandha Balls (Churan)19

    No-bake  churan balls.


    • 1 1/2 tsp jaggery
    • 2 tsp ashwagandha powder
    • pinch black salt
    • pinch black pepper

    First, powder the jaggery. Then add the ashwagandha powder to it. Rub these together well. Add black salt and black pepper and mix together. Shape into balls. This is easy to make and no cooking is required. Store in an airtight container. Ashwagandha Powder (Churan) Balls are highly nutritious.

    Let’s see some more easy recipes to take ashwagandha. 

    9. Ashwagandha Laddus (Sweets)

    Laddus (sweets) recipe


    • 1 tsp safed musli (Asparagus adscendens)
    • 1 tsp kali musli (black musli)
    • 1 tsp nutmeg
    • 1 tsp cardamom
    • 2 tsp cinnamon
    • 1 tsp ashwagandha
    • 3 tsp tragacanth gum
    • 6 tsp  coconut flakes
    • 8 cups ghee (clarified butter)
    • 2 cups jaggery
    • 1/2 cup wheat flour

    1. Mix and grind all ingredients together except the wheat flour, ghee, and coconut.
    2. Now thoroughly mix the wheat flour in the ghee.
    3. Break the jaggery into pieces and then heat it with a little ghee. Then mix it with the flour mixture.
    4. Now mix the wheat flour mixture with the jaggery mixture.
    5. Add the coconut.
    6. You can also mix in almonds, cashews or raisins.
    7. Now bind the laddu with your hands. Keep the size appropriate, not too big and not too small (approximately one ounce each).

    Take one laddu every morning at breakfast.

    These laddus are effective in headache, back pain, weak bones, anemia, swelling, infections and vaginal discharge in women. It is very beneficial to males as it helps in building stamina and strength along with muscle, enhances youthfulness and is an aphrodisiac. This laddu strengthens the body and also provides vigor and vitality.

    If you would like to learn more about Ayurveda and how it can be used for anti-aging, check out Todd Caldecott’s Ayurvedic course on Anti-Aging below.

    anti aging course by Todd Caldecott


    10. Ashwagandha Banana Smoothie20

    Recipes Banana smoothie

    Peel 3-4 bananas and cut into pieces. Grind the pieces, along with 1/2 teaspoon sugar and 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon ashwagandha powder in a blender.

    Add 1 cup chilled plant-based milk. Dairy fruit should not be eaten together according to Ayurveda. Mix this again until smooth.

    This is a tasty and healthy alternative way to take ashwagandha. It is most beneficial during hot weather. This is a great way to take ashwagandha and is a time tested remedy for hot summers.

    READ MORE: Pitta Cooling Foods And Drinks For Summer + Infographic

    More Ashwagandha Remedies And Recipes

    11. Semisolid Ashwagandha Sweets (Avaleha)21 

    Semi-solid Ashwagandha sweets.

    This is a semi-solid preparation prepared with the addition of jaggery or sugar-candy and boiled with prescribed juice of the ashwagandha or its decoction. It is useful for proper digestion, to control cholesterol levels and maintain blood pressure.


    • Ashwagandha Powder (Churna)
    • Jaggery or sugar
    • Ashwagandha decoction (Kashaya)

    The ratio of ingredients used in this recipe is 1:4:4 (ashwagandha powder:sugar: ashwagandha decoction). If jaggery is used in place of sugar the ratio would be 1:2:4 in quantity.

    1. Make the ashwagandha decoction. Add Ashwagandha coarse powder to 16 times water and soak it for at least 2-3 hours (12 hours maximum). Then heat it on a mild to moderate flame, stirring constantly. Continue to heat this until the amount of  water is reduced to 1/8. Once warm, filter it gently through a cotton cloth and your ashwagandha decoction is ready to use.
    2. Dissolve the jaggery or sugar into the Ashwagandha decoction and strain it to remove any foreign particles.
    3. Boil this solution over a moderate flame until a Paka is formed. A Paka, also called inspissated juice, has a semisolid consistency. The way to make sure that the Paka is perfectly formed is to press a few drops of it between the thumb and the index finger and then, move the fingers apart. If the liquid draws into a string, the Paka can be said to be perfectly formed. Another way to tell if the Paka is perfectly formed is if it sinks down in a glass of water without getting easily dissolve. It should then be removed from the heat.
    4. Fine powder of ashwagandha is then added and stirred continuously and vigorously to form a homogenous mixture.

    Ashwagandha avleha is ready. This can be easily made at home. When commercially made, well known preservatives like Sodium Propyl and Sodium Methyl Parabens as well as Sodium Benzoate are added to increase its shelf life appreciably.

    Store these in a plastic container and use within three years.

    You may find this effective: 1 teaspoon ashwagandha avaleha with 1 cup of milk on an empty stomach daily. It is useful for proper digestion, to control cholesterol levels and maintain blood pressure.

    12. Ashwagandha Ghrita Or Ghee 22

    Ashwagandha ghee.

    Ashwagandha ghrita is a medicinal preparation, especially beneficial for children as it increases their inner strength, body weight, lung capacity and improves muscle tone, reducing weakness of the muscles.

    It is also effective in problems related to male and female infertility. It is made with ¼ part fine paste (kalka) of ashwagandha and 4 times decoction (kashaya) of ashwagandha.

    13. Indian Ashwagandha Dessert (Shrikhand)23

    Srikhund, Ashwagandha dessert.

    Shrikhand is a popular dessert particularly in the states of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka and some parts of South India. Shrikhand is a semi solid, sweetish-sour fermented milk product prepared from dahi or yogurt.


    • 4 1/4 cups curd
    • 1/2 cup sugar
    • 5 Tbsp ashwagandha powder
    • charoli nuts
    • cardamom
    • nutmeg
    • saffron
    • almond leaves to garnish

    The whey is drained off from the curd to yield hung curd (chakka), a curd whose whey has been drained completely. Sugar, flavor and color are mixed into the hung curd to form a soft homogenous mass that resembles sweetened quark, a soft German cheese.

    Method Of Preparation
    Curd which is well developed is tied with a muslin cloth. It is then placed in a hanging position for draining of whey for 8 hours.

    Hung curd (Chakka) is removed from the muslin cloth and stored under refrigeration. Then it is divided into 4 portions and Shrikhand is prepared by adding sugar and ashwagandha powder.

    It is mixed and kneaded to a smooth paste and stored in the refrigerator.

    Charoli nuts, cardamom, nutmeg, saffron, and almond are added to it to improve the taste and nutritional quality. This product is enjoyed by many and has a great nutritional and therapeutic value.

    You can also take ashwagandha in the form of snacks.

    14. Crunchy Ashwagandha Snacks24

    Maize flour, ghee, guar gum, and ashwagandha powder can be mixed together and used in making noodles, pasta and snacks.

    For the preparation of pasta, weigh out 250g of milled maize flour.

    Add 1% salt and water to the flour along with 2 tsp of ghee, 2-6% ashwagandha powder and guar gum (0.5-1.5%).

    The hardness of the raw pasta noodles, water uptake, swelling index and cooking time increases as the level of ashwagandha powder and guar gum increases.

    Ashwagandha powder can be incorporated up to 4% in pasta, snacks and 6% in noodles. It’s a healthy alternative for snacks. You can take ashwagandha in the form of tinctures as well.

    15. Ashwagandha Tincture25

    Ashwagandha tinctures are highly concentrated alcoholic extracts.

    They are highly absorbable and easy to carry. It is prepared by macerating (soaking) ashwagandha leaves and root in alcohol (usually vodka or organic grain alcohol) at a ratio typically ranging from 1:1 (herb to alcohol) to 1:10, depending on the desired strength.

    Ashwagandha does not taste very pleasant so a tincture is an easily digestible way to take it. In this form, it absorbs quickly into circulation and works faster than tablets and powders.

    In acute manifestations of conditions like inflammation, anxiety or insomnia, when immediate relief is necessary, a tincture is highly effective.

    16. Ashwagandha Calm Mind Tea (Medhya Kwath)26

    Ashwagandha along with brahmi (Centella asiatica), shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis), saunf (Foeniculum vulgare), jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) and vacha (Acorus calamus) in equal amounts are boiled in 2 cups of water. Reduce to half. This is used as a mind relaxing tea.

    17. Tonifying Ashwagandha Milk27

    In 1 cup warm milk or almond milk, add 1 teaspoon ghee, 1 tsp. grated coconut, 1 teaspoon chopped dates, 2 tsp chopped almonds, ½ teaspoon saffron, 1/8 teaspoon cardamom seed or fennel seed, 1 tsp raw honey, 1 tsp ashwagandha root powder and 1 tespoon of shatavari root powder.

    Stir and your tonic milk is ready.

    18. Therapeutic Ashwagandha Enema

    In Ayurvedic medicine, an enema with an extract of ashwagandha is effective in treating colitis.28 Consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner for proper use of Ayurvedic supplements and therapies.

    A study observed that methanolic extracts of W. somnifera roots turns-on the synthesis of inducible nitric oxide synthase expression by acting at a transcriptional level resulting in increased production of NO by the macrophage.

    This was attributed to immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory activity. Roots of W. somnifera can potentially be utilized for the effective treatment of various inflammatory conditions.29

    19. Ashwagandha Facial Tonic

    For glowing skin, ashwagandha with dried ginger and lemon acts as a toner. Take 1/2 teaspoon Ashwagandha powder, 1/2 teaspoon dried ginger powder, mix it in lemon juice and apply over your face for 15 minutes. Wash with water.

    Its potent antioxidant properties help protect the skin against free radical damage and slows down the aging process by firming the skin for a more youthful look.

    Ashwagandha stimulates DHEA, which is a precursor to both testosterone and estrogen and stimulates the production of natural skin oils.

    It also promotes the production of vital compounds and proteins for healthy skin such as hyaluronan for skin hydration, elastin to keep the skin supple and collagen for skin strength.30

    If you would like to learn more about Ayurveda and how it can be used for anti-aging, check out Todd Caldecott’s Ayurvedic course on Anti-Aging below.

    anti aging course by Todd Caldecott

    20. Ashwagandha Anti Acne Cream

    An anti-acne cream containing ashwagandha has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.31

    A homemade face pack containing ashwagandha helps acne. Take 1 teaspoon Aloe Vera pulp or gel, add a half teaspoon of ashwagandha powder, 1/4 teaspoon turmeric, and ¼ teaspoon Neem powder. Mix and apply it to the face.

    21. Ashwagandha Gentle Face Cleanser

    Mix 1 teaspoon turmeric powder and 1 teaspoon chickpea flour in lime juice. Gently massage it on the face for 2 minutes and then rinse with water.

    This is an effective cleanser. It cleanses the skin of impurities and pollutants very gently. It also revitalizes, rejuvenates and nourishes the skin.

    Along with traditional Ayurvedic classical preparations of ashwagandha, try these ashwagandha remedies and recipes. Ashwagandha, a magical herb, is truly nature’s gift to mankind.

    Please consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before taking ashwagandha

    1 Monograph. Withania somnifera. Altern Med Rev. 9 (2004): 211–214
    2 Changhadi Govardhan Sharma, “Ashwagandharishta – Rastantra Sar Evam Sidhyaprayog Sangrah,” Krishna-Gopal Ayurveda Bhawan (Dharmarth Trust) Nagpur, (1938): 743–744.
    3 Sushruta, “Sushruta Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana”, edited by Kaviraj Ambikadutta Shastr Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, (2007): Chapter 1, Verse 15, Page
    4 Apte, W, “Sanskrit Hindi Shabdkosh,” Anil Prakashan, Delhi, (2007):815
    5 API 2001: The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Part I, Volume I, 1st edition. New Delhi (India): Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Department of Indian Systems of Medicine & Homoeopathy; (2001)
    6 Khare CP. Indian Herbal Remedies: Rational Western Therapy, Ayurvedic and Other Traditional Usage, Botany. New York (NY): Springer; (2004)
    7 Khory RN, Katrak NN. Materia Medica of India and Their Therapeutics. Delhi (India): Komal Prakashan; (1999)
    8 Dr. J.L.N.Sastry, Dravyaguna Vijnana, Study of essential Medicinal Plants in Ayurveda Vol 2, Chaukhambha Orientalia,Varanasi
    9 THE PHARMA INNOVATION Vol. 1 No. 9 2012 www.thepharmajournal.com Page | 102 Traditional And Medicinal Uses of Withania Somnifera M. Umadevi 1,,ISSN: 2277- 7695 CODEN Code: PIHNBQ ZDB-Number: 2663038-2 IC Journal No: 7725 Vol. 1 No. 9 2012
    10 Priyavratt Sharma ,Dravyaguna-vigyan, part 2,Chaukhambha bharti academy
    11 API 2001: The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Part I, Volume I, 1st edition. New Delhi (India): Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Department of Indian Systems of Medicine & Homoeopathy; (2001) ,Khare CP. Indian Herbal Remedies: Rational Western Therapy, Ayurvedic and Other Traditional Usage, Botany. New York (NY): Springer; (2004) , Khory RN, Katrak NN. Materia Medica of India and Their Therapeutics. Delhi (India): Komal Prakashan; (1999)
    12,13,14 THE PHARMA INNOVATION Vol. 1 No. 9 2012 www.thepharmajournal.com Page | 102 Traditional And Medicinal Uses of Withania Somnifera M. Umadevi 1
    ,,ISSN: 2277- 7695 CODEN Code: PIHNBQ ZDB-Number: 2663038-2 IC Journal No: 7725 Vol. 1 No. 9 2012
    15 Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera Or Indian Ginseng) Benefits, Uses, Dosage & Side Effects, ayur time , by Dr. Jagdev singh, july 2017)
    18 Dr. MEENA MEHTADevelopment of low cost nutritive biscuits with Ayurvedic formulation, International Journal Of Ayurvedic And Herbal Medicine 3:3 (2013)1183:1190
    21 Role of Ayurvedic formulation in digestion Dibyajyoti Saha
    , Swati Paul, S. M. Zahid Hosen, Talha Bin Emran and Zahed Bin Rahim Department of Pharmacy, BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong Accepted 03 August, 2012
    22 Preparation of Ashwagandha (L.) Dunal) ghee – A practical approach inspired by traditional knowledge Deepthi Viswaroopam, Arun Raj GR, Shailaja U, Dharmendra Maurya, Shradha Gawade, Shivanand P, Jithesh Raj KT
    24 Bishnoi, Jyoti Prabha,Utilisation of Ashwagandha and guar gum for the preparation of value added excruded products, CCSHAU, Krishi kosh
    25 Ashwagandha: From Ancient Tradition to Modern Research by David Winston – March 6, 2017
    26,27 media.Nieuws.nlmedia.nl?id=20568&c=3523515&h=aa79fe1d23dc32437622&_xt=.pdf&gc=clear&ext=F
    28 Pankaj Pawar et al Rectal gel application of Withania somnifera root extract expounds anti-inflammatory and muco-restorative activity in TNBS-induced Inflammatory Bowel Disease, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine The official journal of the International Society for Complementary Medicine Research (ISCMR)2011
    29 Iuvone T, Esposito G, Capasso F, Izzo A: Induction of nitric oxide synthase expression by Withania somnifera in macrophages. Life Sci. 2003, 72: 1617-1625. 10.1016/S0024-3205(02)02472-4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12551750
    30 Ashwagandha: The Powerful Health Benefits and Beauty Benefits You Need to Know By Aashna Ahuja, NDTV Food.
    31 Formulation and evaluation of Anti-acne cream containing Withania somnifera , Srivastava Aprajita et al, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Scientific innovations


    1 Response


    September 12, 2023

    how about hummas 1t. or 6 chick peas with 1/2 t. turmeric powder and lime juice for face cleanser

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